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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Yep I'll be mainly on Ch4 because a whole night of LauraK would make me rather ill
  2. The thing is, none of these will be genuine Portillo moments. For it to be a genuine Portillo, it needs to be not predicted in advance, so it’s a shock. And on this very subject…
  3. Peer reviewed scientific papers please
  4. My blueberries are starting to ripen, we've had ten of them off the one bush so far
  5. SUggest you have a look at Ed Davey's back story, he isn't what you'd call posh. Born in Mansfield. His Dad dies when he was 4, his mother in his teens, (He was his mothers carer), then looked after by his Grandmother, who he then was her carer too He may well have been at Oxford Uni but he got there despite his background not because of it
  6. Yes, we're faced with the option of paying more for "perfectly Ripe" (AKA will go off soon) or buying the cheaper "Ripen at Home" (will they shite)
  7. And could possibly lead him to being LOTO Ed Davey has had a great campaign. No other party leader has come across as a human being
  8. Or wanting to get arrested for wasting police time. Veterans protesting against him isn’t a good look for him so if it does go viral…
  9. More Mercer. They don’t like it up’em
  10. Mercer appears to be judging his polling on how many times he's been called a rocket polisher You're on a bridge today, you just cant hear as well today you absolute weapon.
  11. I think the missus is going Labour and me LibDem as it stands and there's very little chance of that changing.
  12. Yep, Owen Jones is an absolute rocket polisher, he'd put anyone off voting for a sensible party
  13. They are all f***ing chip stealers, It is thought that even these creatures don't like gravy on fish though
  14. I suspect the LibDems are actually going to lose votes to tactical this time around not gain The greens aren't really picking up tactical votes, they are picking up NIMBY One Nation votes and Corbynista votes. If the greens win 4 seats, one they hold (not a tactical vote), one is a straight fight as a result of boundary changes with Labour (not tactical) and the other two possibles are disaffected one nation Tories who have been voting Green in their area anyway
  15. nah, there is so much winning to be had staying up to watch dejected Tories faces. 12:15ish should be Billericay (Richard Holden) as your starter for 10
  16. I'm not convinced the exit poll will be accurate at the individual seat level this time. There are an awful lot of local issue seats. It may be not even be accurate for overall share of vote (esp in Scotland) because they are using the same seats to indicate as they have at the last few elections, the swings in many seats are going to be wild and I'm not sure the exit poll's modelling can cope with this.
  17. For possible post-election chortles
  18. Imagine that your internal polling is that bad that you have to get your mortal enemy (who though not universally popular, is still more popular than you) to come out and attack the opposition using lines that are already known not to work, just two days before the election. And then add to that that it was very clearly all last minute, rushed and still too late to make tomorrow’s papers. That fetid stench… it’s the smell of desperation
  19. 2/3rds of the French population don’t want an RN govt, hence why lots of candidates stood down today to make the remaining constituencies effectively 2 candidate races to block an RN govt. The other main parties came together to carve it up
  20. I genuinely can’t see more than 4, given that 2 of the 4 are outside bets I just can’t see 7 especially as they appear on a slight slide in last week or so
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