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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here: 1. paulanddonya: Prices have not been set as yet...and we aim to keep them "rationale". You are correct re. Agents...and it is something that the Association is going to have to face....because they aren't going away. One look at American football and you will know what I mean. 2. Villaboy: Will get it fixed.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. ramshackler: There is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for a fan/customer/anyone to be treated with such disrespect. The correct answer and explanation should have been readily available and, if not, should have been obtained w/o theatrics. I aplogize to you for what was obviously an unsatisfactory situation. I would ask that you call John Greenfield and explain to him what happened...let him know I asked for you to call him. Additionally, I will ask him to read your post. 2. I have done a good deal of research into the AVTV situation. There is no question that the content at this time of year is a bit "slower" than during the season. At the same time, AVTV will be the place to see the entire press conference for our new signings (yes, we will have new signings) and will offer exclusive interviews with the new players. We are currently working on highlighting the stuff going on behind the scenes with the Trinity Road project, new training pitches, etc. AVTV will be covering all games...Intertoto and (hopefully) UEFA games. As for the MacIntosh problem...you are absolutely correct....not compatible at present. We are working hard and fast to sort this out. As an aside, the OS is not intended to be a rumor mill. When we have a real announcement to make, it will be made. The Acorns is a case in point. The deal was known well before it was formally announced...it was in all the media. We could NOT put it on the OS because that would have violated our agreement with 32Red.com.
  3. General krulak here: 1. tvillian: Obviously we have zero control over rumours...players or Acorns. As soon as we have a signing locked down and I can say something, I will post it on this thread....and will have the OS do likewise. 2. VillaEire: Give John Greenfield a call at the Villa Shop and let him know that you are having a problem...he will sort it for you. 3 I have not seen the mobile phone footage...always a bummer when you bang a boat of the bottom.
  4. General Krulak here: 1. You will start reading many rumours of players and offers, etc. etc. As I have said before, they are only rumours....when we have nailed someone down, we will immediately let you know. 2. The Suffering Villa: Nice logo!!! Probably would sell well at Villa park. 3. AVTV: If I have not been specific enough on this question, it is because we are still working the various issues. obviously, we want it to work with a Mac...but equally important, we want it to be a value proposition. We have work to do. 4. The_Dogs_Danglies: You, mate, have too much spare time on your hands!!!!!! 5. roadoftrinity: I believe I did answer your question. At the macro level, we do want to bring folks to the Park early and have them enjoy themselves before the game...and after the game. This is what happens at Football Games in the US. Of course, at the US we have large car parks where tailgate parties, etc. can take place. We are currently spending quite a bit of time trying to see what can be done at Villa Park. You raise the issue of TV. Again, we have a problem. We have contracts with advertisers that cause us to meet certain pre-game time slots. Again, we are looking at the cost/benefit of having such contracts. Your question does not have a simple answer or we would have fixed it right away.
  5. General krulak here: 1. Player sponsorship...Nike, Adidas, etc. is strictly between player and sponsor. The Club does not take it into account in transfers. 2. I will try and stay out of the lager business. Many fans I know like Carlsberg...it's a matter of taste...literally. 3. MON works players...not Bob Kain. If he can help, he will but that is not his remit.
  6. General Krulak here: 1. Terrytini: Yes, I did understand what you were saying and I tried to say that I agreed with you....and that people staying late is our goal overtime. You mentioned a "cuppa and TV." Sounds simple but....one of the big issues is simply how many of the catering staff do we retain and for how long after the game. There are pretty large sums of money involved here and we need to "get it right." That is why I mentioned the need to ensure we have things that will attract people to stay...and a way to estimate what that number might be. This is the sort of thing we are working on. 2. We do have an exclusive on the lager so we need to be very careful that we do not violate the deal. 3. Web Site: We recognize we still have difficulties and are working on them. 4. Ksarge1: We had a military day last season....and we loved it. We will be doing something this year too. 5. Paulanddonya: A) Liverpool knows EXACTLY what our price is...and has yet to hit it. We have not set a deadline as yet. Your assumption about disruption is way off. It may be a big deal for the media and for the fans but the Squad is not distracted...our Coaches will not let that happen. These are pros and they see this sort of thing often...maybe not with Villa but this is not a surprise to them. We would absolutely deal with Liverpool if they had someone we wanted. We would not cut off our nose to spite our face. C) Not sure about friendly...and not sure I will get into that issue....that is for MON to decide along with Randy. D) Acorns vs regular sponsor. We will meet that issue later this year...no decision has been made. 6) OutbyEaster: Interesting idea. 7) Ricardomeister: I will get clip to MON immediately!! 8) John Goodman: Please call John Greenfield...he can help.
