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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. c-krulak


    Thank you Blandy...it is on its way to RL tonight.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. Pizza Pods were the result of two posts to me on "another" site...I passed the word to Alison and she and her team "made it happen." Perfect example of the Club responding to fans. NOW all we need is a VEGGIE option...I hear you!!!! 2. Brian: We are very much aware of the sound issues...and, in fact, attempted to solve some of the issues this summer. Simply put, the system was not taken care of over the years and has detriorated to the point that we must replace the entire system. We will be doing that but it has to "get in line" for priority. We did add food kiosks around Villa Park to include upper doug ellis but I will pass your comment on to Alison.
  3. General Krulak here: 1. Flag: It has been decided that we will not run the flag out for every game...the logistics are just too great and the demands on the fans too much to do it for every game. I personally love the flag...but it is HUGE and causes a good deal of prior work to get it going. 2. The fans were GREAT yesterday. I watched the game on the telly and the place was rocking...could hear all the songs and cheers. Well done to the fans!! 3. MYSTERMAN: Thanks for the comments re. the Trinity. As I might have mentioned, the entire effort was the idea of Randy...and he designed it personally. 4. Pitch is basically the same. 5 NicklinJPA and VillaMike: I have passed both of your comments on to Alison Plant. 6. Sorry, no one saw me at game yesterday...was in US. 7. We will eventually get around to painting the train station but that has taken a back seat to much of the work we are doing now. When we first looked at that project, we did not realize how much work would be required to get the stadium and systems up to snuff. We need to work on priority projects first...to include "you know what."
  4. General Krulak here: 1. Tickets: Yes, in fact we had a problem with ticketing...the computer. I can assure you that Nicky Keye and her team were on this issue as soon as it was recognized. To be perfectly frank, I was extremely proud of Nicky and her team for solving what could have been a disasterous problem. Yes, it was not what we would want to have happen...and yes, fans were forced to queue up....BUT, I can promise you, Nicky and her folks were absolutely buzzing around to make things happen...to get the tickets out. 2. We are doing VERY well in the Corporate area of the Trinity...better than we had anticipated. Simply put, the game was not a sell out and we aren't going to experience a full house until the L'pool game. If you looked around the stands you could have found other areas "empty." In reality, we could not be happier with where we are right now with the Trinity Road renovations. 3. Its not that I can't get a seat...rather, it would be a waste of a seat because I am always walking around during the game. 4. I am afraid that the price of the drink is the price. It was set early on and is probably going to remain. I agree, it does seem a bit high. A $3.50 coke is a bit much for a retired Marine.
  5. General Krulak here: 1. You will definitely see me in the Holte End for L'pool...as well as the rest of the stands. I would much rather walk the stadium than sit on the step in the Director's Box. I saw the game at my son's house...with my grandson. All of us in our Villa kit.
  6. General Krulak here: 1. A very nice win today. I think most of us realize that the lads in the back will gain a great deal as they play together...it is never easy to bring 4 folks together and get them to jell immediately. Time and MON will ensure that they operate as a well-oiled machine. I think we have a great defense and will only get better. I enjoyed watch our keeper patrol his territory...gave me confidence. The rest of the team picked up where they left off last year...tough, gritty, football. One game does NOT make a season. We need to take them a game at a time. I was proud of them and of the way they played.
  7. General Krulak here: 1. I was not aware of the acorns match and the cancellation. I am sure that the Club will continue to be as helpful to acorns as possible...as you probably know, we already give a good deal to this MOST WORTHY charity. 2. Standing. At the present time, stewards have been instructed to keep standing to that point in games when standing would be expected...a hard thing to always get right.
  8. General Krulak here: 1. Olof'sAcorn is spot on...Del-fons-o. 2. We are all looking forward to the beginning of this season...it has good promise. As always, we will be taking them one game at a time. You all know better than most that football is a "funny" game and each time our lads go on the Pitch they need to be focused and prepared. MON is as good as they come in getting a team ready...but he cannot play on the Pitch.
