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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here: 1. Geoff43: You indicated that Young and Carew were being sold and that this was one of the reasons you are "disheartened." I would appreciate knowing why you say those players are being sold...and has MON and Randy been notified?? 2. Home kit will be out 13 August. 3. Max Villan and Mark E: You both pose good questions. The best way to get a solid answer and help would be to call Nicky Keye at the ticketing office...indicate to her that I asked you to call. Tell her you individual situations and see if she can help sort them. 4. avfcphillps68: As you know, we have the 1st team and reserve schedules posted...and we have a good idea of what games will be televised and when. As we all know, based upon the current TV contract, games can and do get moved. For those games that we have control over, we try to have kickoff at a time that meets the needs of most fans. You situation is noted and I will make sure that people are aware that some fans have special issues that play into their ability to come to Villa Park. Again, the aim is to satisfy as many fans as possible. 5. cjamesk: I am not sure you know but we have done just what you are recommending on several occasions. 6. tanveer1968: In order of questions asked: 1) We are basically right on schedule...where we projected we wanted to be. 2) Goal for season: a consistent, winning, determined squad on the Pitch. As a former member of the Forces, to seek anything other than repeating the feat of the '82 Squad and winning the Premiership, would be a mistake. 3) There are so many notable achievements...the '82 squad returning with Ron on the shield, the work done at Bodymoor Heath, the work done on the Holte Pub, the movement of the Club up the tables, the association with acorns, the bus trip to Chelsea, 5-1 against the Blues, the great work by the staff at Villa Park, etc. etc. 4) biggest disappointment for me was that we didn't handle the move of fans during the Trinity Road renovation...we did this poorly. 7. As I have said before, we do have long term plans for Villa Park...and they don't include moving it. We will outline those plans when ready to do so. 8. Little8rioch: MON has called you at home and on your cell but only gets a busy signal. 9. We anticipate sales of kit, tickets, etc. based upon historic data for the most part.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. Ticket price at Blues: Again, the last time I talked "live" on this subject, it resulted in some pretty grim publicity across the board. We will be working with the Blues re. pricing. 2. hobbo: I would panic only if we see no activity...the window is the window. Why panic at this point? I am not. 3. swadeavfc: There is no question that over the recent years, the cost of players has skyrocketed and ownership has brought a significant amount of money to the table. At some point in time, this will be bad for the sport. It could easily produce a two-tiered environment of the "haves and have nots." I do not believe we have reached that point yet but the purchases made by Real Madrid have certainly brought attention to the issue. At some point in time (particularly in this world-wide economic environment), the conglomorates will need to "slow down" and Boards with fiduciary respoonsibilty will have to step in. As an example, if the price of oil remains fairly low, the people who make their money from that commodity will begin to think twice about an excessive outlay for players. 4. geoff43: I am not sure I understand why you are so disheartened. Do you want MON to go out a buy players just to say we have bought players? It is the 8th of July...what is the issue? Let MON do his job...he will get it done. Again, I am NOT in the Transfer business and have no desire to be in that business. I trust Martin and believe in what he is doing. Getting frustrated or disheartened or stating that you "will not support this team anymore" is not going to help.
