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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here: 1. I spoke to Richard Fitzgerald late this evening about the change in the Blackburn game. He provided the following information. Because we are out of the FA Cup, the football side of the business asked for the change in dates. Their rationale was that by changing the dates, they would optimize the time between games allowing the players the ability to maximize rest, training, and injury recovery. By basically having a week between each game, the change has somewhat smoothed the "sine curve" that came with the old fixture table...already altered by the Liverpool change. I absolutely recognize the hardship this has caused some of our fans. Randy does too. This was NOT done because of any sense that we will get more attendence and therefore more revenue. That was NOT the issue. Simply put, the Football side, to include players and manager and coaches, felt this would help the team as we entered the critical part of the schedule. Re. the refund. I will raise that issue. As an aside, the first time I heard about a desire to shift dates was on all 4 sites that I post on...and it was made by Fans. There are also fans out there who asked that the game be moved to 3:00pm Saturday because of inability to get off work, inability of children to go out on Wednesday, etc.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. Yes, I am sure that MBNA was sold to Bank of America...and that includes MBNA, Europe Bank, Ltd. My sense is that MBNA, Europe is holding on to its name for as long as it can because of brand recognition. I would be doing the same thing if I were still the Chariman and CEO of the Bank. Sooner or later, they will be required to change the name. Simply put, there is NO such animal as MBNA, Corp. anymore. It is gone. 2. BOF and others: I completely understand about the movement of games and the frustration that causes. As I have mentioned before, I lost airfare on the Liverpool game. At the same time, a game played during the week vice the weekend can be a hardship on many, many, fans. Youngsters, university students, people who have jobs at night, etc. etc. cannot normally make an evening game during the week...so there are issues on both sides of the coin. I don't know about MON but I am sure the players would rather play in front of a full house on a weekend vice during the week. Again, I certainly recognize both sides of the debate as I have suffered thru losing a ticket by the shift in dates. I would imagine that a great deal of thought goes into such a move. 3. Sully: a) I do not know how much you pay in council tax...but when I lived in UK, I paid a great deal. I am not sure why we offered a certain price to Blackburn other than I am thiniking that the FA has some sort of rule re. what a Club can set as a price to ensure fairness. c) The Election Process in the US this time around is amazing. Yes, I have had many discussions with candidates over the past months...met with Sen. Obama, Clinton, and other Dems a couple of months ago and know and have met with most of the Republicans. This is a wide open election this year...sitting President cannot run and sitting Vice-President will not run. Wide open!! I believe it will come down to McCain and Romney on the Republican side (Huckabee as a dark horse) and Clinton and Obama on the Democratic side. At this point in the process, I believe the Democrats will win the White House...but there is a LOOOONG way to go. 4. I cannot say when the 2008-09 kit will be ready for sale as we still have the sponsorship issue to grapple with. Obviously, we want it sooner than later. 5. I am not sure where Tom Hanks got the scarf...I do know he did not get it from Randy, from me or from e-Bay. I am sure that one of our sharp marketers got it to him. I love it. 6. I know of no plans to move away fans but will check on it. 7. Student ticket prices. My thought is that we are very low right now...and often visit schools and give the tickets away or sell at cut-rate prices. The desire is to 1) help out the students and 2) get them to Villa Park to join us.
  3. General Krulak here: 1. Parking and transportation: As many of you know, the Club is working very hard at seeking ways to enhance the movement to and from Villa Park...and for increasing parking. Simply put, we would love to be masters of our own destiny but both of these subjects are dependent upon things outside of our control. Suffice it to say that we are working to improve matters and have been for quite some time. The Supporters Group have also been helping us look at this issue. 2. We are looking at the Blackburn game and the date and time it is played. We need to be very thoughtful in this regard because we recognize many would applaud the move but others may well be hurt by it. We need to do what is right for the majority of our fans...and will try to do just that. 3. I will look into "opening time" before games. 4. Martin Laursen: As I have said many times before, I am not involved in players...and the transfer window. All I can say on this issue is that I am sure that MON is watching the same games that we watch...and the same players. We have to trust that he will do the right thing...and understand that he knows far more about the situation in the club house and on the pitch and about his players than we do. I am sure that there is a good deal that goes into decisions re. players and I am just not confident that I, nor any other fan, can really suss out the entire situation like the Manager can. 5. The Suffering Villa: Thank you so much for your complete report....I will pass it on to the Leadership at Villa Park and to Randy. You make some very good points and the entire report is helpful from the standpoint of what we have done right and where we may have some work to do. Well written and well done. 6. paulanddonya: Interesting that you saw an advert for MBNA...because there is no MBNA anymore. MBNA was sold to Bank of America a couple of years ago and the term MBNA ceased to exist. I was the Chairman and CEO of MBNA Euorpe Bank, Ltd located in Chester...and Randy eventually became Chairman of the organization. When MBNA was sold, I believe the Europe Bank kept the name for a year or so. 7. Shirt sponsor. The 32Red.com sponsorship will end at the end of this season. We are currently looking at what we want to do next...and are obviously talking. We would like to get this sorted sooner than later because we do want to get our kit out earlier this year.
