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Everything posted by ender4

  1. My mate is a private dentist. His nurse is going out with Gareth Barry's cousin.
  2. it would have to be either Christian Bale or Jonny Depp. i went for Christian Bale.
  3. This is the website where you can check to see a car has insurance or not: INSURANCE CHECK
  4. so you have to pay for everyone's insurance! check all the locals car insurances on that free website where you can check (i forget its name), and then report those who don't have insurance. and as their cars get crushed, or they pay insurance, your insurance will start to come down! 8)
  5. Chrissmith - as you seem to be in the insurance industry, which companies would you say are good? ie: they don't try & wriggle out of paying up, they don't have crazy small print, they have decent customer service?
  6. see thats exactly how i thought mine worked as well. i'm with Esure, with 6 years (70%) NCD.
  7. well thats good to know, though annoying as i have always protected my NCD, thinking it meant something else! when my renewal comes up, i will make the decision based on these new facts, & probably not take out NCD protection then.
  8. but lets say i had 70% NCD.... by protecting NCD, then afterwards i still have 70% NCD. yes, my premium goes up a bit, but i still get 70% off the total. now if i crashed with no NCD, then my NCD goes down to 30%. so now my premium still goes up, but this time i only get 30% off my total premium, therefore the actual jump in my premuim is huge. i don't know if i have explained it well.... let me try with numbers: Cost =£1000 with 70% NCD = cost is 30% of £1000 = £300 after crash, premium increases to £1200. with NCD protection, NCD is 70%, cost is 30% of £1200 = £360 without NCD protection, NCD goes down to 30%, so cost is 70% of £1200 = £840. Thats how i always understood it? is that not correct?
  9. Protected NCD would have done nothing in this instance. Unfortunately the insurance companies need someone to blame - unless guilt is found on him, you will be listed as 'at fault'. PNCB would have done nothing - you'd be stung big time with that against your name. surely it doesn't matter who's fault it was? i thought the point of protected NCD is that if i drive into a brick wall/another car, it doesn't matter, as i stil retain the same amount of years of NCD? if this isn't correct, then what the hell is the use of NCD? which is probably what you were saying!
  10. Not in my business its not, I have a crash and lose two years no claims, I costs me a fortune over the next two years i agree.. NCD protection is very useful. Otherwise 1 crash & you lose 5 years NCD, and it ends up costing you hundreds of pounds.
  11. should i sack my new assistant because she is too dumb (& still in the probation period)? or should i give her the benefit of the doubt, because she is young, pretty & has huge ti... ???
  12. £240. Drive a Corsa sxi 1.2, with 5 years no claims bonus.
  13. I love Lamb Curry.... I love Pork in the form of Bacon or Hot Dogs!!! I love chicken, as its so versatile. I like Beef, but not quite as much as the others. i voted Lamb, cos a good lamb dish beats the rest. also, where's the Fish option :winkold:
  14. i enjoyed reading that. and as its readers letters, its the readers fault if it was poor. the mail just printed what people sent in.
  15. ermmmm... well, i read it everyday without buying it.... as i work for them! i don't know the journalists though, different dept.
  16. hahaha... i didn't realise that the thread was 4 years old... and just voted!! :-)
  17. i don't think that increasing the salary solves the shortage. What yoyu actually need is more places at medical schools, so more doctors are trained. I suppose the increase in salary keeps some current GP's from retiring early (maybe).
  18. my GP is ok. i research my symptoms before i go, and then turn up & tell him my problem & what he should prescribe me. He listens & then does what i say. It helps being married to a pharmacist! I can usually get an appointment for the same day, so thats good. If i need referring to a specialist, i tell the GP & he will do it.
  19. i'm looking to buy a house, and so this might sound selfish, but i'm hoping for a bit of a crash! also, i voted on the poll ages ago, when i didn't think there was going to be a fall in prices. Now i think there will be a 20% fall over the next 18 months.
  20. well seeing that over 400 people have read this thread but only 40-odd people voted.... there's a lot of people who wouldn't bring themselves to vote for a girl 8) as for Konnie Huq... definitely a hottie, but not quite in a top 10 of hot celebrity women. what's she doing now anyway?
  21. i don't understand how people can vote for Keeley? might as well vote for a piece of plastic! i have an empty plastic coke bottle here, and is just as sexy as keeley.
  22. how could i forget about Shakira & Aguilera... 1) Jessica Alba 2) Hayden Panettiere 3) Shakira 4) Chrsitina Aguilera 5) Cheryl Tweedy 6) Scarlett Johannsen
  23. my top 4 are: 1) Jessica Alba 2) Hayden Panettiere (the one from Heroes for those who are wondering) 3) Cheryl Tweedy 4) Scarlett Johannsen
  24. yes, but only to a point. What if MON wanted 11 players of Torres quality this summer? That would be £275M! ok, slight exageration, but if MON suddenly starting spending like Sven Erikkson (unlikely i know!), i wonder how far Randy would back him? my thinking is £50M a year. what do you think?
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