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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here: 1. TrentVilla: As you know, the Club has been in contact with Jimmy Dugdale's "family"...we are doing those things that they feel appropriate..and we will continue to take our lead from them. As you know, we are going to have a museum at Villa Park and when we do, we will have a location that honours the "Legends of Villa"...Jimmy will be there. The pavers idea is a good one but the museum will cover the issue even more completely. As for my feelings on game days...there is no question that I get even more passionate with each game. Knowing the players and MON, I can't help but get more and more excited as we close in on the end of the season. We all know what it will take to get to Europe and we are pushing for that eventuality. We have a long way to go but we have a chance. That gets me fired up! 2. Chrissmith921: Those are some very good thoughts!! Some would be harder than others to get going but some are easy fixes and make a great deal of sense. Ending tour at Shop is a perfect example. Thank you for sharing the ideas.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. shortshadyuk: We can agree to disagree on Marlon. I believe he is talented and, more importantly, brings energy to the game every time he come on. There are certain types of athletes who just seem to generate energy and emotion when they are on the Pitch...they normally are not the most skilled or the most reknown. The simple fact is that they can "change" the energy level of the game when the come on the Pitch. I think Marlon is that type of player. The point I was making in my previous post was that MON obviously saw the same thing when he went after Marlon. 2. I agree with the youth talent...we have a strong program and superb coaches. We need to have a way to "grow our own" in order to augment the players we buy. The youth program gives us that! 3. As I have mentioned before, we are going to be upgrading all of our comm systems. There are many issues around VP that are impacted by the comms and we recognize that fact. You indicate that it wouldn't be "too much out of pocket"....well, don't count on it. To do the complete fix necessary, it will cost a lot. Timing will be important to the budget.
  3. General Krulak here: 1. Legendary_10: Two answers....1) I do not see a former player joining our Board at this time. As you indicated, they would have to have the qualifications that we may lack on the Board...qualifications re. the business of Villa...not on football. We currently have a very strong Board with great experience and comraderie. For the most part we have worked together for years and understand each others strengths and weaknesses. The number of Directors is "right" and I don't see us bringing on anyone else right now. 2) The Armed Forces, both in the UK and the US, are being sorely tested by the on-going deployments and the stress of combat. Equipment is getting utilized at a rate that was unexpected when purchased (sort of like buying a car and expecting it to go 60,000 miles in 5 years and ending up with 60,000 miles in one year), troops are deploying more often and for longer periods of time, and defence budgets are not keeping up with the reality of the need. The US will have to increase the defence budget...simple as that. My sense is that the UK will be faced with the same challenge. Pay for troops is low...not as bad as it used to be but how much pay is "enough" when you are getting shot at? My sense is that within the next couple of years, there will be a very detailed look at requirements...both in the US and UK. 2. Good game today!! We really needed the 3 points and we got them. I wish we had not let in the last goal but such is life. We may need the goal differential later on in the season. I thought Carew played a superb game...Gabby and Young were solid and Marlon did his "thing"...coming on and making a difference. I remember when a few people on this site were very much down on Marlon...maybe MON knew what he was doing after all. :winkold:
  4. General Krulak here: ianrobo1: I don't know why a link couldn't be made. I have not seen the you tube footage myself...nor Randy.
  5. General Krulak here: 1. Paul: Thank you for the kind words. You are correct, the Club has taken a big interest in the youth in our area. It is not just an attempt to "turn them on" to AVFC (although that would be great) but also an attempt to connect with the various entities around B'ham. 2. Ianrobo1: Good question. There is no question that the level of interest in the Club has increased. The obvious measurement of that fact is game-day attendence. At the same time, there are other measures that are very important. Some are as simple as the amount of communications coming into VP. Others are the increase in corporate functions being held at VP during non-game times. Kit sales around the UK and, in fact, around the world are another indicator. We keep a very close track on the demographics around B'ham and can get a pretty good feel for where we are gaining ground. Another indicator is the amount of media coverage we are getting...written, spoken and on the telly. Finally, there is something as unscientific as a "gut feel"...there just seems to be an excitement in the air that is palpable. I am not sure this fully answered your question but hopefully it gives you an idea of where we think we are and why. 3. Half-time Penalty Shoot: The Club is continually looking at ways to enhance to Game day experience...to include what is taking place at half time. I do know that they are looking at a number of ideas and the Penalty shoot is one that is being looked at.
