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Hobsons Choice

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Everything posted by Hobsons Choice

  1. As it seems to have caused some confusion, I will ask my question in another way. How cold does it need to be to bost my telly?
  2. At what temperature do I have to worry about the L in my LCD TV becoming S, and my TV becoming F'ed?
  3. Me too. I wear two jumpers and a jacket inside now. My wife refuses to put the heating on and it's -5 outside where I am.
  4. Spot on, and it's worse for Putin even than that, because the sheer effort that they are going to to subvert what they must know is the truth or has an element of truth is bound to make some officials say 'hang on a minute why are working so hard to suppress this information?'
  5. So banking protections brought in after the 2008 financial crisis have been scrapped, and bankers bonus caps lifted in the name of 'financial freedom after Brexit'. They quote Brexit like a catch all excuse for villainy and stupidity. They cant help themselves in bringing on financial ruin. Like an addiction. Click if you think we're all crooks
  6. I'm not going to weigh in on whether or not the film is any good, but I would say that the name 'unobtainium' has been used in real life by engineers since the 1950's to jokingly refer to a material that was particularly expensive or hard to get. They weren't referring to a name of a specific element, or rock or anything.
  7. Also, I always start unemployed, look for the first job opening that i'm 'feeling' at the time, but then do everything I can to make it Eastleigh. Why don't I just start with Eastleigh?
  8. I've never felt worthy to manage Villa on any FM game. Currently blitzing the league with Newcastle, while Villa languish in 15th. Still......not worthy. I don't think I'll ever be, as I've bought every iteration since FM2008, and have upward of 3,000 hours across all platforms. Never managed Villa. Is that weird. It's weird isn't it?
  9. Agreed, but it's also alot more technical these days. Can you imagine coaches talking about double pivots, high presses, and such back in the 90's? It was much more- 'get out there and t**t them'.
  10. Not really, I think it's good. Look we need games like this to establish and coach a system. Some players are going to be asked to have roles which are significantly altered from previous systems, some not so much. Emi is one of those where I'm not really sure what his natural game is tbh. Hopefully Emi can give the team, and the individual players some character, some identity. We are fortunate we get time for friendlies to work this stuff out mid season. Not paying any attention to the results of these friendlies, but by god I'm glad we've got them.
  11. You might be right there. It was a bluff that they got saddled with. Which explains all of David Cameron's behaviour around it. He's been a bit quiet in the intervening 6 years, eh?
  12. This was why even at a basic level Brexit was obviously rubbish from day one. I was amazed nobody considered this most basic point when voting. It was as obvious as a piece of 2x4 to the face.
  13. Flashbacks to the South Park movie.
  14. I'm sort of invoking another thread here, but it's worth pointing out that as part of the Brexit process the government awarded ferry contracts to a company that had no ferries.
  15. I think that's something we can all get behind. Everyone? nb. I don't advocate violence, it's just a joke.
  16. Did you see that Republicans tried to dissuade voters by running an ad about the Democratic candidate running over his wife's foot with a car? Ffs.
  17. W***er is one of my favourites. Is it true that in the States they think it's just a mild word, like the aforementioned plonker? Berk is another one. Very mild here, but rhyming slang for something very offensive.
  18. They can have him. I'll drive him to the airport. He'll be tied up in the boot, naturally.
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