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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here: 1. I managed to jump on a hotel computer between Board Meetings so let me try to quickly answer some questions. 2. Davkaus: I think you have missed the point. It is not just a case of moving 400 fans and getting an increase in revenue. It is all the work that will be done to the Trinity Stands (interior) as well as what is being done in the stand itself (movement of press corps to open up better seating for fans as an example) that will help drive the Club forward. The work done during the summer to expand the Trinity interior is key to the revenue plan. The difficulty is that a portion of this plan involved 400 fans...BUT their movement is NOT the only part of that plan. 3. There are no plans to fill in the corners of the Holte End anytime soon. As I have mentioned before, we are looking at the entire infrastructure and will be making decisions on what we will do for all of Villa Park in a sequenced manner. 4. Re. Bill Howell: We give him access because he is a member of the Press and part of one of the key papers in B'ham. Just like I don't agree to "censorship" on this thread, I could not agree to censoring him from our Park. Hopefully, over time, he will recognize that Randy and the Club are intent on doing the right things and will report accordingly. As for Nicky being "jumpy as a box of frogs"...I have been around her for nigh on to two years and I have never seen her "jumpy." She is one cool lady.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. music8832: Several posts ago I asked that you pm me. It is hard to seek an accomodation if you won't talk to me other than on this thread where we can end up talking past ourselves. I reiterate my request that you pm me so I can help if possible. I thought that was one of the reasons I was on the net. See the end of my post to you...last week. 2. I have been in communications with Villa Park since late yesterday and again, early today. Nicky Keye established a team of people (to include Paul Faulkner, a Club Director who has gone to Aston Villa to help) and this team has been dealing with the "Trinity 400"...those Fans who have been asked to move. At 08:58 am, this team had talked to over 25 seat holders and explained the why of the move and offered them the opportunity to select their new seats and receive a "token" from the Club. Most of these Fans have chosen to relocate to B5 which is near their current seats. In the words of the Fans, they are "reasonably happy." Obviously, they are not going to be totally happy...but when they realize that this effort is to help drive the Club forward, they understand the rationale behind the requirement. I have been asked if Randy knows of this move and the answer is absolutely. He, like all of us, has a vision of European Football and we cannot get to that vision without investment....in players and infrastructure. Randy cannot do it all himself...we need to improve and expand the stadium to do so. 3. I will be off the net until Sunday. Today I begin a week long trip...I go to Houston for a Freeport McMoRan Board Meeting then on to Salt Lake City for a Union Pacific Board Meeting then on to B'ham for the Wigan game. I will try to get to a computer along the way but cannot promise anything. Simply put, I have to get back to my "day job"...just as you all. 4. Those with concerns about seat movement, PLEASE call Nicky and her team...do NOT just ask for a ticket sales agent...they will not have the details and the ability to make decisions that the special team has. It make take a wee bit linger but it will be far more helpful to you.
  3. General Krulak here: 1. A very hard fought game today. To come back the way we did says a good deal about the heart of our Lads and the motivational impact of MON. I would have loved 3 points but...we could not afford zero!! 2. paulanddonya: I can assure you, I want to hear what the fans have to say and I have no problem "taking stick." All I ask in return is to treat each other with respect...and that goes for everyone. Obviously I not only want to hear your opinions but I pass them on...as you have seen changes take place that are directly attributable to fan comments on these sites. 3. I have not heard of any intent...even in the future of "buying" seats.