  6. General Krulak here: 1. Yes, today is Randy's birthday. We have sent him some of the kind posts you all have written and he is most appreciative. They are a great "present" for him...NO need for anything else.
  7. General Krulak here: 1. Bully: The trip was a good one...a chance for the team to concentrate, to "bond", to get some quality, concentrated time with MON. You never know whether these trips are really worthwhile until the going gets tough...then the comraderie and loyalty shows thru. 2. The issue of sponsorship should be made public within the next couple of weeks. The new kit will be out in July. Season ticket prices are being discussed at this time. New Caledonia, New Brunswick, Sir Isacc Newton, New Bedford and Nuclear Power.
  8. General Krulak here: 1. newyorkvilla: I, like othes, was touched by your wonderful tribute to your father. Reading it made my heart swell with pride over this great Club of ours. I am terribly sorry for your loss...and that of your family. At the same time, your words were magnificent and served as a great example of a son's love for his father. Thank you for sharing them with us. In answer to your question, I am not really sure. I will ask and see what the answer is. If this were the US, there would probably be some crazy reason it could not be done...damage to the "snail darter" or some such bunk. I hope things are different in the UK but I do need to check. 2. Academy wall. Depending on the outcome of our infrastructure study, the North End of VP may well look totally different in a couple of years. MYSTERYMAN: As you know, we have been working very hard to cement our relationships with the community. I agree, I think it is paying off. I believe they realize we are sincere and do what we say we are going to do. It is called, Integrity. The man's name is Michael Cunnah and he is a fine individual. His remit is not exactly the same as RF but he will be doing many of the same things...and then some.
  9. General Krulak here: 1. Last reserve game: Sounds like an interesting idea. Let me see what the Club thinks.
  10. General Krulak here: 1. Canuckvillan: If you will send me a pm re. the visit and some details, I will see if we can set up a tour and visit to Hotle. 2. Villarevolution2007: I have not seen that interview. My sense is that whether or not it is in writing, that probably aqccurately reflects where we would all like to be. It sounds pretty ambitious but there is nothing wrong with being ambitious if tempered with reality. 3. Middlesborough game: As soon as we get word, we will let people know. I understand that Nicky is sending out tickets with a caution that the schedule might change.
  11. General Krulak here: 1. There is absolutely no question that our Youth Program is a very good one and that our Reserves are extremely talented. We need to have a good program to "build our own" to compliment those players that we will bring in. The key to what is happening now is that everyone we are working with "buys into" MON and his ethos. Good stuff.
  12. General Krulak here: 1. Mascots do get out and about. 2. holtefantastic: Please thank your good lady for me re. the Villa support...and for you too. I will do something for your wife if you send me her telephone number. 3. TUBBY: I should not speculate on what the Club would do if proposal was brought forward and the vote place us in a different position than the rest of the league. 4. I am not sure what the plans are re. a new video similar to Proud History Bright Future. Obviously, some would weigh where we are at the end of the season to see if it would be of value to do so.
  13. General Krulak here: 1. To be honest, I have not checked on the membership scheme in some time...I do know it is being looked at. DVD's of home games, etc. I think that we may well have something at the end of the season. 2. Ladies kit: Do you mean ladies sizes or a separate ladies kit? We will have ladies sizes. 3. Neither Randy nor any other single owner has "veto power" over this issue. At the end of the day though, it will possibly come to a vote. Remember, all we were asked was a go-ahead to "explore"...NOT a decision. Randy will do what is right.
  14. General Krulak here: 1. As you all know, the quotes in the media were taken from comments made by Randy in October. BUT, his feelings towards English Football...its history, its traditions, its ethos, the value of the fans...do NOT evaporate over a 4 month period. I remind everyone how this all started...a request to "explore". 20 Teams said "yes, go ahead and explore"...that does NOT mean agreement for the idea. Randy's comments 4 months ago are as germane today as they were then. At NO time did AVFC "agree in principle" to this scheme...at NO time. As I have said before, trust Randy.
