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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here: 1. rsjg80: The perfect person to call would be Lee Preece...my sense is that he would be very receptive to your effort.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. Tubby: You are spot on. The depth of the field of play is probably the most interesting part of American Football. Whereas some might get frustrated by long kicks on to the head of Big John in British Football, the long pass in American Football gets the fans going. At the end of the day though, my heart remains with "the beautiful game." 2. Thank you for the comments re. 9/11. It was a very bad day. I remember I was in the US...had brought the CEO of Abbey National over to complete a business deal we were doing between that Bank and the one I ran in Chester. We were in the final throes of crossing the t's and dotting the i's when the first plane hit. A very tough day. My biggest memory was the picture of the people jumping from the towers rather than burning to death. 3. Fan Mail is basically sorted like any other business...pigeon holes for the players, managers, etc. Randy's goes directly to his office. I am not sure who gets the most...and it probably varies. When Gabby scores a hat trick, you can bet his box gets filled up quickly.
  3. General Krulak here: 1. shorey4england: Yes, I have seen them. In the immortal words of Yoda, "Tuned, you must stay." 2. As we move thru the rounds my sense is that 1) we will look hard at ticket allocation...in order to get the screaming fans into the stadiums to fire up the troops and 2) see to arranging packages that are a wee bit more "friendly" to people like you and me who may not be able to afford the current prices. YES, I said me and you!
  4. General Krulak here: 1. The reason we had some tickets allocated to the travel package is that there are fans who are interested in going on a travel package event and we needed tickets. We didn't use many, but we needed to put some aside. 2. When we get deeper into the competition, I would imagine that we would have more time to set packages up. 3. If I were a betting man, I would look to the Patriots, Colts or Cowboys to win the superbowl. I like the Chargers but I just don't think they can do it. Some tough injuries to their squad.
  5. General Krulak here: 1. Just back off trip...sorry to be a tad late. 2. Frustration in stands. I confess that, like any fan, I sometimes whing a bit whilst watching a game but, I know what the line-up is going to be for each game so I am never really surprised when the players are announced. More importantly, I have come to realize that no matter how much I believe I know about the game (or THINK I know), the fact is, MON knows more. Simply put, he sees the players each day...he watches them practice...he knows his game plan...and he makes the call. I trust him explicitly and believe that he knows better than I do what is needed. 3. I think most have seen that Bouma is getting along very well in his recovery and his spirits are sky high. 4. We will be looking hard at the web....and may well be looking for someone to help in that area. 5. The Club does not have a translator on staff....although we have some very talented folks who speak multiple languages. I speak English and American!!! 6. Tubby: First and foremost, you should be a football (US) analyst. You hit the nail on the head. A very bad game...simple as that. The secondary was like a sieve...could not cover anyone. Offense was not hitting on all cylinders either. Bottom Line: Game was a disappointment. BUT, in sports, these things happen. If you go crazy over one game, it can result in a straight-jacket for the season. 7. Travel Package: I think everyone would agree that the price is high. Believe it or not, that was the best we could get....and even that was a stretch. You and I could do better on our own!!!!!! 8. BlackcountryVilla. Your info is wrong. We were not given the option of 1000 tickets...simple as that. Whoever told you that was wrong. We received a little over 300 tickets and out of those tickets we needed to take care of players family/relatives, small staff going over, travel package folks, etc. 230 is the result. We were NOT offered 1000 tickets. 9. wiggyrichard: Welcome to this thread. We recognize the issues with catering...particularly in stands with minimal concourse space. We have been looking at multiple ways to handle this issue to include more kiosks and help. At the end of the day, the only solution that will prove successful will be renovation. As I mentioned earlier, Bouma is making good recovery.
  6. General Krulak here: 1. I will get back to you on the statue. The last I heard it was being worked within the fan network...supported by your Club. 2. I will be going on a short trip...leaving tomorrow and back Tuesday.
  7. General Krulak here: 1. Yes, Paul Faulkner represents the Club at many meetings. Although some might see him as young, he is very experienced and has worked with Randy for years...and with me, for that matter. He is bright, articulate, knows football, has a good relationship with MON and the folks at Bodymoor Heath. He is NOT the CEO but carries some very important day-to-day responsibilities. I have all kinds of time for Paul....he is a good leader and a good pereson. As I have tried to articulate before, we look at Villa as a "Family" and each member of the Family has specific duties to perform BUT, each Member also "does windows." In other words, the key is selfless...do what needs to be done without worrying about who gets the credit or if there is a title involved. This is the way YOUR Club now operates....and why Paul is so effective. He does windows. 2. WBA will be shown at Holte Suite and Holte Pub. 3. Blandy: I hope you are right about Stoke. I guess I was just so excited about the season that I felt this was one we should have taken...and when we didn't, I was gutted. 4. Let me look into the Villa Specials.
