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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here: 1. FIRST AND FOREMOST, we recognize we had a major problem with the live stream yesterday. We recognized we had problems from the beginning and worked to correct them throughout the game and after. I was getting updates on the problem until 2:00 am UK time. The issue was two-fold: a) a technical problem and a communications problem with the provider. The issue was further clouded by what appears to have been a "rogue" stream which, at one point, was going out to over 3000 viewers. The stream was accessed by ripping off the feed coming out of Villa Park and going to Bulgaria. I will be back on this site with a fuller explanation later today. We are VERY sorry about this. 2. More games= more revenue. This is good. 3. Ticket problem. Yes, we had mechanical problems with tickets...thus causing queues. We continue to test the system before each game but sometimes, like noted above, "gremlins" take over and make things difficult. We are working to discover what caused the problem and sort it.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. Coop_AVFC: Browns win was great!! Skins win over their arch-rival Dallas was akin to 5-1 against Birmingham City Football Club. 2. the boyangel: not sure but will see if I can make happen. 3. ianrobo1: Yes, I am very much aware of Chirs Cooper's ride...and think it is very special. The video was moving...to say the least. 4. hobbo: Good to see you again!! I thought you might have fallen off a cliff!! Not to worry about Randy...all is fine. 5. paddy: Just trying to make things better. Speaking of better, how are you doing? 6. blackcountryvilla: We continue to look at the stadium from a holistic view...no decisions have been made yet. We will not begin any work until we have a plan that is all-encompassing. 7. junxs: I am not sure...will try and see.
  3. General Krulak here: 1. imavillafan5: I will check into your issue. As you know or can imagine, being a steward at a football game is not a very simple thing to do. You are similar to a referee....if you get too involved, you are castigated...if you don't get involved enough, you are castigated. It can be a very fine line they must walk. Some do it extremely well...others, not as well. Much of what they do is a judgement call...and how they make that call can be found in the reaction of the fans to their first comments. If they get a load of "boshido", then their subsequent reaction can be different than if people respond positively. 2. Ianrobo1: I agree, this Giant Team photo is a real winner. The entire project was led by Dan Meredith (Senior Marketing Director) who was assisted by Russell Jones (his boss), Katrina Adamson, Elizabeth Burrows and Ravinder Masih. Not only did they come up with the idea but they marketed it to the B'ham Mail and made a giant version of it and have put it up on the Academy wall at VP. These are just some of the GREAT people we have who work behind the scenes to help develop the atmosphere we enjoy every day. They are, in many ways, some of the "unsung heroes' of YOUR football club. 3. Duntonvilla: Well done on this effort and good luck on the run. I have answered your pm. The one thing I think may be a stretch would be putting something in the programme. Obviously we have many, many, worthwhile events every week...and if we put each one of them in the programme, we would have little space for anything else.
  4. General Krulak here: 1. Rock4eva and dodgyknees: It was my pleasure to speak with Adam...what a fine lad. I am so sorry for all that he is going thru but...he seems like a real level-headed lad and one that will be fine. I would love to meet him and shake his hand and give him a word of encouragement. 2. Don't_do_it_Doug: We won't go overboard on those who caused the incident...just try to ensure that it doesn't happen again. We do recognize that the passion of the moment can cause folks to go a little overboard but when it impacts others, some action should be taken. 3. VillaAsh: I will see what I can do. 4. Dom_Wren and sellyoakvilla: THE key to handling tickets is to give Nicky Keye a call at ticketing and explain the issue. She has the ability to get you the answer and help sort whatever problem you have. She is a winner.
