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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here: 1. Back in the US after a long week at Villa Park doing work and attending the games. I must confess that I am gutted by the result on Saturday. Like any fan, I really wanted that win!! I won't comment on the game other than to say that I felt we gave them too much "respect" early on. Chelsea is a team you need to pressure from the beginning and never let up...whoever has the ball. Still, I will take my own advice. " We will have our ups and downs and now we need to concentrate on our next game." 2. The_Randy_Villan: I will be with Randy and the Club until the day I die!! I will die a Villan!! 3. markeefc: Got it...I will discuss with store manager. 4, sparcy16: I will look into this but....next game, I would ask you to alert the nearest Steward about the issue and let him take action when it starts up. 5. OutbyEaster: I gave him a big hug! 6. Yes, I have been to Moscow several times.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. Randy and me...Match Day: Basically we have different routines. Randy gets to the Park about an hour before the game and spends time with the opposition owner, our own people and basically relaxes as best he can. He will spend time looking at the grounds and just chatting...a real cool customer. Having been around the Browns for so many years, he certainly has a calm attitude. That does NOT mean that he isn't ready for the game and excited by the atmosphere...he just keeps it close to his vest. During the game he watches everything intently. He knows the game, understands what is happening on the Pitch and is up and down in his seat just like any fan. He is a great competitor himself and lets his emotions show when we put one in the back of the net. He is Villa through and through so feels the same about results as any fan. My routine is quite different. I get to the Park 4 hours before game time and walk the stadium. I will hit each stand at least once and the Holte Pub and Holte Suite 2 or 3 times...I see many of you on those walk-abouts. During the game I will sit with Randy for a portion of the game and then head off to one or more of the stands to get a feel for the fans and the atmosphere and to check food kiosks, etc. Like Randy, I am a Villa fanatic so I let my emotions show when things are good or not so good. At the end of the day, Randy and I are no different than anyone else who comes to Villa Park. We want to see consistent, winning, football played with pace and skill and guts. 2. I think that our Fans will find Moscow a nice place to visit. You should not worry about any trouble if you stay on the main streets and don't venture into areas that are out of the mainstream. The Police know we are coming...they will be out in force to help, not to make problems. I feel very comfortable in Moscow.
  3. General Krulak here: 1. I am at Villa Park and managed to steal a computer. 2. Spent 1 and 1/2 hours at Bodymoor heath today. I saw our lads in Physio and all are progressing well. They are eager to get back on the Pitch and their morale is high. No surprises...they are just doing what the physios recommend and are working hard at reovery. 3. A cracking game last night. The atmosphere was brilliant...the flags were very special. The result was NOT what I would have wanted but I thought we fought back well and kept good pressure on the other team. We are going to really have to push in moscow...they have a solid team (strong in front and back) and it will be cold (it is minus 13 today) and the Pitch is not a good one. Still, we have the ability to do what needs to be done. I spoke to John Carew after the game and he said that when they came out of the tunnel the noise was deafening and the flags were amazing. Well done to the FANS!!! 4. 7:00 pm start time. I am sure you all understand that NEITHER Club has an impact on start time. I recognize the problem and feel very bad about some of the fans that did not get in until after the game. I agree, it was not the best of times. We probably have a few programmes left overl...you can call the store and see if they have any. I do know that all the vendors sold out very quickly.
  4. General Krulak here: 1. First off, I am gutted by the results yesterday. At the same time, I have to go back to my own comments on the thread..."we will have our ups and downs...we just need to limit the downs and win the next game." So I am following my own advice...I will focus on moscow...and after that game, on Chelsea. 2. It looks like we will have around 38K at the moscow game...and Chelsea will be a sell out. I am REALLY looking forward to the moscow game and the atmosphere. I will be roaming the park for that one...for sure! 3. walesavfc has pretty much got it right. I try not to think about battles I fought in...as you know, no one hates war more than those who have to fight them. 4. I depart for the UK tomorrow and will be off the thread until I get to Villa Park and can "borrow" a computer. I will be back. 5 As of 3:00pm today, we had over 350 ST sales...well ahead of what we planned.
