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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here: 1. I wanted to provide latest update on Bouma. Things are a bit worse than we had hoped for....looks like there is a fracture and some torn ligaments. Sense is that he will be in cast for two months...then rehab. Obviously we are very sorry for the lad...a solid player and a good person. I will pass on all the kind remarks on this thread and others. 2. To get a template that will work is not just a simple thing of punching one out. We will get it sorted. 3. I was happy with the reception given to Barry...as I have always said, I hate to see anyone not treated with respect.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. Obviously we continue to need to work on the official web site....it is not just the fans who know it, we do too. At the same time, we do have some very conscientious people working on the site and I am sure we will see improvements. We did a good deal of work last year....we just need to do better. 2. Roger on the Upper Holte issue. We are aware that we have difficulties. Like everything else, we are working down a list of things to "fix"....not everything was "perfect" in the area of infrastructure when we took over. We are going to get to it. 3. Good idea re. acorns and phone number. 4. We are very happy to get Brad...he is quality. The age "thing" was absolutely taken into consideration but MON obviously felt that this was a player who can get the job done. When you are my age, Brad looks like a kid! He is VERY good. 5. Bouma: At first look, his injury was feared to be very bad. A second look has changed that a bit. The simpe fact is that we will have a much better idea of the scope of the injury today. We pray that he will be OK. One of the best things about our training facility is that Randy made the physio area "state of the art." We are very lucky to have the best in the Premiership...with much of the equipment patterned after what we have at the Browns.
  3. General Krulak here: 1. Bill Howell....I am sure that he experiences frustrations...just as we all do. At the same time, his "story" re. Season Tickets was not accurate (for whatever reason) and I doubt if he tried to contact Nicky Keye. Simply put, we are ahead of schedule, we have sold over 25,000 and we had a waiting list well in excess of the 1500 he quoted. I hope that whatever problems that exist with Mr. Howell get resolved because, as you know, accurate press is very important. 2. Infant kits: I am not sure why the wait for the acorns...only quessing that the size of the print might be the issue. 3. Cost of the kit. Some of the stores mentioned are large chains and buy in bulk...not just a Nike Villa shirt but many others. Buying in bulk is less expensive. Whether this is the sole reason, I am not sure. It is a reason. Nike is introducing our kit world-wide....timing is up to them when it comes to overseas.
  4. General Krulak here: 1. HOBBO: If I say we have been told, "no difficulty" and then something happens, I would find myself answering 100 posts. Simply put, we have not be told that there will be any difficulty...and, obviously, we asked the question. 2. V111AFC: Wow!!! Not sure what you want me to say. I have answered this same "rant" mulitple times so anything I say will probably not set your mind at ease. I am a fan like you....and I would sure like to see some signings. I DO KNOW that the money IS ABSOLUTELY available and that MON is NOT sitting on his bum. This is obviously a very tough window...and not just for us. As always, I have no choice but to trust MON and his sense of what we need and how we will get them. 3. Trajan: Thanks for the history lesson. My point is that the man I am talking about is the only person I know who can make the claim and deserve to make it. With all due respect to Paul M. 4. I have been told by John Greenfield that the shop at Villa Park will put on "acorns" at no cost. I have a call into him right now to confirm that fact. He told me last week...I hope nothing has changed. 5. Gaztonvilla: Yes, if you think you can get away with it. 6. Peter1968: Simply put, I told the truth. We are ahead of last year...we are doing well...we had over 3000 on waiting list...AND, signings will help even more!!! Yes, I am a fan too....bring them on!!! 7. sickmick99: All players have portions of their contracts that talk about media relations. Barry will meet those requirements. 8. paulandonnya: No, Randy has not thought of putting an MLS squad in Cleveland. No comment on GK. 9. chefdoc2000: Great picture....I am glad that things worked out so well.
  5. General Krulak here: 1. Unfortunately, I will not be a Villa park this weekend. I have a commitment I made prior to the schedule being set. 2. GaztonVilla: Let's make a "date" to meet somewhere at, say, the Liverpool game...I can sign it then. Meet at door to Holte Suite or something. 3. TheSufferingVilla: Our Academy does have multiple class rooms located at Villa Park...where more than football is taught. One of the classrooms is a 'media center" that is used for actual interviews as well as "classes." With the number of gaffes I make, maybe I should attend!!