  5. General Krulak here: 1. Phumfeinz: I am sure that Nicky Keye will pick up your comment on this thread and fix the confirmation notice. 2. JohnGoodman: The artwork was done by Stephen Farthing...a member of the Royal Academy and a very dear friend of Randy. Stephen served on the Board of Directors of MBNA, Europe Bank, Ltd. when I was the Chairman and CEO....he is a superb individual. I will see if he would be willing to produce some prints....that would obviously be his call. 3. PeterWithe_shins: I have never been asked by the media and, to be honest, I am a bit like Randy. I would just as soon let actions speak for themselves. 4. Irritated13: I answered your pm on this subject. I think I have given you a good opportunity to help me sort this out. 5. Music: I will see what I can do. 6. sidcow: Unfortunately, the attendence was as stated. We have a team in the top 4, we are playing in Europe, we are playing an exciting, fast-paced brand of football, the game is on a Saturday and it is not raining...and we can't even reach 39,000. Obviously a disappointment. At the same time, I do believe that it is recognition of what the economic problems mean to all of us. Even though Randy and the Board have been very conscientious in keeping the price of tickets at some of the lowest levels in the League, the economy is what it is. I think we all hope that the action of the US Congress (the "bailout") will have a positive impact world-wide...but time will tell. We want fans to come to the games...it is important for the Squad to have fans yelling for them and, obviously, it is important for the Club. At the same time, we recognize that there are economic issues that cannot be "wished" away.
  6. General Krulak here: 1. paulanddonya: Re. substitutions. My sense is that MON knows exactly what he is doing and why...so I will not question his rationale. He has the respect of his players and he works as hard as anyone I know in sports...he really is devoted to the job. With re. to No. 9: I confess that I never knew that No. 9 was "sacred" and I am not sure how many others associated with the Club know of that fact. If it is an obvious fact, then it was not obvious to us and no one jumped up and said "no no" when the number was given. I am not sure what can be done about it now...I doubt seriously if Carew would be interested in dumping his number right now. My sense is that we let this one play out...now is NOT the time to start a potential squabble within the squad. MON and the Team are playing as one...they are focused on each game...they are focused on being a team and not individuals. As a team, they should not be engaged over who wears what number...particularly after numbers have been assigned. Our lads are focused on team and team-mates.... I would not want to see the possibility of unintended consequences of making shirt number changes right now. At the end of the day, this is MON's call and he has made it. We support MON.
  7. General Krulak here: 1. Very nice win. It was a game we needed to win and we did just that. The last minutes were far more enjoyable due to the "possession arrow" in our direction. I thought MON had the lads ready to play and they worked very hard. Petrov was very strong. 2. Don_Baker: I will raise your issue with our Security folks....not good.
  8. General Krulak here: 1. We are looking at over 40,000 vs. Sunderland and over 25,000 for V Litex. 2. Sounds like a good idea to keep kiosks open...I will check into it. Probably part of the issue will be the cost of keeping them open. 3. kidlewis: Nice job!!! Seriously, it was very well done. Did you do the vocals? Who wrote it?
  9. General Krulak here: 1. GUTTED!!!! 2. Unfortunately, I will not be at Sunderland game...to see us get back on the winning track. 3. Robulas: I am not sure how to answer your question. The "courtesy" of Football is pretty well established. The players on the field appear to know when to respond in a proper manner to an injury and when not to. I will not second guess what transpired...I have to leave these decisions to the players and the Manager. We have got very competitive lads and a very competitive Manager...but they also do what they feel is the right thing to do. I must say I applaud the concept of "doing the right thing." 4. alco-pops: I will see if I can get an answer to this question.
  10. General Krulak here: 1. UK National Radio Station and acorns: As you noted, your Club does not seek publicity. This broadcast is obviously for acorns...and that is really what is important. If the folks at acorns want us to participate, we will but we certainly want the entire focus to be on the children and on what acorns does for these young people. 2. I cannot say much about the testimonial. That will be something that will be decided by MON and the Club. As a Director, I would not think it would be good for me to get involved in that aspect of the Club.
  11. General Krulak here: 1. Legendary 10: You are killing me!!!!
  12. General Krulak here: 1. paulanddonya: Your first question is somewhat unfair...not because I am a Director of the Club because my answer will not be given as a Director but as a fan. It is unfair because of my lack of time in and around the game. I've been a big fan for about 6 years and most of those years have been in the UK and watching the Premiership. I would probably, based on this as background, like to see us do two things. The first would be to win the Premiership...this requires excellence over a season...a very hard thing to accomplish. Then, after winning the Premiership and making Europe, I would love to repeat the '82 feat. Pretty darn greedy aren't I?? At the end of the day, I want us to play hard every game and put everything on the line...I want our players to come off the Pitch spent...but with their heads high and full of spirit. If we can do this...every game...we will win "my dream" and yours...the FA Cup. It will happen...we will see the day...we just need to continue to believe. Yes, I think we will go to goal line technology. It will not detract from the game. When it happens is a different question. The Ryder Cup? After all the grief I have taken over the years from my friends across the pond, I am happy. 2. villapow: Much of what appears on these sites become the rationale for action by the Club. That is one of the key reasons I am on the site...to communicate. 3. villaajax: I know Randy liked it...no word from MON. He is probably watching tape of a game right now. 4. spacehead: Great post. You sure put life into perspective.....well done.
