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Everything posted by bickster

  1. you're thinking is all wrong, Engels would disagree only the wealthy can afford 10 microns, ciggie papers aren't for the workers in the capitalist system. CIggie papers are designed to divide us!
  2. Just as many Nail Bars and daft women’s hairdressers and don’t get me started on day spas / pamper lounges or places that fill women’s faces with botulism, then there's tattoo parlours… but not many of them are run by people with darker skin. As usual it’s just dog whistle racism
  3. And it seems with Biden's announcement yesterday that Ukraine has launched a counter offensive in the Kharkiv region and taken back a good chunk of the town of Vovchansk with Russians surrounded in a meat packing plant. They also seem to have restored some bridges to improve logistics
  4. That’s really not going to happen. His campaign fund crashed last night under the weight of donations
  5. She should have taken him to the cleaners a long time ago, there'll be nothing left soon
  6. I’m not challenging that part, I'm challenging the assertion than no western country would jail a 77 year old for a non violent crime. It’s utter nonsense
  7. This is just not true. There was a bloke in Hampshire convicted of fraud at 72 who got 2 and a half years earlier this year.
  8. The stupid fwits running this campaign would put him on a big red bus and sent a tweet in his name saying it’s great to bagsie the back row
  9. Another one? There’s already loads of them, enough for 100 remakes of Life of Brian with no repeats. Even just the Trotskyite’s have about 6 and spend their entire lives dedicated to the mental gymnastics of how Ice Pick man's speech in 1917 to the 47th district Soviet of frozen bollocks translates to modern society Some of these imbeciles even band together and stand in elections until they fall out about whose turn it is to shag Vanessa this month and in 1962 Ted Grant said it was their turn but Gerry Healy didnt keep his word… They’d argue about the thickness of ciggie papers and how Lenin said they should be 3 microns but that bastard Stalin insisted on them being 2 microns which is how they ended up as 5 because of the bourgeois infilt(er)ators Which great sociopath is going to lead this party and how long before they split over the price of the red flag they donated to the peoples tombola at the socialist summer fayre
  10. There’s a review of Probe Records on Google from a Prince fan It’s like this, Prince fan goes into Probe, asks if they have some Prince record and clearly starts waxing lyrical about Prince and trying to engage Bob in a conversation about how marvellous Prince is. He was rather offended when Bob told him he was talking to the wrong person as he didn’t really like Prince’s music. 1 star review
  11. ‘‘Twas more a joke on his height
  12. Just like everyone knew already, the sleeper train was a stunt.
  13. This is just another example of how shit they are at PR events. No doubt as some sort of reaction to the McVities Factory incident, they let Sunak loose on a bunch of unvetted workers. I mean it’s pretty obvious he’s shit at meeting normal people and he’s pretty shit at public speaking… so why on earth would you arrange something like this? I know it'd be hard finding them but they really should be playing to his strengths not his weaknesses
  14. To be perfectly fair, they all do this shit. Tom Watson was telling a story the other day where he was in charge of a Tony Blair whistle stop train tour where he'd have to get activists with lots of balloons to run along each platform as the train arrived as the loco that had been supplied was named “Mission Impossible.” He swears not one picture was printed. Must have been amusing to watch. But these dark arts are standard practice and have been since he dawn of time. Problem for the Tories is, they are particularly shit at them, so they are indeed a metaphor for their government but only because they are shit at them.
  15. Didn’t realise he was so popular amongst Man City supporters but I guess the rosette is the right colour
  16. I think this is the best place for this story. Bolton MP Mark Logan (Tory) who had the smallest majority of under 400 to defend, was going to defend the seat, instead he's joining Labour and currently won't have a seat. (But still might) He was only elected in 2019 for the first time. And really really oddly, he's joining Labour because he wants the country to recognise Palestine as a country
  17. I disagree about the left right analysis but… Those who may be prepared to vote tactically against the Tories but that doesn’t really work for Scotland either
  18. I'd agree with them given the state of the mini baguettes they use in their sandwiches
  19. In fact how many of Bolton's Asian community would go to a bakery first thing in the morning?
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