  6. General Krulak here: 1. Randy is building a small home in the vicinity of Bodymoor Heath and he will be spending more time in the UK. 2. No problem with work permit means just that. We have not been told that there will be any difficulty. 3. I am not as experienced as most of you but the January transfer window is somewhat different from the Summer window. More restricted, Clubs in the hunt are not prepared to give up players, ability to get the better players somewhat more difficult. I am not sure that comparing both windows is something that will benefit any of us. 4. DaliumDaly: "Squeaky clean a disadvantage"? I am not sure...it may well be a disadvantage. That doesn't change our approach one iota. Just because someone else does something illegal is not a reason for your Club to do the same. Of course MON is not infalliable. The last person who walked this earth that could make that claim ended up on a cross. What MON is...he is the Manager of our Club. "MON pick the players and a dedicated team of buyers goes out and gets the player." This is not the way MON operates nor does he want to operate that way. Randy is prepared to support MON in EVERY WAY he can...more than just money...but MON is the Manager and is being paid to be the Manager. If he wants to do things his way, it can easily be viewed as micromanagement if Randy all of a sudden says, "you are no longer in this part of the business"...particularly if MON wants to do it. 5. AVFC: Of course Barry and the Club will reconcile their differences...they are all professionals. It has obviously been a tough time for all concerned but, at the end of the day, they are pros and will do the right thing. 6. L33ped: I am not sure about steam cleaning stairs but will ask. The issue, of course, is always one of priorities. Certainly cleaning the inside of the stadium was critical and we did that last year. 7: Would not be appropriate for me to comment of transfers by name. 8. GastonVilla: will do!!! 9. For the saturday Intertoto fixture, the Holte Pub and Holte Suite will be closed. Unfortunately, we had tow weddings which were booked before the Intertoto match had been scheduled. I am sure you can appreciate that to these couples (and supporters), this day is very special to them. As an alternative, the Academy will be open to STH's, first come, first served.
  7. General Krulak here: 1. I cannot speak for the dressing room, the squad or MON with re. to GB. All I can say is that they are all professionals and, at the end of the day, I think they would all pull together and focus on the goal of moving forward and upward. I am not sure why MON played GB at Walsall. Contrary to some of the media reports, I do not think it was punitive in nature. MON is a bigger man than that. 2. Cookie: I would send it again...or just pick up phone and call contact number. 3. We have seen no problem with work permit.
  8. General Krulak here: 1. paulanddonya: What is it that you would like me to say? That MON doesn't know the size of his squad and doesn't know when his first Premiership game is? MORE IMPORTANTLY, that MON doesn't know WHAT he needs? Do you want me to say that one day from now he is going to wave a magic wand and alll will appear? You say that the season ended 80 days ago....are you saying that MON should have started signing at that time???? Look, as a fan, I would love to see a full squad...on the Pitch and ready to go. At the same time, and as the same fan, I want my Manager to get the players HE feels HE needs and in the pecking order that HE feels is important. I cannot, at this stage of the game, start losing faith in the Manager...I just can't. Maybe some of you can...I can't. 2. I hate to see booing of any player.
  9. General Krulak here: 1. I was asked about the "Fan Squad." The AVFC fan Squad will effectively become a team of "ambassadors" at community events on a non-matchdays and an easily recognisable point of contact for supporters on a match day. The Fan Squad concept will be a first for the Premier League and is a strong effort to engage our supporters in Club activities. We have been having some trouble with the fan squad e-mail address which is why some people who have applied for the fan squad on line have yet to be contacted. Those on the fan squad will interact with existing fans and new fans...and help build a strong relationship between your Club and you!! 2. My sense is that the transfer market in UK and the free agency market and draft in the US are somewhat similar but have varying degrees of difficulty with each. The NFL itself is very powerful and has very defined rules and regulations on how Club, agents, and players are to act. Normally, these rules and regulations are followed closely. Ofr course, the more "World Class" (I hate using the term) the player, the more lee-way they seem to have...real or imagined. The FA is, over time, coming to grips with the international flavor of transfers, the role of the agent, etc. it won't be long before the two Countries start looking pretty much the same from the standpoint of player negotiations. 3. Legendary 10. I am not sure that I should post an answer to that question. 4. Price of away shirt: I will need to check on that...I do know that all 32 Red.com gear has been a "slash down" sale for months. 5. I craft all my posts...and I do use the term "wee"....when you are only 5'6" the use of "wee" comes easy. 6. Andycv: Yes, we have added partners.