  4. General Krulak here: 1. Yes, the 32Red.com contract is up at the end of this season. We are currently looking at other options but it is far too early to say anymore than that. 2. Chris: Please call Nicky Keye and relate to her the problem you had with Wigan tickets. We obviously need to learn from these difficulties. Nicky DOES read this thread but a call from you would also help. 3. Fuse: I don't think I have ever said or hinted that I did not want to hear the "good, bad, and ugly." The issue has never been the topic...good or bad. 4. Robulas: Bottom Line, I think you are wrong. I honestly do NOT believe that the empty seats at the ManU game can be TOTALLY laid at the feet of the price of a ticket. YES, that was a part of the problem but there were other issues...to include timing near the holidays, on the telly, desire not to deal with ManU and ManU fans, number of times we have played ManU, importance of the FA Cup in some folk's minds, etc. etc. 5. Shortshadyuk: Lee Preece can help you with the brick. 6. Stadium improvement for Olympics and for our own Club. As I have mentioned before, we are looking at taking action re. the stadium. We have people looking at potential construction options now. It would be premature for me to make any specific comments because we just aren't at that stage right now. When decisions are made, we will absolutely make the fans aware of what we are doing...just like we did with the Holte Hotel and Bodymoor Heath...to include pictures.
  5. General Krulak here: 1. I give up on this one. I have said, in as many ways that I can possibly say it, my thoughts on this issue. I have read pages on this topic...on this thread and 4 others. I have heard people say that this was a chance for Randy to "give something back to the season ticket holders"...that we were gouging the fans...etc. etc. As everyone on this site MUST ACKNOWLEDGE, when I think we have screwed up or not done the "right" thing, I am the first to say so and to apologize. This one has been taken way too far. If you as the Fans truly believe that Randy, the Board and the Club charged too much for the game...so be it. At the same time, what if the score had been 2-nil Villa and you had been there, in your seat, to see it? How much would you have paid to see it? We didn't go inot the game to lose...or to have 2 goals against in 10 minutes. We went into win...in a game between Aston Villa Football Club and Manchester United. It was an "A" game in every respect. If I sound a tad frustrated, I am. You have an owner who cares about the Club and the fans more than probably any owner in the Premiership and I find myself wading through pages on this issue. I have said my last on this one.
  6. General Krulak here: 1. Sorry I was gone so long...but am glad to be back. 2. Brommy: Thank you for your post and complete rundown of the day. I have provided your input to Alison Plant so she can take necessary action where required. As for your timeline, it may be a tad ambitious. 3. As I have indicated before, if a fan has a ticket issue, it is important to get that issue into Nicky Keye and her folks...she is VERY customer-centric and will do all in her power to sort things out. None of us are perfect and we will make mistakes but Nicky works hard at having the most responsive ticketing office in the Premiership. 4. Fuse...Ticket Prices for ManU game: Let me try a different approach to this issue. Simply put, YOUR Club has some of the lowest ticket prices of any club in the Premiership. This isn't by chance! This is a deliberate call by Randy and the Directors. You will find the same situation with the Cleveland Browns Football Club. Randy does NOT try to take advantage of the fans and I think he has proven this time and time again. ManU was a Class A game and was priced accordingly. It also came right after Christmas and New Years...it was on the Telly...and some would say had other "distractions." I don't think it is fair to say that the ticket price was solely the reason for the attendence numbers. The idea that Randy should somehow "subsidize" ticket prices is not a fair call...he is doing more than almost anyone to keep things within reason. 5. I do not think that our Club would consider only having a Season Ticket holder base...we would always want general admission fans who continue to be very important too. Some people just cannot afford a full season package or cannot make all games due to distance, etc. We need those folks too...they love Villa also. 6. Yes, we will be selling more bricks. 7. Executive Boxes: Often companies will lease these boxes and invite customers who might well be "away" fans. We would be shooting ourselves in the foot if we started to tell these companies that they could only invite Villa Fans. What we do monitor and do try to control is the "away fan display" that sometimes occures. 8. John Handley, Head of Security, meets with the police before every game and lays out the security situation as he sees it. He also works with our own stewards. There will always be times when we miss the mark...the fans become too unruly, a steward fails to do his job, etc. etc. In those instances, we try to take immediate action. Most Fans do not hear about the success stories...only the nightmares. That is to be expected. Suffice it to say that we are VERY worried about fan security!!