  5. General Krulak here: 1. brommy: Yes, we did ask...and continue to do so. We have had one "expansion" of the number but that is all. The answer has always been the same...the number is what is determined to be the max amount for heath and safety. When we applied for the building permit, the number was set.
  6. General Krulak here: 1. I am on my way to the UK early next week....weather WILL improve!!! 2. roger_moore: Simply put, the Holte Pub (overall) is not a money maker at this time. It does fine on game day but is a bit shy on other days. I wish I had the answer for your question re. health and safely limitations whilst other pubs are allowed to pack them in like sardines but I don't. What I do know is that we are "visited" often by officials and that is why we actually have to count folks as they come in. VERY frustrating because we do have greater capacity. 3. bakerbob: I am not at all sure what you want me to do. We already have the lowest prices in the Premiership..to start cutting prices for age groups...for the season...would end up costing money...NOT increasing revenue. We try to do the very best we can...we listen to the fans and take steps to meet their expectations BUT, we are a business and we do have a fiduciary responsibility as a Board to try and make that business successful. I think most Fans recognize the efforts we have gone to in recognizing the economic situation and appreciate that fact. I am sorry if you do not see things the same way.
  7. General Krulak here: 1. I absolutely encourage Fans with questions re. ticketing, payment schemes, electronic payments, etc. etc. to ring up the Ticketing Office. They are prepared to answer your questions...knowing that the info posted on the OS will never fully answer all the questions that are out there. I could act as an intermediary but it would probably not be as good as just you ringing Nicky Keye and her great staff. 2. North Stand: Simply put, the price was raised because the current price was basically set too low. When it came to looking at revenue per seat, the North Stand was a major outlier...below anything in the Premiership and almost anything in the League below. We felt that raising the price per ticket to the new price would make sense from a revenue standpoint BUT still be HUGELY competitive to anything else in the League. Less than 16 pounds a game and 5 pounds for juniors seemed to be a very fair price...and one that reflects our concern re. the economy. I think it is VERY important that every Fan recognize that the Club is also facing the same economic hardships as any other business...we are not exempt from the problem. THE KEY is that YOUR Club has attempted to work out a Season Ticket scheme that is fair, that recognizes the economic situation, and that allows for a payment over time. Will we satisfy every single Fan?? I doubt it!! BUT, I think the vast majority will see what Randy, the Directors and the Club have done and, hopefully, will appreciate it.
  8. General Krulak here: 1. Tubby: Yes, I would say that we are a bit ahead of our 5 year plan but...I don't want to jinx anything!! The Season is not over so my answer needs to be moderated with that in mind. 2. Drew'sMilitia: You raise an interesting point. My recommendation is that you call Nicky Keye and she will provide you the thought-process behind the decision. It would be much better getting your answer from Nicky. 3. Season Tickets: I hope most fans recognize the fact that their Club has tried very hard to understand and take into account the current economic environment. Everything from the payment scheme to the "price freeze" has been undertaken with the fan in mind. My strong recommendation is to renew or get your Season Tickets as soon as you can.
  9. General Krulak here: 1. I believe that all Fans will see that the Club has tried to take into account the economic situation...and be as fair as possible. I also believe that all Fans will see that some of the intiatives adopted came directly from their suggestions.
  10. General Krulak here: 1. kidlewis: You pose a very tough question...particularly for someone who spent his life in the Forces. My personal feeling is that I don't give up anything! I go for a win across the board. At the same time, I can certainly understand those who feel that we should prioritize our efforts to ensure that we are in Europe next year. I have no argument with those thoughts. My answer to the question is simply what I have said before...I look at each game, one at a time. We still have a long season ahead of us and the next few weeks are going to be VERY critical. I think we take them one at a time and focus our lads in that fashion. 2. Season Tickets: Tomorrow the Club will be announcing the new Season Ticket pricing and policy. I want each of you to know that a couple of the initiatives are a DIRECT RESULT of comments posted on this site and others. I doubt if any other Club or any group of Fans has had the impact that you all on these sites have had. My sense is that you all will understand and like what we are doing.
