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Everything posted by lapal_fan

  1. some moar; Doctor: You have three months to live. Patient: I can't pay my bill. Doctor: Well don't worry about it. After you I die I'll just issue a lien against your estate and get my money then. Why did the plane crash? the pilot was a loaf of bread Whats yellow-y brown with dirty spots, can be peeled and cooked in many different ways and is considered very popular in Ireland? A Potato. Whats worse then biting into an apple and finding a worm? The Holocaust Waiter, waiter, what's this fly doing in my soup. I am terribly sorry sir, I will get you a fresh bowl of soup and your dinner is on the house today.
  2. Love anti jokes. A man walks into a bar. He's an alcohol and it's destroying his family
  3. I want a Milan shirt with inzaghi on it. hes awesome. someone buy me one. x
  4. For a guy his size he never uses his head much does he? Also, he's very much one footed. If he could use everything he'd be uber lethal. As it is he's just a very good striker.
  5. Everyone knows it scientifically impossible to make a lady orgasm..stupid. :angel:
  6. Is that the shop in Cradley Heath near the KFC? jesus, used to buy master system games in there! i havent been in for, must be 15 years. looks like ill have start making friends with him as im moving near haden hill 8)
  7. I dont get why people use that smiley to portray sarcasm.. If you cannot think of anything to say (well, it is half 11 I suppose, all that 'el cid' must be taking its toll), then dont say anything at all. It's just a game of one upmanship that I'm frankly not too bothered about winning. 8) Ciao Bella
  8. s'ok knoppy, I dont want to rob rob's thunder of funniest man on VT.. on reflection im glad it was 101'ed
  9. Cannot believe my thread was locked!
  10. Ahh cheers for sorting that. Shame you didnt shine in your management role, but its better to be happy with your job/life than purely financial happiness.
  11. This isn't a dig mooneyboy, but what exactly is the masters part of managing I.T? I don't understand why you'd need a mastership to run a computer - although I am aware that it must be harder than checking to see how much room you have on your harddrive
  12. same with me and mine. 7 years in April - time flies.
  13. 4chan is random. Sometimes its really funny, other times its really illegal. Its both the best and worse of the internet, in one place. I love and hate it. no matter what though its NSFW!
  14. I just watch a video of a Mexican man being decapitated by terrorists. I dont know why I did, now I feel sick and for some reason, breathing hurts. I cant sleep and I need to be up early in the morning (*just as day is dawning..*) I hate 4chan. :cry:
  15. 1 point/ 0 points, who cares? New manager starts next game, let's do it 8)
  16. I saw two dead bodies on the M6 South today, about 8 miles away from Keele Services.. was very surreal. Stay safe everyone x
  17. wow. honestly, i have googled a few things but alas, cannot find anything that doesnt require a download. Unfortunately I cannot download anything as I am on a company laptop* *pile of shit, they think is a laptop
  18. I need a photo posterised! Yet I do not own the necessary software to do so. Could I forward to said photo to someone who could basically posterise it and send it back to me? Its for a top secret mission!
  19. Do you ever get bored? I was made redundant last year in August from a EPC Assessor job - which I absolutely loved, got mega bored after a month and just worked in a jewellery factory to get a bit of pocket money for xmas and get myself out of the house. On the last week of my xmas factory job I got a call for an interview in Manchester for another EPC Assessor job which I obviously took, got the job and I now work from home, travel the country to different commercial buildings, survey them and drive home to model them on a computer and give out reports to the clients, advising them what they can do to make their building more energy efficient. But for that month/2 months, I was so bored..I had to get myself doing any job I could my hands on - thus I worked in a factory for a few months which I found very interesting, making jewellery they sell in Argos and Index online. Great experience with very friendly people.
  20. Can we please try and get the papers to name Graham Souness as a candidate? I would donate 5 english pounds if a paper mentions his name because of this site
  21. I cant believe there isnt a manager at an Italian, Spanish, German club who had been at their club for 2 years who could see Villa in the premier league and thing 'id like a crack at that'. Every suggestion except Martin Jol is shit. Even an International manager who would want to do both jobs would be good. I'm sad :cry:
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