  7. General krulak here: 1. Roger up on the AVTV on line....I will get on it. 2. Hobbo: Interesting that out of my entire post you pick up on the tongue in cheek comment. Re-read....there are some important points that were made. You may not like them but they are my answer...whether liked or not. I can't do better than that.
  8. General Krulak here: 1. hobbo: You may feel better for getting "it off your chest" but all you have done is cranked up my frustration level a few notches. Your post seems to take for granted that each transfer season we sit on our hands for the first 3/4th of the season and then pick up the scraps at the end. NOTHING could be further from the truth. Today we are working the transfer issue! Yesterday we were working the transfer issue! Tomorrow we will be working the transfer issue! We have brought in good players! We have spent money! Take a look at the roster and look at the players we have brought in....there are some quality lads there and they are the type of players that MON wants. Not every player who has a "single" name is the type who will fit in our system...yes, a "Fido" might sound like a good name to get but all he is interested in is a bone!! MON knows who he wants and who he needs...today and for the future...and is GOING AFTER THEM!! I sometimes feel that people believe it is as simple as picking up the phone...calling the manager/owner and putting in an offer and just waiting. :? It does NOT work that way. There are agents who fit right in the middle of all of this and add a degree of complexity that is amazing. There are other clubs who are also looking for "good players." There are regulations that must be followed, legal steps to be taken, etc. etc. When you, hobbo, make a comment like you make...it may lighten your load but it also indicates that you are not giving much thought to your statement. What makes a "failed" window??? That we didn't get a player of the calibre that you wanted?? That we somehow missed a possibility? Simply put, every window, to AVFC, as been pretty darn successful. Most were unhappy with this past winter BUT, the players we would have wanted just were not available. Not too many Clubs are going to be peddling their good players in the middle of the season. 2. Hobbo: You also want more "communications." Positions, numbers, amount to spend, etc. etc. Why would that make ANY sense to put on an open web site????? Why would you want your club to tip off our opposition and alert agents that they have a potential "goose that laid the golden egg"?? Come on!! PLEASE calm down about Transfers...we are working the issue...we are not sitting on our hands...Randy WILL support a budget that MON desires. I honestly do NOT know what more I can say about this. 3. We have sold approximately 12,000 season tickets so far...ahead of schedule. You will be able to purchase tickets at the Center City store in about two weeks. 4. We are looking at the collection box idea right now. As you can imagine, there are a few issues we need to resolve in this area. 5. Leaving after the game. At the end of a game, we would like to reach the situation where a fan, group of fans, family, etc. feel they have a good reason to remain at Villa Park to enjoy the area. Right now, we are not where we want to be to make that a reality. We are working on it. 6. Holte pub. As I have said before, we recognize the admission policy did not work too well this past year and we are looking at ways of improving itl. Bodymoor Heath. I do NOT recall ever having said that people cannot get a look at our training ground. What I might have said is that we have not set up a tour apparatus yet...but we will be doing so.
  9. General Krulak here: 1. Paddy: So happy to hear the scans are clear...an answer to prayer. Have a great trip and get back home for the game. No, we do not have a vacation planned this summer. 2. Acorns: It is all pretty much out by now. Simply put, we had some offers for shirt sponsors but we did not believe they valued the Villa name to the degree we wanted. Although the money was greater than our last sponsor, like the Barry situation, we had a figure in mind and we were not going to sell our name for less than that figure. All along Randy has been very interested in the great work that Acorns does...and has been touched by the children they help. Even before the "numbers" came in on the sponsor offers, Randy was wondering what the Club could do to really help Acorns. A direct contribution was considered but that was not "lasting" to the degree desired. Randy finally decided to form the partnership with Acorns and the director of that charity asked that we not make a direct contribution but that we move forward with the name on the shirt. They felt, as do we, that the publicity will more than equal any direct contribution. Even now, that has proven to be true. More importantly, the future will be great....our players in Europe this summer, in the Premiership this coming season AND, most importantly, our Fans as walking advertisments for this wonderful Charity. We are very pleased and so are Acorns.
