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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. Geneeral Krulak here: 1. stevenjos: "We don't have a squad." I guess I must have missed something. We did win the Peace Cup against some fair competition. We did win the game last weekend. Someone must have played in those games. Has the window closed? I didn't think it had...are you telling me that it is closed? I also haven't seen a whole bunch of other Clubs (except for one) being hugely active in the window at this point in time. Let's just see what happens before we throw in the towel. I know you are frustrated but I would say we are strengthening the squad and we do have some young lads who look like they are very close to being ready to play. 2. austrianvilla: Any questions you have re. tickets can be answered by Nicky Keye at Villa ticketing...give heer a call thru the Villa operator or shoot her an e-mail. 3. paulanddonya: We were not in position to guarantee that our stadium would be "whole" at the time of the Olympics. We have plans that would/could interfere with having a "full-up" stadium and didn't want to risk our plans for those games. The Olympic Committee were not offering any help re. fitting out the stadium. We can look forward to World Cup. 4. Spurs Manager: My feeling is we should just attend to our own business...no need to get exercised about what others are saying.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. mackavfc40: MON has commented on Delph...as late as today. 2. nokring2001: My recommendation is that you stand close to the entrance/exit area to the players entrance to Villa Park...and catch them as they come and go. 3. KSV: I can't comment on Sneijder or any other "marquee" signings. The only thing I will say is that whoever MON brings in, they will "fit" into his way of playing the game and will fit into the Club. That is critically important. 4. We have sent "old shirts" and entire kits to Africa...and to places much closer to home. We do this often...we just don't publicize it. 5. Smoking is not permitted in the stadium...and we have been given a "yellow card" on that issue...not good. We have looked at allowing people in and out of the stadium at half-time but it would cause us to keep stewards on the gates and would increase the complexity that already exists in running game day. I think the feeling is that if you fly to Venice or, heaven forbid, the US, you will have to go longer without a smoke. 6. stuw: We are still looking at pricing. 7. geoff43: We have looked at TV and what that would entail. We are not ready to start that program right now. 8. marktam: By calling the Ticket office, you have alerted them to the problem. I will do the same and see what they have to say.
  3. General Krulak here: 1. daholteend: Thank you for the kind words. I certainly understand the passion of the Villa Fans and your story of Billy Walker really drives that home. It is this sense of history...the ethos of the Club...that is understood by Randy and the Board. It is, in many ways, what drives our actions. Yes, revenue is nice...in fact, it is necessay...but the ghosts that walk the corridors of Villa Park are real and very important to us. There is not a single person who works and Villa Park or Bodymoor Heath that doesn't feel the history and seek the bright future.
  4. General Krulak here: 1. A wee bit off the subject but something worth thinking about: Delph made two very important comments: a) I've been to look at the grounds and its absolutely mindblowing." There are some who question the work on infrastructure...that all that counts is what takes place on the Pitch. Delph made the point that when you are at "decision time", infrastructure plays a part...whether it is Villa Park or the Training Facility, or etc. "I want to play for MON". There are some who question our Manager's methods during Transfer Season...well, in the past 24 hours, our Club has been praised for its professionalism and Delph indicated a key reason for coming with the Villa was MON. Once again, I ask the Fans to trust in MON...we do.
  5. General Krulak here: 1. Paddy: Good to hear from you son...and we are praying for you. Again, we are ready to help you like before...just let me or Nicky know and we will make it happen. Keep fighting....you are tougher than it is!! As for me, I still have a way to go but am doing better.
  6. General Krulak here: 1. Thank you so much for all the kind comments but....they really belong to Martin and his folks. At the end of the day, it is Martin who meets with other Clubs and he conducts his business in a very professional manner. Some may be concerned about the timing of his efforts but the fact is, he does things in the right, professional, manner and that isn't always the quickest way. The Board tries to set the "environment" but the Villa Family has to make it all work. 2. We see about 20K at Fiorentina...so we still have plenty of tickets and we will have the Peace Cup there....should be a good time. 3. Martin Laursen is at home and is doing well.
  7. General Krulak here: 1. I am already checking to see if we can have the Cup shown this Saturday. 2. Good idea on the wall paper...I will push it forward and see what happens. 3. Because of our former role with MBNA, I am not sure that we would seek them as a sponsor. We loved the Bank but don't want any sort of conflict of interest. 4. I don't think you would ever see Randy or myself out on the Pitch...even if we won the "big one." We believe that the lads, coaches and Manager deserve the spots light...not us.