  7. General Krulak here: 1. Kieran: I am very happy that things went well for you...except for the tour. At the end of the day, it sounds like Katrina took care of you and sorted it out...I am glad. You are absolutely correct...the true measure of an organization comes to the front when things go bad. Obviously we have some work to do but our PEOPLE stood up to the test. 2. I think we have sold around 35,000 tickets to date. Still some to be had....come on down. 3. I will be on a trip until Sunday so I will not be on the site. I am not UA!!
  8. General Krulak here: 1. Nice win today. I recognize that some may question whether it was "pretty" or not...but for me, it was one we needed to win and did. 3 games in a very short time...with 7 points coming out of them. I am proud of the lads. We still have a LONG way to go but I like the "never say die" attitude of our Team and appreciate the work they put in on the Pitch. Once again, the fans were superb. :notworthy:
  9. General Krulak here: 1. Mikeeed1977: Contact Lee Preece and see if he has some suggestions for you. 2. Should get between 41,500 and 42,000 at the game. 3. The Browns: It was a very good season...going from 3 wins a year ago to 10 wins this year. Normally, 10 wins is a certain playoff spot but the Division we play in was VERY strong this year. Simply put, the Browns were masters of their own destiny....they could have sewed it up with a win against Cincinnati. They didn't get it done and had to rely on another team to get them into the playoffs...NEVER a good thing to have to count on. No good to moan about the Colts or their failure to play their top players...we should have made the game meaningless with a win at Cincy and didn't. Yes, Randy is disappointed but, at the same time, he is very happy with the progress. The Browns and Villa are VERY similar. They are both part of a plan...a plan that values a strong infrastructure, great customer service for the fans, a strong "farm team" (youth), and a great Squad. In both the Browns and the Villa, we are seeing progress along this plan. Miracles are NOT expected. It takes hard work, attention to details, making the right moves at the right time and a willingness to go through the storms that always accompany a journey. We are prepared to do that!! We will get to our goal...with both Teams. The Fans continue to be key!!! Look what MON and the Squad says about both Home and Away fans...they cannot do without them.
  10. General Krulak here: 1. Roger on the Reserves. 2. Michelson: Not sure I could handle 70 rounds of anything...much less brewed. 3. I will speak to our H&S Leadership and ask them to pass on the concerns of our fans to the folks at Wigan. 4. Club Record: Neither Randy nor I had even thought about the "record"...thank you for making us aware of this. Very nice. Obviously, MON and the Team are the ones who deserve all the credit. 5. Fan behaviour: Obviously I feel gutted every time I read that a Villa Supporter does not act with some modicum of dignity. It reflects on the Club, the Team and, of course, the entire fan base. Somehow we need to figure out how to control such antics.
  11. General Krulak here" 1. Mase: I am very glad that you made it to the game. Yes, I am in the US and I received a call early this morning indicating that you had "found" a ticket. Well done! Simply put, when we have someone like yourself and all the rest who actively support our Club whether here at Villa Park or on the road, we are going to do our best to help. Sometimes we are successful, sometimes we aren't...but this is Aston Villa Football Club and we are Family!! It was my honour to speak with you...even though the connection was terrible. By the way, the person who called you from Austria was Nicky Keye...one of the tremedous group of people we have in our Ticketing Organization...she heads up the Team in that area.
  12. General Krulak here: 1. Very good win today. I confess that after the 110% effort v Chelsea and going into Wigan's area against a team fighting relegation I was a bit worried. Tough fought game that brought us 3 points. Good stuff!! 2. Ivor...might be a very nice thing to bring him "home."
  13. General krulak here: 1. I do not think Randy or I will be able to make the Wigan game. As most of you know, this is a huge weekend for the Browns. If the Colts beat the Titans and Browns win their game, we will be in the playoffs. My sense is that Randy feels that he must be at that game. Unfortunately, it would be almost impossible to make both events. 2. Loved the story about Tony Morley!! Many of the old players recognize that they are welcomed with open arms by Randy, the Directors and the Club and are now coming back often. It is great!!
  14. General Krulak here: 1. Yes, it was a great game. I did think we played extremely well...a few hard knocks and mis-calls...but we did well. 2. I honestly don't know the mechanics of the Carew deal...other than MON had his eye on him and went after him.
  15. General krulak here: 1. Rob, we are all with you. I am sad to hear of the tragedy in your life...your mate and father-in-law. As for you and your partner, I don't need to tell you that the "smallness" of some NEVER takes away from the "bigness" of others. You all will do fine!! 2. What a game today!!!!!!!!! Our lads played their hearts out. Our away fans were absolutely magnificent...sang and cheered the entire game. You couldn't even hear the Chelsea fans. MON said it all when he praised our fans....they helped the team come back and come back. GO VILLA!!!