  3. General Krulak here: 1. Players will be returning to Bodymoor Heath tomorrow except for those who played in recent compititions. They will return next week. 2. Season ticket sales are right on our projections for this time of year. We are pleased with them and with the Corporate Sales activity. These are tough economic times and, so far, our projections have been accurate. I wish someone would project the stock market with the same accuracy. 3. Flashingqwerty: Simply put, I am not concerned at this time. We are not the only team that has seen good players go...either thru injury or sale. I would imagine that there are people at ManU who are shaking their heads and worrying. I refuse to start panicking on 8 July...I really do. I recognize that others may not see things the way I do but...I happen to believe in MON and in what he is trying to do. He knows everything that we know and more...he will take care of business. I am not going to get caught up in the hysteria of the day-to-day drama of transfer rumors...I would urge you to do the same...neither one of us needs to end up in a mental institution. I have had enough of hospitals!!!!!! 4. I am sure we will have an open practice at some time this summer. 5. Ticket prices for friendlies: I am sorry that some P'boro fans are upset by pricing. Putting on a friendly basically costs the Club as much as putting on a regular game. Basically the same number of stewards, same number of people handling tickets, same number of people hired to prepare food, etc. etc. At some point, Clubs need to achieve something more than "break even" or "in the red." We try to be as fair as possible but it is important that Fans understand that the Club is also part of the economic downturn...we are not exempt from the problem. 6. I have not seen anything official about ticket prices for the Blues game so I am not going to get exercised over it until I see, officially, what has been proposed. We ARE very aware of the security aspects of the game.
  4. General Krulak here: 1. I just communicated with John Greenfield...he indicates kit will come out on 13 August. 2. Cost of tickets: The last time I commented about ticket prices for the game "down the road", I ended up on the front page of multiple papers. I think I may go easy this time. Seriously, I think both Clubs realise the economic situation in the UK in general and Birmingham in particular. I do not think the ticket price will be at the level you have indicated. I know we will be in consultation on that price as we get closer to the game.
  5. General Krulak here: 1. It is great to be back with the Villa Talk and Villa Fans. 2. As I indicated, I do recognize how difficult this time is...and how frustrating it is to wait for the announcements to come. As you all know far better than I, transfers just don't happen overnight. There are so many things that go into a "signing"...so different than it was years ago. Owners, Managers, Scouts, Players, Agents, Lawyers, Bankers, etc. etc. all must play their part. The fact that one Club or another makes a "signing" does not mean that other Clubs are behind the power curve...it is just the way things happen. It is for this reason that I continue to urge everyone to be patient and trust in MON. 3. Randy has been in the UK for the last 10 days or so with his children...having a great time. He has been mixing work with time with the kids and indicates that the weather has been great. He is now so "British" that he spent the 4th in Birmingham!!! I, unfortunately, have had to spend the 4th in the Colonies taking orders from "she who must be obeyed"!! My wife has really been a tough nurse.
  6. Ginfection.eneral Krulak here: 1. FIRST AND FOREMOST: Thank you ALL for your kind thoughts, words and prayers. Believe me, your messages did reach me and were very much appreciated. I won't go into a long drawn out description of what happened to me other than to say that I contracted a very severe bacterial infection of the stomach, intestines and colon and was in and out of the hospital twice....suffered one relapse but am on the mend right now. I still have 3 more weeks of an antibiotic regime to go through but hopefully that will kill the infection. My doctors are pretty confident they can get this stuff...so I am too. I still am a bit tired during the day but am getting my strength back. This has been very frustrating to me since I have gone thru a lot worse in my military career. To be laid low by some microscopic bugs just doesn't sit right with me. Again, thank you so much for all your kind words, thoughts and prayers. 2. Off the field: An awful lot has been going on. You all are aware of the friendly vs. Florentina...should be a fun outing for fans. Away shirt sales are going well and Season Ticket sales are a little bit above where we had projected them to be at this time. We are all very much aware of the economy and the impact on Season Tickets...this is a very tough time for the UK in general and the Birmingham area in particular. We are seeing some of this in the corporate arena but even there we are on our projections. 3. Construction: You all will be absolutely blown away by what is happening in the Holte Suite...internal and external. A large refubishment project has been ongoing to include the outside. As you know, Randy has always wanted to continue to bring the outsiide back to the way it was years ago. This project will do that and more. I think the fans will love what has been done. Likewise, the "Sky Lounge" is also nearing completion/ This was an unfinished area at the top of the stadium at the corner of the Holte and Trinity. 4. Transfer Window: As you know, I will not (and should not) comment on Transfers. Suffice it to say that MON is working this hard and knows what must be done. We have faith in MON. I know that at this time of year everyone gets very nervous and anxious...I recognize that fact and understand it. All I can say is keep the faith. 5. Again, thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. I still have a way to go but I will attempt to come back on the site every couple of days. UP THE VILLA!!!!!!!!!