  11. General Krulak here: 1. Randy has had MON and his wife to his home in the US...so I would say that they get along pretty well. Yes!! 2. We just hired a brand new web site manager...and he will look into your suggestion.
  12. General Krulak here: 1. I think the Birch Tribute work is absolutely brilliant!! I am very proud of the fans. 2. MON: As I have said many times, MON and Randy get along extremely well. They have great mutual respect for each other and are solidly on the same sheet of music. Obviously NO ONE can promise anything in this day and age...but friendship, loyalty, mutual goals and mutual respect all go a long way. We need to trust both men.
  13. General Krulak here: 1. chefdoc2000: Any letter to the editor that extolls the Villa and its ethos is fine by me. 2. villarocker: You have, indeed, been talking about "winning something" all season....and if we do, you will deserve all the accolades you receive. As I have said as recently as yesterday, I am just looking at one game at a time. If we continue to play with passion, play our socks off, believe,...we will be fine. We still have a long way to go...and we just need to take them one at a time.
  14. General Krulak here: 1. The Game: I thought our lads played their socks off today...and was very pleased with our defense. There is no question that MON had the Squad up for this game and that the lads themselves "believe." I was proud of all of them. 7 away wins in a row is very special...and very hard to do. 2. One game at a time. That will remain my mantra. Others can talk of Champions League, possible Cups, etc. etc. I will continue to talk of one game at a time. ALL the rest will come if our lads believe and play like they did today. We need to win...and if we don't win, we need to draw. We just need to keep on keeping on. We are blessed with a great Manager, a great group of Coaches, a strong Squad, a dedicated staff at Villa Park, a wonderful owner and GREAT FANS!! Put this together and you get a Family that, if we stick together, can do almost anything.
  15. General Krulak here: 1. flashingqwarty: "we couldn't compete in the transfer market". I think you have taken this out of context. MON was NOT saying that we couldn't compete but that we weren't going to compete when the prices were so outlandish. Believe me, MON and Randy are on the same sheet of music. There comes a point in time when the price of a player in NO way approximates the value of that player. At that point in time, we don't feel it is advisable to "compete in the transfer market." MON has been absolutely brilliant at getting the right players at the right price. Randy is very satisfied with what he is doing. They are on the same page. 2. How do you increase attendence at games? A great question and one that our marketing folks are continually looking at. There are many things we have done and are contemplating doing. I do not think that making one game a quid pro quo for getting a ticket to another game is the way to go. THE best way to get attendence up is to consistently play exciting, winning football. That is what we are trying to do. 3. Yes, we are aware that the PA system is hurting. We looked hard at it last summer and found that it was in worse shape than we believed. We made minor fixes but will need to do some major work soon...but not during this season. 4. AVTV: As I have said before, we recognize we have problems with AVTV and are working to sort them out. 5. sellyoakvilla: Please contact Lee Preece. 6. Enforcing a ban: As you can imagine, this is not the easiest thing to do...PARTICULARLY if a Villa Fan wants to "aid and abet" the individual who has been banned. The obvious methods are just that...obvious.
  16. General Krulak here: 1. Actions by other Clubs: Obviously there are people looking into each of these issues. The fact that a Club or Clubs have not vocally and publically raised the issues does not mean that the issues are not being raised and addressed. 2. MYSTERMAN: The reason I did not answer (although it sounds like a real possibility) is that you did not provide any info other than a "Club in Hamburg"...not much to go on when looking for entertainment.