  10. General Krulak here: 1. VillaN.I: No, that would not be correct. The legal department is involved in all aspects of the transfer season...whether we are talking about buying or selling....expat or UK...advance stage or just beginning. The quicker the legal department is involved, the better. It is NOT an indication that something is eminent.
  11. General Krulak here: 1. I am sorry that the Barry saga continues but.....as I have said and MON reiterated....we are no longer a Club that sells at any price because a "big" Club comes courting. All of this will eventually come to an end and the result will be positive for the Villa which ever way it goes. 2. Activity continues in the Transfer arena. MON remains busy and so do his coaches and our legal department. It is too soon for any announcements but just know that the lack of word does not connote lack of activity. 3. The work on the Trinity Road continues to progress. The article in the paper pretty much tells the story. The renovation is NOT just about the "prawn sandwich" brigade....it is about fans caring about the Club. Randy has made sure that the ethos of our Club is seen throughout the new areas.
  12. General Krulak here: 1. I am back from my trip and see that I have many questions...most focused on the Barry issue and the Transfer season. As you all know, I have no part in transfers...MON and Randy have that in their remit. At the same time, let me try to shed some light on comments made...and I will get to other questions asked, later. a) Barry. I am not sure what you want the Club to say that we haven't already said. MON has clearly and succinctly stated 1) We do NOT want Barry to leave. We have made this abundently clear to him from a financial standpoint and a "future CL" standpoint. 2) MON has categorically and emphatically REJECTED ALL offers made for Barry by Liverpool. ALL of this has been reported in the media on MULTIPLE occasions. It is no secret that Barry wants to play in the CL and has made that clear to the Club. IF and I only say IF Barry leaves, it will be at OUR price...NOT some other Club's price! Simple as that! We will NOT be dictated to by another Club. b. We are deeply into the transfer business. MON is talking to players, to Agents, and to other Clubs. Just because your Club does NOT conduct our business in the local papers does not mean that MON is "kicking back" in a pub in Europe having a cold lager!! He is doing what every other manager is doing....dealing for players. The fact that one Club or two has picked up a player does NOT mean that the rest of the Managers in the Premiership (to include MON) are somehow not doing the job. This sort of discussion is meaningless when someone just takes a moment to think about what they are saying....that somehow Managers aren't working this month. c. Surprisingly, MON CAN COUNT!!!! He knows the number of players on his Squad and knows how many play on the Pitch at one time. He also knows when our competition begins. Equally if not more important, his job depends on him being able to count....which is more than I can say about MY job!!! Don't you think that on the 12th of June we can cut him a wee bit of slack and agree that he knows we need players and he knows when the Intertoto begins. d. Being made to look like a "small" Club because we haven't gone to the FA over Liverpool. First off, that is an assumption!! No one on this site knows what the Club has done and no one will. I have said on more than one occasion that your Club does not act like that...we do not air our gripes and moans in public. That being said, that does not mean that we haven't said something. The key point is that whatever has been done, it has been done professionally and according to what real sportmen do...which is not run our issues thru the B'ham Mail. e. evnsj6. I think I have pretty much answered your post. Now answer mine: What did you mean by "Board arguments"???? I am sure you were not talking about our Board. We have a great Board....most have worked with each other for years....and there has not been a single "argument" within our Board since its inception. f. Focus: I can assure you that NO ONE at Villa Park or at Bodymoor Heath is losing their focus because of the Barry saga. It is just another player transaction...and is being dealt with like anyone else. The fans may find it a huge distraction but we don't. It is, indeed, a saga!!! All sagas have a beginning and an end....and this one will too. The person who loses his/her focus over something like this will never be very successful. MON and his leaders know what needs to be done...Barry is a piece of the puzzle BUT not the entire puzzle. This saga will end and when it does, it will end under our terms, NOT another Club's.