  7. General Krulak here: 1. ant_avfc: Welcome to the thread!!! I am glad that you, and others, appreciated the dinner. It was a wonderful show!! 2. Petrov: I was VERY proud of his selection. I think we all remember his early days...and many on this site and others wondering whether MON had made the right choice. The other night said a great deal about this quality footballer. What I like about him, most of all, is his HEART!!! I will ensure that all the congratulatory posts get to him. 3. philvilla: Yes, we think we know who it is. I find it somewhat strange that 1) he did not have the moral courage to be identified and 2) that the media didn't demand it. Suffice it to say, Randy does NOT run the Club like Doug Ellis...and that is not critical of either. Randy has his hands on the Club but he also allows his People to flourish. 4. villaajax: Hold on to them. 5. Laursen: We all are gutted. What a leader...smart, selfless, caring....a real superstar. We will miss him. I can promise you, he will get a good send off!! 3.
  8. General Krulak here: 1. Rodders: Please call Nicky Keye re. tickets prices for upcoming games...she may be able to shed some light on what may or may not happen. (Don't tell her the U-2 comparison. :)!!) 2. Ingram85: First off, welcome to the thread! We are going to have a new kit but I doubt that we will be giving any "previews" of it...we will probably handle the "preview" in somewhat the same manner as last year. 3. Poor Brett...he is a Hall of Famer but is making a wrong move. 4. I cannot comment on Derek or Brady for the same reason I cannot comment on Squad selection at the Villa
  9. General Krulak here: 1. Stewiek2: I love you sentence that ends "I don't support....I support Aston Villa." I like it because it sends the right signal for this old Marine. It should never be the person...it should always be the Institution. Yes, people make up the institution but they come and go...the Institution is what last. It is the ethos, the tradition, the values, that count at the end of the day. If you get those right, you will be successful...you will be winners. That is why the motto of the Marine Corps is "Semper Fidelis"..Always Faithful...to the Corps. 2. EamonDeacy: Thank you for the very informational post. You shared some statistics that I had not looked at and your vignette about Sir Alec was an eye-opener. Obviously I felt you made some very valid points. 3. avillafan.com: Good to hear from you again...I thought you had broken an arm or something. We are looking into the cup games and what might be offered in the way of incentives. 4. wedge: At this time we are ahead of our planned sales so things are looking good. It would be nice to end the season with wins to keep the momentum. 5. terrytini: Again, stats I was not aware of....thank you. 6. paulanddonya: I heard you. You weren't the only person who experienced the second half.
  10. General Krulak here: 1. Stephen_Evans: Thank you for your thoughtful post....you obviously put a good deal of work into framing your comments in a passionate yet not belittling way. You deserve an answer written in the same manner. If it is OK with you, I will reply as a Fan because I don't think I should attempt to speak for the Board...so, please, read this as a Fan to a Fan. First and foremost, I agree that we have had a terrible run...to not acknowledge that fact would be foolish...it stares us in the face. Your taking the step that says the our" long unbeaten run in the middle of the season" will be "put into perspective" by this current run and somehow we "enjoyed massive slices of luck" during the middle of the season is not, in my opinion a statement I can agree with. In most instances, a team makes their own luck by their play. I watched Chelsea play several Cup games this year and never control the time of possession yet they win. Yes, possession normally is a critical factor but, as we have seen, it is not THE critical factor. We won those games, not because we were "lucky" but because we played better at the critical points of the game. "half the team can't pass and half the team can't control the ball". Somewhere there must be a rationale thought here...for taken at face value, we have a team that is in 5th place that is made up of people who can't pass or can't control the ball. I just cannot accept that as a fact. Players do not forget how to pass or control the ball in half a season. A team of players who "can't do wrong and can't do right" just doesn't add up...nor does the comments