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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Are you having a meltdown?
  2. Biggest phase 3 trial before approval ever. Please stop repeating this nonsense. They were approved quicker than normal because of the sheer amount of investments governments around the world put in not because any corners were cut ”rushed through” / “experimental” are both utter nonsense in relation to these vaccines
  3. bickster

    Energy Bills

    Woo hoo, they dropped the price of fuel in all four petrol stations by us. Three of them went from 155.9 to 154.9 The Tesco actually dropped to 146.9 (a 4p drop) Yep I just went to Tesco, **** 'em I can get it for 143.9 in a petrol station close to the city and do if I'm going that way but I rarely am
  4. See I did have a cold the other week, both me and the missus, it was over in two days but this was a good couple of weeks before Omnicron was remotely in the news. Even as colds go, it wasn't much of a cold So who knows *shrugs*
  5. Not had it either Out of ten people in our deparment at work only three people have knowingly had it and one of those was Omnicron for two days One has had to self-isolate 3 times and still not had it Two of us actually drive taxis aswell, one had it before he started taxiing again and me still hasnt caught it
  6. The bolded bits have always been true haven't they? I thought the reason it was more infectious AND the reason it was milder was because it lives in the throat and not the lungs
  7. I actually have a white label of this, which probably explains why, 25 years later, I've only just seen I get a thanx credit on the label
  8. I rather think he threw himself under it. Simon. Do some investigating about parties and find nothing. Erm boss, I had a party. They’ll find out I had a party. Yes boss, good idea
  9. Well it matters to me because all three of them are horrible (I have no opinion on Sunaks wife) and because it's important to see who operates in these little cabals within the Tory Party so we can see the people who really benefit from their actions. These little groupings are also important to understand when for example James Forsyth is writing gushing appraisals of Sunal in the Spectator or less obviously when his staff are writing about them as happened when Stratton went all Meryl Streep after her resignation Again its posted upthread but one Spectator writer, writing in praise of Stratton decalred in his puff piece "I must declare I know her a bit", he left out that she's his bosses best mate and thats why its important to me to understand these relationships
  10. Look like the pair of them were made by Gerry Anderson Studios
  11. I was fairly sure the £10bil of trade was both ways not us to them and it was also massively in their favour. We essentially gave them shitloads for sod all So its more like 2/30ths
  12. That really isn’t who Stratton really is. She’s vile, look at video of the interview she’d did with the working mother on benefits that was posted up thread when she resigned a few weeks ago. She’s sodding horrible. Her husband is James Forsyth, political editor of The Spectator. The two families are the greatest Of friends, politically and socially. This isn’t guilt by association it’s guilt by guilt. Rants about unmarried single mothers are a speciality. I think the only reason she resigned so quickly is that Team Sunak needed her out of there quickly. She’ll be back no doubt about it and she’ll be just as vile.
  13. Party / Country, sames applies really Agreed Sunak is the be careful what you wish for candidate, he voted against the fiscal measures he brought in at Cabinet, his connections at the The Spectator as asbad as Johnson's, Allegra Stratton is Godmother to his two children Fiscally Sunak is a give the peasants nothing kind of chancellor
  14. You realise that right now the two main contenders are Rishi "California Dreaming" Sunak and Liz "Pork Exports" Truss. The latter fails any competency test, they both fail the divisive test. There are lots of Tory MPs who don't like a female leader, especially one as incomprehensibly stupid as Liz Truss and the Swivel Eyed Loons in the constituencies will wonder why the waiter in the local Curry House is leading their Party. Neither of those two candidates will unite the party. If Boris is dumped I hope to god it's Truss that wins. Her clown act is not an act unlike Boris
  15. Oh I think you could tbh. Its so The Thick Of It that political satire has now become political drama
  16. If its any consolation, a work colleague went out with friends on Saturday. by Sunday one of them tested positive with a Lat Flow. All seven then tested positive with Lat Flows. They did PCRs on the Monday... 3 still positive, 4 already negative There's a few local stories like that with Omnicron. We already know the gestation period to symptoms in much shorter, it also seems that the virus generally hangs around in the body for most people a lot less than previous mutations
  17. Its always been true. The LibDems are THE party of few principals, they can go on about the yellow book as much as they like, they really don't have much of a controlling philosophy, certainly not one the general public would even understand, they are the party of the disillusioned voter, the safe protest vote party What are the LibDems good at? By-elections, they can also be good at holding on to by-election victories What are they shit at? Pretty much everything else including actually getting their message across. Most people don't know what they stand for or what their policies actually are (I use LibDems to differentiate as we do actually still have an actual Liberal Party that stands in elections and sometimes actually wins council seats)
  18. I'm not sure it is the right time to be honest If your enemy stands up above the trench and starts shooting himself. do you pop your head up and risk catching a stray bullet or just let him keep blasting away at himself Just shout a bit of encouragement every now and again
  19. They haven't set a date yet for the Southend West By-election, they might be leaving it until the very last moment to do so after yesterday Labour have been gaining votes (2019 excepted) in this constituency for years. The majority is only 14k Sure there'll be a David Amess sympathy vote but the longer they leave it the more that will wane I imagine
  20. So you have a Free Trade Deal with another country and you have a Bonfire of Red Tape... but ... leaving the Free trade Deal that was EU membership was meant to.... let me think ...oh yes that was it... much less red tape.
  21. Pink Floyd supported by The Pretty Things
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