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Everything posted by ender4

  1. i meant that it would deter people from carrying out these crimes. it wouldn't stop all murders, but i would bet on the fact it would stop a good proportion. if the law was that murder automatically meant the death sentence, after the first few well-publicised cases, it would make people think. maybe televise the death, for added shock-horror. show the video in school to 16 year olds. 10 years hard labour for carrying a gun. 5 years hard labour for carrying a knife. death penalty for (1st degree) murder. it wouldn't solve the violent crime-problem, but it would be the first step towards it.
  2. and whilst murderers are allowed to get away with it, 100's of innocents are murdered on our streets instead. i vote for the life of my family, my friends & the other innocent people in this world, against the life of a murderer.
  3. maybe its all the fault of people called Ian? :? now where's Ianrobo?
  4. yes, definitely. 5-10 years on Death Row (to give them a chance to think about what they've done). painful death or humane death - depends on the crime.
  5. Prison Break S1 was the best, but Series 2 is very good as well (though not technically 'prison break', quite different to S1). Series 3 is very good as well, ok a few laughable moments, but overall still very good, and definitely worth watching.
  6. Heroes is getting better & better in series 3. Prison Break still going strong. Smallville is still good, but has lost its charm in the current series. 24 needs to be better than the past 3 series to retain its superiority.
  7. ender4

    Ice rink

    i am well confused by this thread!!
  8. and then our shining knight, our savior Randy, appeared out of the mists of time. 8)
  9. I'm surprised that Spurs are almost as hated as Liverpool. and i expected Newcastle to get a few more votes - maybe they're not as hated as i thought. and not one vote for Chelsea, but five for Man City...hmmmm.
  10. how can you feel sorry for the cheating scumbags. :? they should be in the Championship right now, about mid-table, fighting it out with Plymouth.
  11. yes, i feel sorry for those people who circumstances suddenly change (unemployment, illness, etc). Generally, most people should just ignore all the credit crunch alarmist media, and just carry on doing what they were, just tightening their belts a bit, and the storm will pass in a couple of years. If you have the money in the bank, now is probably a good time to be looking to buy cars, household goods, etc... as you can probably get good discounts.
  12. thats a good point. If this poll was on other Premiership forums, i would guess that everyone would still hate Liverpool!!! as for Villa, yes we would be insignificant. We have hardly ruffled anyone's feathers in the past 90 years. I don't think most of our fans are that arrogant, the media definitely don't love us, we don't have any big premiership rivalries.
  13. The panic comes if you can't afford your mortgage. also, those people who bought multiple 'buy-to-let' properties, who are finding the rent doesn't cover the mortgage. Idiots! also, those people who wanted to make a fast buck from increasing house prices, and bought purely for the capital appreciation!! hahaha....
  14. Bham City fans are much worse. They are thugs, and they hate the Villa with a passion. West Brom fans are usually a decent bunch, and you can have good banter with them.
  15. I dont like Spurs but no-one can doubt they are a big club. If Spurs are not a big club then nor are we. don't want to turn this into a thread about Spurs, nor about what defines a big club... but... in top 6 TWICE in the history of the Premiership (last 16 years). thats not a big club, Newcastle, Blackburn, Villa, Leeds, etc have all done much more than that. Spurs European trophies? nope. League titles? Blackburn, Sunderland, Newcastle have won more. anyway, back to the Hating of other clubs
  16. yeah, i agree that 'new-found wealth' and 'deluded supporters' could also be said about Villa, rather than Man City or Newcastle. but West Ham shouldn't be in the Premier league, as they cheated to stay up. and the media-love over Spurs is nothing like it with Villa.
  17. CURRENT PREMIER LEAGUE TEAMS ONLY. no, Bham City doesn't count Liverpool - glory-hunting fans, media w&nkfest. Spurs - small club thinks they're a big club, media w&nkfest. Newcastle - deluded fans. Man Utd - jealousy? Chelsea - loadsa money sugar-daddy Man City - newly found wealth. West Ham - cheats. shouldn't be in the Premier league.
  18. thats a good question. i am also debating what offer to put in for a house. its on the market at £400k, and i believe it is overpriced. I am debating whether to offer £350k, £340k or to go even lower. The house has been for sale for 6 months now which is why i think £50k less (12.5% lower) is the maximum i would pay.
  19. How often do you have sex, with a partner (not by yourself!) Define 'sex' as you will. Edit - Can a MOD please add in an option for "once a week", as i seem to have missed that!
  20. me & my wife both have long hot showers every day. My wife likes a warm house, so we have the heating on loads. we live in a 3 bedroom house, no kids. We are with British Gas Dual Fuel. So our total bill has been £64/month for the past year, they have only just increased it to £96/month from this month onwards.
  21. I just got notification that my Gas Bill has increased from £45/month to £75/month!!!! huge increase!!! on a good point, my electricity has only increased from £19/month to £21/month, which still seems very low!
  22. ender4


    they've yet to find a fit enough bird who'll say "yes"? :winkold: :nod:
  23. ender4


    and also showing a split by ethnicity, gender, social group, earnings, size of head, & colour of feet.
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