about the wings. If you look at the individual players that you point to playing in those positions, I would posit that they are very talented and equal to most in the premiership. I think we would all agree that our back is hurting right now...NOT because the players are not up to the job but because we have had injuries that have caused us to vary the lineup over time. All Clubs will be faced with injuries but I think we all realize that we have had some vital players go down that have impacted the flexibility of the Team. You and I will just have to agree to disagree on MON. I do believe he can take us where we want to go. He has done a superb job in the past two years and do not believe that he has hit a brick wall. 2. I am really saddened when people tell me that they know of friends that are not renewing their tickets for next year. I am absolutely not sure why anyone would not renew their season tickets when balanced against 1) our season thiis year and the progress made over the past 3 years (yes, we have had a terrible run but that should not discount the entire season nor the progress over the years), 2) the ticket prices that have been kept below the vast majority of the Premiership and 3) the fan friendly attitude of the Club itself...that the Club believes in the ethos and traditions of the Club and hold them dear. And people say they aren't renewing their season tickets??? I can accept it if it is due to the economy...no question. But I cannot see where the Club has caused your friends to give up ST's.
  11. General Krulak here: 1. T13theobh: I am glad things worked out but also remain disappointed (like many on this site) that the flag would have been taken. No excuse for something like that. 2. stevenjos: I have forwarded your issue to Alison Plant and she will be looking into it. Let me know if it improve3. 3. parrotandglue: A classic! The loss of Laursen has been dearly felt.
  12. General Krulak here: 1. GERARDSACOQ: I have already spoken to Nicky Keye...please contact her at the Villa Park ticket office...she will be waiting for your call. 2. Villa_1874: There has been no decision re. several sites for Olympic Soccer Venue...as soon as a decision is made, it will be announced.
  13. General Krulak here: 1. It would be very tough to make a solid indication of the value of acorns on our kit....simply because of the impact of the economy makes for any comparison to be less than accurate. What we do know is that acorns is VERY happy with the arrangement and believes it has helped them significantly during this "down time" economically. ALL charities are huring right now so our partnership is even more important to acorns. 2. The acorns logo we used is what acorns wanted us to use...simple as that. 3. There is not a major kit maker that I am aware of that doesn't outsource in a similar manner to Nike. I think that to believe otherwise is to have your head in the sand. That does not make this sort of thing "right"...but it is a fact. I am not sure where we would go and find someone who could produce thousands of kits and articles of clothing at the price we see...and not have much of it done off-shore. Obviously Nike is aware of this problem and is working the issue.
  14. General Krulak here: 1. paulanddonya: Good idea!!! 2. We will not be introducing new kit at Newcastle Utd game. 3. We will not be banning fans from our games. I absolutely understand the issue of security and we will go to GREAT lengths to ensure that our Fans and theirs our secure at each location. One of the ways to really ensure that there are no incidents after the game is to apply the "5-1 rule" which causes the opposing fans to vacate the stadium early thus avoiding confrontation!!!!!!!
  15. General Krulak here: 1. We should have approximately 39K at the game on Monday. 2. The effort on Monday...a "Fan Fun" Day was the brain child of several folks at Villa Park...all trying to send the signal that we do care about the Fans. 3. TheSufferingVilla was spot on. When we were negotiating the Nike contract, one of the clauses put in was the number of kit to be produced over the period of the contract. 4. We definitely could have had a sponsor other than acorns. We honestly felt that we needed to stick with acorns during this tough economy. Yes, the extra money would have been great but think about it....acorns is like any other charity at this time...they need our help and we just felt that we needed to stand by them. 5. I am not sure why the game was made a cat. "B".
