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Everything posted by ender4

  1. We deserve it more than Wolves do to be fair. yep, exactly.
  2. if we win this game, we would be 3 points off FIRST place, having played the same amount of games as Man Utd & Chelsea.
  3. that would have gone in if not blocked by dunne!
  4. oh, and a MON rocket at half-time will sort them out as well. 0-0 whilst wolves are on top, then we'll have a spell at some point, and hopefully we'll make it count.
  5. don't worry people... we can still win this game at any point. we only need one good pass/shot, and that'll be a nice 3 points.
  6. it might be verging on shady, but thats what happens in most companies i know (rightly or wrongly). :oops: Its accepted practice & legal. Of course, you can only do it in one direction for a year or two, over time you will need to balance it out, or you get to a stage where you haven't got anything left to play with.
  7. need to pretty much put out our full team to beat Sunderland. Need to go far in this cup for once, at least semi's should be possible.
  8. I think it'll be 1-0 to Villa, or 0-0. I can't see them scoring, and i think we will struggle to score for most of the match.
  9. It is in my book. :winkold: i always pass my changes through the auditors, and make sure they are happy with it. a couple of examples: i'll be more prudent with bad debt and increase my provisions, to lower profit. This is a very easy place to move up & down, especially if you have a variety of customers. i might release various other provisions (built-up during the good times). Increasing profit. we have changed the length of time we have depreciated assets over (proving that they will last longer than we first thought), thereby increasing profit. we have written of assets that we have decided are obsolete, to lower profit. Goodwill, branding, intangible assets are another place you can play with numbers (up or down). increase/ decrease obsolete stock provisions. These will all be for the statutory accounts, and we will pass them all through the auditors.
  10. I have no idea. The mythical accounting reference was about mark to market/mark to myth. i work in accounting, and complete the accounts for 2 large companies. I can easily & legally change the annual profit up or down by 10-20%, depending on what we want to show. But a lot more would either need some very good accountants or some shady ones.
  11. Saw 1 was absolutley fantastic. They should have stopped after that. Saw 2 was poor, saw 3 was rubbish, and i didn't see any others.
  12. ender4

    Indian Girls

    Quite, although there are less people still alive who remember when that happened... Its not the same. The French & the English are separated by a natural line that is difficult to cross ie: the English Channel. the line drawn to separate Bangladesh & Pakistan from India, was just a line on a map.
  13. i just realised that Vicky Christina Barcelona also stars Scarlett Johannson, and is also directed by Woody Allen! he seems to have a major hard-on for her!
  14. saw Scoop over the weekend. Woody Allen film starring Scarlett Johannson. to be fair, i only watched it cos it had Scarlett in it, but it was pretty decent. a bit of light entertainment, with a couple of surreal moments. reminded me a bit of Match Point (also starring Scarlett & also directed by Woody Allen). Match Point is a far better film beause Scarlett looks hotter in it, and gets semi-naked.
  15. That is indeed true, i hated it first time i saw it. Watched a few more times, its now comedy gold! i also hated The Big Lebowski first time i watched it. i don't plan to go back for a second viewing.
  16. ella, ella, ella. just heard this over the weekend - still a great song!
  17. ender4

    South Park

    this. the first series was interesting as it was something different. after that, the odd episode was excellent, but there were a few episodes which were dire. and a lot were average.
  18. nothing wrong with a sad ending. Revenge of the Sith is a much sadder ending, which is why i voted for that one in the end.
  19. Episode 2 is absolute rubbish...... what makes you say that? :?
  20. i almost voted for Ep2 - Attack of the Clones. It was fantastic, and pisses all over Ewok films.
  21. i almost did put that option, but then i thought that distorts the purity of the poll. If you think they are all cack, you can either vote for the one you think is least cack, or not vote at all.
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