  13. Gneral Krulak here: 1. I will be off the site until Thursday....will be traveling the early part of the coming week. 2. Favorite song: "Hey Jude". 3. I love the movies...and most war films are not very good or authentic. 4. I think Sen. Obama has a pretty good chance. For the first time in a long time, the VP choice will play a pretty big role. If Obama can pick someone with solid foreign policy credentials I think it will help him a good deal. 5. Mike Preece: Where and when is the wedding. Guest of Honor is no...but I would be honored to be a guest. 6. There are no plans at the present to put Executive Boxes in the Holte End. 7. Villa Store: It is our hope and prayer that our relationship with Nike will negate the need for separate Villa Stores around the country. We want our kit in every Nike store. 8. Paul McGrath: We would love to get him back. 9. Kemp: Kings Bay...my son was stationed there for over 3 years on a nuclear powered submarine. It is right on the Coast...just north of the Florida line so you can quickly get down to see Cape Canaveral or up to see St. Simons Island. There are plenty of good beaches...just know it will be very hot...bring your sun tan lotion. 10. Who is in charge of football operations: MON is in charge. As I have mentioned before, MON does NOT have to be sitting at his desk at Bodymoor Heath with his hand on the phone ready for a call to conduct business. Believe it or not, we are actually in the age of technology. There are faxs, video-teleconferences, planes, trains, and automobiles, etc. etc. Randy actually does business w/o having to see the people he does business with face-to-face. Whe it comes to signing on the dotted line, it can be done. MON is able to meet with players and agents....Premiership Managers are not running around meeting with players and agents on their "turf"...they set a time and place and work out what needs to be worked out. Not to worryy!!!
  14. General Krulak here: 1. New executive seat sales are well ahead of schedule...response has been superb. 2. If I had a choice of a new player to sign? My wife, right back. 3. 6+5 ruling: I know nothing more than what you know. I do not think a dictate like that would fly right now...not in this environment. We are not spending a good deal of time planning for it. 4. Platini: Interestingly, I do think some of his comments have merit. His concern about debt. His concern that Clubs can "buy" a Championship at the expense of debt. I do not agree with the foreign ownership comments....certainly not with Randy. 5. At the end of the day, Hillary voters will vote overwhelmingly for Obama. 6. Doug Ellis stand will remain. 7. peter1968: My view is simple...you are reading what the media is saying. None of us know what is really happening with ManU on this issue and you certainly don't know what Villa has done. We understand that there are fans who believe that airing all of this in the media somehow makes us "macho"...somehow says we are a big club, not to be fooled with. We think that is horse-hockey. We are not going to be drawn into that sort of media frenzy...no matter how many fans pressure us to do so. It is NOT how we believe you run a professional club. What happens needs to happen among professionals...not debated or shouted from the roof tops in the media. I am sorry if that is not what you would like to hear, but it is what it is.
  15. General Krulak here: 1. Re. the media comments about X-million pounds + Crouch....the media!!!! 2. V111AFC: I have NO idea...perhaps it is the old "disinformation" campaign. I honestly can think of several reasons to put that out...and you can too.
  16. General Krulak here: 1. Transfer: As I have said a thousand times, I am not involved in transfers. But let me tell you what I PERSONALLY think...NOT official...just ME. 1) VERY FEW Clubs have signed anybody! Simple as that. Lots of talk but VERY little action. Why? Because we are ALL in the feeling out stages. Remember, it is NOT just the player and the Club....there are folks called agents who are smack dab in the middle of all this. We make an offer...the agent gets it and may well "shop it around." So when I hear people talking about all the action of other Clubs I have to chuckle...because if truth be known, very littl;e has happened. Obviously Barry and the Club are talking...we are not idiots...not is he. It is in all of our best interests to talk this through. The fact that no decision has been announced does not portend bad things...OR good. It is just that there is nothing to announce. I hope the vast, vast, majority of you all realize that a GOOD DEAL of activity is taking place...but there are many aspects to what is going on. Key for ALL to remember is that NONE of this is done just between the player and the Club...there are always agents and, at least, one or two other Clubs. 'Nuff said. 2. Dollar will go up. 3. Obama will probably win but closer than expected. Of course that is now...I may give a different answer in a couple of months. 4. No addtional friendlies on tap. 5. HOK will have something soon. 6. Trinity pictures will go on web....all you would see now is a large cavern.