  8. General Krulak here: 1. Ferguson1. I have enjoyed going to Newcastle and Arsenal...both very nice stadiums. Every Manager and Owner I have met have been gentlemen...at game time, it is the proper way to act. I have had no problems and I think they have enjoyed their visits to Villa Park. 2. Joey Barton??? Why are we talking about him?? 3. Reserve games. If you really want to bring a lad or lassie to a game, I recommend the U-18's or U-16's...great games and you can get right up close to the players. Very exciting brand of football too. Eventually, many of the coaches and some of the 1st team will come over to watch too. 4. My favorite moments at Villa to date have been the '82 team reunion and game and the 5-1 victory!! My lowest moment has probably been Stoke. 5. The Browns are now my team although I have been a Redskin Fan for 60+ years.
  9. General Krulak here: 1. Robulas: Obviously we aren't a transport company and do not want to get into that business. It would be a HUGE mistake. Equally, we have very little control over transport companies that do exist. We try to give them an idea of numbers of fans coming to games and from where...but we cannot dictate where they place their routes. Sorry. 2. I will check on the WBA game and the Holte Suite. 3. OutByEaster: I would say that I know all the candidates...the ones that made it and the ones that didn't. The only person I have never met is the Governor from Alaska. I know Sen Biden...more from my days as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff than from my time at MBNA. Most of my MBNA time was spent in the UK. I have no interest in going into a political appointee position so that is not an issue with me. 4. Ianrob1: I agree 100% with you....Randy is in a class by himself. He "gets it." We are blessed to have Randy and blessed to have Martin...and blessed that they get on so well and have the same goals.
  10. General Krulak here: 1. Car park: Since I also park in the car park, I understand completely your concerns. I spent some time in the car park after the L'pool game and it became very obvious that the issue is not necessarily the stewards in the car park, but the lack of traffic coordination on the roads surrounding Villa Park. We could have the parking lot operating as a well-oiled machine but that would not help matters much. Just making a left or right turn is nigh on to impossible until several hours after the game. If our stewards got out into the road and started to "fix" that problem, we would soon find ourselves in trouble with the police. My sense is that we need to improve the coordination with the police and attempt to figure out a way to get traffic flowing out and away from the stadium. 2. Upgrades to Villa Park. As I have said before, we have a study looking at the entire park. When it is completed, Randy will look at it and start the ball moving. He will be the one to prioritize the effort. 3. We are looking at getting some former players back...JPA as an example. As I mentioned above, it is NOT just a simple matter of inviting them.
  11. General Krulak here: 1. I really am not going to answer transfer questions. Simply put, my answers can easily end up in the media. If you just go back thru all my posts, you will see the answer to your question...stated many, many times. 2. Players back to Villa Park. I only wish it were as easy as an invite. Too often, it is far more difficult and some would rather not have the attention or make the trip.
  12. General Krulak here: 1. We have continued to recognize the issues with catering...and Alison has been viewing comments made on this site and others to get a sense of what went right and wrong this past Sunday. We have work to do but I really believe that Alison and her Team are going about the "fix" in the right way. There is NO question that the concourses themselves are a HUGE problem. 2. We are working on the OS....again, we know we have problems....and some are easy fixes that we just haven't done. 3. Tubby...The Browns: Pre-season isn't really a big deal in the US. It is a time to look at the rookies and free agents and to give certain players and hard look. The fact that we went 0-4 is not causing us grief. We have a very tough schedule and it starts hard and gets harder. We definitely have a play-off caliber team but they must perform. 4. LivingTheLifeOfAVillan: It wouldn't make a difference because Randy is too devoted to the Club.
  13. General Krulak here: 1. Browns: They have a very tough schedule in a very tough division. We want the playoffs...that is our goal for this season. 2. ManCity: Several questions re. what has transpired over the past 24 hours. I am pretty simplistic on this issue...we focus on Villa and on doing what we need to do to get to where we want to go. I do not see MON or Randy spending a good deal of time thinking about the finances of another Club....they are in the process of building our Club in the way they feel is right for Villa. We had a very successful transfer window...brought in some very fine players to match those we have...we stuck to our guns throughout the process and came out stronger. I applaud MON and Randy!! There is an old Sinatra song about "doing it my way." I think that is where we are right now...two men who have the same vision and goal...doing it the way they feel is right for the Villa.