  13. General Krulak here: 1. We are constantly looking to bring in the legends from the past. We will continue to do so. 2. Browns: Beginning to look bad for us. We have a good offensive line, defensive line should be strong, got some good draft picks and great free agents. Not sure what is wrong but...we do have problems. It will not be long before the calls for Brady are heard. 3. Patriots aren't that bad....Dolphins are not that good. Loss of Tom Brady is HUGE.
  14. General Krulak here: 1. Good win today...3 points away after a very long week of travel and games is a great result. I am very proud of MON and the lads...they have professionally down their job and done it well. We have another big week facing us...we just need to continue to focus on one game at a time. The away fans were great today...thank you!! 2. Here are the estimates of attendence of upcoming games...as of Friday: QPR: 25,000; Sunderland: 40,000+; VLitex: 28,000. Obviously we will probably see the numberrs change before kickoff but that is what we are trending towards right now.
  15. General Krulak here: 1. v1per999: I went on the Board myself and could not find the offensive material...thank you for giving me a better idea of where to go. We will work this issue.
  16. General Krulak here: 1. v1per999: OUCH!!!! I will quickly admit that I have not seen such a thing placed on the OS but will click to it immediately. I can PROMISE you that if we have pornography (to include female genitalia) on the site, it will be off immediately. I am not a prude but pornography on our site is unsat!! 2. roger_moore: Not too fast here!!! I think we are going to take it this year.
  17. General Krulak here: 1. b6bloke: Obviously my sense is that Villa Park is a perfect place to play those fixtures...and I think others agree. 2. villaajax: Sent to Randy and MON. 3. Tubby: Again, the Browns just did not play up to their potential. As you probably know, we have done a great deal in the draft over the past few years and in the free agency. Randy has put a huge amount of support towards the Browns...and it is now time to pick up the pace and put some wins on the board. 4. Over a million times??? No wonder my wife is after me!!!
  18. General Krulak here: 1. Good win to have under our belts. They were a pretty scrappy team...did some things very well. 2. dodgyknees: pm me the info...I cannot promise Gabby but, if nothing else, I will call him. (Not that I can take the place of ANY of our players.)
  19. General Krulak here: 1. tvillian: Not sure about the UEFA badge...why don't you give John Greenfield as call at the Shop and see if he has any. 2. the_bubble: Sounds like all is good...nice to see!!! 3. OutByEaster: I love what Villaajax has produced and have sent a copy of the picture on...the lad has a great sense of humor. 4. VillaInGreece: You are the 2nd person to raise this issue in as many weeks....let me look into what might be possible. 5. BlackCountryVilla: I believe you asked me the same question on another web site...and I answered it on that site. Please look at the other site for answer. 6. Jackvillan: Now there is an idea.
  20. General Krulak here: 1. wiganvilla: Yep, except in my case I was sitting in the middle of the Board Room discussing a critical financial issue....I confess that I received a few strange looks. At the same time, it provided me the opportunity to "explain" Villa to a group of Copper, Gold and Moly miners...who "got it" by the time I was finished. 2. NorthernGordon: I may be wrong (wouldn't be the first time) but I thought we had some XXXL at the shop. Give John Greenfield a call at the shop and see what he has to say.