  4. General Krulak here: 1. musicw8832: Several points....1) "reduced tickets for council workers", etc....yes, we have done that. In addition we have had reduced tickets for members of the Forces and we have had reduced tickets and specials for students, people around the community, and others. This was done for many reasons...to increase the knowledge of the "awakening" at Villa Park, to bring new people to the Park, to fill seats that might not have been filled w/o the reduced price for certain games. None of this, in my opinion, is bad or anything we should be ashamed of. We are trying to reach out to people who may be fans in the future. 2) Obviously I cannot say who might be our sponsor but...we do not sell the Villa name cheaply. We are no longer a Club that will just take what is offered...and if it means passing on a certain amount of money, then so be it. The day we return to selling our name cheap, will be a sad day indeed. Doing good for humanity is not all that bad!! I would think that there may well be fans who might be proud of a Premiership Club who puts their money where their mouth is. 3) "prawn sandwich brigade"...shortly it will become obvious as to what the Club is doing in the Trinity. VERY few fans will be impacted and the overall results for your Club will be very good. Before you believe everything written in the "Mail", you might want to wait to see what the Club's plans are. I am obviously not going to be able to convince you of the fairness of what Randy is trying to do with your Club...you have watched him for two years and have seen how he operates. I would ask you to pm me please so we can dig into this a bit deeper. 2. paulanddonya: I confess that I am not sure what you are saying in paragraphs 1-4...whether you are jerking my chain or what BUT, I can assure you NO ONE at Villa Park or Bodymoor Heath have taken their eye off ManCity. As I noted two weeks ago, the best thing for Villa to do is to "go clean" the rest of the games. Europe is ours to win...or to lose. ManCity, Everton, Wigan...if we win them all, you and I don't need to have any type of discussion re. Europe. 3. RobbieGee: Call Lee Preece re. your Gran and Nicky Keye re. Ticket history.
  5. General Krulak here: 1. Ticket Prices: I honestly do not know what to say...that I haven't said already. Unlike most of you, I have looked at the new prices for other Clubs...similar to us, above us and even a team being relegated. We have, across the board, comparable seats, LOWER prices!!! You all quote percentage increases....but fail to mention or recognize that those percentages are off a base that was HUGELY below other Clubs. People mention TV revenue as if we are making money because of that revenue. Take a look at a year's worth of TV revenue and then look at the price of a couple of players...all of a sudden I think you all will recognize the problem. In today's paper you can read that MON is seeking 80 million pounds for the summer transfer season...Randy, MON and all the Directors (as well as fans) want the Club to challenge for Europe...to challenge the top four...Randy and Martin are on the same sheet of music. BUT then we have some of the same people complaining about ticket prices that are among the LOWEST in the League. As a Director and as a Fan, I am not sure how I can reconcile this sort of mentality. We cannot afford, as a Club or as Fans, to think that we can pass off TV revenue to the Fans in the way of lowered ticket prices and, at the same time, believe that we can spend what is necessary to be a top 4 Club. Randy has money but he does not have that much. I would ask EVERYONE to take a step back and look at the overall facts. We have some of the lowest ticket prices in the League...FAR LOWER than Clubs we are competing against. We have an owner who is doing his level best to take this Club forward...IN ALL AREAS. He has pledged to keep prices down and he has done so. 2. musicw8822: I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say by the comment you highlighted but....fair play to you, because as I re-read it through your eyes, I can see that I didn't articulate myself well. What I was trying to say was that I am very sorry you will not be renewing your season ticket. That I wish you were. I wish we could do "special category fans" who really cannot afford a certain price level. But the reality is, we can't do that. Just determining who would fall in that category would be a nightmare. At the end of the day, if you cannot or will not renew your ticket, someone else is going to get it. I do not mean that in an obnoxious way...I mean it in a factual way. If you do not renew...for whatever reason...that ticket will be gone. I sincerely mean that I am sad that you will not be able to renew...I mean that. 3. Shirt sponsor. Your question will be answered on or about 1 june. 4. 1982: Much of my previous comments re. tickets are directed towards answering your comment about TV revenue. Ticket prices were not nailed down until last Friday...and, for that reason, some of the staff were not fully aware of all ramifications. There were PLENTY of people on hand who did know...if you ever have a question that has not been answered, ask for Nicky Keye at Ticketing. 5. I am not sure what is going to take place re. Mellberg. I again reiterate, it is the Fans, not the Club, who will really demonstrate to Mellberg his place in our hearts.
