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Everything posted by bickster

  1. It seems the Northern Ireland Secretary isn’t fully on board with the National Service policy. So not only has he been specifically named in the leaked emails, he's also put out this blog piece today Steve baker.info
  2. Trevor Phillips is awful, as are an awful lot of Sky News reporters.. Beth Rigby today asked Kier Starmer a question that went along the lines of Tories… National Service… proving popular with the voters… blah ?
  3. If the UN occupied Gaza. How would that work? What happens when Hamas launch rockets at Israel and its under UN control? It’s a serious question. I have no idea if the correct answer but the ramifications of sending the UN in to control an area where the protagonists on both sides wouldn’t welcome them definitely needs to be addressed before anyone considers it to be an option
  4. Oh I forgot the other one. Banned from public sector jobs if you don’t do national service. You can’t be a nurse or a doctor because you don’t care for your community
  5. So we’ve had there is potential for jail leaked… And fining the parents of 18 year olds floated by the Torygraph. Old enough to vote and be classed as a adult with responsibility for their actions but the parents get fined… How’s that going to work then
  6. Well he certainly came out fighting yesterday. I think that’s the most openly racist I’ve ever seen him
  7. Me too, can’t be arsed to Mooney though
  8. The white one that tastes like stones is alright
  9. No, statistical analysis of opinion polling, current and historical. (I’ve been at it for months) Tactical voting will be the most organised and have the widest effect it has ever had in this election The only policies that will have major cut through currently are bad Tory policies. Anything good they come up with will be ignored. Labour having played it very carefully for a long time are not going to **** up on policy now. They couldn’t come up with a spook the horses policy if they tried they are so anodyne. The question really is right now, how few seats will the Tories get (for the record again, I'm not a Labour voter)
  10. It doesn’t matter who you’re voting for, under 400 is a narrow victory. There is literally zero evidence of that. I keep making bold statements about this (which is rather not my normal MO) This will be the worst defeat the Tory Party have suffered since the 1918 RotP Act and probably a 100 years prior to that too. This will be much worse for them than 1997
  11. Have you seen the insurance price for motor insurance for a policy that isn’t just Social Domestic and Pleasure for an 18 year old?
  12. I think you’re deluded tbh. The way this is going and they'll be close to 500. The SNP are imploding in Scotland The LibDems as they always do are concentrating heavily on the seats they can win (and after this weekend that number has got larger) The Tories are currently running the worst election campaign known to the UK, with masses of people not standing and a huge 190 seats still without candidates It’s actually hard to imagine Labour not getting North of 400 right now Before Thursday I'd have considered myself mad for betting on the the LibDems to be the opposition after the election but 8/1 is looking like a real steal of a bet right now
  13. CPB or CPB (M-L)? And yes they do have completely different policies on immigration.
  14. I heard he news his week that some label is going to finally reissue the first three albums by possibly the greatest not widely known alternative band from the 80s The Sound, so I pulled this out of the rack. It’s not a greatest hits, it’s not even a best of, in fact it’s not even a good career retrospective as it mixes live and studio tracks and they are in a really odd order. As compilations go it pretty much is a metaphor for the bands career… mismanaged and little publicised. But anyway, I'll be putting my order in for a copy of Jeopardy (1st album) and All Fall Down (3rd), I still own From the Lion's Mouth (2nd) I'm only on side 1 and as much as I do really love this band this compilation just leaves me asking why did you do that after every track. If anyone wants a case study in how not to compile a compilation album, this is it The Sound - Counting The Days. Brilliant band, awful compilation
  15. Well yes quite Lance Corporal Jones was running around Sunak's house on Saturday quite clearly From the party that only one day ago were “sticking to the plan” against the party that had no plan (but obviously do)… this is quite clearly; Batshit crazy (Cameron once floated a similar idea and it was quickly put back in Pandora’s Box) Totally thought up on the fly (as evidenced by nearly every comment made on it by anyone with two brain cells in touching distance of each other) Launched out of sheer desperation.
  16. Because I was so pissed I still can’t remember the date
  17. The other thing about this National Service is the future creep Once there’s a thing called National Service that has an optional military element, it really never will be long before some bright spark has the idea of extending its parameters
  18. Training to be a Special Constable takes 13-14 weekend over a 6 month period Erm..
  19. The FA Cup final was always the Saturday of the weekend after the league ended. It’s not the date of the Cup Final that’s the issue here if you have an issue
  20. Not really relevant though. Farage is somewhat of a broken figure for the Throbbers , even Lee Anderson told him to man up this week when he announced he wasn’t standing. His “I will make more money from going to the US to help Trump than I will standing in the UK election” has gone down like a bag of rainbow coloured jelly babies with them It also doesn’t matter what he thinks, it’s what the Throbbers think that matters
  21. The Swiss who are rather famous for not going to war? But all have guns under their beds in case they get invaded
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