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Everything posted by bickster

  1. bickster

    Energy Bills

    Cut taxes to the income level they were before the invasion of Ukraine. It is possible to zero sum this so the government takes as much as it did previously but it reduces the inflationary pressure It's not hard to fathom out PS that wasn't whataboutery. I was pointing out how the fuel price affects everyone including the carless you. I wasn't moving attention away from your point, just saying that the rises affected you too. It's the same point
  2. bickster

    Energy Bills

    I take it you pick all your food from your allotment, slaughter your own pigs and chickens, never buy anything from any shop, use public transport.... EDIT:taking your figure of 10p rise in VAT per litre and the annnual consumption of 46billion litres of road fuel per year in the UK. Thats a £4.6 billion rise per year to the exchequer since the fuel price increase
  3. The cost price is generally much higher to the licensed trade than it is to supermarkets because of the way the industry works. Most pubs are tied into deals with certain brewers and along with those deals come financing for fridges/pumps/promotional activity You aren't really comparing two similar things even though to you as a punter, the products are the same.
  4. The list of MPs cuurently suspended by their Party. (and why) Jonathan Edwards (ex-Plaid) - Domestic Violence Neil Coyle (ex-Labour) - racist comments (sinophobic comments) Margaret Ferrier (ex-SNP) - COVID Lockdown Breaches Rob Roberts (ex-Tory) - Inappropriate Sexual Behaviour towards male staff David Warburton (ex-Tory) - Harrasment and Drug abuse Claudia Webbe (ex-Labour) - Convicted of Harrasment (I've left St Jeremy off the List because its a matter of party discipline) Not all of them should resign but it does just show that across the board they are shameless
  5. Heating, lighting, staff, cleaning, rent.... You aren't just paying for the contents of the glass
  6. I fully expect him to. That will put him at odds with his party because at conference this year, they will endorse it, now that a number of unions have backed it. The membership strongly supports it I've only ever seen Labour getting behind PR as part of a Coalition with the LibDems and not as a policy Starmer will endorse.
  7. So lets get this straight, what you've posted there is something saying "is willing" not "has done"
  8. I think you may have confused something, I've pointed out where people were talking bollocks about Starmer because they were. For example people were saying he'd gone back on his pledges when he ran for leader, when he hadn't but on the other hand during lockdowns I criticised his opinion that kids should be sent back to school. Again flipping it again people were criticising him for "doing nothing" and his dip in the polls, I pointed out that he's been leading the Government by the nose throughout and that Johnsons polling was only rising because of the vaccines and there was little Starmer could do about that (I absolutely stand by that too) I'm not into personality cults and I've not really been a Labour voter for a couple of decades. (thats well documented in here and other places) So no, nothing has changed. My opinion on his announcement yesterday is that he's wrong and even tactically wrong because I suppose, it doesn't suit my view on what I'd like to happen. But that's my opinion on specific policy issues and not my opinion of the person. Lots of the criticism he gets is tribal personality bollocks and that should be called out for just what it is.
  9. Because the person being shot in the face didn't want the publicity
  10. bickster

    Energy Bills

    You realise there were Motorway blockades just yesterday
  11. bickster

    Energy Bills

    The VAT element of fuel at £2 per litre is 33.3p Fuel Duty is 58p. Total tax on a £2 litre is 91.3p
  12. I don’t think people with a suntan are trying to look like a different ethnicity
  13. Not forgetting that the party appears to have more sexual predators than your average Catholic Seminary
  14. He's really trying to turn me into a Liberal Democrat voter I didn't think that was even possible Ruling out SIngle Market access and FOM is just plain stupid. He's chasing a dwindling share of the electorate that he'll share with the Tories He's also chasing away the now bigger share of the elctorate and leading them right into the hands of the LibDems Next few months polls are going to be very interesting Only Labour could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
  15. Nah, it was in 2017 when she was working in CCO. Could be anyone spreading this one
  16. I'd argue that a door is there to give you the option to have it open or closed
  17. That just reminded me of as story from a flight to America in the early '90s Flight attendant comes around to see if we want a drink "yeah sure, what beers have you got" "We've got Z, Y and Z(American beers) or... we've actually got *revered tone* Heineken on board today" "Anything but Heineken, thats stuffs awful, give me your favourite of the American ones" Flight attendant looks crestfalled It was explained to me later that Americans love a proper European beer and Heineken at the time was considered to be the best of the best (I realised why after a few days of drinking pissy weak 3% beers everywhere I went)
  18. Trade Description Act should apply
  19. You sure it was an army and not just an organisation?
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