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Everything posted by ender4

  1. i don't think i agree with that. i think selling off the council houses was a good idea - why? 1) people look after their own house that they own, people don't look after houses owned by the council. 2) people who own their house, have more of an interest in their surrounding area. 3) because of this, council estates end up becoming 'run-down' or sink estates. 4) there's no reason why a private renting market wouldn't/doesn't work. i think it works pretty much in fact, and can drive up standards in housing. The real issue in housing is that not enough houses have been built over the past 25 years. If enough land & planning permission was given, then we would have a good supply of houses, which would have meant that house price would be at a sensible level, and therefore affordable to the majority of the population.
  2. As I said, I don't have MTV, so I couldn't watch it even if I wanted to. Maybe I'm one of the lucky ones! i can tell you both don't watch MTV, as if you did you'd know that MTV doesn't play music. MTV is a tv channel that mainly has shows on it, such as Jackass, Pimp my Ride, Cribs & lots of reality shows. It also shows the odd film, and award ceremony. 8)
  3. did you hear the Wet Wet Wet song 'Love is all Around' back in the day? i hated that song, wasn't my type of music, yet i couldn't escape hearing it. The Umbrella song was like that as well.... shops were all playing it, even news channels played it (as background to the freak storms we were having), kids were blasting it through their mobile phones. i'd guess you probably did hear it, but just didn't realise that it was this song.
  4. yes :nod: its not R&B. Its pop, and its a great pop song. its catchy, its got fun lyrics, as well as a warm message that teens would enjoy. but what intrigues me more is the 10 or so people who have NEVER heard the song!! :shock: what planet were you living on in 2007? you couldn't leave your house or switch on the tv or radio without hearing the song! You would have to live somewhere very isolated, or not interact with media at all.
  5. definitely. If i saw a non-famous version of Nicola, i wouldn't even notice her. whereas if i walked past a Cheryl on the street, i would definitely notice.
  6. I'm surpised that Nicola got 9 votes! almost as many as Nadine. :eek:
  7. yeah!!! (ps - i didn't vote for her). but 2 people now have!!!
  8. tell us more maybe, but thats why we think she'll be filthy in bed. :? 8)
  9. when talking about shagging celebrities, doing it for the fame/money doesn't count. you have to pretend that they are non-famous, just regular girls in your local pub, then you answer the question. those are the rules, i don't make them, i just adhere to them.
  10. my order is: Cheryl - she's stunning Nadine - great legs Sarah - decent looking Nicola - you know she's filthy Kimberley - her face is too round, just don't like her at all.
  11. So which one is your favourite? 1) Cheryl Cole 2) Nadine Coyle 3) Sarah Harding 4) Nicola Roberts 5) Kimberley Walsh In case you're not sure which one is which, see the pic: GIRLS ALOUD from the left they are - Cheryl, Sarah, Nicola, Nadine & Kimberley By favourite, i guess i mean hottest, unless you have any other reason why a particular one is your favourite.
  12. mods - could you move it, i posted it in the wrong section :oops:
  13. So what did you think of this song? Personally, i loved the song at the time, and still like it if i hear it being played now. (got bored of it after a bit at the time, but that was due to it being overplayed). I think it defined that year 2007, as it rained all summer like never before, and this track was the backdrop to that constant rain. It spent 10 weeks at number 1 in the charts, and sold over half a million copies in the UK. It also topped the charts in 15 different countries. Rolling Stone magazine lists it as the 3rd best song of 2007. I would now call it a modern day classic.
  14. a small detached house. i like the fact that i can make as much noise as it want, without anyone hearing me and vice versa.
  15. ender4

    school days

    not if you went to a all boys school :cry: i think people remember the good stuff, but forget the bad stuff. boring lessons bad teachers kids you didn't like & they didn't like you having to try & be cool having to play sports when you really didn't want to
  16. ender4

    school days

    didn't really enjoy secondary school, but didn't hate it either. i was a quiet lad, and most of it just passed me by in a haze. wasn't into sports, had a few friends but wasn't really social, didn't really do anything much. (now college & uni were much better!! )
  17. wow, £30mill over 7 years!!! or just over £4mill a year! thats amazing, even better than Wenger!
  18. ender4

    Ads on VT

    the "angels online" ad is interesting :|
  19. ender4

    Ads on VT

    ps - could a mod or site admin confirm that just clicking on them DOES help the site or not? wouldn't want everyone clicking on them if it doesn't help the site at all!
  20. ender4

    Ads on VT

    i haven't clicked on the ads at all, as i thought they only helped the site if you clicked through & bought something? but if just clicking on the adverts help out the site, then i will click away everytime i come on the site.
  21. i just realised that this Poll is fatally flawed. Its obviously biased towards Off-topic, as only people who are in off-topic can vote in it. so the 100's of people who maybe only ever stay in Villatalk will never get to vote!!! :bonk:
  22. no, don't worry... i found a briefcase with a million dollars & handed it in to the Police. so you can just walk into a police station & claim it back. of course, i assume that you can explain why you were carrying a million dollars in cash, and i also assume that you aren't wanted by the police.
  23. exactly my thought process as well. surely thats what everyone would do once they thought about it?
  24. if i found a wallet with £500, i would definitely send it back to the owner with all the money. $1mill sounds dodgy. i wouldn't return it to the owner, i would hand it in to the POLICE. (so not voted, as no option to hand in to police).
  25. i'll looked back over the last 5 pages, and i think i only know one song from it! anyway, currently i like Rehab by Rihanna. i don't think she's released it as a single, but radio keeps playing it all the time anyway.
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