  9. General Krulak here: 1. Mark8691: There is absolutely no doubt that we need to work on AVTV and the OS. We know it...we are working on it. We will get it right. Like everything else, no "overnight" miracles...just hard work and "fixing it." 2. MYSTERYMAN: I will personally point out the new flag to Randy....he believes in Semper Fidelis. 3. Shelia is a very special lady...she is kind and caring and just the person for the job. 4. Re. colours on shirt...acorns, etc. I will see what can be done but....may be hard at this point in time. 5. As I have said all along, Gareth is a fine lad. He is like many young men...he has life-decisions to make. Only he can make them. We can counsel..we can advise...we can recommend but, in the end, he must make the decisions. He made one last night with his play...and we should applaud and respect him for that. We shall see what transpires over the next few weeks and go from there.
  10. General Krulak here...still on my business trip: 1. Are we enjoying Villa? ABSOLUTELY!!!! We love it and are on a continual "high." 2. Semper Fidelis: A good idea. AND, MM...I think the flag would be great!! 3. Ticket issue: Please call Nicky Keye and explain the issue to her...see what she can do. 4. Fan base: Simply put, we are absolutely intent on building a world wide fan base. Obviously the key to doing so is to put a consistent, winning, Team on the Pitch. We are in the process of driving towards that goal right now. The better we are, the more recognition we will get and the more important the "brand" becomes. 5. I am glad you like the new Trinity...I know it may be hard to believe but Randy designed the entire thing...he is amazing.
  11. General krulak here: 1. I do have a Blackberry (as does Randy) but have you ever tried to sign into a UK website from a Yank Blackberry...no way. 2. I have no big smile on my face or any thought of "I told you so"...truthfully. I have said it time and time again, I have nothing to do with transfers. I am a fan just like you all. What I have said, time and time again, is that Randy and the Board trust MON. He is a superb Manager and has the understanding of the game to know who he wants and why. We ALL just need to get behind him and the team...and cheer them on to victory.
  12. General Krulak here: 1. Not to worry about rules and regulations re. player eligibility, etc. We have people who watch this very closely on staff...and who work directly with MON. 2. Obviously we are trying to develop a good linkage between the Browns and Villa...we think that a relationship amongst fans would be great. The key is trying to find a way to make it happen that will not burden the fans. The one thing I don't think will happen is an athletic event between the two teams. Imagine a man who weighs in at 240# and runs a 4.2 sec 40 running into one of our lads. NOT good. 3. We are over 33,000 for the ManCity game at this time. Not sure it will be a sell out but will be close. It is hard to judge what the "walk up" will look like the last week. Randy will be there for that game, I will be over for the week immediately after and thru the L'pool game. 4. I continue to pass on comments to Randy and the folks at Villa Park. Don't worry about me dropping off the site...I will not do so. Again, I am on a business trip right now so I have had to cut posting short a bit. On the road and hard to plug in.
  13. General Krulak here: 1. I am glad that fans are pleased with the UEFA ticket pricing. Ticket pricing is normally recommended by Nicky Keye to Robin Russell, our CFO. After discussing within Villa, the final decision is made by Randy. So at the end of the day, the process starts with Nicky and ends with Randy. 2. Brett to the Jets...will make the Jets stronger. If the offensive line can protect him and give him time to release the ball, Brett still has what it takes. 3. Randy is not a big baseball fan but does like the sport. Randy's oldest son is a very talented athlete all-around and plays a good game of baseball. Randy watches him play oftern. 4. I will not be at the Trinity but I have seen it and it is beautiful. 5. Tubby: Call the ticket office and explain your issue. 6. roger_moore: It is always dangerous when something flares up in the former "states". I do not think there is imminent danger but the simple fact is that one spark can sometimes cause a fire that was unexpected. It needs to be watched closely. 7. Not to worry about Bill Howell. I won't comment on his remarks other than to say he was correct re. my comment....I know better and, as I said, did not follow my own rules. 8. I will be traveling this weekend and part of next week. I will try to get on the site when I can.
  14. General Krulak here: 1. Siimply put, I broke my own rule...I don't talk about transfers. My comments, no matter how well-intentioned, are "open to the public" and certainly open for mis-interpretation. In this case, I was not helpful to Martin or to Randy. I have apologized to both. I think everyone associated with the Club understood my comment to mean that Randy and Martin are on the same sheet of music and that their is tremendous faith and trust in our Manager...as I have been saying for two + years. 2. Moderators: Help me with this one...transfer questions are just not going to be answered.
  15. General Krulak here: 1. To be honest, I haven't seen the media...what did I do this time????? Am I in the dog house again?
