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Everything posted by bickster

  1. It gets more amusing than that, this example isn't the only one. But this is the level.... can't even fully read a very short one sentence tweet. Where the error is pointed out,.. double down! (more in comments)
  2. EH are only really bothered about the stones though aren't they. I doubt they've had the Lichen experts in and I doubt the effect on the lichen would be readily apparent yet
  3. What is the effect of the dye and the cornflower on the rare lichens that grow on the stones? Some of the lichen is very rare and some are very oddly species that usually only grow in marine environments, so salt is thought to be an essential element for their survival, what the effect of cornflour here is, I don't know but... there's something else I do know about cornflour, it isn't easily soluble in water, so the it'll just wash off in the rain line is rather lacking in knowledge. I presume JSO have never actually done any cooking, even if you make a cornflour paste the water and cornflour soon separate. The it's just cornflour line just proves how little actual brainpower went into the "protest"
  4. And it turns out that this new candidate is married to the Tory Director of Campaigns Just can't help themselves the grubby little shits
  5. It’s probably more like misconduct in a public office than OSA
  6. It really does look like the idea of it just being Sunak, Dowden (remember him) and Forsyth being the ones that knew as being a little wrong
  7. Yep that’s my assumption too, he’s meant to keep his trap shut about anything he hears.
  8. The betting on the election date thing may be about to blow up. It seems it isn’t just the protection officer, another candidate is also being investigated. Laura Saunders, candidate in Bristol NW appears to be being investigated. She’s worked for the party since 2015… It also seems she’s not the only one as CCHQ have said they’ve been contacted about “a small number of individuals” and that doesn’t sound like just the two now in the public domain
  9. They’re announcing what they’ve been doing all week anyway I think I saw a stat earlier that the average majority in the seats Sunak has been to this week is 14K
  10. Courtney Barnett - she’s currently supporting the Foos, so between enormodome gigs she slotted in a couple of solo shows. She’s got no really current product to sell so the shows were hastily arranged a month or so ago and in smaller venues than she’d normally play. Result! Just as I hoped really. No running through an album with a smattering of older songs this was just Courtney enjoying herself She’s always been a bit rockier live than on record but the first half of the set was pretty grunge, She was rocking out for the sheer fun of it. She also then played a few of her less rocky stuff including a Chastity Belt cover which was good, then mostly went back to songs she could wig out to. Great gig in a smallish venue and all the better for being with @blandy as that’s been a while. Met up in the pub beforehand and other mates of mine were there so we all had a good chat over a few pints before the gig. Great night out tbh!
  11. Bloody stupid lawyer, he'll earn less with him off it
  12. There is one trend from the MRP polling across all companies and that is that the Tories seat numbers are significantly higher than in the normal polling I think the second YouGov MRP of the election period is due out in a few minutes, the changes between their two will be interesting
  13. Claimed yesterday he was removing himself from SM permanently. Not sure I believe that tbh
  14. Another £45K for the second 5 tweets. DOubt he's going bankrupt any time soon
  15. The local party selected Timothy, he was on a shortlist of a sitting MP (who only found a seat in the end of days mad scramble this month), an FT journalist and him The local party selected him, I'm not sure thats the way the National Party would have wanted it to go
  16. theortical is a nonsense in the context of this conversation. But lets treat it as such There have to be five parties in any seat for the winner to be the winner on 25%. At least four of those parties must be of fairly equal standing otherwise the winner will rise above the 25% threshold almost by default OK I'll concede its theoretically possible but it is still practically impossible. It's not an argument that should be put forward which was the point I was making in the first place.
  17. Very much doubt it, most seats in NI are divided on sectarian lines. Belfast North, (I think) has the closest to equity and that is only recently (which is why it went to SF in 2019 for the first time - and because the Greens SDLP and Workers Party stood no candidate)
  18. Well no, not on any meaningful level, because if those conditions existed, we'd no longer be operating under FPTP, it would have to have been abandoned just on a practical level and you'd be running government with a three party (minimum) coalition
  19. you'd need at least 5 parties on roughly equal share of the vote, a situation that has never happened and is highly unlikely to ever happen under FPTP in this country and even then they would need to be very specifically regionalised and in separate regions so as to create that situation. It's bollocks
  20. a quick glance at her twitter would show that to be utter nonsense. Member or not, she's only pushing one party
  21. If I was the Labour Party I know how I'd respond Russia Report, Lebvedev, Russian donations... I'll be disappointed in Labour if they don't tbh It's also interesting that they could have chucked ths Reform's way and have had an actual point but they shit out of doing that.
  22. Not quite Zinoviev but its getting there. I'm honestly speechless as to how bad that is.
  23. I disagree, in 2019 the Greens were polling at between 2-3% of the electorate and ended up with 2.6% They are currently polling at around 6% So if that holds will have over doubled their vote share in one election cycle I'm also of the opinion that disaffected hardcore Corbynites aren't as big a subset of the population that they like to think. Also lot of former Corbynites are still voting Labour and are either holding their nose or have realised the idea was a bit daft. There are also as many disaffected Tory NIMBY types in the Green figures as there are Corbynites
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