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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Labour I reckon it’s Labour ahead of Lib in all but one pollster
  2. It leads to all sorts of machinations over the opposition Some future scenarios, some possible, some absolutely mental As already mention Alliance in NI could get up to 3 MPs (one pretty nailed on) and they are LibDem sister party Tory civil war, not hard to see some one nation MPs just defecting to LibDems And here’s the mental one… 70 odd Labour MPs defect to form New Labour for shits and giggles, to become both Govt and Opposition - who said a supermajority wasn’t dangerous
  3. The actual seat ranges for the Survation poll
  4. The Friday Night Dinner thing was so bad and ill thought out. Why Friday night? Because his wife is Jewish and her father comes across… Yep that there is antisemitism! Not only that but Teresa May had pretty much the same rule for church on a Sunday. The whole thing got destroyed in minutes
  5. Electoral Calculus was the closest prediction in 2019, I think EC is way off this time too I just don’t see which seats Reform can gain above 4 and even two of those are outside punts I also don’t see the SNP collapsing to that extent and it’s also worth noting that Scottish polling this time by all pollsters is based on the 2011 census data as the 2021 census data isn’t yet available so that may reduce their ability to predict north of the border. I genuinely hope the Tories are even lower than this prediction, I just can’t see it though. I’d be delighted if the LibDems were in opposition
  6. I’m not convinced Survation are going to be the pollster closest to the final result but that’s a difference of 3 between LibDems and Tory which could bring the Alliance Party into play FWIW I think they have it a bit effed up Cant see Reform getting 7 Can see both Green and PC getting 3/4 Cant see SNP getting only 10 Also think LibDem could be higher (there’s a few SW seats they don’t seem to be fancied in that they might actually win) same for places on the Thames corridor like Whitney I think Labour are inflated and Tory similarly deflated compared to reality Just doesn’t pass the sniff test for me.
  7. Oh apparently Steve Baker reckons he fancies a tilt at being party leader after the election Steve mate, you were on holiday for at least the first week of the campaign and "campaigned from the beach" also, you have about a 10% chance of winning your seat in Wycombe
  8. The polling that has been done regarding Tory Attack Ads and Supermajority bollocks suggests it actually pushes more people to vote Labour
  9. How desperate is Mercer? Standing in the central reservation of a busy road in rush hour with a sign with his name on
  10. That’s why he has a pink TS cowboy hat packed in his emergency grab bag
  11. For me it was just that it was played to death on certain radio stations, you couldn’t escape the bloody thing for a good few years
  12. Yep, you won’t find me arguing with a completely secular approach. Not remotely easy to implement though
  13. We had talk a few weeks ago about opposition coalitions… That was all about the unlikely (IMO) marriage of Tory and Reform There is another scenario that is actually more likely. If the LibDems are a couple of seats short of the Tory total, they could in theory team up with NI's Alliance Party who are likely to get 3 MPs. They are sister parties and part of the same Liberal global alliance thing after all and I may be imagining this but didn’t one of them voluntarily take the LibDem whip in the last parliament? It would be an attractive proposition, if say the leader of the Alliance Party were to become say Shadow NI Secretary as part of the deal Now that then brings the DUP into play on the Tory side possibly but that would be a huge risk for both of them as they aren’t exactly best pleased with each other and the DUP really have nothing to gain (or in other words the Tory Party have nothing to bribe them with this time)
  14. Same applies to most religions who sort stuff out within their culture.There’s loads of people will tell you that family pressures made them get married in church. In Liverpool it’s really hard to send your kids to a decent school without having to play at being religious and getting letters from your vicar or priest. What point are you making? If it’s religions a load of bollocks, I'm right up there. But here’s the thing, you either remove religion's insidious interference in everyone's lives or you let people get on with their own life as they chose to live it for whatever reason and accept the good and bad or you fix it for everyone. Sharia councils may be bad (no clue to be honest) but so may Jewish one’s be, the Catholic Church is definitely bad (family experience on the missus' side). The problem is, if you try to do something about Sharia courts, you have to do the same for all the other religions and their ways of sorting things out, otherwise there’s a danger that you, me, the state, whoever are doing it because… Muslims And whenever you see people complaining about “Sharia Courts” there’s a 99% chance it’s someone white, very probably racist and they'll never mention ANY of the other religions that do similar things. That there is Islamophobia.
  15. Because the dynamics in UK politics are entirely different. For starters the Trump equivalent is Farage but the nitty gritty of that discussion isn’t for this thread
  16. Candidate defects from reform to Tories because… racism.
  17. Yep, the uni party nonsense stands up to no scrutiny at all, it’s as bad as the Labour are now right wing nonsense
  18. Not particularly true in this election. The only meaningless ones this time around are in safe Labour seats. The proportion of meaningless votes will be far fewer than normal
  19. Hmmmm, ones man’s character assassination is another man’s saying and doing foolish things. Starmer doesn’t really have the media on his side, he's just given them as little ammo as possible.
  20. No, they’d be heading for another term in office. Corbyn was unelectable. Johnson was not popular in 2019, he was just more popular than Corbyn. People voted for Johnson's Tory Party as the least worst option of the two. The same would happen this time around as Corbyn faced his third defeat
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