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Everything posted by ender4

  1. how can Bots register? don't you have to validate registration through an email account?
  2. Cox0ccutt now on board. the names are getting weirder & weirder over the past year. Are these even real people? So many people sign up & then never ever post? i wonder why?
  3. my username is after a book in which i liked the character. The book was Ender's game. ENDER ENDER
  4. you mean you're not Norwegian? Mr Jondaken sounds it. or just Jon Daken.
  5. what does it mean? :? Is it an anagram? or just a different language? Than Why Woow L Hon.
  6. i haven't seen any of these people post! do they just browse & browse & browse & then fall asleep. Maybe they're trying to catch up on the God & politics threads.
  7. yep, but some people don't see that, which is why they get annoyed by him. i also like mocking Greenies (& vegetarians)... even though i care about the environment. It just feels right.
  8. grumpy old b*st*rd, with old-fashioned stupid illogical views. i love him!!
  9. ender4


    if you don't need prescription sunglasses, then only should pay around £15-£20. if you need prescription ones, then you're probably looking at £100+ i have prescription ones, exactly same as my normal glasses, but with dark lenses. i bought the normal glasses, and got the sunglasses free. A lot of opticians have offers like this from time to time.
  10. whilst i agree in theory that would be good, in practice there are too many stupid people to allow everyone to vote on everything. The populist direction isn't always the best direction... the most popular newspaper is The Sun, so we would be basically letting Sun readers form the political direction of the country.
  11. Same up here Tony also - this is the "season" for house sales I suppose - maybe just maybe the banks have decided than lending is a possibility now? yes, same here - i've noticed that as well. the underlying issue of too much demand, not enough supply still exists, so people still want to buy houses.
  12. ender4


    running is bad for your health. i did the Great North Run 2-3 years ago, got shinsplints from it, and have never fully recovered. sport = bad running = bad excercise = bad
  13. no we haven't had a poll. you should start one. the question is whether you are talking about the banks or other institutions as well? i don't think we should subside any industry, but some of the bigger banks have to be kept afloat.
  14. did anyone watch a dispatches program a couple of weeks ago - How the squandered our billions. it was shocking the amount of cash the government wastes (& thats excluding bank bailouts). it was billions on random buildings that weren't needed or even wanted in some cases, billions on IT projects that don't work, billions on defence contracts that failed to produce. The worst was the billions spent on PFI which have nothing to show for it. i swear if a good accountant could be given access to detailed accounts of the government, and he could say yes or no to every major spend, we could save tens of billions every single year.
  15. i think all computers should be able to be controlled by thought. or if not by thought, then at least by voice. no need for pointing then
  16. mouse is the best, though a bit cubersome with a laptop. its the most accurate & quick.
  17. its not the fact that you want to get richer & richer. but if someone said to you you can have as much money as you want, but pick how much now. you'd want to pick a number than made sure you could do everything you wanted. so in reality, i'd want a trillion or so, once i'd spent a billion on a football club, a billion on houses, cars, ships, planes, islands, helicopters, etc... then i'd want to go to the moon, another £50billion lets say..... after that i'd want to make sure every person has access to clean drinking water... say £500 billion.... then a good subway system for Birmingham.. cos i've alwys wanted one, and now i can. even though i might never use it. haven't even started on trying to solve some of the worlds problems (like Bill Gates & Warren Buffet are). needs trillions to sort out a lot of rubbish in this world. and if you're gonna be the richest person on the planet, why not try & sort it out.
  18. i also agree that a point would come. i think £8billion might just do it, but to be sure i think £40 billion should make me pretty comfortable. anything less than £8 billion, and i'd still want more.
  19. £8 billion pounds will do me. If anyone wants to give me this money, then cool. i'm not going to say no to anyone who wants to freely give me their own money.
  20. didn't this used to be 4 nations? then 5 nations? when will it become 7 nations? or will it go back to 5 nations, due to deflation.
  21. oh, and she reminds me of aguilera. ps - i am already bored of Flo riders new song - 2 weeks at number one & its doing my head in. would be good to dance to in a club with some girls - but Low is better.
  22. pokerface - growing on me, better than the first song. no 2 in the charts at the moment. shes hot in the video.
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