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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Because the radio station I listen to 6Music is my tool for both discovery of new music and a reminder of music I've forgotten If you constantly listen to your own tunes, you never discover new ones There are certain shows on 6 (Lamaq, Riley, Gid Coe, Cerys, Iggy and The Freak Zone) that I listen to all the time for this purpose when I'm in the car, in the bath or the kitchen. Friday and Saturday nights I listen to my own music because I don't really like those even shows but untimately I listen to 6 a lot
  2. Royal Mail A parcel arrived for me today except I was in work. My neighbours are in both sides and always take stuff in for us and we do the same for them. So what does the lazy arsed postie do? Takes it to a post office. The local post office in our village has closed (bloke retired) so the nearest one is in Formby, no big deal except the one they took it to is only open from 10am to half 5. How is anyone working meant to pick that up? Grrrrrr!
  3. Where is the safety issue? This is baggage handlers and the like not air traffic control issues This is LHR not having enough staff. A problem an awful lot of airports in the UK seem to be suffering from because they lost them during the pandemic. Staff went off to work for Amazon etc and didn't return (its absolutely the same in the Taxi industry) but the airports budgets don't allow them the scope to increase the wages to the levels required to recruit more staff on minimum wage and the time to train them and then there's the DBS backlog because anyone airside needs an advanced DBS and serious references. LHR probably haven't even got the staff levels right to cope with the Admin required for the vetting process. Shit like this happens when there is virtually full employment and immigration policies such as we now have
  4. I can’t see the problem with that email. I’ve sent much worse. Im a big fan of tell it like it is in response to the utter bollocks I sometimes receive In fact there’s one police officer who has been sent at least 4 this week.
  5. I don't listen to stations with Ads
  6. Most people from my experience
  7. Big cities laughing, rural population believing in Russia's case
  8. He's from the Isle of Wight, it's kinda been inbred into him
  9. So, I've driven a lot of different cars this week, I've been moving cars between our sites and stuff Every single car I've been in (10+) has the radio on FM not DAB but more illogically on a station on FM that is on DAB Why would you do that? Why would lots of people do that? DO they not realise that the sound quality is that much better on DAB?
  10. Is that some sort of position in the Royal Household, a tribute to the Queen of Hearts maybe?
  11. I think and I might be wrong that they started removing the actual names because that would count towards each candidates election expenses whereas without the names they became part of the parties national election expenses and economies of scale obviously play a part there too. (even though they all get them printed by friendly printers who do it at non-profit prices) But yes, it's definitely your nuclear weapons theory, which is why certain candidates in certain seats from certain parties might get jack shit from the national party at the next GE as certain parties might not actively try to win that seat
  12. Yes, in my opinion EDIT: I should qualify that. I expect Ukraine to have retaken, everything they've lost this year in that timeframe and possibly more like Donbas but probably not Crimea, which will come but later. I expect that push to start happening in the next few weeks
  13. That’s a thought that @Dodgykneeshas taken to bed (there’s a song in here somewhere )
  14. Putin needs to be stamped on and Ukraine will do that, probably by the end of the year. Whatever the UK's input from hereon in it won't make much difference
  15. I know why, Maggie was in Drag and May was an extra from Blade Runner
  16. That was Badenoch For Truss it's actually worse, she has the Traditional MPs Oxbridge Degree, Philosophy Politics and Economics. It's like she learned absolutely nothing
  17. Apparently 2000 Tory members have already signed a petition demanding he be put on the ballot paper
  18. Not for the Tory members it isn’t. It’s a choice between Maggie reincarnated and that brown chap whose good with numbers
  19. There was under the FTPA the dates for elections were semi-set in stone unless a super majority of MPs overturned that in Parliament. So if an election was 5th May the next election would have been whatever the Thursday closest to 5th May was 5 years hence.
  20. No, since this government repealed the FTPA we have reverted to the previous rules. When to call an election is at the whim of the govt. They have 5 years from the date of the last general election to call it and it must be within 25 days of that date
  21. It will be much less than four years, the very last date a General Election can be called is 17th December 2024, the election must be within 25 days of that date. It will not go past the autumn as no party is insane enough to hold a General Election campaign over Xmas The latest it will be is October 2024 and that in itself is a sign of how bad the Tories are doing. So pretty much 2 years Max
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