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Everything posted by bickster

  1. So, if they cross the river and Ukraine blow the bridge up behind them?
  2. Yes that makes much more sense with the different spelling
  3. Except Novoselivka is near to the Moldovan border and nowhere near Silverkyi Donets River EDIT: and all the other Novoselikvas in Ukraine all appear to be in territory already held by the Russians around Donestk and Mariupol
  4. Some interesting facts I learned about Lee Anderson today, none of them changed my mind about him Lee Anderson was a Labour Councillor in Nottingham until 2018, he defected before he was pushed. Antisemitism amongst other things Lee Anderson was a scab in the Miners Strike, supposedly crossing over the picket line to return to wrok because he couldn't afford to live on Strike Pay Lee Anderson since becoming an MP has £27k expenses per month on average
  5. Butter on breakfast sandwiches is immoral. You're all going to hell. It's right there in the 11 commandments 11. Do not sully thy hot meaty sandwiches with the churned milk of a cow Moses was just a forgetful word removed
  6. This is just how dumb the Russians are. Want to know where the Russian Army is? Just look at where the Russian mobile phone subscribers are in Ukraine
  7. It always had limits China's position has always been two faced with Russia as it is with everyone else. China does 3 times the business with the West than it does Russia so if it was sanctioned it really wouldn't do it any good and as Russia's economy is in the toilet, what is Russia going to pay China with? (which makes the whole pay us in Rubles to Europe monumentally silly) Whilst China said vague things in support of Russia, special relationship blah, it never actually did anything, in fact loys of State owned businesses and banks have been pulling away from Russia, like withdrawing support for payment methods that Russians used etc There was a story earlyish in the war that Lavrov went to China cap in hand for something or other and was totally rebuffed, got nothing was the rumour Pre-war, China was Ukraine's single biggest trading partner. They were trading about $18bil a year with a $2bil trading surplus in China's favour. China was getting Iron Ore, Sunflower Oil and Grain from Ukraine. About 30% of China's grain imports came from Ukraine in 2020-21 in return Ukraine was buying Machinery and Consumer Goods There's also Russia's support for "breakaway" republics which doesn't really sit well with the One China policy with regards to the likes of Hong Kong / Taiwan and who knows, China might even fancy it's northern lands back off Russia at some point if Russia is suitably weakened. China will always do what is best for China
  8. Huge news if this is true. For those who are unaware Arestovich (The guy on the right) is an advisor to Zelensky
  9. Do the Russians not remember that 6 were destroyed in Syria and one of those by T-72 The only reason they've only lost one in Ukraine so far is that they haven't sent them there.
  10. There's only one way people will ever take to Michael Gove Swinging from a lampost by his neck There's literally nothing he can possibly do to make himself likeable, every time he tries he just makes a bigger word removed of himself I don't think there's a PR Agency in the country that could do anything for him He's a stick of word removed rock, cut a cross section through him anywhere and it's still saying word removed Please make him the next leader of the Tory Party
  11. Is who pissed off with who about what? Sorry no idea. You kids and yer modern heroes
  12. As much as the Cummings caveat will always apply, he has been very correct in a lot of the mud that he's thrown
  13. Why would that matter? Well just compulsory purchase them then sell them off Really, you need to start thinking outside the box
  14. I actually think you might find Tory MPs gullible and stupid enough to actually propose that idea seriously Send it to Christopher Morris
  15. How? Most predictions before Polling Day were around 250 losses They lost 480 odd You also have to remember that 2018, the relevant previous year in the cycle was already a good year for Labour and a bad year for the Tories, To lose nearly another 500 seats on an already low year in the cycle is an absolute disaster. It really is If the voting percentages are replicated in 2023, then you'll really see the numbers fly because 2019 was a good year for the Tories, they'll have much more to lose
  16. Should have got this ealier, made the same mistake twice grrrrr tired Wordle 325 5/6*
  17. Macron needing the French to be better at being hated than the Germans
  18. Russia has possibly gained another new submarine
  19. Oh god, it mentioned Uber and proved it doesn't actually understand Uber's algo at all Lets just say they appear to be using the DELTA algo not the Uber
  20. What did you want to know? I'm curious as I might know the answer. But they definitely did not burn a million quid
  21. Has she? Seems like she's taken it for a ride whilst foisting her ridiculous and dangerous family on us by way of celebrity
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