  6. General Krulak here: 1. Ticket Prices: First off, I believe that Randy has ABSOLUTELY been true to his word. As I may have mentioned before, I personally asked Nicky Keye to provide me ticketing data on 3 Clubs...ManCity, Newcastle and Derby (being relegated) so that I could satisfy myself that we remain a good deal for the fans. Our ticket prices, across the board, are lower than those Clubs..to include Derby!! We have not had a price rise in 3 seasons...and, for the most part, this current rise is well within the percentage range anyone would expect. Where the percentage is higher, we are talking about coming from a dirt cheap price to one that is still lower than the vast majority of ANY Club in the Premiership. I have looked at bromsgrove_avfc chart and, as many of you know, doing numbers and percentages as he has done ALL depends on the baseline. I have seen a similar chart balanced against our competition and we look like we are "Father Christmas." For musicw8832, I am VERY sorry that you will not be renewing your season ticket and that you are obviously upset. I think it is a mistake but it is your choice. I can promise you, someone will buy your seat...they just will. The idea that a 40 million pound TV contract is going to keep ANY Club in the "black" is plain crazy. This is not America where teams have "salary caps" that keep costs down to a known quatity...that is not how the Premiership works. Aston Villa Football Club could not afford to move forward and hold our prices the same for a 4th straight season. We did EXACTLY what I told you we would do...we looked at what other Clubs were doing and we pledged to ourselves that we would remain among the lowest price Club in the Premiership. Randy kept his promise to the Fans!!!! 2. Tickets will be on sale from Wed. 30 April. 3. Yes, we have a "easy payment" scheme. 4. Blandy: As I have mentioned many times on this thread, we will not be opening the gates for people to go out and have a smoke. Sorry. 5. Car Park. We have no control over it. 6. Mellberg: I am not sure what the "end game" will be for this great hero of mine.
  7. General Krulak here: 1. Pelle: Glad you enjoyed it. I enjoyed meeting with many of the folks from your group. 2. Remember for the tribute to Mellberg, the fans are really the key!!
  8. General Krulak here: 1. Thank you all for the kind words...but they all belong to Randy. Although in the background, it is Randy that has done so much...he and our great Manager, Martin "hands ball" O'Neill. 2. Re. Gareth Barry: Obviously we are keen to keep our Captain...he is a superb leader, a great player and a terrific role model for our kids. We will do all in our power to keep him...I can promise you that. At the same time, he plays a huge part in this equation. At the end of the day, he needs to want to stay. The very worst thing we could do would be to try and hold on to a player who wants to leave. I hope that we can show him that his future is, in fact, at the Villa. We will work hard to do just that. 3. Ronk_Villa: Welcome to the thread! 4. Minute of silence: Obviously we will not do anything that is not in accord with the family. This was truly tragic and we all feel for the family...but we should try to not get ahead of their wishes.
  9. General Krulak here: 1. I just got back to the US and I want to give you my view of the weekend. First and foremost, I could hardly sleep Saturday night...I haven't felt that fired up since Desert Storm. Randy and I decided not to sit in the Director's Box...not because of the Gold situation but because we honestly wanted to be with the Fans and see the game from their perspective. Randy spent a good deal of time standing in the Trinity. I spent 20 minutes each in 4 sections of the Holte. SIMPLY PUT, THE DAY WAS AWESOME!!!!! First, the game. I thought the lads never looked better. The pace was dramatic, the play in the center of the field was brilliant...Petrov looks like the man MON signed...NRC has an engine that will NOT stop...and our Captain, well, he was superb. His passes were spot on...all the time. The back line was tight and strong...defending well and pushing forward when needed. The picture of Mellberg coming off the Pitch and pumping his fists will last with me for years. John Carew was unstoppable. They mugged him and still couldn't stop him. Young and Gabby were absolutely too much for anyone to handle. EVERY player was magnificent...and perhaps the best stop of the day was MON's "handball" on the line!! The group I have not mentioned is obvious....YOU, THE FAN!!! Oh my goodness!!! The fans were unbelievable!!! I confess I have not heard such language since the Forces but I loved it. The folks in the Holte End were great...friendly and put up with me in a very kind manner. I had a great view of all the stands and the noise was overpowering. It was great!!! About 2 hours after the game, Randy and I slipped off by ourselves and sat in the Director's Box....the stadium was totally empty....and we just savored the moment. It was the best 15 minutes I have spent at Villa Park. We just sat there and relived the game and, more importantly, the last two years. So much came back to you all...the fans. We are blessed to have people like yourselves...we couldn't be more blessed. Yes, we know things won't always be perfect...and we know we will not always get it right. BUT, please believe me when I say that Randy does want to do the right thing for your Club. :notworthy: 2. After the game and after Randy had gone back to London, I visited 4 Pubs to thank the Fans for their support. First stop was the Barton Arms where I ran into about 15 fans from H&V (I know, a rival site but...they are fans) and had a great time reliving the game. Again, my point in going to the Pubs was not to drink but to send a message of thanks from Randy!!!