  17. General Krulak here: 1. Lots of good ideas re. fundraising for Acorns. I am forwarding them in as we get them. The one that will not work is the old "Krulak run the marathon trick"...not gonna happen. I work out everyday but my knees cannot take the pounding anymore. 2. Never been to Cosat Rica. 3. Folks are looking at travel packages now. 4. Nick76: Two suggestions. 1) contact Duncan Riddle at AVFC and see what he can do or 2) go straight to Acorns and I am sure they will act as the sponsor/go-between to set this up. 5. Beasley: IF the Lord spoke to me, I would jump through hoops to do what he wanted. Maybe he would point me towards a right back. 6 Season Tickets: Approximately 5450 sold to date....against a target of 3600 for this date. Thingsd are going well.
  18. General Krulak here: 1. I just want all to know that I have sent your posts on to Randy and the Board. They wanted me to express their appreciation for your understanding and support of this effort re. Acorns. 2. Gabby 15: The name on the shirt is just a small part of what we have going with Acorns. Obviously there are direct donations but also we have a big effort to get players out there often. Dinner? Right off the top of my head without any major thought..Jesus, Robert E. Lee, Lawrence of Arabia, Rommel, and "Stonewall" Jackson...and no, he isn't a member of the "Jackson Five." What I would stop? My wife beating me in my first marathon...the end of any "bragging rights" I ever had. Next thing I know, she wil be playing right back!!
  19. General Krulak here: 1. We have been getting some nice "help" as a result of the acorns announcement...help for acorns. This is going to be really good for the children...truly. Believe it or not, there are many people who do not know the charity but will so know all about it. Our lads will go to the Intertoto with acorns emblazoned on their chests...and then on to the Premiership. 2. Gizmo: You found us out!!! I confess...it is all a communist plot...led by a midget Marine. 3. denis_b: A VERY good idea. 4. paulanddonya: There is a very good chance that my wife will be coming to the UK to play for Villa as a right back.
  20. General Krulak here: 1. ACORNS: A little bit about this relationship. This was NOT a case of your Club not being able to find sponsors...in fact, we had a few in line. The reality was that the Club will NOT sell its name cheaply...those days are over. Randy has a very deep and sincere spot in his soul for children in need. He has been very aware of ACORNS and what they have done and continue to do for sick youth. He decided that he was not going to fool around with potential sponsors who did not value the Villa brand. It was a very easy decision...go with a sponsor that had a deep and meaningful appeal to him and to the Club AND that would benefit greatly by the partnership. There is no question that ACORNS will benefit by this relationship. This was NOT some PR stunt...no one gives up sponsorship money for a PR stunt. This action was taken because Randy is a special type of person...a person who truly does believe in giving back to the community. At the same time, he does NOT want this to be about Randy Lerner...and you must take that seriously. This is ALL ABOUT ACORNS AND ASTON VILLA FOOTBALL CLUB!!!! This is NOT about Randy!! The focus should and must be on ACORNS and the VILLA!!! Please!! ACORNS does great things for children and that fact MUST be at the forefront of everything. 2. What do I look forward to this upcoming season? I look forward to a continued upward move and consistent performances on the Pitch. 3. I am currently in the US but will be returning to UK soon. 4. Razor: Sponsor...see above. 5. Transfers can be consumated if MON is on the moon!!!! Seriously, agreements by phone/fax/paper are not unusual. Folks need to stop worrying about where MON is and what technology can or cannot do. 6. Suffering villa: Great shirt but....I like ACORNS!! 7. rc_villa1972: I am sure that ACORNS can get you into the marathon if you agree to wear the shirt, etc. If that doesn't work, contact Duncan Riddle at AVFC and he may be able to sort it. 8. Kit Questions: We will only be having Home/Away shirts for sale this season. We will have a home Ladies shirt available along with a ladies generic Nike range of clothing throughout the season. The new kit will be released to the public the 1st week of July and we will be taking orders from that date. Home kit goes on sale in store on or about 24 July and away kit goes on sale in store on or about 21 August.
