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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. General krulak here: 1. I will check with the O/S and see if I can get the "countdown" fixed and, more importantly, get the fixtures straight. 2. Let me see what the scoop is on the GK shirt...I will get back to you.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. Unfortunately, I will not be at the kit unveiling tomorrow....I will be flying out to see my 96 year old father in San Diego...bringing him his new acorn kit!! I do not think there is anything nefarious in not having a keeper there....not even sure there won't be one. What I don't want people thinking is that a new player will pop up wearing the kit...I think that would be a wee bit strange.
  3. General Krulak here: 1. John, Hobbo and others: As I have said a million times (almost), I have zero to do with Transfers!! BUT, what I DO know is that MON is working very hard during this window and has the TOTAL, 100% backing of Randy!!! I don't know what more you all want. You talk about MON and a "trend"....this talk is based SOLELY on your view of what is a successful window...and not on what MON sees. I honestly believe that some of you would like to see MON go out and buy players just for the hell of it...nothing to do with what he feels he needs or feels "fit" the team. Just get numbers and all will be fine. I have watched the man closely and that is not his style at all. He knows who he wants and the type of player that will make us function most effectively on the Pitch under his scheme. Why can't we just take it at face value and let the man do his job. I am sure that there are names out there that each of you would love to see on the squad...the infamous "world class". Well, maybe, just maybe, MON does not agree with who you think we need. As long as he is the Manager, we need to ensure he has the money he needs to do the job, ensure he has the support from the Club AND ensure that we don't micro-manage him. This is not "rose-tinted glasses"...this is just letting the man who we are paying to do the job...do the job. 2. hobbo: It really gets to me when someone writes that we are about to lose the "good will of the fans" or that we need to be spending the money the fan brings to the Club. What do you think we are doing....making money??? Filling up our bank accounts??? Every fan has access to our P&L and can obtain it from multiple sources. Before you accuse us of not spending money on the Club, you need to get educated on what you are talking about. If we are going to lose the "good will" of the fans, it should be over something factual...not BS!!!! Randy Lerner has NEVER said no to MON...ever. At the same time, Randy is NOT going to micro-manage the man he has hired to Manage this Club. The day the Board or the Owner starts doing the Manager's job is the day I would expect the Manager to say, "adios." Let's allow MON the opportunity to do his job...and let's stop treating fan's "good will" as some sort of bargaining chip. We do EVERYTHING possible to keep the fan's "good will" but we do so because we feel they are part of the Club...NOT because we are threatened. 3. maekavfc40: Do I ever wish I didn't come on the thread during Transfer Time? Hmmmmm, I guess I wouldn't be truthful if I said the thought didn't cross my mind. BUT, I made a vow that I would be on this thread and have been on it for almost 2 years now. I have posted on 4 sites over 2400 times...so I think I have kept my word. ALL I ask is for everyone to show respect...not just to me, but to ALL people who post. 4. I have been told we will have women's gear...I will check tomorrow.
  4. General Krulak here: 1. When you have a problem with tickets...either regular season, intertoto or Europe...call Nicky Keye. She will sort this out. The tickets for home intertoto go on sale for ST holders on Monday. We NEED as many fans as possible at the game to cheer on the lads. We have made the price of tickets very inexpensive so that we can get as many people yelling in the stands as possible. This will be an important game for us and the more people there, the better. This is NOT a plea for "revenue"...the price of tickets is not high. This is a plea for support of our lads.
  5. General Krulak here: 1. 21,000 ST todate...ahead of schedule.
  6. General krulak here: 1. svenne: Scarf on the way!!
  7. General krulak here: 1. The Irish Market: It may seem like we are not doing much in Ireland but I can assure you, we are. We are in contact with retail stores all over the Country with the aim of making Villa a center point in sports sales. We have other ideas lined up because we realize we have a fine fan base there. 2. chefdoc2000. Simply put, I fully understand why you are cancelling your subscription to AVTV!!! That is a hard thing for me to say but I say it. What I can tell you is that your Club is aware of the problems with AVTV and are working hard to upgrade the capability and make it something that is worthy of this Club. You will see a change in the coming months....but until then, I fully respect your decision. I wish I could say "don't do it" but I can't and won't. What I will say is that we are going to fix it...to INCLUDE MAC capable. 3. ozvillafan: Thank you and thank you for your support so far away. 4. "Hen pecked" ...ABSOLUTELY!!! When I cross the threshold of the house, she puts on 5-stars and I get sorted!! 5. chips'gravy: A "surprise" signing....that is an interesting question. Villa has been tied to so many rumours of so many players that I am not sure anyone could be a "surprise." I sure as heck know that the term "World Class" is not going to creep into anything I say!!!!!! Bottom Line: MON has a list of very solid players that he is after...and many of them are known by all of you. He has a canny way of getting people who fit into his scheme and do well. He will bring them in.
