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Everything posted by bickster

  1. I just had a look at recent pictures of Harry Styles and his so called outrageous outfits There is absoltely nothing new. In just a few pictures I saw Elvis, Bowie, Brian Ferry, Bowie, Alvin Stardust and Bowie again and possibly even Elton John. Oh and Kevin Rowlands too
  2. I think deep down they all get it even Mad Nad but they'll fall one of three ways Defend it to the hilt regardless because it's a good look internally to be seen kicking the cat around Hide under a rock and say nothing (the vast majority) Say something and be a Tory pariah until Johnson's gone I think group three will slowly become larger with every lunatic dead cat story that appears The general public will see through this one just like they've already seen through the new cost of living help, which again was desperation because they wanted to announce it much later. Now they've announced it early and had to jump through hoops to pretend it isn't the same as Labour policy and a policy they voted against only last week it's had minimal impact because it's been seen as exactly what it is Quite happy to have Johnson in charge for a good while yet. Though any more polling like the normally Tory biased YouGov one and things may take move much more quickly than I'd want Oh and for once Imperial Measures being brought back is definitely a dead cat
  3. I've never found a decent chippy in London, they exist but... *shakes head*
  4. it's parsley sauce made to the consistency of piss. Bloody southern savages
  5. No, they don't exist in my circle of friends and aquaintances. I've met some of the more vocal ones in the cab, never met one that wasn't a Representative for Wellingborough My point is that you can't base the wider public on your own social circles, we gravitate to like minded souls Going back to the original point, you don't get shifts like we're currently seeing in polling because voters suddenly became Shy Tories. If Brexit did teach us anything about voting intentions and their tribal nature, it's that people tend to stubbirnly stick to their tribe despite them deep down knowing the evidence stacks up against them
  6. Londoners don't do fish and chips. Pie and mash, jellied eels etc. It's what sets us apart, their lack of taste and decorum
  7. Your experience is irrelevant I don't know many people who've ever voted Tory or voted for Brexit, those people do exist though in vast numbers
  8. It's definitely the by-line about the whale thats makes that all the better
  9. Not at all. There were very few shy brexiteers, they were far more outweighed by complacent remainers who didn't vote because they thought Remain would win anyway The Shy Tory theory was debunked by the British Polling council who found that the polling companies methodolgy was wrong in the 2015 election. The only other Shy Tory election was 1992 where there was again a big error in the polls vs the result but only about 25% of that 8% error was down to Shy Tories, there were again other bigger factors at play These people who've suddenly shifted from Tory to Labour in the polls weren't shy two months ago, what would make them suddenly shy now?
  10. The very fact it's in TKMaxx means something
  11. History says that the number of public pronouncements about Tory Leadership does not equal letters to the 1922 committee. Lots more told May to go than actually handed Brady letters
  12. Walkers did a breakfast one that tasted mainly of egg, they were effin rank There's a reason they are half price
  13. The USA will not be going down that road at all. DOn't confuse Henry Kissinger and the New York Times for the American Govt. Germany (and France) are figuratively drunk at an AA meeting. Scholtz is not even doing himself any favours on the home front either. Macron less so
  14. That is literally the sound of the bottom of the barrel being scraped
  15. Not out until August on vinyl and with 6 tracks less. I might buy the vinyl when it's out but the CD is out now The next in the now legendary On-U Sound Compilation series... Pay It All Back Volume 8 New Lee Perry tracks from the Rainford sessions that were held back for this before L$P passed away. New African head Charge, New Creation Rebel (Only 40 odd years!). Never before released Andy Fairley tracks and F*** Me two new Tackhead tracks (must be at least 20 years). New Mark Stewart There's an awful lot of recently deceased people on here aside from L$P. George Oban and Wayne Nunes, two bass players, Oban in particular is all over this album and some Andy Fairly tracks from the vaults (Failey has been deceased a considerable time now)
  16. Wire's second album, Chairs Missing from 1978. A big change from debut effort Pink Flag. This is the post, that was the punk. Everyone says how massively important and influential Pink Flag was but this to my mind is just as important an album. A true post-punk trailblaizer I used to have an original of this which is long gone but I was in the dreaded HMV today and this was a penny less than £18 so home it came.
  17. I've been waiting for this to be released on vinyl for a while. I like Ty Segall but must admit I probably have enough of his usual fayre but this is the soundtrack to the film Whirlybrid, which I keep forgetting to watch. I heard some of it when it was released digitally when the film came out, it had this great track with big drums on it, I knew I wanted this album as soon as I heard that track It's also not got any of the trademark Ty guitar lines, it's not a rock record but it is full of great atmospheric pieces interspersed with the odd bit of dialogue from the film EDIT: The track with the great drums is on side 2 - Story of the Century
  18. I didn't even know that existed, interested
  19. There also seems to have been a concerted effort by the likes of Henry Kissinger / New York Times and possibly the WSJ to change the narrative to one about Ukraine accepting its losses in the last week or so
  20. For some perspective These are the "large" gains Russia has made in the last two weeks around Severodonetsk
  21. Fantasic live and very loud, I was so glad the other year when I found out they were playing in Liverpool (on the night of the gig) and was just moaning to my mate that I never knew they were on and he turned out to be the promoter (I didn't even realise this either). An hour later, I'd picked up another mate and we were in!
  22. No that was never the claim, modern precision artillery shells was the actual claim, it got mistranslated a few places. What they've been firing a lot is old old dumb missiles. and the failure rate of these old shells is quite high, not high enough to not be effective but they are seemingly out of precision artillery shells Back to the tank thing, there have been some T-80s spotted on the way to the front in the last few days but they aren't modernised T-80s they are much older without the upgrades. The T-80 also, has a notorious short range and therefore needs is fuel guzzling gas turbine engine heavily re-supplied. They also aren't very easy to service in the field, which is the reason the t-72 became more dominant Quite soon they might be launching all the toilets and washing machines they liberated from Kyiv via newly made trebuchets
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