  21. General Krulak here: 1. Yes to yearbook. 2. US is years behind England. The issue is the experience of the coaches who are dealing with the 4-6 years old and up here in the US. Many of the coaches are simply moms or dads trying to help out...they don't know the game and don't know how to coach. Until we straighten this out, we will not be competitive. My sense is that when this current generation of High School and University players start coaching, we will be better off. 3 Fuse: No more on Barry. No more on tapping. If you think, for a nano-second, that I am going to come on this web site and start talking about what we have or have not done re. tapping...or when Randy, MON and Barry are meeting next, you are sadly mistaken. Try to remember that more than fans read this site. 4. Villafromluton: I am not sure whether you were asking if Randy and I were close. Simply put, we are very close. I consider him a son...and a dear friend. He looks at me in much the same way...except for the age. We talk or e-mail daily. I have HUGE respect for him and for what he is doing with his life. 5. I am not sure about the 3rd kit but will ask. The first view of the new kit will come before our first Intertoto game. We hope to have women's gear this coming year. 6. Yes, I have been to Camden Yards. What you experienced is repeated around the US at almost every sporting event...the tailgate party. We would LOVE to see that sort of thing happen at Villa. The only drawback is the lack of parking because most of the tailgating takes place there.
  22. General Krulak here: 1. Barry: This is my last post on this subject since many of you obviously have not read what I have written before. Please go back and read my multiple posts on this same subject...stop "not liking" my answers and therefore disregarding them or somehow gaffing them off. They are the answer...busting my chops over the answer is not going to change the answer. As I have said MANY times, your Club wants our Captain to stay! MON and Randy have personally given that message to Barry face-to-face! MON has TWICE firmly rejected the Liverpool offer...and done so in writing and over the phone. The desire of some of you for us to change the way we operate this Football Club and take this issue to the media...to complain publically...is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!! You may believe that makes us look like wimps and pushovers...so be it!! We know who we are and how we have conducted ourselves in multiple business opportunities...to include another sports franchise. I have heard you and so has Randy....and we have decided to act like we have always acted...as professionals who have built reputations over the years of acting in a manner that brings credit to our efforts and results in successes over a long time. Whinging and moaning...publically...does not fit into our makeup. I am VERY sorry if this disappoints some of you. For those who understand what we are doing and why...and who trust us to do right by the Club....thank you!!
  23. General Krulak here: 1. This is about the 10th time I have said the following...on mulitple sites: You all have seen how Randy and MON and your Club operate. We try to be as professional as we can possibly be. We do not air our dirty laundry for others to see and we do not seek to have other Clubs air theirs. We do not publically whinge or whine...we take issues of import and deal with them professionally and, if possible, out of the media. Those of you who cry for Liverpool's head or their Manager's head or Gerrard's head are NOT going to get that from Randy, MON or your Club. That is NOT how we handle these types of things. I suggest that if you do not agree with the path your Club is following re. the issue, that you start swallowing maalox because we are not going to change the way we feel we should be acting. A truly professional Club acts like a professional Club...even when the going gets a wee bit tough.
  24. General Krulak here: 1. Randy and MON are NOT "taking a break." They have been in communications on a daily basis and Randy is over there right now. NOT TO WORRY!!! 2. Doug Ellis is doing fine. I see him at every game. 3. V111AFC: Wow...why don't you tell us how your really feel???? Simply put, neither Randy, MON nor I give a tinker's damn about how the media have dealt with the rumors involving Liverpool, etc. There is not a single fan (to include V111AFC) who know what the reality is re. Liverpool and their interest in Barry. What the media may say...how they put forth their views...how they operate during these transfer windows...all are out of our control and therefore we spend minimal time on it. Fans may think folks are taking the "mickey" out of the Club but NONE of us feel that way. I am sorry if there are fans who do feel that way but...it is what it is. Our WHOLE sense is that of a BIG Club...and whinging and whining about Liverpool or another Club is NOT something that we would do.
  25. General Krulak here: 1. We certainly recognize the distribution issue for our shirts, etc. Bob Kain and others are working on this right now. 2. Randy and I have talked about TV several times. We are not sure that now is the time for starting a TV station for Villa. I think we believe we have more important "needs" for money right now....but that does not mean that we won't look at it in the future.
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