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Everything posted by lapal_fan

  1. lapal_fan

    FIFA 10

    Ahh really? I follow David Rutter on Twitter (look for Ruski) and he's the producer of the game. He says this demo is about 80% complete. I dont think the graphics will change much though, they said they wanted to concentrate on improving gameplay this year not the graphics which to be fair, I dont think are bad at all. I think the running styles are much better - there are 3 in total for different types of player (big an strong, medium builds and smaller guys like ash and lennon) the full game should be cracking - and like some of you i'm looking forward to the manager mode. Last year I used Marseille and they were fun to play with because of the 4-3-3 they use you really had to play slowly and wait for your midfield to catch up with you. Hopefully we'll be getting more information on leagues soon as well, fingeres crossed for Argie leagues I think
  2. lapal_fan

    FIFA 10

    yea the headers are hard i agree. All of mine seem to go over the bar lol. I like the way your player has to push the ball for it to move with him, almost like its an independent object - which it is. shooting is much better, although if powered enough still balloon over the bar a bit much for my liking. Jostling has been really improved, today whilst running with del peiro i came under pressure from metzelder i think who was about 6 inches bigger than me, however, his weight was on del peiro's shoulders so it forced del peiro under him effectively where he slipped under the weight with the ball, skipped off and shot under the keeper. It just seemed so realistic at the time and the replays did it justice. The refs are much better, one doing a one legged jump to let the ball under his body was nice. The cards without jumping to cut scenes are good. I had cannavaro sent off with 2 yellows and about 3 of my players crowed the ref not to give him the second yellow - with one player motioning "he got the ball" with his hands. The collisions in tackling seem much more varied and tackling itself is good, the players aim for the ball now - they dont just go in a straight line which last year - 9 times out of 10 resulted in a booking. the players positioning is good, i had a defender drawn to the ball which left ibrahimovic free to run into the space just created when he took one touch an smashed it into the corner. Types of goal are much more varied, 30 yard goals are now possible which is nice. You dont alway score when 45 degs and a finesse shot anymore either. Defenders are much more dogged this year as well, I had Terry scissor kick it off the line when someone chipped my keeper it was great to see. so overall the upgrades to the AI are really good strides to where the game needed to go, I hope they don't play around with the speed too much before its released either its got a good flow to it now. I'll be buying on release I think.
  3. You've chosen the correct option, I'm proud of you!! Upa da Villao To old and long in the tooth Been here before on SOoooOO many occasions, and fans are fickle because Football is a fickle game 8) Ahhh I always knew you were a good'un :winkold:
  4. You've chosen the correct option, I'm proud of you!! Upa da Villao
  5. You should do stand up, that was fooking hilarious So are we in a better state today than where we were at the end of last season? And you say patiance...... Its been 4 years, and we still dont know whoms playing right back or left back! Dont get me wrong mate, i want Martin to turn this around. But we have a squad thats weaker than what finished last season, and it looks like that we have no chance of seeing the 5 quality players arriving, that Martin said were a minimum requirement! Oh, wait for it....the transfer window aint closed yet. Well if he turns up many more gems like Heskey, then we might as well let it close now. And dont aim the fickle shit at me either, cos in 30 years of following my club home and away, im proberly more experienced to tell it how i see it. Martin? Love the guy....but you cant deny there are problems? Maybe I'm more patient than most then, but I don't think 6 months is a long time at all. If the internet weren't around then most people wouldn't even notice most of the things if you know what I'm saying, time goes slower with it here - especially in the transfer windows. As for the fickle remark, I didn't say anything of the sort, I said it takes a couple to rock the boat, but it takes a good deal more to steady it. If we draw against pool then I think everyone will be chuffed. I honestly don't think the blues will beat us, so thats some more points :? in my opinion. I think after 3/4 years in the job, getting us to 6th last season and the season before, then I do think he deserves a blip...Many managers have figured out the way we play now, and martins said that himself with his 'we're going to have to keep the ball' comments made a couple of weeks ago. So to me, thats evidence that he knows we only have a couple of ways to play, and he's trying to build on it. also, for the transfers people talk about i.e. the sneijers and van der vaarts etc, these are top top top players, they will keep their options open until the end of the transfer window, because - as has been discussed, they won't drop to our level without a fight. In summary, in my opinion he's got this entire season to sort out this problem. I don't mind if people boo at performances like wigan - frankly it was rather spinless, although I didnt boo but i did leave early :oops: , i had a BBQ to get to 8) . I think after the last few years he's at least earned that. look what happened to everton the season after they finished 17th. just trust it, be patient - we definitely wont go down - and i know thats not good enough really but lets give it a chance, lets not go back to the 3 year cycle that we experienced in the ellis era
  6. Well by the sound of people on here: Thanks for the memories Martin, you took us from being absolute rubbish to a really decent team. Its a pity that people don't have patience anymore, but as you always say - 'its a results business' and the people who are impatient have a lot more 'power' in taking the feel good factor away than the people who try to keep it up.. best of luck in whatever you choose to do next, i'll bet you'll do a cracking job at stabilising and building it. :cry:
  7. I didnt see the game but sky and dare I say the OS made it out like we made a few chances. overall I give us 9 an a 'alf out of 10
  8. 'Close by Camorenasi - incidently I ate lots of bolog-naise last night'
  9. the ref is doing well so far i reckon, looks like a good guy
  10. noone would be moaning if drogba had have scored that goal he should have gotten anyway? his attitude at the end is just his way of saying its his fault. they should have been out of sight, they had 2 1 on 1's.
  11. i work from home 100% of the time. best job in the world ever. an im not self employed btw
  12. Homer Vs Only one moment of peter griffin after being rick rolled 1 million times looking for 'peter griffin funny moments'...stupid kids, they really grind my gears
  13. MINGE!!!!! I dont know what to do...shall i get me knob out? im confused..
  14. it only cost me £20 for two people...not bad considering its a pretty healthy meal if you have 1/2 chicken, rice and corn on the cob. i love and i go regularly, particularly if i got to the cinema on broadstreet which i got to 2/3 times a week. extra hot all the way.. but if you go an help yourself to the sauces, if you have garlic or the other one (somethin like herb sauce) they are much hotter than the extra extra hot bottles (the black one)
  15. James Milners Younger brother is a dolphin named 'Zebeddy boing boing prince'
  16. James Milner shares 99.645% of his DNA with a cardboard box the other 0.355% consists of trace elements such as Pantene, bran flakes, birch tree, ostrich and syphilis.
  17. james milner doesn't believe in the longitudinal and latitudinal system.
  18. am i the only one who wishes nothing but pain on those evil looking children?
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