  16. General Krulak here: 1. I want to ASSURE all of our Fans that MON and Randy are fully aware of the concerns, frustrations, worry and, yes, compliments on running of the club. Although I cannot say whether MON or Randy come on VT and reads the thread, what I can say, FOR CERTAIN, is that I have PERSONALLY passed on your thoughts. That being said, we cannot nor should not expect MON and Randy to run our Club based on fan comments. Simply put, they know, better than any of us, what needs to be done. As I have said before, both can count and both know the date of the month. I wish I could tell you the machinations that go into obtaining an individual player but each has its own "pathway." All I do know is that MON is working very hard to get the people HE feels will help the Club. HE is the one responsible for what happens on the Pitch and HE should play the yeoman role in getting the players HE needs to reach success. He is doing it...have faith. Randy's role?? BREAK OUT THE MONEY. HE will play his part! 2. Team will be training near Marbella. 3. Ianrobo1: I hear you on ticket price...and we are working that right now. 4. blandy: I do feel AVFC can play a positive role in moving the Premier League forward. 5. Barry's actions: I do think what has happened is sad. All the shennanigans aside, Barry has been a great player for us and a fine Captain. Unfortunately, like many athletes, I think he found himself looking for the "golden ring" when it was, in fact, right in his own back yard. I am 66 years old and have seen my share of people who have had their heads turned...in each instance, it is sad. In each instance, at the end of the day, the individual wishes he/she could turn the clock back. I hope and pray that Gareth does not encounter the same thing...because, at the end of the day, I want success for everyone. I just think this was sad because everyone has been soured by the events. Hopefully something good will come from all of this. 6. Much better chance of Villa winning the League than USA winning World Cup! 7. I would rather not comment on whether Gareth has formally submitted a transfer request. 8. Don't like the winter break concept. 9. BOZZY: ALL 3!! 10. I love Lacrosse and I think the athlete that has had the greatest impact on my view of sports is Ali. 11. ST sales remain ahead of last year. 12. Irish pre-season. I think that MON will try that at some point. 13. I am not sure where we stand on paving stones...I will check. 14. Folski: You may want to call John Greenfield on this one.
  17. General Krulak here: 1. Noah: First thought was "wow" when I saw Villa Park and the stadium/Pitch. 2nd thought was to be far less "wow'd" by what I saw at the "old" Bodymoor Heath. 2. Do I know players. Obviously I know some of them. We have some very good lads who "think" right. At a macro level, I think that the Premier League needs to gain a bit more structure, a bit more interface with the Clubs, a bit more attention to the rules and regulations governing the league. 3. Taylo: I love it. 4. The game I am looking forward to, without a doubt, is Liverpool...for many reasons. 5. ianrob1: To be honest, Iceland asked for the change...it may have had something to do with the availability of their National Stadium but don't quote me on that. I am not sure why the request. I think we feel it is not a bad thing to have the final leg at home. Please come...staying away at that time will not help the situation. 6. Randy has no interest in football in the US other than the Browns. Two "Premiership" teams are enough for him. 7. I am not sure where Villa will be in Spain...I will try to get an answer for you both. 8. A Marine? Laursen...plus others. All have many of the attributes needed...most of all, focus and desire. 9. 1968: MYSTERYMAN hit the nail on the head.
  18. General Krulak here: 1. Razor. If Martin came to Randy and said I need 30 million pounds for player "X"...that this player will fit right into what we are trying to do and is the type of player that will take us where we "both" want to go...Randy will have his check out before Martin gets past the player's name!!! Additionally, he will be equally ready to fund the other players that Martin says we need. I have said it before, Randy has NEVER said no. 2. Please do not worry that MON or Randy's time is being taken up by the Barry Saga...that has been a big issue but not one that has distracted the Manager or Owner from their jobs. 3. What are Randy's intentions? He is in this for the long term!! Heck, he has an AVFC lion tattooed on his leg...it ain't washable!! He wants Europe. He wants consistently winning football. He wants entertainment for the fans. This is more than a business...this is a passion. Those of you who have met Randy around Villa Park can see this plainly!! As I mentioned above, he will pay for players. What is the budget? He has set NO transfer budget...he just says bring the price to me. He has NEVER said no. Randy is no Abramovich...but he does have a wallet and he will open it. MON knows that in spades. 3. Jamaican Villa: You are, with all due respect, a waste of my time. I have answered EVERY SINGLE ONE of your points and questions in my answers of the past couple of days. You continue to rant about issues that I have tried to help you with...to at least have an understanding of where the Club sits on the issue. I don't know why you don't take the same time I take to read the thread before going off half-cocked. Do me a favor...sit back, have a pint, peruse my comments and think about what I have said. If you don't agree with what I said, coming back after me is not going to change how I feel...just like I doubt I will ever change how you feel. 4. paulanddonya: I know how you feel and what you are saying. Still, at the end of the day, benching Barry, putting him on the Reserves, banning him from Bodymoor, continuing to pay his salary and just let him chill, etc. etc. is a wee bit vindictive for my blood. The price is the price. It is still out there. If someone pays it, what is wrong with that? We all need to get over Gareth...it is no longer a distraction...MON has said his piece and is working other issues hard. 5. Flag policy: I am not sure but a quick phone call to Duncan Riddle would give you the answer.