  16. General Krulak here: 1. Lombardo: I did not mean to pass over your comment. Like I say, for all ticketing issue, the best thing to do is call Nicky Keye or one of the supervisors in the ticketing office. These folks are 1) extremely professional, 2) very responsive to the fans, and 3) customer friendly. They don't always get it right but they certainly try to "fix" things and sort things when there is a problem. Do not be afraid to call...you may have to wait for a minute or two but you will get your problem addressed. 2. nedbelly: I don't think there is much chance for a vote on the kit....too many options and too incendiary a subject. 3. Re. the kit...it should be out earlier this year...last year we had the decision re. acorns that hurt us a bit getting it out early. 4. Re. MON and expanding the League. I believe he was expressing his own personal feeliings.
  17. General Krulak here: 1. AVFCPride-of Brum: There is no doubt that the highpoint of my time at Villa so far was 5-1!!!!! I spent that game in Holte End and it was magnificent. 2. privateer: Yes, I have seen footage of McGrath...he was my kind of MAN!! We will take good care of Laursen. 3. paulanddonya: Yes, we do have a "grand plan" for Villa Park and we will release it when we have it locked up. We still have certain steps to go thru before we can announce anything. 4. heystally: I do not think an NFL-like draft would work in football. For one thing, it would have to achieve agreement world-wide and I don't see that happening. Secondly, it is based upon the team with the worst record getting the best draft position...whereas we relegate. Totally different concept...totally different span of interest in the game. 5. dantanner: Does Randy know anything about the game of football. The answer is yes. He has been around sports for a good, long, time. He studies sports...strategy, rules, etc. He has been interested in football since university. He has played the game...not professionally but has played. He has advisors who help him with the nuances of the game. I would imagine that any Villa Fan who sat by Randy at a game would be gobsmacked by his understanding of the game. Of course Randy and MON and the Board understand how the Fans feel. Do you think any of us are blind or deaf???? I am on this site and others to hear from the Fans and pass the word...good, bad and ugly. Believe me, you do not run a football club with your head in the sand. At the same time, you cannot and should not make major decisions based solely on the discontent of the Fans...you MUST do what you think is right based on FULL knowledge of what is going on. You, as a Fan, should want nothing less. 6. ST renewals are going extemely well!!! 7. BCV: Please call Nicky Keye and give her this feedback. It is important.
  18. General Krulak here: 1. Dreamlander: First off, welcome to the thread. Secondly, after some of the beating I get, I will accept your "sucking up" with gratitude ! (Just kidding.) I will pass on your comments to MON and Randy...as well as those at Villa Park. As you probably know, I have made a point to pass on the "good, bad, and ugly" so that this thread becomes something valuable to both the Fans and the Club. 2. Martin Laursen: Obviously I cannot comment on what he will or will not say. What I can comment on is his "heart" and his leadership and his play. He is a superb representative of those in the past who have worn the Claret and Blue...he is to be greatly admired for all he brings to the Club. Whatever he decides, he is part and parcel of the Villa lore. 3. USAVillain: You are a true researcher to find that quote from the Lehrer Hour. I meant every word of it!!! I still mean it!!! The issue has become even more personal as my youngest son (and HUGE Villa Fan) was just awarded his Doctorate in Religious Studies and will be teaching at University starting this coming fall. When I saw his salary, I almost croaked!! We owe our teachers more than a "pat on the back"...we owe them a living wage. They hold the future of our children, our Nation and our World in their hands. 4. stevenjos: Sorry not to get back to you. I have sent your recommendation forward.
