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Everything posted by bickster

  1. It actually wouldn't. They've already done it this parliament, North Shropshire They overturned a 23k majority where they were third placed a further 7k behind. The parallels are uncanny but this is arguably easier as the last election was 36k / 12k / 9k (Con / Lab/ Lib - rough figures). North Shropshire was 36k / 12k / 6k and the Libs had absolutely no history of coming anwhere near in that seat, here they absolutely do, they were a firm second until the LibDems committed suicide in the coalition
  2. Yep and he's deliberately made an awful lot of them stand up and be counted in his honour. Some of them have been trying to distance themselves from his shitshow, notably Sunak, Truss and Gove. Sunak was sunk a while back but as soon as he got fined that was it, all his gloss was gone. Truss and Gove managed it for a good period but both of them have slowly been made to stand up and be supportive. He's absolutely tried to taint everyone around him with his poison and he's succeeded. If they do go down on his watch they'll have to find yet another bunch of completely different people with a different approach before they are able to climb back up. Just think how shit the next lot will be but hey watching a leadership contest between these drongos will be at least a luttle bit fun when he's eventually gone
  3. Anna Nicole Smith says Hi
  4. No, she was married to the bloke that owned the car showroom
  5. It was repaired and displayed in Leed in 2016, it's back in her garden in Penrith now though I'm old enough to remember it in the Bull Ring, though I've never quite understood Birmingham's fascination with it I think the owner doesn't want to sell it because it's a link to her dead husband
  6. Bagpiping Representative for Wellingborough is at it again
  7. Thats a 60% degradation of service, that will have a huge impact and will affect usage because it isn't one train, its every train used to connect. You degrade the service it has a multiplier effect throughout the network, it leads to less usage. Three connections could mean missing the final train, could mean another 15 minutes journey time, these factors push people to other services Running a railway isn't as simple as you think it is. It certainly isn't as simple as the Tory Party think it is.
  8. Nope, they used passenger demand as an excuse, the real reason was covid related staff shortages and not wanting to get fined or pay for delayed journey payments. The Government allowed them to break the service levels under that guise. Once those trains are advertised they are liable to make payments for cancellations London has just opened (very late) the first section of the Elizabeth Line with an every 10 minute service, the demand as such isn't there for that but the frequency is required to build passenger numbers. With trains it's very much a case of provide the service and people will use it, reduce the service and they'll resort to other transport solutions
  9. Sorry, I don't get the hard on for him. Most of his appearances preach to the converted, which is exactly the wrong audience Though it does have to be said, in interviews this morning he started changing the emphasis away from pay and onto safety and other concerns that directly affect the public. Pay came later in his list of things they want. He should have been doing that from the start His messaging has been very off in my opinion. You need the public onside, most of his messaging was just getting the more left wing politically active on board. Sitting there interrupting whichever junior minister he was on Newsnight saying liar liar liar constantly made him look a right word removed to be perfectly frank and it would have won absolutely no people over to the cause, just reinforced the currently held opinion by those who already supported the strike AND reinforced the opinion of those on the soft side of not supporting the strike I was pleased to hear he changed that this morning
  10. This is fundamentally incorrect. A 20% reduction in passenger numbers does not equate to a 20% reduction in trains provided. 1. Pre-pandemic London Rush hour trains were generally extremely overcrowded. A 20% reduction in rush hour passengers just makes them less dangerously overcrowded 2. If you don't run the earlier trains, the trains aren't in the right place for the later trains that people can get on more easily 3. If you reduce the number of trains, passenger usage reduces as a result, the availability of trains increases use, it is not the passenger numbers that dictate frequency, it is the frequency that dictates passenger numbers
  11. or even couldn't read because the sheer volume of adverts crashed my browser
  12. That generally isn't how railways work. It isn't a supply and demand model. For example trains are run for a whole number of reasons that have nothing to do with demand at that time. Passenger timetables are baked in for 6 month periods and the Summer timetable really only has minor changes to the wiNTER, any disruption to service causes problems which have knock on effects for hours on that part of the network. I'm not sure if this is still the case but it used to be. On a Sunday Evening, there used to be a period late on of an hour where three trains would run from Euston to Liverpool.for what is normally an hourly service. Those trains were run because they needed the trains in Liverpool on a Monday morning. Then you have "parliamentary" trains, which run so the network can keep the rails on that line open, some of these trains aren't even advertised but you can use them if you know about them. The idea that fewer commuters need less trains is really not as simple as you paint it because that really isn't the way railways are run. The Tories don't understand this either. They also don't understand that you just can't put agency staff on in safety critical roles because those jobs take years of training
  13. Which version of the Communist Party are you proposing this for? He isn't a member of the Labour Party, he's TUSC like the RMT (they set up TUSC) I think, so his individual party is probably The Socialist Party (AKA the non-entryist faction of the former Militant Tendency) but can't know for sure Which also makes all the Tory jibes about Labour and the RMT laughably stupid
  14. Yes, I realise that but changing the rules of the 1922 will still split the party, very publicly and be very damaging (good good), I just don't see them wanting to do that
  15. Not sure how they turn on Johnson for another 50 weeks without splitting the party especially in a time of “national crisis” (bring it on but they won’t)
  16. bickster

    Energy Bills

    Crude Oil prices have been falling since 8th June Before @lapal_fanannounces the mythical 1 week from market to punp theory $120.89 at it's peak, it is currently $107.31 Anyone notice that 10% drop at the pump yet? Still going up here It took a big drop on 17th June from $117 to $110
  17. Pro Tip: Put some taxi signs on the sides when you park We're notorious for not giving a shit. People only park next to me when they are really desperate
  18. Rule number one. NEVER read anything about music in The Guardian Opening paragraph of a Lee Scratch Perry obit of sorts LSP (as discussed previously) is credited with the first reggae "hit" in Jamaica, he produced the early Bob Marley and the Wailers material and really did help shape that sound, I could go on, and on and on and on but this imbecile wants you to believe that people in Jamaica had never heard of LSP because he was better known as a producer not a frontman, she then goes on to list 10 classic LSP tracks. 5 of them (at least) have LSP singing on them F***ing idiot
  19. The Congos - Heart of the Congos (expanded 3 Disc version) One of LSP's finest production jobs ever
  20. Anyway, my reason for coming here is that the Collared Dove that likes to nest in our security light fitting has a baby. I feel strangely protective and happy for the bird
  21. That should piss you off. You've been lending the governmnet money
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