  16. General Krulak here: OutByEaster: My goodness, you know your history!!! Well done!! :notworthy:
  17. General krulak here: 1. I am not sure if MON has been pestering Randy for cheques but I do know that they have been talking. As for a DOF, as I have said before, MON does have a good deal of help across the board. Almost everything that a DOF would do is already being done by members of the Villa Staff...and work directly with or for MON. 2. Yes, I did go to a training session...but confess that my kick went high and to the right!!
  18. General Krulak here: 1. paulandonya: I am very sorry to hear of what happened...especially to someone who I know is a tried and true Villa Supporter. I wish I had the answer for the jacket...I DO have the answer for the lady. I would ask that you do me a favour before you totally kiss off our store. Please call John Greenfield who heads our store...tell him that I asked you to give him a call. Explain what you are looking for and see if he has an answer for you. 2. Mase: please pm me and I will see what I can do. No promises but I will see what I can do. 3. I wanted 3 points yesterday...simple as that. 4. Merry Christmas to each of you and to your families. Thank you so much for welcoming me onto your web site....but, MORE IMPORTANTLY, for welcoming Randy and the Directors into the "Villa Family."
  19. General Krulak here: 1. Cleveland Browns: Simply put, the Browns have two more games to play. If they win against Cincinnati this weekend, they are in the playoffs. A win next weekend would probably do it too. The key is a win this weekend and any number of permutations around the league may well give us the Division and home field advantage in the playoffs. So, yes, this is a critical game. The Browns are, in many ways, an example of what Randy is trying to do with Villa. BUILD A WINNER. To do it right, you need to take the time to not only build the Team but also build the infrastructure to support the team and the fans. That is what Randy has been doing in Cleveland over the past 5 years. 2. Paddy: One of the best Christmas presents I will receive is the knowledge that you are back at the Holte End. Thank God for watching over you ....and welcome "Home." 3. Mrs "K" and I cook Christmas dinner. You all obviously have the wrong idea about a General in the US Forces....we are not weathy!!
  20. General Krulak here: 1. Suffering Villa: Not sure what you mean by your question. If you are asking if I know of any other Club Director posting on Fan Web Sites, the answer is no. It is probably a sure fire recipe for divorce court!!! 2. I can't really discuss financial considerations for the transfer season...for many reasons. Posting that sort of information on a web site might well be picked up by other Clubs or the media. Not a good thing. This type of information is very close-hold....for all Clubs.
  21. General Krulak here: 1. We are looking at a concept like a "feeder club."..yes. 2. When I am in the UK I normally stay in one of the hotels in the middle of the City or at New Hall. 3. Yes, the Club is aware of the National Football Centre and will watch this very closely. 4 ManCity at 39,716 and shooting for 41k; Spurs at 35,581 and shooting for 40k; ManU at 25,876 and shooting for 39-40k; Reading at 29,906. We are doing well but obviously still have some room in the Inn. 5 EamonDeacy: Great to hear that your are coming in from Barcelona with your family..and am glad you are going to join us for a tour of VP. Katrina is a great representative of the Villa Family...you got a good one there! I hope to be at the game so will be on the lookout for your Barcelona Lions banner. Again, thank you for making the trip. We have great fans who travel long distances...Spain, Norway/Denmark/Sweden, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, US, Australia, Middle East...you name it. ALL are welcome.
  22. General Krulak here: 1. The sinage and large screens are all part of the good work done by Richard Fitzgerald and his "Tiger Team" that was placed in charge of bringing a new look to Villa Park. I agree, I think it looks great. What is really special is to come off the motorway at night...with Villa lit up...drive towards a lighted Holte Pub...follow the new signs...and pull into the North End and see that huge screen showing Gabby putting one in the back of the net!!!! Sort of makes your day!!!! Slowly but surely we are making good headway. Randy knows exactly where he wants to take the Club...on and off the Pitch...and is following his plan. As I have said since the day I came on this site, trust Randy. 2. No Birmingham Balti yet. Next time I am over, I will have one!
  23. General Krulak here: 1. My wife has taken my passport from me until after the 25th...said she would rip my lips off if I went to UK Chrisstmas weekend. 2. Martin receives quite a bit of mail on a daily basis but does read it all over time. Obviously it would be impossible to answer each letter.
  24. General Krulak here: 1. Discussing the Clubs financials on a web site is probably not a good thing to do. Suffice it to say that revenue and expenses both vary a great deal based upon what the Club is doing...both positive to ensure cash "in" and positive to cash "out." Much of our expenses go to making us a better Club all around.
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