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Everything posted by bickster

  1. He's in the estate agents as we speak
  2. Dunno if I've posted this before. Bought a few weks back but I find myself playing it a lot French Psyche / Dream Pop. The Third Album by Melody's Echo Chamber, Emotional Eternal Yeah its got another of those Phenakstoscope discs in it that I can't manage to get to work
  3. As I said elsewhere, I've voluteered to go to work, to get away from it if nothing else. Liverpool will collectively go on the piss because its a Public Holiday but they will in most instances not be celebrating anything to do with the Royal Family
  4. That's just bad form, you should never play a song twice in one set. NEVER!!!!!
  5. Reminds me of the first and second time I witnessed that Irish band named after a spy plane with a dwarf named after a dog biscuit as lead pontificater Same songs, same order, same time he climbed the speaker stack, same bullshit out of his mouth, I swear his sweat dripped at the right time
  6. Didn't watch it but that's an ex-General. He was Wagner Group, he resigned from the military when he took a fighter for a joy ride and crashed it. He was about to be sentenced to 5 years in Prison but he joined the Wagner Group as a way to avoid prison. IIRC he was also over 60 years old
  7. Her ludicrously affected posh accent isn't going to change that
  8. The counter offensives were all in the Kharkiv region or to a lesser extent Kherson. The Counter offensive in Kharkhv is over because there's little left to counter but as AWOL pointed out, they are still tying up reserve troops from the Belgogrod region of Russia. I haven't looked at Kherson recently but nothing seems to have changed much there
  9. He's not, he's been quite consistent in what he's saying from my reading. And Ukraine has lost a very small amount of land, not a large amount or "a fair bit of ground", a small meaningless pile of rubble is what they've tactically withdrawn from and it is a tactical withdrawal
  10. A company of 120 down to 54 isn't that much of a surprise. They've been facing and wiping out multiple BTG's of 800 - 1000 men. And a rather large amount of those BTG have been made combat ineffective and then reconstituted into new ones and the then made ineffective again. It's a war of attrition and the attrition is still heavily on the Russian side
  11. So the Russians are making slow progress in a region that they held about 70% of before the war started And tbh there isn't a lot of progress to be made around Kharkiv. The Russians are in small pockets near the border, the job is almost done there but progressing eastwards will require more troops as what they have will be needed to secure the border
  12. Well tonights news dictated what I put on before bed. Sad news
  13. Frame it and stick it on the wall I genuinely had a passenger the other week who told me he loved vinyl and bought stuff off Discogs all the time. "When I get bored of the covers, I just buy some more and put the new ones in the frames" I had to ask the obvious question and no he didn't have a record player.
  14. You sound like you have erm... expererience Dem
  15. It’s also fairly restricting in times of peace. 15 days notice. No more that 3 ships of any country. Specific tonnage limits. Submarines are even more restricted, aircraft carriers pretty much banned etc
  16. Why did you say watch? This country has a very strong music industry and for the last 50 plus years the BBC has been at the heart of promoting that industry. I really don’t know what could possibly be more “youth” Then there’s BBC 3 an entire channel dedicated to “youth” TV. As posted above, that has just gone from online only to being back on linear programming too. An entire channel
  17. Now that is a bit of a shock. He outlived Dave Gahan who should have been dead years ago
  18. This is nonsense. The BBC have more “youth” content than any major national broadcaster in the world I imagine. You won’t find it on BBC 1 but it’s definitely there Too slow to move with the times? iPlayer was pretty revolutionary when it was introduced the other services had to catch up with that and most still haven’t I also don’t think there’s a comparable single channel competitor to BBC sounds, no one has the level of content to even attempt it.
  19. Ah monthly salary nonsense. That’s one thing the weekly paid don’t suffer from
  20. Paul Weller should sue, completely ripped off Start! by The Jam just changed the words
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