  8. General Krulak here: 1. Just communicated with Randy...he flew all the way over to see the game. He is so very proud of the lads and how they played. We all know it was just a friendly but....we went thru some very good teams...ending up with Juve that put out a fine side. Tied at full time...tied at extra time...tied at penalty kicks...sudden death...Up the Villa!! A great win for the Club. The young lads played well and the regulars played well too. Lots of confidence can be built from a tournament like this. If you look at the teams involved, we played some quality sides. I am VERY proud of them!!!! The best medicine I could have.
  9. General Krulak here: 1. b6bloke: The mosaic, stained glass, stairs, interior...the whole works...was the design of Randy. He also did the Trinity renovation design. 2. Signings are not looked at by "cost per week"....but, rather, on needs, how the player will fit into the squad and into the system and on availability. These are all issues in MON's remit. As I have said before, Randy has faith that Martin knows what is best for the Club and so does the Board.
  10. General Krulak here: 1. MuleAthon: I promise, I WILL get an answer.
  11. General Krulak here: 1. MuleAthon: You are not rude....I am rude for not answering your question. The simple fact is that I answered YOUR question on another site...by mistake. My mistake. I am sorry. So, the answer I have been given is that we will not have a ladies shirt this year. I have asked why not because I told we would have one this year. I am waiting for an answer to my question.
  12. General Krulak here: 1. An update on the Holte Suite: It is open to STH's and now includes the Holte Suite, the Academy, and the David Targett Suite and, hopefully soon, the Holte Pub. This is, by far, one of the best experiences for Fans across the country and for a great price. Included in the price comes a programme...but if you don't want the programme, then the price is one pound less. 2. Thanks for the comments on the Evening Mail article....never know what the Press will say. 3. Great win against Porto and a very exciting match coming against Juve. Yes, it is "just" the Peace Cup but...there are some solid teams playing and we had to play hard and against odds and against some nice sides to get to the finals. Look at Porto over the past few years and it becomes obvious that we played a good side. Our young lads have played well...they have played against quality and done a good job. Obviously we need to increase the numbers in our Squad...as I have said, Martin can count. At the same time, our younger lads are showing that they are eager to try and break into the squad.
  13. General Krulak here: 1. briny_ear: The Board is NOT punctured. 2. carew villa: First off, we didn't raise ticket prices across the board. In fact, for those who purchased early, ST prices were held the same as last year PLUS the opportunity to pay in installments. Secondly, who says we aren't spending money on players? Do you know something that I don't know...or that MON doesn't know or that Randy doesn't know? If so, please let us in on the scoop. 3. omargy and others: Something to feel good about...feeling "deflated." I continue to be somewhat chagrined by the attitude of some. We are in the semis of the Peace Cup after a very strong comeback against a good team. We have seen some of our young players really step up and play solid football. We have signed a solid player and we have more action to come. Villa Park continues to get a face lift and it is rapidly becoming one of the best stadiums in the UK. We have a Manager who has consistently moved the Club up the tables. We have a caring owner. I don't feel deflated!!
  14. General Krulak here: 1. Ricardomeister: I have ALWAYS said that I expect the "good, bad and ugly" on this thread. I understand that there are some very emotional issues out there and I have no problem seeing them on this site. I have ALWAYS stated that the ONLY thing I ask is that Fans treat each other and the Club with respect. You can disagree with someone but do it professionally. Likewise, you may not like a player but disrespecting them is wrong. 2. With my FAN hat on, I would say the following: The first thing I would want to know is how many of our youth are ready to move up and play in the Premiership. If the number is, say, 3 or 4, then that will make a difference on how I attack the Transfer Window. Secondly, I would look at how many players I feel have displayed that they are not ready to play for AVFC...for any number of reasons...and whether these might be sold. Finally, I would look at the "adds and subtracts" and only then make a decision as to what is "required." Since I have none of these, quoting you a number is really not worthwhile. This should be the same sort of "arithmatic" that all Fans should be going thru...who do you think can fleet up..who do you think can go...etc. etc. Again, this is with my FAN hat on....I reiterate that I don't do transfers. I trust in Martin to do his job. Martin was quite clear in his media article today re. what he expects to do in the window.
