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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Impossible for it to be two weeks. They haven't opened nominations yet and that takes 3 or 4 days, then they have to whittle them down in elections. 1 election per day until they get to the final 2, the final 2 then go to the entire membership which took a whole month last time. The only way they get it done in 2 weeks is if like with May the second placed candidate is so far behind they pull out and it doesn't go to membership. I really can't see that happening here but maybe I'm wrong
  2. He's got no chance, regardless of the politics, there's a good chance he won't even get elected at the next election. His Wycombe seat is a very interesting watch. He's been losing vote share for a while, his majority is only 4k now, Labour in a very poor election year did maintained their vote in Wycombe and the LibDems increased too, tactical voting in that seat and he's toast
  3. bickster

    Double posting

    This is the same message I get when hiding posts
  4. bickster

    Double posting

    This is also affecting hiding posts. I get an error message every time I hide a post, the post does become hidden but it only says hidden and not hidden by etc EDIT: Just hidden this double post, see the hidden comment at the top of the post. Much less info than previously
  5. All the PPS's resigning isn't about getting tainted by association with Johnson because they are too low for that. They are resigning so they can put letters in to the 1922 and vote in any new committee / rule changes
  6. I wonder why so many people can't hide their own sodding duplicate posts leaving me to do it
  7. Look at the opinion polls that have been done the last few days 83% said Johnson should go in one, Over half of Tory voters in another The Tory party would not be tearing itself apart like this if vast swathes of their voters were in favour of what is going on, they aren't doing this out of principles
  8. Political twitter is a very very thin slice of the population most of whom are round the bend Facebook is each persons own bubble TV Interviews aren't a judge of anything, lets go to Stoke again...
  9. An awful lot of the ones you forgot were there. A big chunk of the resignations were from underlings PPSs and the like
  10. Norway is effectively in the single market (EEA) and has FOM Starmer ruled both those options out
  11. Sod knows why, he's done literally shite all as a minister in Johnson's government. Nothing, feck all, the dead parrot in Monty Python did more
  12. The reason is, he has no need to keep him close any more. The gloves as such are off Its open warfare season He's daring the party to rip itself to shreds and they will be doing just that over the coming hours and days
  13. IMO he's been doing that since the referendum Don't mistake Gove being given Cabinet jobs as anything other than keeping your friends close and your enemies closer still
  14. It's not a sliding scale of anything. The Cabinet serves at the PM's pleasure Governments have reshuffles all the time
  15. Probably cost them less wasted time and money in security details when he turns up unannounced again
  16. If you do the election predictor posted many pages ago earlier today. Johnson loses Uxbridge and Ruislip to Labour if the vote share remains as the current running poll average (33/40/12)
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