  19. General Krulak here: ....and I apologize for being a tad passionate myself. I am a fan JUST like you all. 1. To answer the question...MON absolutely knows what the answer will be if he asks Randy for money...the answer will be yes!! The issue of money has NEVER been a stumbling block. NEVER. 2. The issue of the press release re. Barry. Either some fans are naive or they are pulling my leg. Does anyone really believe that an honourable man/Club would release such a comment without honestly, sincerely and accurately believe that what he was saying was the gospel???? And if, a day or two later, that same man or Club had to retract that statement it was because he/Club had done something wrong?? Can you not read between the lines?? It is not that hard or complicated. AVFC has been straight up this entire evolution and instead of feeling badly about how we have acted, the fans should be extremely proud. 3. I honestly don't know how to assuage the concerns and frustrations of some fans...I really don't. I fully recognize that actions speak louder than words but, unfortunately, I am not in the transfer business. (Truth be told, we are lucky I am not!!! Who knows better than MON what we need and where we need to go to get them? Certainly NOT me!!) I am where I was at the very beginning...trusting our Manager to do what he feels is right.
  20. General Krulak here: 1. Why do I post on this site???? I spend an hour constructing an answer to your questions and it is almost as if NO ONE reads what I wrote. 2. P3te: I answered every one of your questions and comments...try doing me the courtesy of reading what I have written before you pile on again. 3. sickmick99: I have answered everyone of your comments and questions over the past few days. Please read what I have posted. 4. peter1968: "give us a team to challange....etc" At this point, I am not sure I would agree with you. My sense is that we could be in the top 4 and Europe and their would be something that would cause moans and whinges...and threats of avoiding Villa Park like the plague. 5. Luke: You are amazing!!! "Big names I promised"???? Where the hell did you find a statement by me promising "big names." NEVER!!! It is folks like you...who absolutely put falsehoods on this thread...that drive me up a tree. Do me a favor: Go over the past 501 pages and find me a single place where I promised "big names." Get your shite together before you post again. 6. margarito: Yea, Randy Lerner is "smoke and mirrors" and I tell lies....and you know more than MON about the players he needs to win. I am so happy to have you providing me insights on individuals in the Club. 7. Look, I know you all are frustrated. Randy and MON know exactly how you feel. At the end of the day, they will do what they feel is "right" for the Club...and they will do it because they know what they need to do...not because they sway with the wind of fan approval or disapproval. A Club cannot survive by being run by 50,000 people and their views of what should or should not be done. MON needs to do what he thinks is right. This is NOT a case of no money!!!! Obviously this VERY BASIC fact is missed by many of you!!! 8. Coming on this site and ranting and calling people names or insinuating that they are "smoke and mirrors" is beyond the pale. Just who do you think does not recognize the size of the squad??? Let MON do his job.