  17. General Krulak here: 1. We will look into cash points...as this has been raised and we need to see about it. 2. Holte Pub is by lottery....and, unfortunately, is limited by fire code as to how many we can accomodate. 3. Tubby: replay will go unless something VERY unusual happens. 4. Fuse: With all due respect to Sky Sports, they have muddled the interview with MON. Simply put, MON and Randy Lerner continue to be absolutely on the same sheet of music. MON knows he has the support of Randy and Randy's complete trust and confidence. There is no question that the economic situation is impacting everyone...the man and woman on the street as well as those who are a tad better off. That does NOT mean that money has dried up for the Villa. As I have said many times over, MON knows what the team needs and he knows who is available and he knows what a "correct" price for talent is in the market. Neither Randy nor MON is going to throw money at a player who will not produce on the Pitch for MON at the level of the asking price. MON and the Club picked up Hes at a fair price and he has already proven the wisdom of MON's choice. To start listening to Sky Sports interpretation of a MON interview is something I will not do. I trust MON...I believe in him...I believe in what he is doing with the Club and I believe he acts in the Club's best interests. Obviously, I feel the same way about Randy Lerner. Speaking strictly as a Fan and not a Board Member, I give both men my total support and trust.
  18. General Krulak here: 1. Booing: Let's be clear about this...booing does NOT motivate the team. This is particularly true when they have played as hard as our lads did this weekend. Obviously when someone buys a ticket, they have paid for the right to express themselves and some do. All I can say is that it is very demoralizing for our Lads to runs their socks off for 90+ minutes and then walk off the Pitch to the sound of boos. We must appreciate the entire "scope of their work"...what they have done the past few seasons. This last game...the smattering of boos...was just uncalled for. If you are sitting next to someone who is booing, it might behoove you to lean over and tell them to knock it off. Many of you say that you didn't hear the boos....well, when you are on the Pitch, believe me, you can hear. When our Manager even mentions it, you get the sense that the boos were, indeed, heard. We say that it does not reflect the feelings of "the majority"...which I am sure is true. At the same time, the Boos are heard and do NOT make the team feel very good after busting their guts on the Pitch. Very SAD!!!! 2. I was terribly saddened to hear of the passing of another Villa Legend. Again, we will do what is "right" and what is proper for the Family. 3. Doncaster: If the weather helps us, we think we may get around 28K. We look to get 38K at CSKA Moscow and sell out the Chelsea game.
  19. General Krulak here: 1. Any left-over flags will be available in store. 2. heystally: All the points you make re. increased revenue are spot on. You did a very good analysis of the revenue part of the P&L Statement. We all must remember that there is another side to the P&L...profit and "loss." The increase in revenue comes at a price that needs to be factored in. That price is found, primarliy, in wages and tranfer fees. To put a winning side on the Pitch costs money...and that is where sponsorships come into play. Whether it is corporate sponsors buying seats or a sponsor on the shirt...it is all revenue that goes to meet the expenses of the Club. Our partnership with acorns is VERY important to the Club in general and Randy in particular. It is NOT something we will abandon as a given. Right now the partnership is alive and well and it will remain that way. Whether their name is on the shirt or not will NOT change our focus on the charity. I think that we should all just wait and see what happens...do NOT speculate...just wait and see. 3. naming stands: I don't know what more I can say about this. We are NOT going to change the name of stands until we reach the point that we know exactly where we are going with Villa Park. I hear what you all are saying...I am just telling you that we will keep the names for the time being. 4. AVFCGB: I don't have an answer for you. Please call John Greenfield at Villa Park and ask him the question...he can give you the answer. 5. villarocker: Sorry about the service issues you encountered. We have worked very hard to improve the service and continue to value the feedback. As I have said many times, the biggest issue we have is simply the infrastructure. When you near a sell-out, it becomes harder and harder to move food and drink to the places needed. Distribution becomes very difficult. Health and safety dictate how much food can be "stockpiled" at a particular kiosk. 6. I will be at the moscow game...and we expect 30k plus to attend. 7. Booing: That is unbelievable and, in my opinion, a crime. 8. evster: We are VERY reluctant to put non-league games or activities on the Pitch. That is simply the facts. Please contact Lee Preece at AVFC and let him know your situation and see if he can help. 9. The Game: I thought our lads played extremely hard...and the 2nd half was a powerful display. A week ago I was commenting on "luck"...I wonder what the pundits are saying now? Simply put we played hard, we took our shots, they didn't go it. We need to forget about this one and point to the next game...learn from yesterday but focus on tomorrow!!!!
