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Hobsons Choice

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Everything posted by Hobsons Choice

  1. Indeed. Testicles of unhewn granite.
  2. Just caught up with the Spain Morocco match. Man, imagine getting knocked out by a panenka. Brutal.
  3. Gone insane? Think that ship sailed many a moon ago.
  4. How is an underachieving club supposed to become an achieving club if Jack, as it's best player, leaves. As I said we were looking to kick on that year, we had spent, we have ambitious owners who were obviously going to spend even more, there was talk of European places. But no, he couldn't wait, and he set us back by how many years by leaving? No quality player is going to come to a selling club, and it's taken us until now to reestablish the credibility of our ambitions. Nah, f**k him.
  5. Which one of you is ITK then? Asking for a friend, and definitely not keeping notes to refer to when the January window opens
  6. I don't despise anyone in this world (maybe Trump and Putin), but I don't really wan't Jack back, and I don't feel particularly enamoured of how he handled his departure. If he was in a Villa shirt would I cheer for him? Sure, it's Villa. I would support anyone who plays for us, barring if they did or said anything horrific. Right now, though, I don't want him back. I would know that every time he did the whole 'I'm Villa through and through' thing that he's lying through his teeth. Which they all do I guess, but with him I'd know it. Ach, this discussion seems to have run it's course. Take it easy.
  7. It's never out of a player's control. They can always say no. Or at least not pretend to do all the badge kissing, Villa til I die stuff. Yes I appreciate it's their career, yes it's just a job for them, but if it's me, If and when I have left jobs in the past, I make sure I don't leave my company in the shit when I do.
  8. We could have said no. He could have said no. He said he was here to stay. He'd just signed a 5 year contract. Purslow made his announcement on August 5th, leaving us 18 working days to replace out top player, who we'd built a team around. The window had been open from June 9th.
  9. For me it was the timing. His leaving a week before the window ended completely ruined our entire season. A season in which we were looking to kick on. That season could have ended disastrously for us, and that was 100% on Jack. Had he left earlier in the window, we could have adjusted, and not just panic bought Ings. He left us horribly prepared for the rest of the season, a week after doing all the badge kissing shit. That's why I'm pissed at Jack, not because he left.
  10. One of you change your avatar please. Thanks (Hanks).
  11. The key for me is the point where we are relying on carbon capture and storage to remediate the problem. At that point the finances will become untenable, since no-one will pay money to build and run those plants which have no monetary value to their output. Green energy is actually a no brainer. Imagine building a machine that provides you with a product (electricity) you can sell, but in which all your raw materials are handed to you free of charge. Commercially, people building coal fired stations are chumps.
  12. Troll 2 is not great. In a great kind of way.
  13. Troll Hunter IS great. 'Troooooooooollllll'
  14. I watch The Guard often. Brilliant, and who doesn't love Villa fan and legend Brendan Gleason?
  15. What genre is it, TDAR? I must admit that while I've heard of it, I know very little about Callisto.
  16. Same here. At the moment it feels like I can't get enough recovery over the weekend (which all seem perpetually fully booked with other s**t we need to do) to get ready for the onslaught of balancing job, kids etc come monday. Fatigue has been building toward boiling point for what feels like years. All the energy you put in, the efforts you make, everything are never ever enough. I love 'em, but they are slowly but surely killing me. Obviously we've not got it as bad as you, Dav, and I can't emphasise strongly enough how much i'm hoping that things go the right way for you, bud.
  17. Your premise is crabbed. The onus is on us, as the biggest emitters to lead here. The US, the EU (for this purpose I will include us in that bloc), and China are the biggest emitters, and have achieved and maintained our/their development status through decades of fossil fuel use. All of those countries have signed up to Paris, and all have a pathway to net zero. Is it fast enough, no, definitely not, but you can't just absolve our responsibility because 'no one else is doing it'. It's like you going outside and taking a massive shit on the pavement and then saying 'well no one else is cleaning it up, why should I'. Plus the emitters mentioned above make up around 75% of emissions. If they got to net zero and none of the remaining countries did a thing, there would still be a 75% reduction in emissions. Hopefully steps have been taken at the last COP to agree reparations to smaller, or less developed nations with respect to our historic use of fossil fuels. This goes back to the old Environmental Management paradox which has always existed. Can we as developed nations stand on the shoulders of development achieved by the use of fossil fuels, yet deny other less developed nations the same opportunities because we know now the jig is up. Again hopefully those steps will address that somewhat. So in short, yeah, everything we do will also in theory be reciprocated by developing nations who are currently dependant on fossil fuels for development. In addition, we should and will be working with those nations to develop green industries. There is a big opportunity for investors in green tech to get up the development ladder. Everyone should be aiming to achieve net zero, and some are further ahead than others, but as far as I am aware, no countries, not least the three biggest emitters (US, China and the EU) are doing 'nothing'. And to address another point you made. If we hit net zero today, you couldn't look outside and see temperatures stabilise. It will take decades for anything we see now to make any difference to global temperatures. If you are using the fact that the earth is warming as an indication on current progress, you would be wrong. Am I hopeful that we will avoid catastrophe, well... I'm not dancing for joy, but it's not entirely hopeless. It will be if we just say f**k it let's do nothing.
  18. How? How do you do this? I have not had a proper nights sleep, or a bedtime that didn't result in pleading, bargaining or crying in 7 years. SEVEN YEARS!
  19. Number 2 is the game changer. The little death that brings total obliteration.
  20. We should all just give up and die then, yeah?
  21. I agree. There will be more reciprocal missile strikes in Ukraine though. Have they managed to repair any of their power grid now winter is biting?
  22. Ryazan is only around 10-15km closer to Ukraine than Moscow. If they can hit Ryazan with a missile, surely they can hit Moscow
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