  14. General Krulak here: 1. Just back from a week in UK...FH, then two youth games then L'pool. A very good, busy, trip...but wish we could have won at L'pool. More on that later. 2. Team Photo...screensaver. I will check on this. 3. Greeting Cards. Not sure why you could not find any...again, I will check. 4. "Undisclosed transfer fees." It just does not make any sense for us to disclose how much money we have spent on transfer fees...it lets other Clubs know what we have either paid or are willing to pay. Not a good business model to follow. 5. Players have told me they are happy to be playing with acorns across their chests. 6. AVTV: All I can tell you is that changes are coming. 6. Everyone can expect changes as a result of UEFA Cup and Carling Cup...and you know that better than I do. We will get the word out as soon as changes are made. Please follow the official web site for the info. 7. LeafyVilla: Please call Lee Preece and he will sort it for you. 8. AVFCGB: Got it. I will speak to folks who manage turnstiles. You should NOT have had to go thru that experience. 9. Stevenjos: I honestly do not have an answer. 10. CATERING: First off, Alison Plant (Head of this area) will read your comments. Secondly, she and her team have taken many steps to help sort out this area. The new kiosks are a visible example but she has also hired many new people. Many of the suggestions you all have put forth have either been implemented or looked at closely. As an example, the carrying of beer on the back...a great idea but there are real concerns about security of money, etc. in such an arrangement. Walking thru a very close concourse can be dangerous to someone who is carrying money...trying to make change...etc. We have heard horror stories from other clubs who have tried this. I was in Holte Suite three times before the game and, yes, it was very crowded but people were being fed efficiently and quickly...and they were getting healty portions. Yes, there was a queue for drinks but I watched closely what was happening behind the bar and felt that the servers were doing very well. Adding people did NOT look liike the solution...we had people manning each "pump." Our BIGGEST problem is simply the concourses at Villa Park...very confining and very difficult to move food and drink thru. This is an engineering and renovation problem...not a catering problem. I am certainly not excusing cold food and slow service BUT, I think we are making good strides in this area and totally disagree that things are going backwards. I recall my first game and my first visit to the Holte End lower concourse....we are MUCH better off now than at that time. Additionally, linking catering to Corporate Hospitality is just plain wrong. Corporate Hospitality is NOT hurting catering, it is making it better. More cooks, more kitchens, better service. As for the sales in the Corporate Suites, it IS going far better than we had hoped. The empty seats are because some seats remain to be sold...but not many...and other folks just decided to sit inside....Do not ask me why. 11. Razor: Not sure about the 50 pound note issue but....I think it is probably pretty wise. 12. Sully: I saw collectors. 13. The Game: First off, I watched the first team practice on Saturday and they were sharp and confident. Of course several of the new players could not play due to injury and others were just joining the team. I thought, like most of you, that this was a good chance to bring home 3 points. At the same time, the key is to never lose. If we could go thru the season ZERO losses, we would be in pretty good shape. Here are my thoughts: 1) I thought both defenses played extremely well. Penetration was made very difficult for us by the way they were marking John Carew and their dedication of one man with Young the entire game. Likewise, our defense was very strongand will only get better as our new players join the squad. 2) I thought the middle of the field was also very restricted...tight play and difficult to get things going. This was NOT due to a lack of effort but it seemed to me that L'pool was set on coming away with a point...in other words, playing NOT to lose. Again, I think that our new players will make a big difference here. 3) Forwards...again, Carew was fronted and backed the entire game. I really wanted to win this game. My son and grandson came over with me and it would have been great for them to see us beat L'pool. Simply put, we didn't beat them. At the same time, I do not think that they looked at us as the "old Villa"...I think they were definitely worried about us and had respect for our Squad...this, in itself, says a great deal. As I have said many, many, times...we are on a journey. We WILL get to our destination.
  15. General Krulak here: 1. Just posted but it got lost in the ether...using a machine at Villa Park so it should work. 2. tvillain: I sent you a pm with John's personal number...give him a call and he should be able to address your question. 3. Bouma is doing fine. We have passed on to him the best wishes of the fans and he is most appreciative. His recovery is going as expected. It takes time and a good physio and physical therapy. Thank you for asking. He will be back but we will not try to rush him. 4. Website and AVTV: Simply put, we recognize we have a problem. I just met with people at Villa Park on this very issue. We certainly have some sorting out to do...and we will do it. Bear with us.
