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Everything posted by bickster

  1. My only problem withn what you're saying is this is DAF Daniel we're talking about. I think my £6 yard brush has more chance of spotting an avenue for fraud than him. If Krzywinski knows of a loophole, there's plenty of others at it, he did not work this out for himself
  2. is expained by an absolute word removed. His off screen persona in NOTHING like his on screen one. He's an absolute arse
  3. I honestly think the next election will be a reset election The US will not be voting for either Trump or Biden. Neither will be standing Biden is too old, he and the Dems both know it. Trump will be legally in so much jeopardy in 2 years time, he'll be too busy putting out the fires to be actually taking his grift to the people I expect this to become apparent to everyone by the middle of this year
  4. I don't know whether to laugh... or laugh
  5. I'm sure the Tory's prize plank (a stiff competition to win these days) will be able to furnish the reciepts for his thrice weekly Polish lessons that he so clearly doesn't need. the allownace is for learning a language not polishing (sorry) the rough edges
  6. I agree that its very minor, my post was more about the battlelines being drawn. However, I'd argue, that in a more normal, less corrupt government, this would actually be a little more shocking. We live in a world where care home workers aren't allowed to take gratuities of monetary value, people who work in local government aren't allowed to take more than a cheap plastic pen. But donate to the Tory Party and it gets paid back in kind. It is corruption, just by todays standards, she's be way down the list at the moment.
  7. So The Times has started digging the dirt on Liz Truss, must mean they are on Team Sunak
  8. I wasn't going to drink tonight but due to some knobhead throwing a rock through my car window I'm off the road, so...
  9. I concur, it's no longer in my collection, another one lost in action somewhere but my collection does include some PWEI, I think most of them were freebies because of the Scorpio Rising / CHapter 22 connection
  10. Fuzz Townsend is also a Motoring Journailst / Broadcaster and as we know Richard March is an Antique HiFi repairer
  11. I can see that attitude changing too. Right now the banknotes feature a suspected nonce's mother, who appears to be helping him hide away, when she carks it, we'll have the nutty tampon as king, it won't be the same anymore
  12. I love this Fesshole account, people send him confessions and he tweets them (which a lot of Twits don't seem to understand) but this one amused me today
  13. I watched The History of Future Folk on Netflix this afternoon. Low budget, Aliens, Folk Music and a few laughs. Definitely a B Movie, nothing heavy but an entertaining hour and a half for an afternoon, starring no-one I'd ever heard of and wonderfully stupid
  14. Vanessa Redgrave accepting a Damehood She's a lifelong Trot an expelled member of the Workers Revolutionary Pary and devotee of Gerry Healy. What self respecting Trot becomes a Dame?
  15. I went to bed about 10pm, I was expecting the firework lover in the close opposite to have his usual one box display which he sets alight to in the middle of the road about midnight and thought it might wake me up but it didn't, I was pleasantly surprised
  16. Thats your own experience Mike, We used to go trick or treating, we carved swedes, did ducking apples all that stuff, in the early seventies as they'd done for generations in Wales. Halloween is Celtic in origin. You might not have done it in Brum but we did it every year, it's something I've grown up with
  17. Halloween was always a thing, its just more commercialised now which pushes it on and on When did Bonfire night die? It's still a night of appalling terrorism around here, we just have more nights of them now as opposed to one
  18. Played in the same Mosely team as my PE teacher, Les Cusworth. Corless was ending his "career" and Cusworth starting to make a name for himself getting the occasional game. Back then, Moseley were one of the top sides in the country and had a number of England players in the squad. The Tragic Sam Doble (also a teacher - went to his memorial game, Cusworth and Corless both played) and Martin Horton (who was keeping Cusworth out of the team despite being inferior). The Reddings also hosted County Championship games, iirc Bill Beaumont played his last ever game there, getting injured in a Lancashire vs the Midlands CC Semi Final. I used to go down quite a bit. Amazing how I remember all that to be honest
  19. Yeah I had the last of a four pack of Basic Shake before which I only bought one night in the garage because everything else on offer was worse Brew Dog really is a victory of brand recognition over quality, most of them really are more miss than hit
  20. Happy new digit day when you wake up with a hangover
  21. It's OK I've just remembered you only came here because your photo was posted by @ScubaSteve
  22. Comprehensive School in Great Barr, played Rugby for the School Team for 8 years (three years VIth Form), captained the side for a few years. Also played for Handsworth Rugby Club as did half of my School Teammates, the other half played for Walsall. Our School Team was actually really good, we used to take great delight in beating the King Edwards Schools. Going back further, the nucleus of that school team was formed in our Junior School, we played 7 a side against other schools nearly every week As well as playing the King Edwards Schools we also used to play plenty of other schools that were comprehensives, including one that was somewhere in the middle of Chelmsley Wood. Another we regularly played was possibly called Shenley Court, somewhere near King Edwards proper and of course our "local rivals", Great Barr Comp plus quite a few others I forget The point is, back in the seventies, comprehensive schools had big playing fields, they also had teachers who were prepared to run teams (not just Rugby) in their spare time at weekends and stay after school to do training, unpaid. There were lots of Comprehensive schools with Rugby Teams. Another reason for that, back in the seventies they used to reckon that about a third of the regions teachers were Welsh (my own Mother was one of them). There were two PE teachers in our School that ran the Rugby Teams, one was Welsh, the other was a current England International (because of course the game was still staunvhly amateur) Times have changed and the person to blame is as you've all guessed.... Thatcher
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