  8. General Krulak here: 1. As you can imagine, these have been two very busy days...sorry I have been off the net. 2. Barry: We are no different than any organization that has people under contract...those people can expect to be treated with respect and dignity and in return, we expect them to abide by the clauses in their contract. When they do not, they can expect to be disciplined. To not do so would be a huge mistake and send the wrong signal to others who are watching this saga. Knowing Randy, the fine money will go where it needs to go. The price for Barry has been set from the very beginning. L'pool knows what that price is. They must meet the price or the deal will not happen. Neither Randy, nor MON nor I believe it is wise to put that price out for all to see....for many reasons. I think you all have seen that we are unwavering on this issue re. Barry...which is all you really need to know. I think most of you can suss out the price if you want to....just know that we are not a feeder club and we are not a bargain basement....we are Aston Villa Football Club!! 2. Randy has NEVER closed his check book....it is open and always has been. Randy has never said no to MON. 3. dcdedi: 1) I was unaware that ManCity has signed Ronaldinho...when did that happen? I thought that they had just mentioned they would like to have him. My friend, talk is cheap!!! 2) Ronaldinho may be the greatest player since Pele...or not. The question is can he "fit" into the ManCity scheme? My point is simple: MON knows what we need to make the Squad stronger....he knows the type of player that does well for him...he knows what a prima donna can do to Squad chemistry. Let the man do his job and if, at the end, he doesn't...then have your go. 4. RossAndreas: I have only said the following to 3 people on all the sites I post on..."Let's agree to disagree." If you believe that the role of the Board of Directors is tied to decent acquisitions, then we will never come to an agreement. Simply put, the Board does not have a role in Player Personnel....that is the job of our Manager and those who support him. The Board supports Villa in many, many, ways but we do NOT get involved in players. I have watched other Boards get involved and cause HUGE problems...both with the NFL and the Premiership. We have learned from both observation and experience that when a Board starts micro-managing the Manager and Coaches, the end is not far off. BAD IDEA!!! If you want to personally hold me accountable for this Transfer Season...fine, I will take it because we will have a good one. 5. keystally: Take your pack of lad and chill....all will be fine. Let's see, how long has the window been "officially" open??? 6. paulanddonya: Will do!! I met fabio once and he appeared to be the "real deal." Smart, competent, dedicated. 7. MON knows what day it is and how many days until competition. He also knows the size of the Squad. He also knows what the phone is for, what the fax is for, what personal visits are for, etc. etc. etc. He is NOT sitting on his bum.
  9. General Krulak here: 1. ferguson1. You raised some points that I honestly don't think we have given much thought to...and they are good ones. I will pass them on. 2. Article on Barry: I think it pretty much said what needed to be said. The comments about MON were uncalled for and inaccurate. 3. My sense is that Randy and I will be at Intertoto if at all possible. 4. Browns understand Villa...and the need for Randy to spend time here. The Browns are running smoothly right now...getting ready for a good camp and then the season. 5. Davies is ours. 6. No nicknames at this time. I had a few in the Corps but none fit to print here. 7. nick76: As a fan myself, I admit to the same frustrations as you have. I want to see a legion of players coming down Trinity Road RIGHT NOW...but this is not the way things happen in the Premiership. There is constant give and take with Clubs, players and agents...and getting ink on the contract is not something that happens overnight. Just please know that MON is talking and calling and visiting and seeing.
  10. General Krulak here: 1. Wrafey: You can get his number thru reception...tell him I asked you to call. 2. Fuse: My sense is that Randy's knowledge may well come in handy. Again, he would not interfere with MON and only get involved if asked by the man he has charged to "make it happen." 3. RossAndreas: Your entire rant is based upon the premise that we aren't going about doing the job. With that as a premise, I don't know what to say other than you are wrong. "Actions speak louder than words"...not a bad quote. Did you see any "action" on the Pitch last year with this "pitifully small squad"? "Someone at the board level has to monitor the situation or help MON to ensure that we don't waste another transfer window." Are you serious???????? You want me...or Bob Kain...or Bob Martin to monitor the situation or help MON avoid wasting "another transfer window"? I am sure...I am positive...that Martin would really appreciate me "helping him"...let's see Martin, I think you ought to pick up the phone now and call player X or their agent. I don't mind answering questions but when you put a rant like this on the site, I have to chuckle to myself. I know 1/10th of what the VAST majority of you all know about football...but you, my friend, appear to be my equal!! Welcome aboard. I cannot wait to offer my "help" to Martin....and I will give you his reply as soon as I peel him off the ceiling. You are joking aren't you???