  15. General Krulak here: 1. First off, thank you for some of the kind remarks...I showed them to Mrs "K" and got me a break from her concerns over my time on the site. 2. I don't think there have been any decisions made about a tour this summer. Last summers tour was a success...lots of attention in the states. 3. Shirt sponsor. You are correct, we will be getting a decision early so that Nike has the time to produce our kit. I obviously cannot divulge any specifics re. a sponsor...that would not be correct to do. Just know that you will find out sooner than later.
  16. General Krulak here: 1. I have not read anything about Gary Cahill. My lips are sealed. 2. VillaNI: I am very happy that things worked out so well. Lee is a fine man and represents our Club in a magnificent manner. 3. Holte TV's....let me see if I can sort it.
  17. General Krulak here: 1. Tubby: Browns at Villa Park....I do not see that happening. The expense of bringing the entire team over, setting up Bodymoor for training, etc. etc. would be too much. Something as simple as the weight room...NFL players utilize free weights...so we'd have to get those in. Team size is much larger than football so the facilities would need to be expanded...dressing rooms, physios, etc. Re. friend to the Blues game....my sense is that you will not need to do anything to enhance his experience. 2. Museum: As I have mentioned before, we are still cataloging all that we have and finalizing a space. It goes hand in hand with the question re. stadium expansion. We are conducting a study right now as to the direction we want to take with the stadium. It will not be completed for several months and at that time, Randy will make his decision re. what to do. 3. Booing: Simply put, a fan buys a ticket and has the right to do whatever he/she wants to do so long as it does not break the regulations of Villa Park. If they want to boo, so be it. Let there be no question, the players can hear the booing. My own personal opinion is that I do not like the booing. We have a saying for that sort of thing in the "colonies"...we call it "bush league". Things need to get VERY bad before we start booing a team...what the lads need is to be motivated to do better and I am not sure that for all of them, booing is the best motivator. 4. There will be no cheerleaders at Villa Park...just like there are no cheerleaders at Browns stadium.
  18. General Krulak here: 1. A well-played game by our lads....and a very much welcomed 3 points. A personal THANK YOU from me for all the cheering and singing today!!! The current issue could have put a wet blanket on the support but you all shown through...just like I expected. Well done!!! 2. Not much more that I can say about the current issue that I haven't said before. Randy has definitely heard your passion and concerns and will do what is right. For those who would want Randy to jump up and shout "NO" from the rafters, it will not happen. First off, that is NOT Randy's style and secondly, it would be totally unprofession for a serious business man like Randy to spout off about something that has not even been proposed. He would appear like a "headline grabber" vice the professional that he is. Don't expect or ask that he do something that would go against who he is and how he thinks. Randy has heard you...he will do what is right.
  19. General Krulak here: 1. I can say no more than what I have said already...your comments and, in fact, some of your posts have gone to Randy. He knows your passion and your feelings towards this issue. Saying that Randy is "considering" this is a stretch. There is really nothing to consider since nothing has been proposed. What is CRITICALLY important is that Randy knows how you feel...he will do nothing to hurt AVFC or the League or the fans. I don't want any of you to go out and shred your season tickets, start following another Club or commit sepuku. Trust Randy and your Club...they will do what is right. 2. RandyLion: I am glad you got the tickets...I told you we would get it sorted. Have a great time at Arsenal. 3. Browns off-season: A good deal of the off-season is spent scouting, evaluating players, looking at film, preparing for the draft, building the play book, doing strength drills, endurance drills, etc. etc.
  20. General Krulak here: 1. BELIEVE ME, I have heard you. I have communicated directly with Randy and he hears you too! My sense is that every owner in the Premiership is also hearing from their fans...the difference is that I have read your comments and passed them directly to Randy. First and foremost, Randy is not a money-grubbing foreigner who doesn't care about his Club. He, like me, loves England, loves English Football, and loves Aston Villa Football Club (I think he has shown that time and again). He would not do something that would hurt his Club or English Football. Part of "exploring" is to see and hear the feedback coming our way...we have certainly got that. I would ask one thing...trust Randy. He will not do anything that will hurt AVFC.