  20. General Krulak here: 1. Naming stands: We just want to hold the names we have now....we have some big decisions to be made about the renovation of Villa Park in its entireity...changing names on stands is pretty low on the priority scale. 2 The Wigan game will be close to a sell out but we do not see a 42+K crowd at this time...which would be a sell out. We do see 41K which is very good.
  21. General Krulak here: 1. Borrow money from me??? You have got to be kidding!! You'd have to go thru Mrs "K" and I wouldn't wish that on anyone!! 2. Russ Appleton: Russ did a superb job of overseeing some of the most critical renovations at Villa Park. He was in charge of the renovation of the Holte Pub, he led the construction of the Bodymoor Heath Training Facility to include all pitches and the removal of the old buildings, he worked the renovation that took place in the North Stand Offices and the store/ticketing area and he provided oversight on Randy's home outside of B'ham. In other words, Russ did a great deal for us. He is now in the US working on other projects. 3. We will not changed the name of the Doug Ellis stand as I have said before. I would not count on changing the name of any stand at this time.
  22. General Krulak here: 1. I would like to thank all those who have posted with such kind remarks about Randy and the Board. At the same time, I would like to deflect the praise to those who truly deserve it...MON, his Coaches and Players, the Reserves and Youth and their coaches, the unbelievably hardworking people at Villa Park who come in everyday and make good things happen, the "part time" folks who also work so hard and, of course, the Fans!! As I have said before, we at Villa are a Family. We are ALL part of the family. Like any Family, we will have our "squabbles" but in the end, we are Family. So long as we treat each other with respect, all will come out fine. Let's face it, we will have our ups and downs. That is typical in this sport. The key is to bounce back from a "down"...and bounce even higher. We all need to remember that each of us has the same goal...to win consistently!!
  23. General Krulak here: 1. villaajax: She played what was called "Center Midfield"...a very difficult position to play. 2. Paul, I am glad that things have been sorted...I thought that they would be. As I have said many times before, Randy and the Board do care about the Fans and do try to be as "Fan-friendly" as we can be. I will be the first to admit that we don't always succeed to the degree we would like but...the people who work at Villa Park work very hard to take care of the Fans. They are the real heroes.
  24. General Krulak here: 1. Helluva game yesterday. Another 3 points away...which I believe is a Club record for continuous away wins. I was very happy for Hes...what a way to debut. It reminded me of Zat Knight. I will admit it was not the prettiest of games...but that is how things go sometimes. MON is faced with some strategic challenges and I think he has made some good decisions...given what he has right now. ONE GAME AT A TIME!! That is how I am looking at life right now. As I have said many times, we will have our ups and downs...but we need to just take them one at a time. 2. villaajax: I got into football years ago when my two sons were little kids and we would watch "Soccer from Germany" every Saturday afternoon. Both my lads played the game and my wife played...in fact, she started the Southern California Soccer Association which has now grown to be the biggest female soccer association in the world!! I became interested in Premiership Football when Randy and I moved to the UK in 2000. 3. toilet paper rolls: I am afraid you will not see them at Villa Park...or any other League site. 4. myb: Can we win the League? I would be a traitor to say anything else but OF COURSE. At the same time, I am a realist and we have a long way to go and a large part of the season in front of us. As you all know better than I, this is a funny game and you can experience euphoria at one moment and feel like #%&% the next moment. So, my solution to keeping my sanity is as I said above, one game at a time. :winkold: 5. markavfc40: We expect we might see around 41k for Wigan. We will need as many singing and cheering as possible because we have always had difficulty with these lads. 6. ddart: yes, we have been working the "russian supporter" issue hard. Hopefully it will work out.
  25. General Krulak here: 1. NO chance of cheerleaders. :angel:
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