  16. General Krulak here: 1. Both the U-16 and U-18 will be played at Bodymoor Heath at 1200...obviously OutbyEaster knows that the Liverpool game is at Villa Park.
  17. General Krulak here: 1. harris21: I am afraid I don't know what rounds will be played at Villa Park...and I doubt if that will be know until much closer to the opening date. We have work to do at Villa Park to make sure we are ready but we are not prepared,yet, to day where the changes might be made. 2. I will be off the net for a couple of days as I depart for the UK this evening. I will grab a computer and be up when I arrive at VP. I will be at the 2nd leg, the L'pool game, and the U-16 and U-18 games. If anyone sees me, come on up and say hello.
  18. General Krulak here: 1. Sani: Please pm me again...I answered and my computer sent answer into ether. 2. The Game: Like all Villa fans, I am gutted. We simply must win against the Stokes of the world. I am the first to say that we need to take "one game at a time" but I hate to lose like this one. At the same time, I am convinced that we have a good team and a good manager and we have a bright future ahead. MON will sort this out...the players will bounce back...and we will continue to move forward. One game does not make a season...even if it is very disappointing. I have said it more than once...we have complete faith in MON and in our Squad. 3. Irish1: I am afraid I cannot explain the charge you have indicated...but I am sure if you contacted John Greenfield at the VP store, he could give you the explanation. 4. We are working with acorns to determine the best way to capitalize on the generosity of our fans...and to make the most of the name on the shirt.
  19. General krulak here: 1. sellyoakvilla: Yes, I do try to get to some away games. 2. Petto: I am not sure what you are referring to when you use the term, Spirituality. If you are using it in the sense of religion, yes, I am a Christian and have been since 1976. 3. Sani: PM me and I will give you her e-mail address since you can't phone her. 4. We absolutely want to be one of the parks utilized by the Olympics and we will do all that we can to make that happen. 5. OutbyEaster: I will be at both the U-16's and the U-18's...going to support the young lads. My match report would not pass muster. 6. blunther: Please call Nicky Keye...let her know the issue and see if she can help.
  20. General Krulak here: 1. Randy's fitness program is basically a trifecta...Randy, Villa and the Browns. 2. Yes, I will be there for the Liverpool game, the U-18's and the Cup game.
  21. General Krulak here: 1. I have sent on the message re. TV screens...and I think action will be taken. 2. I agree about the comments re. Randy. I am sure that many Fans are appreciative of the money he has put into the Cub and the other areas that he has placed resources against. At the same time, I believe that most Fans recognize that they have a very special owner...one who "gets it." Randy loves the game and, more importantly, he loves the Villa. This is NOT just a case of a Yank with money coming over and getting involved in British Football. This is the case of a man who went to school in the UK, who has workied in the UK, who researched Clubs and chose Villa. Football means a great deal to Randy and to Randy, football is spelled "Villa." Obviously, this same feeling is shared by the Board and by every single member of the Villa Family. It continues to amuse me when folks talk about the good "PR"...thiis feeling and this devotion has nothing to do with PR. It is real and it is palpable.
  22. General Krulak here: 1. Yes, the Holte Suite doors are the ones I was discussing. We DO know it poses a problem and are already constructing new ones to help...we are working this issue. 2. 3rd kit is to be out in September. 3. Robulas: I would take a minute to call Nicky Keye at ticketing and lay out your thoughts with her...you have some good points...let her have a go. 4. You are very observant...Randy has lost about 15 pounds. He has been working out...running, etc. and watching his diet. He is tough enough to be a Marine right now.
  23. General Krulak here: 1. Sani: As I mentioned in my last post, if you have a specific ticket issue, please contact Nicky Keye at ticketing and explain your problem...she will do her best to sort it.
  24. General Krulak here: 1. The very best way to resolve any ticketing issue is to contact Nicky Keye and her folks at Villa Park. There whole reason for being is to make the ticketing process easy...not hard. Please call Nicky and allow her the chance to sort some of this out.
  25. General Krulak here: 1. AussieBrad: Please contact John Greenfield at VP and describe your issue to him...he will help sort it. 2. Doors: The doors in question are fire doors. Because of our close working relationship with the B'ham City Council and our own pledge for safety, we have been given some allowance in using those doors. We need to be very careful in their use and are trying to do so. We are constructing new doors to try and help out. 3. Adverts around the stadium. Yes, we are trying to "clean up" the look of the stadium...not trying to pave the way for bigger "clients." We would like to go back a bit in history to reclaim the look of a stadium when there wasn't quite so much ads, etc. hanging from the stands. We need to do it smartly.
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