  21. General Krulak here: 1. Back from the Board Meeting. Unfortunately, I did not see the game but Paul Faulkner kept me will abreast of what was happening by Blackberry. It was BAD when I let out a yell after the first goal!!!!! It sounds like the players made us all proud...and I am VERY happy. I confess that I honestly felt we were going to win the game. For some reason I just felt that MON would have them fully prepared and that the lads would play their guts out. It sounds like they did just that. 2. Later stages of the UEFA Cup. I am not really sure how I think about this. My former life (the Military) would have me say that we will need to face the best at sometime so bring them on now. In calmer moments, I think about taking an easier road to Istanbul. I am not sure how I finally come down on this...but probably feel that we just take each one as they come...tougher or easier. 3. When not at the game and cannot watch, I follow very closely on my Blackberry. 4. brumemerica: I put the keys in the mail today...please ensure that you don't leave garbage out on the tables. The comment you get about the Browns...simply put, they have had a tough go of it for about 10 years. 5. bully: You are so right about Randy. He is one in a million as an owner. I have been telling you all that from day-1..............we are VERY fortunate to have him as our leader. Combine him with MON and we have a great duo. don't_do_it_doug: You hit on the one thing that worries me....Randy needs to "pace" himself...he works VERY hard. I am not the only one who tells him that!! 6. 5 a side: I am afraid that Randy is supporting so many different things that jumping on the 5 a side bandwagon is probably a non-starter. This is NOT because he would not be interested...only because he is already involved in so many charities and efforts like this.
  22. General Krulak here: 1. Stuw: UEFA away game...I will need to look into this. I have not heard it will be shown but let me check. 2. ads: A little bit about allocation. We basically look at our attendence history for those games...at similar date/time. We get the number of takers over the years and then estimate what we think will happen this year. Unfortunately, any ticket not used must be paid for by the Club at full price so if we miss estimate, it becomes very costly. At the end of the day, we probably do "underestimate" so as not to lose a good deal of money but....we do try to be as accurate as possible w/o doing something stupid. 3. jimthevillian: Obviously neither Randy nor I have anything at all to do with MBNA now. We both left the Bank in 2005. I can say this...when we were in the UK and running MBNA, we tried very hard to be customer friendly, very transparent, and fair. Over the past few years, I believe the OFT has taken transparency to a stronger level and restrictions have been made on APR that can be charged. I would very carefully read the terms and conditions of the offer and make a decision based upon 1) what you read in those terms and conditions and 2) what other MBNA cardholders have to say about the card. Obviously the AVFC MBNA card does provide a small amount of funds to the Club so I would be foolish to recommend that you not get the card. At the same time, I need to be honest...which is why I urge you to read the terms and conditions closely and to ask friends for their opinion. 4. I have a Board Meeting on Monday and Tuesday so I will be back on the site Wednesday to talk about our win.
  23. General Krulak here: 1. paulanddonya and myb: I love it!!!! There is NOTHING like a Villa Fan!! 2. shenry87: Yes, we have commissioned a study to look at the entire Villa Park...for infrastructure and other issues. When the report is completed, we will provide it to the Board and to Randy and we will prioritize what needs to be done first.
  24. General Krulak here: 1. A fine article that has been forwarded to Randy. I would only add my own two cents worth: There are really 3 keys: 1) Randy Lerner. At the end of the day, Randy is the Commanding General of AVFC. His personal stamp, his care and concern for the ethos of the Club, his belief in tradition, his awareness of the Fans, his understanding of the need to build a "total" infrastructure...all set the foundation for the work done by the rest of the "Family." 2) MON. He has accepted the totality of the role of Manager...no ifs, ands or buts. His leadership, his strategic vision, his ability to motivate, his unflappable outlook, no matter how difficult the situation, ALL make him a very special person. He is comfortable in his own skin!! He and Randy think alike and have great mutual respect. 3) The People of AVFC. Simply put, we have some great folks...all the way through the organization...who make the day-to-day running of this Club as professional and customer friendly as possible. Without good people, the first two points would not be enough to make the Club a success. 4) The Fans. At the end of the day, it is the Fans who keep us all going. One cannot be at Villa Park on game day...or away...without recognizing that the Premiership does not have better fans than those who bleed claret and blue.
  25. General Krulak here: 1. tubby: Browns tickets are hard to come by. If you really want to go to a game, let me know and I will see what I can do to make sure you have a ticket. 2. kerms: Thanks for the info. I will pass it on. VERY frustrating to still have difficulties in distribution.
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