  10. General Krulak here: 1. dirk1978: I don't think it would be possible to put a "welcome" on the PA...it would start a precedent that would be hard to keep up. 2. thediddygambler: I am not sure how to comment on your post. I have put down my thoughts so many times that I think I probably say them in my sleep. No wonder Mrs. "K" is so mad at me. Neither you nor I, fretting and fuming or exuding confidence, are going to change the path we are on. Let MON do his thing.
  11. General Krulak here: 1. JAMAICAN-VILLA: I hate to disagree with you mate but "even decent squad players" will not get us to where we need to be. Let's concentrate on getting the players MON feels we need...both for now and the future...before we start looking for fillers. 2. Who would I like to see us get? If I said someone, it would be on the front page of the B'ham Mail tomorrow.
  12. General Krulak here: 1. The August 31st date was not mine...that was the question I was asked, so I answered. You are absolutely correct about the 16th but...I answered the question given. 2. How many players do I think we need? Not sure why that would matter. This goes to the heart of my argument...as a fan, I try not to think that I know more than the Manager. He knows what he needs, what he has in the pipe-line, what the future plans are, etc. etc. If I start saying things like..."we need 9 players to get in the right position for the season" what does that mean?? What do I base it on?? Me being able to count? Me being able to see who is there? Seriously, I would just be pulling a number out of my bum by looking at the side and trying to figure out what MON thinks we need and why. That is a waste of my time....and presupposes that I know more than MON.
  13. General Krulak here: 1. terrytini: Asking me or anyone else to post the ins and outs of transfers would take a long time, many people, and at the end, shed little light on the subject. It is full of legalities, differing personalities, differing Club styles, differing agents, medical requirements, etc. etc. I wish one size would fit all but that is not the case. 2. ST sales are ahead of schedule. 3. hobbo: Why, in heaven's sake, would you think I would dodge a question like the one asked by markavfc40? Of course I will answer it...like I try to answer all questions that I can answer. The answer is yes! Now the question back to you is simply this...will you accept my answer? The problem I see with the 4 sites I am on is that when I am asked a question and give an answer, there are those who either don't like my answer or think that I am giving the "party line." Those who feel that way do not know me...do not know my reputation...and would not believe me if I put it in blood. Yes, I believe we will be ready to go on 31 August .