  15. General Krulak here: 1. We are not in a sell to buy mode. At the same time, if we have a good offer we need to take advantage of it. It would make no sense to pass up and offer such as we had for Knight knowing that he was not a 1st team player and that we had "better prospects." Very few Clubs (I am not sure I know of one historically) buy and buy and don't sell too. The issue the Fans are having is that they see players leaving and only one coming in. This is causing concern and frustration. I think that is understood by all. At the same time, there are things going on that none of us know about that will remedy the situation. We just need to trust in MON. 2. granville: My suggestion is to call Nicky Keye at the ticketing office and explain what happened last time...see if she has a way to "test ride" the card...or, at least, give you a comfort level that it will work this time. 3. Re swine flu. I am not sure that there has been official communications from the League but, obviously, each Club is looking at this issue very seriously...to include AVFC. 4. WhenSaturdayComes: Have I ever been frustrated when things don't quite work out according to Plan? ABSOLUTELY!!! Like all Villa Fans, I had a very tough time the last part of last season. We were so close and then things went squirrly on us....and my frustration level went sky high. Like each of you, I wait with bated breath for the next signing...the only reason my frustration level is a bit lower than some of the fans is that I believe that MON will do what needs to be done. It is his job...and he knows what needs to be done. I trust him.
  16. General Krulak here: 1. irish1: Forgive me...I got your answer yesterday but failed to post it...thank you for reminding me. The answer is no...there will not be any open practices. Basically we a limited by time for our practices and Martin wants to make sure that we get the most out of the time we have. When we hold open practices there is always delays as autographs are given, etc. Obviously the fans want the autographs and the players want to respond to the fans. What we plan to do this year is hold some fan "fun days" during the season that will allow the fans to have an "up close and personal" opportunity to see the players.
  17. General Krulak here: 1. the_villa_dome: I am very sad to hear about villabromsgrove...a regular poster on this site and a great Villa Fan. I hope you will tell him that we are all praying for him and wishing him a very speedy recovery. He is a true claret and blue Villa Fan and we need him cheering on the lads as soon as he can. Would you please give him my personal best...and tell him that I know he will be back on his feet soon and look forward to seeing a post from him. A good bloke!! 2. Eamon "D": I really enjoyed the quotes....I had seen many of them before but never laid out the way you presented them. Obviously those quotes are indicative of a very proud history...and we are dedicated to bringing a very bright future. Thank you so much for posting them. 3. WhenSaturdayComes: I believe I can assure you...without question...that MON can count. He knows the numbers. He knows our players...he sees them every day in practice...he sees them individually and as a group....he sees them during games. MON also has a good idea of who is available...not just in the UK but around the football world. He is fully aware of all the things that you are aware of....and more! My recommendation is to let MON do his job. We trust him, we would like you to trust him.
  18. General Krulak here: 1. villaboyjay: I think you will discover that we do have a great program for the young...and it is currently being revamped to make it even better. Call Nicky Keye at the ticket office and she will give you all the particulars of the new program. It is really special. Additonally, thank you for your service in the Forces...I hope you know how much your sacrifice is admired by all of us at Villa. In asnwer to your question, members of the Forces DO get a discount...again, contact Nicky Keye and she will sort it for you. Finally, please contact Lee Preece at Villa Park re. the charity...he will definitely sort it. Both Randy and I are very eager to ensure that those who sacrifice on the front lines are taken care of when they get home. Lee can be contacted by going thru the Villa operator. Use my name when talking to lee. 2. New pictures of the nenovations will be posted on the OS either today or tomorrow...they are great. 3. Jack Woodward: Obviously we will provide constructive feedback to Jack but....there are many who like his easy banter and the way talks about the game. We need to be very careful that we don't destroy the spirit and verve that he brings to his job. At the same time, Jack and the Club are always interested in feedback and accept it graciously...it is the only way we can get better. As I said before, I listen to him and enjoy the banter...he is a superb bloke who is like all Fans...dedicated to the Villa. I am a huge Jack fan. He will take on board your comments.
  19. General Krulak here: 1. POh4rm4n: All you have to do is look at our roster of players over the past few years and get your answer....I would imagine that Big John Carew would question the question. 2. Will get an answer to the audio.
  20. General Krulak here: 1. I have asked about open training sessions and should get an answer later today. 2. I also love the Bullring to Bullring promo....it was a group effort but the very initial idea was Pauls...a great bloke. 3. suttonpaul: What a kind offer...I will make sure they get it.