  11. General Krulak here: 1. There is no doubt that there are some aspects of the Premiership Transfer concept that is more convoluted than the US. At the same time, much is the same. The role of the Agent is gaining more and more "importance" in British Football...it has already been very important in the US. The "old" interface between the Club and the Player now has become a "triangle" and not always a "love triangle." 2. MON's comments on the Barry issue pretty much tell the tale. It is now up to the fans as to who they believe. I can state, unequivocally, that MON hit the nail on the head....and was kind to Barry in doing so. We have tried very hard to be professional in all of this...and we will continue to do so. L'pool knows our price...they either will pay it or not. 3. Randy supports MON!! Randy does NOT require MON to sell ANYONE to buy ANYONE. Transfers are the sole purview of MON...with the total, unabridged backing of Randy. The economy doesn't matter, the Browns don't matter, acorns doesn't matter....Randy WILL support.
  12. General Krulak here: 1. Barry: Obviously I am not going to get into a debate with Gareth Barry on a Fan Web Site...it would not be professional and it is not the way I operate. At the same time, I would expect the Fans to take a step back and think about this issue. Barry is the Captain of our Squad. Barry has played for us over the years. Barry has been successful for Aston Villa Football Club and, recently, been successful for the English Side. Does any Fan actually believe that we have just waved goodby? Does any Fan actually believe that we haven't spoken to Gareth or his Agent? Does any Fan actually believe that no one has told Gareth that he is valued? These are simple questions but ones that I hope you would ask yourself. Our Fans are pretty savvy folks...and I have confidence that they will come up with the right answers. Our Fans certainly do not need me to engage in a debate...they can think for themselves. 2. Transfer Window: For about the 1000th time, I am not involved in the Transfer Window. I am probably as anxious as anyone on this site. At the same time, I am not slitting my wrists! When I read a post that says that other Clubs are "snapping up players" I have to wonder what League and what Clubs they are talking about. When we are compared to, say the Spurs, over the winter...a snapshot in time...I just have to shake my head. MON is NOT going to go after players that he doesn't need...just to say he got players or that we, as a Club, spent X amount of pounds. That is crazy! I have said, at least a dozen times, that MON does NOT have to sell to buy!! DOES NOT!! Barry is NOT part of our buying strategy!! 3. Poor transfer windows: I think that if everyone is fair and looks at the transfers since Randy has taken over...and looked at the performance of the Club...and looked at the amount of money spent on players...that lumping all of the transfer windows into one statement that we have not been successful...is unfair and inaccurate. 4. Finally, I am not sure whether being a Club in the Midlands or in London is a deal breaker....and I am certainly not going to throw in the towel because we are bidding against a London Club. Neither will MON or Randy!!
  13. General Krulak here: 1. I am glad the fans are happy about the location of the kit unveiling....you all hit the nail on the head...we were looking for a place that the fans could get to and see...and looking for a place that would continue to move us towards a "Bright Future." I think it will be a great day and hopefully bring more attention to your Club. Wait until you see the kit with acorns on the front...dynamite!!! 2. 5-1!!!! What a great day...and evening. I am still recovering. 3. Season Ticket sales continue to go extremely well....ahead of schedule by a good amount.
  14. General Krulak here: 1. The Club does not have a "target" for the number of youth team players who move to first team...that will depend a good deal on what MON sees in the month ahead and what type of player comes into our Squad. 2. In fact, we are building viewing stands in the back so that the fans will be able to watch the team practice. It will be MUCH better than the current situation.
  15. General Krulak here: 1. Yes, I have met General Sir Michael Jackson....a most impressive officer. 2. Our price for Barry is our price...we have not fallen off of it. 3. Budget crunch will not effect transfer budget...nor will proposed FIFA/UEFA regulations hinder MON at this time. 4. Games will be televised as of this time. 5. I think Germany will win EURO 2008. I did not think they would at the beginning...I was pulling for the Dutch and did not think the Germans were playing well. They have got it together now and I think they will win. 6. I am not a hard liquor fan.
  16. General Krulak here: 1. Wrafey: Yes, we can and will do something!!! Please contact Duncan Riddle at the Club...tell him I asked that you contact him and tell him the story and the request. We will sort this out. 2. Villa4Ever: Yes the story is true. I have been to Iwo Jima 3 times....once when I commanded an infantry battalion, once when it was announced I would be the Commandant of the Marine Corps and once when I took the Bradley family. Regarding the shirts: If you recall, we were late last year because we did not close the Nike deal until very late in the game. We were late this year because we had purposely not made a decision on the sponsor...and because we could not say anything until the end of contract with 32Red.com.