  14. General Krulak here: 1. Peter1968: My belief is that consistent, winning, football is achieved by bringing a series of actions to bear..1) A good Manager. 2) An owner who is proud of the team and willing to make money available for improvements on and off the Pitch. 3) An improvement of the quality and numbers of players on the Pitch. 4) An infrastructure that enables success...a superior Academy, a superior training facility, a superior stadium. 5) People who work for the Club who have a passion and love for the Club that equals that of the Fans. 6) A loyal fan base who possess the wisdom to know that miracles do not happen overnight...that anything good that comes, most assuredly comes from good planning and execution. So to answer your question, I do not believe that they way to achieve the goals we have set for this Club is to "do it all" in one year...any success achieved in that manner will not be sweet, will not stand the test of time, and will not inspire anyone for the future. 2. Thamutznutz: Rather than regurgitate what I have posted over the past 484 pages, why don't you take a look back...even so short a time is the past few days....to see my answer to your question. My answer will not change because it is Sunday vice Friday. Simply put, MON knows what he needs...he can count...he can "read" the play on the Pitch as well as anyone...he knows what is in the Club house...he knows what is in the Academy...he knows he has the support of the owner. He is out working the issue. Some fans (villafan.com) would like us to be more "open" about who we are looking at...I disagree and so does the Club. It makes no sense for the Club to announce to the "world" who we are after...that can only result in a spike in competition, price, etc. We recognize the desire of the fans to be in the know but the dangers of making our plans public are too great. I have said this before but....getting the players to take us into the top 4 is a wee bit more challanging than getting those to take us to number 11. Let the Manager do his job. He knows he has the support of Randy....truly. 3. 3V79: I disagree with your comments re. the Browns fans and Randy. To discuss the Cleveland Browns on this forum would be a total waste of time. Suffice it to say that unless you understand the history of the Browns...the history of the Lerner Family and the Browns...the turmoil experienced by the Browns over the years...you CANNOT begin to understand the relationship between Randy and the fans. Take a look at free agency...take a look a drafts...Randy has spent money on the Browns and anyone with a grain of sense can see that. The Browns are on the upswing and the fans know it. I read the Cleveland Papers and they are solidly behing the Lerner Family. They are beginning to recognize that these are class people who understand the sports business and how to build a team. 4 VIIIAFC: Yes! 5. Yorkshirecoop: Again, I have answered your question many times. Money is NOT an issue. Wage structure is not an issue. I wish that getting players were as simple as most believe...but it isn't. I have said that time and time again.
  15. General Krulak here: 1. Texas Mike: Without going into ANY details, your premise is wrong. You have NO idea of what went on with Bentley so your post is specious. And asking me or the Club to describe what went on would be crazy. 2. We are battling to move up in this League. It takes special players to make that kind of move. They don't grow on trees and they are not easy fish to catch. Going from 16th to 11th is one thing....players to go from 6th to one of the top 4 is a slightly different proposition and it does not happen overnight. I would ask ALL to think about that....the closer we get, the harder it gets. Let's allow MON to do his job. 3. Tough result tonight...own goal is a hard one. The lads played hard...they will bring it "home" at Villa Park. I hope that many of you are there to cheer the lads on.
  16. General Krulak here: 1. Let's start with the basic premise that I am a Villa Fan and I am as anxious as anyone to sign players. Hopefully no one out there will challenge that sentence. That being said, almost every comment goes back to "small squad", "is MON slooow", why do some players seem to "get away" from us, why aren't we signing new players and the ones we have, don't we know we are playing a game in 90 minutes, etc. etc. Seriously, is there anyone out there that does not think MON can count...that he doesn't know how many players he needs and that he is short a few??? MON knows exactly where we stand...and has NOT been sitting on his bum and is NOT happy with the numbers. Does anyone really think that MON does not know we have a game in 90 minutes?? Geezz, of course he does. Does anyone think that Randy requires MON to sell before he buys? If they do, they are DEAD WRONG!! Does anyone think that Randy will not open his wallet for MON? If so, they are DEAD WRONG!! Look around the league...seriously, there have not been a plethora of signings. We are about the norm. Why? To be serious, your guess is as good as mine. I can speculate but that is all it would be. I can assure you, MON is working! He is not sitting on his bum. Transfers are hard and getting harder...the league is competitive, agents are in the mix, lots of things going on. It is NOT just AVFC. It is VERY important to us because of where we are now and where we want to go...I understand that. At the same time, those few folks who seem to believe that Randy or the Board ought to jump in and start micromanaging the process are just asking for trouble. MON has a huge amount of help...at Villa Park, at Bodymoor Heath and across the Pond. It is not just a one-man show BUT, MON is the final arbitrator and you will not see Randy or the Board getting into his business. We will do one key thing...WE WILL SUPPORT HIM!!! Randy has NEVER, EVER, said no to MON. Again, I understand your frustrations but it is NOT just a matter of calling up a Club and Player and offering a wad of money....if it were that simple, we would have a bunch of players! 2. On a completely different subject. I read on another blog that my appearing on these boards is for PR. What a bunch of shite. If Mrs "K" ever heard that, she would be on the first plane to the UK. I have posted over 2500 comments on 4 separate sites and have done so almost daily...only times I don't are when I am traveling. Name me one PR guy who would spend that amount of time each day...knowing that in the summer and winter, that PR guy would be in for some heavy stick over transfers. If anyone thinks this is for PR, then they need to get a life...or walk a mile in my shoes. The PR value went away almost 2 years ago....what we are doing now is trying to make OUR Club better.