  21. General Krulak here: 1. Honest to goodness, this is simply not one to start a "moan" thread on!! Come on gang...NO ONE is saying yes to anything because NOTHING has been proposed. Obviously the League understands better than anyone that the integrity of the Premiership and the scoring and the tables and the fans are CRITICAL!!! I can assure you that Randy understands. I cannot believe that the League hasn't "explored" other things that have NOT come to fruition. Please do not make this the latest furor and uproar...because I can promise you, I will not play! The League is not going to play "Sepuku" with its reputation, its integrity, or how and when the standings are finally established.
  22. General Krulak here: 1. Let me clarify something about the League proposal. The proposal was simply to have a "look-see" an perhaps extending the season and playing overseas. To "explore" the concept. Obviously, the key is that such an effort not damage the integrity of the Premiership nor hurt the fans. There are those who think that Randy or the Club should have stood up and immediately said "NO"...that makes no sense to me. Say NO to what? To exploring a possibility? My sense is that there can be very little progress without exploration. Let's not make this another "big deal". Although I was not at the meeting, I am sure that the media have it right...all that was agreed upon was to "explore" the concept. If this can be done w/o damaging the league...without hurting the fans...it may be worth "exploring"...which is ALL that was agreed upon. My own personal view is clear...if it hurts the fans, I am against it. BUT, I won't know unless someone "explores" it. 2. Obviously, the contents of the back pack will be checked.
  23. General Krulak here: 1. Randy and the Club are in no rush to fill the position of CEO. We will ensure that we have the "right" person before we fill this position. At the present, we have some very talented people at Villa Park...to include Randy/Directors over almost every week. We are fine...believe me, we are fine. 2. We do not want to put our Club in debt! 3. I played Lacrosse and wrestled at University and they still are two of my favourite sports. 4. Randy has made it clear that in the US he is not anxious to have the Cleveland Browns play a game overseas. Although I have never asked him, I would imagine he feels the same way about Aston Villa. As I understand it, all the League asked was to "look into it." My personal feelings are just that...my own personal feelings. I believe that it is important to play games in front of fans who love the team. That may be very hard to do if the game is being played in Garmish or Rome. UNLESS it is a European Cup game...I'd love that.
  24. General Krulak here: 1. Fortunately for my wife, I am not a gambling man...never had the money to be able to afford to risk it on a horse or a game. 2. The US and the UK: Love about US: friendliness, service-oriented, "melting pot", strong value system, geography, pride, optimism. Dislike about US: arrogance. Love about UK: people, humour, pride, tradition/history/ethos, "melting pot". Dislike about UK: not as service-oriented ( a smile from a waiter would be nice). 3. The reporting structure of the Board has not changed with the departure of Richard. The Chairman still has all members of the Board reporting to him...no change. Richard's responsibilites are, for the time being, shared by several people. It is important for the Fans to understand that the Board is very "hands-on" and that Randy is involved in many, many, aspects of the Club. People travel to the US to meet with Randy and Randy travels to the UK to meet with people. Members of the Board are at VP almost every week. This is not a rudderless ship.
  25. General Krulak here: 1. Ghost of Pongo Waring: Take the rucksack and leave it at reception...tell them that General Krulak said it was OK. Remind me right before the game and I will give them a call. But it really won't be necesary if you just say I said it was A-OK. 2. villarocker: A couple of points: 1) it is not up to you or to me as to what is too large of an investment...it really is up to Randy. So far, I have not seen him fail to make an investment when it made sense to do so. MON will work it out with Randy and both men will do what needs to be done. 2) your thoughts on Gary Cahill...he is, indeed, a fine young lad and player. At the same time, MON is the Manager and made his decision based upon what he sees, day-in and day-out. We see only a small part of what MON sees. If he felt it was best to let Gary go, then so be it. The day Randy or General Krulak start interfering with a single player decision will be the day the Club starts going down hill.
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