  17. General Krulak here: 1. He very much liked the training ground. 2. The kit launch will be open to the public. 3. Ticket queries...call Nicky Keye.
  18. General Krulak here: 1. chips'gravy: You make an interesting point which gets to the mindset and the detail that Randy goes to with the Club. It was Randy who wanted last season's programs to reflect the "Proud History" of Villa. He made the decision and helped pick the pictures. His rationale was simple...he wanted our fans (and opponents) to recall where we have "been" so that everyone could be excited about where we are "going." I don't think we will be continuing with this but I do think that the idea was a great one. 2. MON has come to see the Browns and has been to the training grounds but....I doubt if he will be going to the Buffalo game.
  19. General Krulak here: 1. OutbyEaster: You are one smart bloke! You have basically hit the nail squarely on the head!! MON is at the tactical level...butting heads everyday and handing out the medals and decorations and reserving the right to discipline when necessary. Randy is operating at the Strategic Level...he has his hands on our twin touchstones....proud history, bright future. He is the the thinker and the Commanding General...able to influence the battle at a moment's notice. I am at the Operational Level...the link between the Tactical and the Strategic..."taking the temperature", listening and feeding info in both directions. We do not have a CEO but we have an Ops Officer (Paul Faulkner) who is coordinating the efforts of the "Strategic Corporals" who make Villa work....they are people you know well...operating the ticketing, store, catering, hospitality, media, security, health and safety, people matters, grounds, stadium, sales, marketing, etc, etc. etc. Paul has worked directly for Randy and I for many years and has our trust and confidence. He, plus the "Strategic Corporals", know they can make decisions and call on us at any time, day or night. We all carry communication devices and are readily available. We would rather our people make decisions and err every so often than to be too afraid to make decisions at all. By the way, what do you do in "real life"? 2. The_Rev: I do not think the issue of the Bills has come up yet. Not sure that would be a real winner to talk about.
  20. General Krulak here: 1. Villa is certainly trying to be good neighbors with the surrounding area...and are purposely trying to lead from the front in this effort. 2. I have not read any suggestions in the media that MON keeps his phones switched off or that he doesn't answer his calls...BUT, that doesn't mean that such stories have not been written. Since I am not around MON when he gets a call, I cannot truthfully answer your question. I do know that when we call, he either answers or gets right back to us. I am not at all sure how the media comes up with this stuff...perhaps they try to call MON and he doesn't answer. Fancy that!!! I cannot imagine a player we are courting calling MON and not getting a "Hello, this is MON...can I be of help?"
  21. General Krulak here: 1. We normally don't have a lot of banter over Browns and Villa games....we are focused on winning each. MON is focused on his game and the Head Coach of the Browns is focused on his game. At the end of the weekend, we may say a few words but, for the most part, each side of the ocean is concentrating on their next game. 2. We recognize that there are areas around Villa park that need some "regeneration" but, in reality, we just can't go throwing money at things that really do not come within our remit. I would imagine that most fans would not appreciate their Club spending money on regeneration of parts of B'ham to the detriment of spending on their Club.
  22. General Krulak here: 1. Having observed MON both at Villa Park and at Bodymoor Heath, I think he does enjoy the Villa. He has a very good relationship with Randy, he has a superb set-up at the training ground, he has surrounded himself with good coaches and physios and he admires the players. He has steadily seen improvement in play as well as facilities and infrastructure and knows that he has an owner that will back him when he goes looking for players. At the same time, I have never talked to MON about his view on "longevity" at Villa and I wouldn't. That sort of conversation is 1) something that will take place with his wife and 2) something that will take place with Randy.
  23. General Krulak here: 1. I can assure everyone that the Intertoto tickets on sale at Villa Park (Season Ticket and Match Day) will be extremely fair. We recognize the hardships that are on-going w/regards to the economy and will set the prices to not cause undue problems. We have little or no control over other stadiums but we do have it at Villa Park. 2. stewiek2: Please give Nicky Keye a call and explain the situation. I am sure she has heard of it and may be able to help sort it. 3. The train stations....I will check to see if they are going to be painted. I know we were moving forward on that initiative but may have run into some problems with the Council or Rail System. 4. We do recognize the problem with the PA system and will be fixing it.
  24. General Krulak here: 1. Witton Bridge?? Not sure I know what you mean...at least by that name. 2. Believe me, we are working on Mac compatible now.
  25. General Krulak here: 1. Auction still on hold as we determine if there will be a use for the "old" sinage. 2. Mrs "K" will be ready for the Intertoto! She has been working out with the first team and is looking good...she could use a little more height but at the age of 63, I am afraid her growing spurt is over. I have purchased some platform boots for her to try and compensate.
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