  19. General Krulak here: 1. Vaisakhi shirts: I don't think we have many left over but....contact Lee Preece at AVFC and he should be able to help if he can. 2. Sanitation, urinals, doors: I got it!! Some are "easy fixes"...others are not so easy. 3. Paulanddonya: I read your post thoroughly and appreciate the thought that you put into it. I know you...and I know the passion you feel for our Club. So my comments are provided with the same sense of professionalism and passion that you put into your comments. At the end of the day, I am not sure I would totally agree that "Laursen, Barry and Gabby" are the ones who have "done the most" to put us where we are. They are certainly stalwarts of the Squad but I would venture to say that others, Young, Bouma, Petrov, etc. etc. etc. have played a role too. In fact, each of our Lads have come up big in some critical games. My point is that I don't agree that MON has just thrown away money and transfer opportunities. Secondly, you will never see me trying to separate what Randy has done, what the Board has done, and what MON has done. We are in this together and do not want to be looked at as separate entities. Yes, each of us has our own area of concentration but we really are a "Family" and we sink or swim as a "Family." We are in the 3rd year of a 5 year plan...my sense is that we are pretty much on track. The Plan is NOT just about what happens on the Pitch...it is a wholistic view of YOUR Club and its relationship to the Premier League, the Community and the Fans. It is HARD work and takes a good deal of effort by people at Bodymoor Heath as well as at Villa Park. Measure us by the full "body of work" ...because, at the end of the day, that is what the ethos of Aston Villa Football Club is all about. 3. Big_John_10: I think I have tried to say what you said.
  20. General Krulak here: 1. Maradona10: The shirts were in recognition of the Vaisakhi Festival and of a group of people who make up a percentage of our Community. It was not intended to elevate one religion over another...it was just a gesture of recognition of people who support our Club. I would hope that it would be taken in the manner it was presented...low-key but with class. 2. The kit issue: The two teams indicated what kit they would be wearing and received Premier League approval for wearing the kit. This is done as a matter of course. The referee expressed concern that the colours were too similar and that in the heat and pace of the game, a mistake might be made based upon the colour...particularly from the side. The referee has the ultimate sanction on what is worn at the game and he requested the change. The lads were already set to come out and something had to be done quickly...the result is what you saw. We obviously were not happy but it is what it is. I don't think anyone on our Club would say that the shirt caused the tie. 3. pablopicasso: I am not sure what to say about your comment. You obviously thought hard about your feelings and I respect that fact. You made some good points. I personally feel that MON probably has a little different take on the situation and is probably in a better situation to know what he has on the Pitch and on the bench. He also sees the lads in practice and develops a feel from that interaction. I think it is very hard to go against the logic of the man who is charged with laying out the game plan. I must disagree with your comment that we will "limp into 6th place." I am just not ready to make that sort of statement. We have games to go...games that we absolutely can win. I am for storming into 5th place and continuing to challange for 4th!! You just don't know what will happen with those teams above us right now.
  21. General Krulak here: 1. pompeyvillan: The report on Bouma is accurate. Need to ensure that his problem is truly fixed. Randy and communications. I think most fans now recognize that Randy is a pretty close individual who shuns publicity and the spotlight. He keeps a low profile because he believes that his role is not to be on the telly or the radio or in the papers...but, rather, to support the Manager and the Team. My sense is that he would be willing to do a Q and A for the fans...probably on the OS. The simple fact is that some of the questions would eventually get around to specifics...how much money, what players, etc. etc. He would not address questions like that. 2. barry'shoots: I am not sure why a ticket was given for parking on the A34 side of VP...obviously the awarding of tickets for parking "illegally" is not something the Club controls. 3. sellyoakvilla: I wish I knew the answer to your question. Like all fans, I am frustrated by what has taken place in the last few minutes of many games this season. I can assure you, it is frustrating to everyone connected with the Club. It is very easy to say it has to do with mental toughness and all we need to do is conduct some sort of class on mental toughness and all will be fine. I am not sure that is the issue. I know that our lads are tough...they are not thinking, "well, we are in the last 5 minutes and things are going to get bad." Our lads are as dedicated to winning as any of us. I honestly don't know what the solution is...and if I did, I would immediately pass it on. When I found myself in this sort of situation in my time in the Marine Corps, I made it a point to express my confidence in my troops...my recognition of the reality of their situation...my absolute support of the fight coming up...and my role in trying to help get them through that battle. I think that this is where we are now. I feel the Fans are absolutely behind the lads and supportive of them. Both Randy and I are thankful for all the support the fans are giving the Club!! I believe that MON is working very hard to get things on track. At the end of the day, the simple fact is that we are having a very bad run. Simple as that ...we all see it. At the same time, we have some very critical games left and getting back on the right path is important for this season and the next one. I have got to believe we are going to do it! 4. The Corporate effort in the Trinity has been a HUGE success and extremely helpful to the Club. 5. video montage. Let me see what I can do about this.
