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Everything posted by ender4

  1. As the population of the UK gets fatter, then the 'normal' size becomes bigger, and so the perception of what is fat becomes warped. so i think a normal size throughout the last 500 years would be around a size 6-8, but now when a 1/3 of the population is obese, people probably think size 12 is normal. i bet half of those obese people don't realise that they are obese, and think that they are normal. (ps - i hope i'm not offending anyone with my comments, just debating it as i see it).
  2. also, isn't the poll slightly misleading? because it says size 0 to size 6. but the media size 0 is american size 0, which is UK size 4. so the poll should be size 4 to size 6... which doesn't sound as bad a size 0. once you add size 0 into it, it sounds super-skinny, and so people who like a size 6-8 won't vote for it!
  3. also, whilst i think Posh Spice is too skinny, size 14 is huge!!! My wife is size 8, and i would say that is quite normal. anything up to size 10 is ok, size 12 is a bit big, and size 14 is fat. ps - don't tell your friend i said that!! 8)
  4. to be honest, i have never found a guy who actually likes bigger girls (except in the breast dept) yeah, we pretend we don't mind a larger girl, and the media perpetuates the myth, but if you ask most guys do you want your girl to look like Vanessa Feltz before or after, 99% of people will prefer the thinner one. of course, there is a point, where thin becomes too thin, but if you ignore 'skinny' as opposed to thin women, then surely everyone prefers thin to fat? it'll be interesting to see the results of your poll, as i may be totally wrong.
  5. Hughes will go first, but resigning not sacked. I think the West Brom manager wil be the first to be sacked. Otherwise Kevin Keegan.
  6. BFR - funny & entertaining. 82 team - not really old enough to know them well enough to want to listen to them.
  7. i started reading from page 1, and was thinking what a strange conversation this is. Why would anyone swap Barry for Milner? then i read the comments above, and it all made sense!
  8. either A or C. When i moved into my new street, i popped round & introduced myself to both my immediate neighbours. I also wave to any of the people who live on my street if i see them (there's only 12 houses on the whole road, in a small cul-de-sac). I send xmas cards to most of my street each year, and most of them send one back.
  9. ender4

    Newcastle FC

    I just read in the Daily Mirror newspaper that Newcastle have only finished in the top half of the PremierLeague 4 times in the last 11 years!! :shock: I never realised they were that rubbish. I thought i must share this news with you all, and at the same i time i seem to have started a Newcastle thread (i don't think there is already one open anywhere) Keegan also saying that he is aiming for top 8 finish this season. So my question is: Will they finish in the top half or bottom half this season?
  10. Uncle ender4 can not reveal that yet .... because i am an upstanding member of the community, and have recently gained a 4 year old daughter :winkold:
  11. I have PM'ed you, as don't want to spoil anything for anyone else.
  12. Who is Shannon? No, her name is not Shannon, nor is it Madeline (McCann). Her name is Amanda.
  13. Is all that true? Is it possible that the "upstanding people" might not be quite as perfect as claimed? Is it possible that the druggies might not be as bad as painted. Is it possible that treatment for the druggy mother combined with the return of her daughter might not be a better solution? Is it possible that in this hypotherical situation somone might not know what to do? is it possible that someone might answer that they would seek the advice of others, rather than just plumping for option 1 or option 2. Because it isn't likely to be as simple as presented, at all. well thought out. This is the problem i had with the scenario. how do we know what the future holds? and that is why i couldn't decide between option 1 or 2, and why i gave a 3rd option of can't decide.
  14. There's no catch. The scenario is as described. Its just a moral/ethical/philosophical question that was put to me, and it was too hard for me to call. Depends how strong you feel for the rights of a mother & the law of the land (kidnapping!), against the potential future happiness/unhappiness of a girl. Do two wrongs make a right, in this scenario?
  15. Moral Choice to make: A mum is a hard drug user & an alcoholic, has a drug dealer/pimp boyfriend, lives in a proper ghetto. Her 4 years old daughter is not abused or physically hurt in anyway, but is left alone for long periods of the day, and not really cared for well. The daughter will probably not have a future, an education, will probably turn to crime, and may eventually end up like the mother. The daughter is kidnapped by the girl's uncle & placed with upstanding members of their community (far away), who love children, where she will grow up in a loving family, always have anything she needs (mentally & materially), will have a good education & grow up with bright prospects. A year after the kidnapping, the police have closed the case, due to no new leads. YOU then find out where the girl is. WHAT DO YOU DO? 1) Leave the girl in her new family (where she is happy) & maintain the status quo?? 2) Call the police & have daughter returned to her REAL mother (who was distraught when her daughter went missing) & who the daughter should rightfully be with? (ps - those who know where i got the scenario from, please don't spoil it)
  16. and yet in the area in Solihull that i am looking for a house, the prices are still just as high as ever. i was hoping that the prices would start going down, but there is only 1 house for sale on the estate i like, and they have stubbornly kept the price the same since they put it on the market 2 months ago. i think its overpriced by about £80k.
  17. The class system is not over. It is more blurred than it used to be, but most people still mix in their own social class, and don't move between classes.
  18. I would define your list as very subjective. For example: I am currently claiming benefits due to disability but also, have enough money to live off thanks to inheritance and gambling ( I won £500,000) but don't tell the gov! I sell weed in my suburban area to middle class folk who like to dabble now and then whilst swigging a few bottles of chateauneuf du pape (1994). I went to a good comprehensive school. I own my own house. ...What am I? yes, i would agree that my list is very subjective - that is my definition, i'm sure everyone else will have a different list. What are you? well you are unlucky (disability), yet lucky (winning gambling). The money doesn't make you upper class as your money is 'new money' which doesn't count. Your benefits doesn't make you part of the underclass, as i wasn't thinking about that type of benefit (maybe i should have specified ). But you do like to flirt with the underclass by selling drugs, yet by sticking to soft drugs you aren't serious about it, its more just for fun. I would say you are working class overall, who tried to be middle-class for many years, then thought sod it, tried to be underclass, and in the end, realised your roots, and stayed true to your working class upbringing. correct?
  19. i would define the Classes as: 1) Underclass - doesn't work, and doesn't want to work. Lives off benefits or crime. 2) Working Class - standard job, went to comprehensive school. 3) Middle Class - professional job, decent income, owns house. went to private school, or good comp school. 4) Upper Class - doesn't need to work for a living, as has enough money. Went to private school obviously.
  20. My parents were both working class. I have professional qualifications, am in lower/middle-management, and own my own house in a relatively affluent part of Birmingham. I would have to say i'm middle-class.
  21. Its definitely a buyers market now. 15% less than asking price is fine, if the sellers have any sense they should accept your offer straight away. I think 25% less than asking price is fair at the moment - prices may fall by this amount over the next 18 months anyway. If you don't need to buy at the moment, the best thing to do is just wait & see what happens. I think it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
  22. My sister was in a club in London... and very drunk. She saw 2 members of McFly standing on the stairs. In her drunken state, she thought they were Busted, and started shouting Busted at them. They weren't too happy.
  23. Nigel Mansell went to my sisters secondary school.
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