  17. General Krulak here: 1. I will see what I can do about JJB Sports web site. As you know, we have had our own problems in making the necessary changes. Our bad! 2. Irish1: I am not sure exactly why this has happened but, to be honest, I am glad because my sense is that Nike drove that and that is good!! If we can get Nike moving on world-wide exposure, it will help us across the spectrum. We need sales in many countries...as you have read from fans on this site. 3. bakerbob: I understand what you are saying. I have commented on ticket prices until I am blue in the face. I do understand your concern and can see exactly where you are coming from. I wish I could say something that would alter your perception but there just isn't anything I can say that would do that...other than to change the prices. 4. DUNTONVILLA: This is a pretty complicated issue so let me put your mind at ease...no matter how complicated, we will make it work. We should have the word soon. 5. We are conducting as many football schools as we can and not put out a poor product.
  18. General Krulak here: 1. Troglodyte: Congratulations on your younger brother's decision. If you want some reinforcement, pm me his number and I will give him a call and welcome him to the "Family." 2. paulanddonya: Good ideas. As you know, one of Randy's goals is to make a good enviroment/atmosphere at Villa Park...for all fans. His experience with the Browns is a template of where he would eventually like to get with Villa. You also know that we do have players walking around certain areas...but not all. 3. Fuse: We are currently working on the Holte...what to do this coming season. We are stuck with the restrictions on numbers but we do recognize we had problems of "invitees" last year. 4. "skipper": We have no plans for baseball type jerseys at this time. 5. We recognize that Saturday is a huge game. We also recognize that our opponents are not push-overs. They are a good side, they have been playing for sometime and are in good shape...it will be a tough game. We need to go out hard from the first second and keep after them and we need to be strong in the back. 6. Paddy: I think the only way to resolve the pronunciation is to go to the man himself...I will do it. 7. B'ham airport...we are going to do exactly what you say. As for your friends from Ireland...have them re-call Duncan or Lee Preece...I cannot imagine those two not calling back. 8. cookie: let me check.
  19. General krulak here: 1. Wrafey: I did not see the Evening Mail article you refer to so it is hard to make a comment. I will say the following: 1) "World Class signings" was not a statement by Randy, MON or me. The reason it was not was because what is "world class" in one person's mind is not in another. 2) We have always said that MON determines who the Club needs...for the present and for the future. 3) It is MON who chooses the players he wants and it is Randy that supports MON in those choices. 4) Neither Randy nor the Board gets involved in micro-managing our Manager. The day we start telling him who to buy or how to prepare the Squad or etc. , is the day that we begin the long slide down. Our mission is to support the Manager as he goes about building the Club and managing the preparation and playing of the games. 5) Randy has NEVER said no to MON and is ready to support the Manager as he moves the Club forward. As for my lack of knowledge of football, don't let that bother you. I have watched the game since 1974 when my wife started to play. Both of my sons played the game, I coached one of their teams. Four out of my five grandchildren play the game. I have been a serious fan of English Football since 2000. I would NEVER claim to have an in-depth knowledge of the game but I do know a wee bit. The idea that a Member of the Board needs to be an "expert" in football misses the point of what a Board Member should be doing. 2. Tickets for the Intertotoare going as expected. The Club did NOT "reduce prices" due to slow sales....they kept prices as initially published because they felt it was the right thing to do. My sense is that the match will not be a sell out....but I have nothing really to base that on. I also believe that tickets will be available on game day. 3. Still trying to determine the issue re. prices for kit...Euro. 4. deepdish: good idea. 5. Alias....no way.