  10. General Krulak here: 1. Arrived in B'ham yesterday and had a good meeting with Randy and many of the Leaders at Villa Park. Everyone is hugely excited about the upcoming game....and the following ones too. Lot's of good things going on with your Club. 2. As was mentioned, the flag will not be out for the game...lots of reasons but, as articulated, we want to make it "right"...we don't want a mess up at this game. 3 . In person, the mosaics are absolutely stunning!!! You come towards Villa Park...run into the beautiful Holte Pub and looking over the Pub's "shoulder" is the mosaic...remarkable site...brings tears to your eyes. 4. I will try to get clarification on the UEFA qualification question. I guess I am just simple-minded...my view is that if we win the next 4 games we won't need clarification. We just need to keep winning and things will take care of themselves. 4. The temperature is rising at Villa Park....UP THE VILLA!!!
  11. General Krulak here: 1. As many of your know, I will be off the site until Monday...I am on my way to the UK for meetings and the game. I am HUGELY excited about my first Derby and confess that I am more than mildly nervous about it. I don't think I have felt this way about a NFL game ever!! UP THE VILLA!!! 2. Re. the new kit. Let's just wait and see what it looks like. I think most fans will be happy about the sponsor and happy about the kit. For me to start talking about it is not fair to either the current sponsor or the next. 3. The mosaics are absolutely spectacular. They were Randy's idea entirely and he hopes the fans are pleased with them. They are NOT in competition with "Players" so do NOT worry about that!!! 4. yellow card: Not sure about sitting in Randy's lap...might not be the thing to do. I do know there is one empty seat in the North Stand, 1st level loo.
  12. General Krulak here: 1. On the upcoming game. The Club will put on the Official Web Site some info re. security for the game. Obviously, the police have asked us not to post all that they are doing...might cause troublemakers to alter their plans and render some of what the police are doing ineffective. Keep an eye on the official site and just use common sense as you come to and from Villa Park. 2. Paulanddonya: I will pass on your kind message to both Randy and the Board. As for the season tickets...they will be out soon. We really do not see this as a delay...we are just working on pricing...what is the right construct at this time. 3. Don't worry about the ticket office being "underworked" ...Nicky and her team are always working on something. They will have plenty to fill their days. 4. Yes I have seen the new kit and the sponsor on it. 5. I guess the scariest time I had as a Marine was the first time someone shot at me with intent to kill. Not too much fun. 6. As far as I know, the Holte will be open. This game will not change the way we operate our Hosiptality. 7. I have read the same thing you have read about Gareth Barry. Obviously I am not the one to comment on whether the media have it right or not...it is not my remit to make decisions on players. Gareth is our Captain. 8. 31 May is a good date.
  13. General Krulak here: 1. I posted earlier but somehow it did not "take." 2. The Council does have a say on what happens at Villa Park Simply put, they have cautioned us against persistent standing. What has happened to other Clubs re. this issue...how this stacks up against open terrace standing...how this is dealt with in other stadia is not the issue now. The issue is what happens at Villa Park. We have asked for your help on this issue. We understand we cannot solve it alone. We need your help. I would not be on this site asking for the help of the fans if we didn't need it. 3. The ticket office will be open. 4. Randy and I will be at the game.
