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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Current off the record briefings are hinting that they were actually TB2 Bayraktar drone strikes
  2. There's a slight issue though, there's no way of knowing if the Moskva was carrying nuclear warheads. Ukraine were of the opinion that it had two on board
  3. Moskva has been classified by Ukraine as a site of Underwater Cultural Heritage
  4. I think that assumption is incorrect. I think last time I looked Sevastopol Harbour was only just outside Missile Range from Ukraine
  5. That's the only reason it will be released. To be honest, the Sue Gray report is somewhat irrelevant now the Police are investigating and issuing fines. If we're on about buried reports, I'd much rather they released the Russia Report but that won't be happening this side of the next apocalypse
  6. Finish this sentence. Tonight there was a large explosion at an airfield... Everyone has lost count now, somewhere between 20-22 times is the consensus
  7. Dunno, as soon as he opens his mouth all I hear is lie, lie, lie and switch off
  8. You would imagine it would be like that here with lots of terraced housing etc, except they've blocked off the back alleys specifically for rubbish. Perfectly possible for most place to have wheelie bins, yet bin / bag apartheid persists. It's certainly stopped the rubbish flyine every where, they still didn't give 'em bins though
  9. See, here again, it's linked. Johnson has now told Parliament nine times that the UK has the fastest growing economy in the World (or whatever whopper it is he keeps telling.) It's a lie, he's not mistaken, it's not an accident. It's a lie. So if the PM is lying to Parliament and the country about the economy, is it any wonder they aren't interested in talking about it? No one wants to have a conversation about, "Yes the economy isn't great but under the circumstances we're recovering better than anyone" do they. Because they've been lied to
  10. I suspect social class has something to do with it too In our authority there are lots of areas that don't have wheelie bins, all the rubbish is put in bin bags and collected every week. You get delivered 1 bag for every week of the year It will come as no shock that this Labour council does that in the more deprived areas. Middle class areas get wheelie bins
  11. No it really isn't, anything that potentially has the power to remove a sitting Prime Minister is not a distraction. Ignore the actual parties, that's fluff, partygate is about having a PM that is consistenly lying to Parliament and has broken a law he enacted. There are very serious issues beneath the parties. Absolutely not a distraction
  12. This is a partygate distraction, nothing more, nothing less. Or something has been announced I'm unaware of
  13. I have nothing to say about this other than it ambles along nicely whilst I potter around doing some chores in the Mancave
  14. At the back of our local tip is a little country road, it's not even in the same local authority as the tip which is feet away from the border. You should see the shite strewn along the road, it's no coincidence that its in the road behind the tip and its under a different authorities control and for that authority in the middle of absolutely nowhere
  15. Right so what are the Tories up to today because as much as lots of things aren't dead cats, this one's flesh is falling off the bones Labour falling for it hook line and sinker though This is classic 1980s Student Union politics, quick say something obviously sexist to get the lefties jumping up and down, worked every time then and it appears to be working to this day. I mean its actually got Angela Rayner thanking Johnson for sticking up for her. Sometimes the Labour Party are so predictable I'll wager Conservative Central Office are absolutely pissing themselves laughing
  16. It's actually stupid that you have to book slots at all. This was all introduced as a COVID measure. I'm presuming your tip like everyone else's is outside, well being outside was ruled out as a source of mass transmission very early on. It's ludicrous that yours still are. Even our absolutely work-shy council abandonned it a long time ago
  17. Meanwhile flytipping increased exponentially
  18. What an absolute load of horseradish!
  19. No, off to Gravy Aushwitz with you
  20. There's absolutely no way Russia has 13,000 servicable tanks. A huge proportion of that 13,000 will be junk. Some T-72As have already been spotted at least on the way to the front, that is a variant that goes back to the 1979-1985 era, it was the Tanks first real upgrade. Of the 13,000 number often quoted it is thought that 10,000 are T-72s and most of those were thought to be T-72Bs, it seems they've needed to look down the back of the sofa and have found some As. 2,000 of the 10,000 were thought to be on active duty, the other 8,000 were mothballed and there have been plenty of reports regarding the army sellling engines and other bits on the black market to make money, that level of corruption will have junked a big number of the 8,000. No-one knows how many working T-72s they have, in all likelihood, even Putin doesn't know. One commander of a tank warehouse is reported to have blown his own brains out when the order for more tanks came, most have assumed this is because there weren't many he was charged with overseeing that were even close to being battle ready The T-14 will not be deployed in Ukraine. They deployed a few in Syria and one got blown up by the rag tag army they were fighting. Publically they say they have 100 of the Amata, the reality is closer to 30. They were supposed to have 2800 by now, production of the tank was severely impacted by sanctions since 2014. They don't have enough to use it properly and if they use it with T-72s it will be slowed down by them and that isn't good. Russia also cannot afford to have any blown to bits as it would haope to be selling this new generation of kit to the likes of India and China and they can't have it seen to be failing. Currently the T-14 is nothing more than a show tank Also, another reason the Russian tanks are getting blown to bits by small units armed with modern AT weapons is that conventional tactical wisdom says you need masses of infantry in front of the tanks to wipe out the threat from the NLAWs etc, Russia doesn't seem to be capable of doing this. They don't have anywhere near enough cannon fodder to be able to do it and its hard enough to motivate the infantry they do have, they are already using the Kadyrovites behind the front line to enforce soldiers fighting (or get shot for desertion), more infantry would be even harder for them to control and they might not have enough people willing to enforce behind the lines.
  21. They are but they aren't what they used to be, there seems less flavour these days Anyway for me its all about Twisted Cheetos Flamin Hot these days
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