  21. General Krulak here: 1. Let me make a few points to each of you. These come from someone who has had a desk plate on his desk for some 20+ years that reads "Integrity." I do not lie...and I try to always shoot straight. If I make a mistake, I am the first to admit it. BUT, I do NOT lie and I do NOT play the PR card!! a) I am sick and tired of people still questioning whether or not Randy will spend money. I have said, time and time again, that Randy has NEVER, EVER said no to MON. Randy WILL spend money. He has absolutely made it perfectly clear that we do NOT have to sell a player to buy a player. To equate Randy with some other regime is just crazy. Randy's wallet is open and has been open. Seeing people who post comments that it is time for Randy to "show me the money" are simply out of it. MON has asked for and accepted the role of Manager and the individual in charge of obtaining players. To have someone come on this site and say the answer is simple, just take the role of obtaining players and tell MON to just Manage the Squad is TOTALLY naive. Do you understand, MON believes it is HIS role to not only manage the team but to obtain the players too...players that he is responsible for molding into the type of team he feels he needs. He sees this is TOTALLY his responsibility and if Randy or the Board stepped in and took it from him, it would be a huge mistake. He gets all the help and support he needs and wants....NO ONE ever says NO to a request in this area. BUT, we start micro-managing MON and it would be wrong. Following some of the ideas recently posted would be a disaster. You all think we have a disaster now...you have no idea of what would happen (AT ANY CLUB) when an Owner and Board embarrass a Manager. MON has the responsibility he wants and it is up to him to make good things happen. This is the same MON who has won championships before...who took us to 6th place...who has us in Europe...who has brought in some pretty talented people since his arrival. And you would want us to cut him off at the knees?? Be very careful with this type of thinking. c) V111AFC: "Rich, powerful, successful" "...honeymoon coming to an end." Give me a break!! Rich?? You have NO idea of my financial situation but I can assure you that having spent 35+ years in the forces, I am no where near rich. Powerful...my former rank and a few quid can get me a drink at a pub. "honeymoon coming to an end"...you are breaking my heart. Is that what you think I am about? You think I seek some sort of period of time where I am "loved"? You have NO idea who I am...or what makes me tick. Believe me V111AFC, your like or dislike of me has ZERO to do with this thread or why I am on it. As for money for being on the Board of AVFC....I have never been paid a pence...and wouldn't accept it if offered. And, oh by the way, no one else accepts money for the job. d) Razor: "The Club lying to us." Again, give me a break!! NO ONE is lying to you!! The fact that a situation changes literally overnight...that at one point we have an honourable statement made only to have it turned around does NOT mean your Club lied!! Are you so naive that you cannot "read between the lines" as to what happened?? e) paulanddonya: "Et tu Brute?" I am going to have to re-earn your trust? As if I have done something to lose your trust? Let me tell you something, as a rifle company commander fighting in VietNam, I ran into some very tough times. NEVER did my Marines "pack it in" because times were tough and NONE of them ever told me that I would have to re-earn their trust. They understood me...and they knew what I was made of. They knew I would be with them thru thick and thin. All I see now is some people bailing out as fast as they can...and crying for the "good old days." I was asked what my biggest disappointment has been as a Director of Aston Villa Football Club...simply these last couple of days as I have watched frustrated fans take things to a personal level. f) bakerbob: "white feather". Amazing comment and totally uncalled for. Do you fully understand the context of that comment? If so, you should be ashamed to have made it. We are ALL upset about the Barry Saga but, at the end of the day, I do NOT think YOUR Club should be ashamed...or feel like they have been had. Look at the reality of this saga. Liverpool wanted Barry...and Barry expressed his desire to leave. We set a price...simple as that. Liverpool attempted to negotiate that price and your Club's answer was simple...the price is the price! We are NOT a feeder Club! If you want Barry, pay the price. The ones who have been embarrassed is Liverpool...they entered the negotiations without the money to pay for the player. Who has played it straight-up? Who has not wavered? As for the announcement from the Club...if you cannot suss out what happened there, then you aren't as smart as I think you are. Do you really think we pulled that announcement out of thin air?? 2. Finally, the transfer window: I honestly understand ALL that you are saying. I am a fan too!!! I spoke with Randy at length about your feelings...he, too, understands. Simply put, he has placed his faith in Martin...he has told him to get the players and not worry about money. He has said that since the day he took over the Club. He looks at what MON has done in two years and he is happy...he sees a Club in Europe and in 6th place. Much of the credit goes to the man (MON) that many fans are pilloring. We ALL know we need more players!! We ALL know it. We trust MON and believe he will do what needs to be done. REMEMBER, YOUR idea of who we ought to be bringing in is NOT important. What IS important is who MON feels he needs. HE is the Manager. We need/must trust him...to know what the Squad needs and go get them. Randy WILL pay the price...believe me.