  21. General Krulak here: 1. Jack Woodward: I am not really sure what the issue you have with Jack but....he is about as Claret and Blue an individual that I have met. He is Villa through and through and I have a lot of time for him. A really good bloke. 2. David Willis is our new IT Guru and a real professional. I have been talking with him about all the issues re. the OS and AVTV. He is on top of it!! What he does not want to do is put "lipstick on a pig." He does not want to put an expensive glossy front end look and feel over a broken back end that does not address the real issues. He is currently addressing some of the key issues to include avfc domain/s, ease of use and functionality. As many readers have indicated, we have some deep issues that we need to address....and we finally have the man who can address them Our domain independence avfc.co.uk is being tested already and the user login experience, blogs with comments, AVTV and navigational enhancement designs are now in development for release this summer. David is a good man....but he needs time and YOUR patience. He does say that WE are guilty of not keeping the fans updated as to what we are doing. 3. The new kit will be on display in Malaga if our folks manage to get the car there in time. (tongue in cheek). The new kit will also be worn at the Florintina game. We have some very good seat left for that game so if you don't have anything else to do, come on down!!
  22. General krulak here: 1. villaajax: Yes, I have played some of the military computer games. As a matter of fact, when I was Commandant of the Marine Corps, I converted several games into training exercises for my Marines...to be used individually or as a team. 2. villahero: Roger, got it. 3. McGregor statue...we will have the statue...do not worry. 4. I am glad Fans like what is being done at Villa Park...I think that, when completed, folks will be very happy. 5. villabromsgrove: Thank you for the very kind post...I will make sure that MON and Randy see it.
  23. General Krulak here: 1. A little information on Downing: He is a sensible, level-headed professional who has loads of character and a real love of the game. He is very anxious to get on the Pitch with our Squad and play years with folks like Young. Capello rates him very high and, obviously, so does Martin. He is our type of Lad!!! Yes, he is injured but at 24 (soon to be 25), we are not just getting him for today...but for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. This was a good deal. 2. Both Randy and Martin have made it crystal clear that Young is NOT for sale. Do NOT be swayed by rumors. 3. Fiorentina tickets. Obviously this is an aberration...although it has happened before. Getting the tickets printed is not always timely.
  24. General Krulak here: 1. Oaks: This is a question best answered by Nicky Keye at ticketing office. 2. geoff48: Again, call the ticketing office. 3. mikeyp102: We have looked hard at beginning an affiliation with some of the major football associations here in the US...to include universities and youth leagues. We believe there is real value in such an affiliation but we are not ready to "pull the trigger" on it yet. I have answered the question re. player fees paid by some Clubs before. Bottom Line: I don't think it is good for football but I do not see an end in sight right now. 4. radigan: Thank you for your post...it was good reading. 5. philvilla: Not a bad idea....the devil will be in the details. I will look into it. 6. trentvilla: We are aware of the sad events surrounding Rifleman Murphy...a true hero. The Club will be doing something and I have personally written a paragraph to be included in the effort to honour this soldier.
  25. General Krulak here: 1. Suffering Villa: Sorry you didn't get to see the Naval Academy...that is where I went to University and my wife and I were married at the chapel there. As for the lad in the Arsenal shirt, I have a hit man out looking for him now. 2. mcveighp: We are currently looking at a new forum on the official site that will have, as part of it, me answering questions. It will be "controlled" so that we don't have outsiders coming on and wasting time. We have hired someone to work the entire Official Site and he is already making a diffference. 3. ricardomeister: I remember a time in VietNam when we were facing a large number of the enemy dug into fortified positioins on top of a ridgeline. We were ordered to knock them off the ridgeline. Talk about what appeared to be an "unrealistic goal"!!! We waiting until 4:00 am and hit them hard...and pushed them off the ridge. As I indicated, with my background, to expect me to call a goal I helped set to now be "unrealistic" is not going to happen. Is it a difficult goal? Absolutely!! Are the chances pretty low...probably!! Do we therefore change the goal? I would find that very hard to do. There is an old saying in the military, "Aim high, hit high'!!! 4. geoff43: I am worried that you are going to end up in the hospital if you continue to worry like you are doing. First off, very few Clubs have done anything at this point...and the action that has taken place has not been for "great players." I seem to recall watching Ronaldo and Rooney (examples) as "young players...16-20" and make a difference. I would say that some of our young players are making a difference. I would not exclude getting youth. I think you need to take a step back and relax a little. You have a manager who knows exactly what he has for a squad, what he needs, and what he doesn't need. Why not let him do his job.
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