  22. General Krulak here: 1. Attendence will be over 40+K. 2. Browns games as listed by leviramsey are correct. If I can be of help, please pm me. 3. Chad: Obviously, I wasn't at the dinner for the "9 player" quote...so I cannot comment on it. When we get into UEFA, we will play with the Squad we have...9 more or not. To set 9 players as a benchmark is not something I think MON would really do...just not his style. Again, I would need to hear his comment in"context" before I commented further.
  23. General Krulak here: 1. Randy and MON have a very good relationship...more than just professional, it is personal as well. They speak very often, see each other very often and get along well. There is a great deal of mutual trust. 2. Dave1380: Obviously I cannot comment on an article such as found in the "News of the World" other than to say that if you were living in Cleveland, the headline would probably be quite a bit different...discussing Villa vice the Browns. Simply put, Randy owns two sports franchises and my sense is that there will always be media in each location pointing a finger at the other location and saying they are getting the money. I think that both the Browns and the Villa have benifitted by Randy's business acumen and his understanding of sports...and the proof is in his willingness to make sacrifices for both Clubs. Right now, the Browns are just beginning to get ready for the draft and our Club is getting ready for 6 critical games. I think that as far as Villa is concerned, BOTH MON and Randy are focused on the 6 games. Suppose we win all 6....everyone will be singing a different tune. I am focused on those games!! 3. Yesterday's game: As a Fan, I could spend several paragraphs talking about the game but...at the end of the day, our lads played their guts out! 4. mark8691: I have forwarded your e-mail straight to the person who needs to see it. I do know, for a fact, that we are going to fix this issue if it is the last thing we do!!
  24. General Krulak here: 1..Tubby and Ricardomeister and others: I have heard many concerns on all sites re. the move of the game. Obviously this is a contractual issue with Sky. I have stated that I will look into what the "timing" is supposed to be for such decisions and will get back to all sites and provide that information. Hopefully the Villa Fans know that they are near and dear to the Club and this change is not something organized by the Club. 2. Harry: Thank you for your comments re. Randy...he obviously love the Villa and believes in MON.
  25. General Krulak here: 1. Playing on Easter: I am a Christian and find it difficult to see a game played on such an important day in our Calendar. I am sure other faiths could make the very same point about other days. In the US we have games played on Christmas and on Thanksgiving..and Easter. When that happens, I think it is up to the individual as to what he does...attend or not. 2. We have a scouting organization that does have an insight into significant areas of the world. We are NOT just letting opportunites slip by re. players...it is just that there will always be ones missed. That is just the name of the game. 3. A salary cap has worked well for American football...it has its flaws but it also has made for a more competitive league. I am not sure how a cap would work in Football because of the world-wide appeal of the game. You could never survive with a salary cap in the UK and not one in Europe...for obvious reasons. 4. We will have around 40K at the game. 5. I can assure all fans that MON is aware of the feelings of the Fans. At the same time, he needs to balance those feelings against his own knowledge of his Squad and his strategy and his sense of where we are. Obviously, MON must make his decisions based upon his view...the day he starts managing the team with an eye on the fans or on the Board, we will be in trouble. As a Manager, he needs to be able to do what he feels is best for the Club. As you might imagine, the Board has great confidence in MON and believes that, at the end of the day, he is doing what is right for the Club. No one is perfect...not me, not Randy and not MON...BUT, if you look at the entire "body of work", MON has done a superb job here at Villa...and I respect him for what he has done and what he WILL do. He knows that we are behind him.
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