  20. General Krulak here: 1. Just back from San Diego and seeing my 96 year old father...he is doing well. YES, he definitely knows about Villa...I took him a kit when I went. 2. Season Tickets: Bill Howell is wrong!!!! We are ahead of schedule on our ST sales...we are over 24,000 as of today. Not sure where he got his info but I can assure you, he is wrong. 3. Trekker: That comment was not mine...it was, in fact, a paraphrase of some things I said. I cannot take credit for something I didn't say. 4. Wrafey: Please contact Duncan Riddle at the Club...tell him I asked you to call. Explain the situation and see if he can do something for you. 5. Sponsor logo on infant kit: There are some parents who indicated they did not want the sponsor's logo on the infant kit...for various reasons that may or may not be obvious. What we have decided to do is offer to put the logo on, at NO cost, if the parents want a kit with the logo. 6. PaulMcGrathMyLord: Again, call Duncan Riddle and see if he can help you.
  21. General krulak here: 1. Life goes on. I will be off the site until next Tuesday as I will be visiting my father in San Diego. 2. I doubt if you will here an interview with Randy...that is just not his style. We may get something in a program but, as you know, Randy is not one for publicity. He is a firm believer in the old adage that "actions speak louder than words." I know this can be frustrating at times but it is just who he is and we need to respect that fact. 3. bakerbob: It might be worth your while to give Nicky Keye a call. Ticket prices are ticket prices but the restricted vision site and the difficulties in selling those tickets might be worth discussing with her. Again, I am not saying she will be able to do anything because we need to be fair across the board but if the seat is unsold due to restricted vision, it is worth discussing...if for no other reason than to get her thoughts on the issue. 4. Last years "away kit" w/acorns will be this years "3rd kit."
  22. General Krulak here: 1. I posted a sentence on another thread that was POORLY written and sent the wrong message. Simply put and to correct the thread, I do NOT know whether we are in a bidding contest for Mr. Bentley. My point was simply that none of us should take the media as the "gospel" when it comes to players, prices, etc. etc. ONLY MON knows who we are looking at and what the offer might be. If someone says we have bid "10M for Bentley", that is the opinion of a writer...NOT necessarily correct. POOR WORDING by me and I apologize.
  23. General Krulak here: 1. I have put in a call to John Greenfield to see if I can suss out the pricing issue. I confess that the numbers quoted seem a bit high but I need to know the whole story before I say anything more. I will report back as soon as I hear from John. 2. I will also ask that the GK shirt be put on the OS.
  24. General Krulak here: 1. Walsal Villa: I talked with Nicky Keye...she has asked that you call her at the Ticketing Office so that she can work your issue. 2. The Suffering Villa: I can assure you that the Club is fully aware of the difficulties associated with our O/S. We are currently working hard to correct some of the very issues you have highlighted. Your questions are central to the issues we are working on right now and any answer I give might well be "outdated" by the time we finish our current effort on the site. Suffice it to say that the people who are working on our site are good folks who have been tackling this issue for sometime and are closing in on some fixes. PLEASE hang in there with us. 3. I am convinced that the best way to get a good song for the lads to come on the Pitch to is for the SCG to come up with some recommendations. Having the Club do it just doesn't seem to "fan friendly." 4. Signings: Continue to watch... 5. I will look into the booking fee.
  25. General Krulak here: 1. acorns w/o childrens hospice: We basically printed what the folks at acorns wanted...and they wanted the name. I can see why...because to print the rest would "clutter" up the message. 2. We do have a new GK shirt. 3. I am not sure why the baby's kit is minus the acorns...my sense is that the feeling was that putting acorns on a little tyke's shirt might cause a perception problem...similar to what you mentioned. 4. paulanddonya: I understand your frustration and I know Nicky will try to sort this out. At the same time, policies are made for a reason...to be fair to as many people as possible. The individual you initially spoke to was following policy to the best of their ability. They were not trying to be disrespectful...they were trying to follow their guidelines and to ensure that fairness was "across the board." At the same time, we DO realize the CRITICALITY of good customer service so Nicky will do all she can to sort this out. 5. We are working on pro-evolution. 6. The_Dogz_Danglies: I will see what Nicky thinks of the suggestion.
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