  14. General Krulak here: 1. Imagine, today marks my 600th post on Villa Talk!!!!!!! And this is just one of the 4 sites I post on. No wonder Mrs "K" is ready to kill me. 2. Juan Pablo...not sure where that stands right now. My sense is that he is into his season and will not be over for awhile. 3. Semper Fidelis does, in fact, stand for "Always Faithful"...the motto of the US Marine Corps. 4. Right now there is no official connection with a travel company and AVFC. We have been looking into this for the future.
  15. General Krulak here: 1. Great result today!!! What a shot by Petrov...a real beauty. As always, the away fans were magnificent!! :angel: 2. There are many things that I wish we could do with re. to the persistent standing issue...to include getting more clarity on "when" it is allowed. My sense is that we just need to realize that excitement comes over good plays, excitement comes when motivating the lads, excitement comes when we score or our keeper makes a brilliant save, ecitement comes at moments that we all recognize on the Pitch. What the council is concerned about is "persistent" standing...defined as "standing that persists" ie. not sitting down. MANY of you have it right...the Club will be the loser if we can't fix this. We will get fined and it is as simple as that. Yes, the stewards will do what they need to do....but what we don't want is a scene or our own fans getting tossed from the stadium. We aren't asking for an arm or a leg....just a bum in the seat. :angel:
  16. General Krulak here: 1. steveo985: I spoke to Nicky Keye and here is what she had to say. First, she asked to remind you that adults/students could attend VP for any Premiership game (Cat A) for as little as 10- 13 pounds in the N-stand lower. The GOOD news NOW is that there are still seats in the N-stand lower for 12 -17 pounds for the Wigan game. PLEASE call ticket office ASAP as they are going fast!!! 2. brommy: yes, we have asked similar questions. The only issue right now is that we have been offically cautioned about this issue and we need to take action to stop the persistent standing. In many ways, this is like the smoking ban...we don't have to like it...it just is what it is. We are asking for the Fan's help on this...we cannot control it ourselves without causing major problems. We need our Fans to understand that persistent standing puts our club in a financial problem. We will do all in our power to control the away fans...and will do so even if it means throwing folks out of the park. Stating that you or others are "excited" 90 minutes a game is in concert with how I feel (and Randy) BUT, that CANNOT be the excuse we use. I would not be coming on this site and asking for the help of the fans if we REALLY didn't need your help. 2. Yes, the City Board and Management will be invited to our Directors area. 3. As far as it stands now, both Randy and I will be at game. 4. I would say that Richard Fitzgerald's remit has been distributed among many people...but Randy is and has always been the driving force behind the Club.
  17. General Krulak here: 1. First, a request for help!! The Birmingham City Council have put the Club on notice regarding persistent standing. We can incur fines, etc. if this is not brought under control. Obviously, Randy, the Directors and the Club encourage standing and cheering the team over good play or to motivate. The problem is the issue of persistent standing. We recognize it is not just our fans...it is away fans to and we will be addressing them. At the same time, it does involve our fans and it could cost our Club dearly. Please help on this one. :winkold: 2. I will get with John Greenwood and see what we can do re. the Littlewoods web site. 3. Security around the Club. Without going into specifics, we will have security in place well before the weekend in question. 4 the_bubble: First off, welcome to the site!! Secondly, the Flag (which, by the way, is the direct result of a fan suggestion) willl be in its glory for the big game. 5. stevo985: Welcome to the site!!! You pose a good question and I will ask Nicky Keye if she can give me a good answer for you. I will get back to you when I have the answer. Nicky reads the site daily so she will contact me.
  18. General Krulak here: 1. We all recognize that we still have work to do on the official web-site. I can only say that we did a good deal of work to upgrade it last summer. 2. Security for the Derby is foremost in all of our minds. We want a good game with a spirited atmosphere but we do not want hooliganism or disruption. Obviously we are coordinating with the police and doing other things to ensure the safety of ALL fans. We will be putting info on the official web site as we get closer to the game.