  22. General Krulak here: 1. As a fan...and NOT as a Director...I am saddened by the Barry Saga. As you all know, we made it very clear...EARLY ON...that we wanted our Captain to stay and were willing to write a new contract, etc. Liverpool indicated they wanted Barry and Barry indicated he was interested in leaving. We were very upfront...and set a price for Barry and provided that price to Liverpool. We never varied from that price. When we got an offer, the answer was always, "the price is the price." MON played it totally straight up. It was his feeling...and Randy's...that we are not a feeder club and when we value a player at a price, that is the price. I am not in Liverpool's shoes so I do not know what has been in their thinking...but I would imagine that they either 1) do not agree with the price or 2) do not have the money. In either case, that is not an issue for AVFC and not an issue for Gareth. I hope this saga is over...but having spent 35 years dealing with the "fog of war" and the "unexpected",...I will hold my breath. Every day seems to bring something new. 2. Symmouk: This is totally unsat. Please call John Greenfield at our Villa Park store and tell him what happened and see if he can sort something out for you. 3. mattyj22. A good idea. obviously it will have to be at a time that the Doctors agree will be OK for him. We would hate to rush him out on the Pitch. 4. Yes, Randy will be at the first game. I might add that he went to both Intertoto games...flying for two days to make them. 5. Yes, there will be a place to observe the first team practicing. 6. largelugs...I will pass it on to Randy. He did not commission it but I am sure would love to see it. 7. Salifou: Got it.
  23. General Krulak here: 1. Let's see...maybe I should take a different approach. Hmmmm...MON doesn't want a big squad. MON doesn't want quality players. MON just wants to sit on his bum during this transfer window and do nothing. The Club doesn't want to move up...we want to stand still or go backwards. Randy purchased the Club to attain a significant degree of mediocrity. Randy doesn't care for the Club, the Fans or standings in the table. He wants the Club to stagnate so that the value of the Club goes down. I am on the Boards for PR purposes and anything I say should and must be taken with a grain of salt. If I say MON is working hard to bring quality players in, well, discount it. if I say Randy's wallet is fully open, well discount it. Remember, I am just a "new" Fan...I cannot possibly be passionate about the Club. All I do is look at the glass "half-full." There, does that make anyone happy??? For the 100th time....I do not do transfers. MON does transfers. MON knows how many players he has...better than ANY of you do!! MON knows what the Club needs....better than ANY of you do. He knows who will "fit" and who won't. Spurs, Everton, Liverpool...yes, they have picked up some players, but so have we...and I'll bet on MON and his ability to turn the players he picked up into superb team players...we will have to see what happens with the other Clubs. I am honestly amazed...NOT at the desire to see players come into the Club but the desire to see "numbers" come into the Club. MON is NOT about numbers....he is ALL about getting the "right" players in...players who can help us now and in the future and players who will "fit" into the Club and make a difference. I KNOW many of you are frustrated. As a Fan, I would LOVE to see a signing EVERY day but....MON is the Manager and is in charge of transfers...NOT me...NOT you. I must trust MON to do what is right for the Club...after all, at the end of the day, he is responsible for what is on the Pitch. Randy gives him whatever support ($$$$) he needs...MON has the charge to make it happen. Randy trusts MON and so do I!!! 2. I will be off the site until Saturday....I am on my way to Omaha for a Board meeting then on to Cleveland for a meeting with Randy.
  24. General Krulak here: 1. Shemni: Red...it is what it is. Not much I can do about it. MON certainly did not ask me nor did Nike. Like many things, if you don't like it, don't buy it. I must say that they are selling well so not everyone agrees with you. 2. GaztonVilla: You hit the nail on the head. 3. granto: Good luck on the marathon...it will be a great event for you. I tried for years to make that one but was never able to do so. It is HUGE!!! The Cowboy game will be a real good one...I wish I could recommend a pub but I normally just go to the game and enjoy the food and drink there. Maybe a "tail gate." With your accent, you will be a welcome addition at any tail gate party.
  25. General Krulak here: 1. I can assure everyone that we are sending all messages of hope and healing to Bouma...he is MOST appreciative. 2. I can also assure everyone that MON knows Bouma was hurt on Saturday. He knows what he has to do and has Randy's TOTAL backing. 3. We are working on marketing in US....Bob Kain is concentrating on that area...and is a real pro. 4. We are, in fact, working hard on issues that arose during the recent game. It was a good "run" for us and we learned some things. The system is being addressed as I write...with a group of people looking for solutions. As you all know, to redo the entire stadium is a huge undertaking and extremely expensive. We have the worked scoped right now so we know what needs to be done. We may well try to do a "quick fix" to get some improvement right away...and fold the "quick fix" into the final solution to the problem.
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