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Everything posted by bickster

  1. There is the argument that mixed affordable / profitable housing leads to less ghettoisation of poorer communities
  2. Is your Dad a Dundee fan?
  3. So it's an initialisation and should be pronounced I.K.E.A. gotcha
  4. Best not start the whole Bombay / Mumbai, Peking / Beijing debate again
  5. If they spelled it Ickeya we'd be much more likely to say it the way they want. Conclusion. Swedes are illiterate
  6. A little more on the attack on the HQ near Izyum yesterday Gerasimov only has a shrapnel wound to the shin (which wasn't broken) but he was Air Evacced out of Belgorod to Moscow pretty sharpish using three identical aircraft and Aligator Heicopters to secure the airspace while the planes were on the tarmac. There are are eye witness reports that saw him walk on the plane unassisted but thats rather a side issue to the 20 dead high ranking Russian officers
  7. Haven't listened to this masterpiece in ages. I'm a bit so so with most of his albums but this one is and always will be fantastic Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
  8. Thats my take on it too, tell them something worse to get them to comply with what you want
  9. Regina Zylbergerg Gone at 92 Who? French singer and nightclub impresario. She literally invented the nightclub DJ. She was the very first person to replace the previously ubiquitous Jukebox with people playing actual records on linked record decks in her club, the Whisky a Gogo in Paris in 1967.
  10. Belgorod seems like a very flamable and accident prone location in Russia just over the Ukraine border. Kursk seems to suffer too Ukraine Pravda
  11. If he was in that strike that killed the General we were talking about yesterday there's a very good chance this isn't a papercut. Taking out the actual head of all the Russian Armed Serices just shouldn't happen, even in a country where senior officers are pushed onto the front line Sure visit and issue direct instructions from a rear command post but right up by the front line? thats mental. Russian communications networks must really be absolutely as bad as Ukraine claims. Surely he could have done whatever he was doing by meeting senior officers in the relative safety of Luhansk or even across the border in Russia itself
  12. Ah bugger I bought another RSD record but from a different shop. Jacaranda Records because they sell more Jazz than Probe ever will, so they get a different selection of RSD titles in theory. And they do Anyway I bought this, unisual for me because it's a live album but I don't think with this lot is matters much as it's live to tape and not through the live mixing desk or directional mics and I guess these guys pretty much record that way most of the time Anyway, I'm a sucker for the funk and soul Booker T hammond organ type sound. I have two of their records now and I think that's probably enough So anyway I'm at the counter and the person selling me the record says... "I've just put this on Discogs and everyone's saying it's the best pressing of this, so I hope you enjoy it!" It's the only bloody pressing of it you daft sod, it's never been released before!
  13. They can see it. They want you to post it in exactly the way you have done. They hope it blows up, then they can deny it and point out that the police uniforms are in fact grey not black and all the armbands are doing is helping in organising their parade. The aim is two-fold; sowing doubt in those who have a soft commitment to the Ukraine side, not getting them onside with Russia but moving them to a place where they don't believe everything. If they can do this enough times they will succeed in shifting people from the pro-camp to the fence sitting whatabout camp where everything starts to be questioned. People who post it and get annoyed by it are doing Putin's work for him For the domestic propaganda machine, it can be reported as "look at the Nazi's accusing us of being the same", everyone knows our police uniforms are grey and the numbers on the armbands are just to keep track of the rows, that's why only the othermost column are wearing them, this is really pathetic of them yada yada yada That's the way Russian trolling works and the Ukraine oulet you posted it from appears to have fallen for it, you and countless others have spread it about and those who support Ukraine spread it again and againthen and away it goes. You aren't the target audience but you are the method of it reaching them.
  14. I sadly just looked that up and discovered that they are based in Harsewinkel...
  15. Which is exactly why it is trolling. It's deliberate Ukraine says "Look at the Fascists" Russia Says "They are just numbering rows for our parade" I don't blame Ukraine for reacting but it would be better if they didn't As has been explained before, the idea here isn't to get people to change their opinion completely, it's to sow doubt and move opinion into the grey zone. Ukraine may have weighed up the options and decided its better to push their line anyway. My opinion is that it isn't, stuff like this should be ignored.
  16. Yep, a worthy addition to the debate. You should be proud
  17. I didn't realise numbering rows was fascist, now I'll have to resign from work as I use speadsheets quite a lot
  18. That is Russia trolling the west though and should be used as evidence of anything. The black figures in the circles are numbers and clearly indicate each row of the soldiers, 5,6,7,8... (all visible) They have no significance other than that
  19. Well for starters you really do have some strange ideas about your ideologies here. The "left" have traditionally been less about free speech than the right. That trend has never been more obvious than it is today It is the Left who wish to no platform speakers and censor this and that, hence the whole "Cancel Culture" debate. The left have always mostly been about control and restriction. The idea that the left are champions of Free Speech is quite frankly laughable As for the right and RIght WIng Puritans, yes some of those may still exist in the Tory Party but there are far more Libertarians in it than any puritans You also have to ask yourself if your opinion on Porn in relation to the exploitation that goes on in that industry is acceptable, The Porn Debate usually turns left wing feminists inside out and is often excruciatng to watch the squirming that goes on
  20. Interesting to target something in that city, it's the home of Kurganmashzavod, makers of the BMP-2 and BMP-3 APCs currently being used quite widely in the conflict. I guess that their factories are a little harder to sabotage and it's currently thought they don't have all the components for manufacturing APCs right now anyway but if Ukraine is responsible it's certainly a shot across the bows of the paranoid state
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