  19. General Krulak here: 1. I will look into Bike Locks but the answer will probably end up on "priorities"...with all the issues we have around the stadium, would a special location, totally secure, be something listed as a high priority. We will get there...just not sure it will be this year. 2. I understand your comments about player's pay. I think MON would simply say that many of the most expensive players are playing on "reputation" of years played...not on what they are doing today or will do tomorrow. When Ronaldo cannot break the top 10, you know there is something wrong. 3. I have not seen or heard what Tony Butler wrote or said. What I do know is that Randy is not draining the Club of money...he is spending money on the Club!! Simple as that. I have absolutely NO idea where he got his info re. this coming summer but he is wrong. I think that it is important to recognize that when there is little to talk about, the media will sometimes generate something to talk about. It is called a "slow news day". The hope is that someone will "bite on the hook" and immediately run someone out to refute the comment. I am not doing that....I am repeating what I have said ALL ALONG....Randy WILL SUPPORT MON. 4. I am sure we will recognize Mellberg but the Club's recognition will pale to insignificance when compared to what the fans can do. 5. We are absolutely looking at the issue of providing healthy foods. 7. As of today, we expect the Holte to be open. 8. BOF: I beg you, please do not listen to rumours. I just don't understand how anyone can place any credence in rumors when the Club is clear on most of these issues. 9. We recognize that the on-line shop has its limitations. We will be working on it...we are working on it. 10. Yes, as part of our marketing and sales effort, we look at the number of people who have come to Villa Park...and from where. Demographics play a HUGE role in marketing.
  20. General Krulak here: 1. Player e-mail addresses: They do have addresses but not public. 2. I can assure each of you that I passed on your good wishes to all the members of the Squad...and passed on some specific comments to MON and to Petrov. We were very happy to see him controlling the middle of the field. A few VERY good passes. 3. bubbadog: I will have to check on the Coke issue...you got me on that one. 4. Player Wages: There is no question, the price of a player is pretty stiff. Some are getting paid for what they did several years ago and the reputations they earned at that time. Others are on the way up. The question one might as is what happens to a dressing room when someone comes in a is making 4 times what another star is making. How does that "sit" within a squad? 5. ST should be out the end of this month. 6. heystally!: First off, welcome aboard. You will enjoy the folks on Villa Talk!! I agree that the football played on Saturday was extremely entertaining. I really thought we won the game in the middle of the field...and a lions share of the kudos for that go to Petrov. As for the approaches to Villa Park, we really have no control over those. We are working hard with the community and will hopefully see improvement over time. 7. I have no knowledge of Young, Barry or Gabby leaving. Rumors are just that...rumors.
  21. Generaal Krulak here: 1. dirk1978: I passed your message on to MON who passed it on to Barry. Barry indicated that he would try to use his head and foot against Bolton. 2. mark8691: NO WAY will I vote for McCain!!!! I have had enough of men who will not or cannot listen. 3. Great game today. Youngs service to Barry got us going and it was good from then on. Sure was nice to control the middle of the field...Petrov looked good. 4. kerms: Yes, the discount WILL continue. We have had many of your colleagues take part.
  22. General krulak here: 1. dirk1978: Welcome to Villa Talk!! You will find the folks on this site very knowledgeable and not above taking a swipe at the General when needed. As for Barry and MON....I am not sure Martin would care what I said to him about the players. I think all of us just want to get our form back...and, hopefully, that happens tomorrow. 2. srsmithusa: You tell me when you are planning to be in the UK for a game and I will help you set it up so that it will be a real treat. I can assure you, many on this site will give you chapter and verse on what to do and what to see and where to go. 2.
  23. General Krulak herre: 1. I wrestled in the NCAA's. 2. Please do not ask me to get into a discussion about another Club's ticket pricing....seems like the last time I did that, I made news for weeks. I think you are just trying to wind me up. 3. Yes, I am looking for a small flat in the B'ham area.
  24. General Krulak here: 1. Yes, we will see the Youth Team and the Cup. 2. I loved being a Marine AND I love being a Villan!! Both give a great sense of satisfaction even when things are not totally going right. 3. I am not sure why the Holte closed so quickly....I will ask Alison to answer that one for me. She reads this thread daily as does Nicky Keye...and if they miss a day, one will contact the other. 4. YES, we want to compete with the likes of ManU. Obviously, that doesn't take place during one transfer window. 5. Paulthevillan: Huh????? What are you asking lad??
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