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Everything posted by bickster

  1. I thought DAT was the punchline
  2. Yes there is, TUSK. You know, the new messiah, Mick Lynch's Party Trouble is, they'd be just as "tough" on immigration because that's all part of the nuttier Trade Union's philosophy. That's why they were for Brexit. The left have always been about control It's the Tories that are oddly playing to the crowd over immigration not Labour, it's entirely consistent with Left thinking, its counter to Laissez-faire and Neoliberal thinking. The left are the more traditionally authoritarian ideology. This is what you want isn't it, Labour to return to it's left roots? Can't please some people for trying I guess
  3. You are clearly being influenced by your specific biases. The best way to bury this story is to not report it at all The Guardian not only reported on it but twice and printed a letter too If the story develops, as it most probably will in time then they'll report it again. But you want it to be front and centre and in the current news cycles, it just isn't worthy of it. Politics is being dominated by the Tories ripping each other new arseholes, this story just isn't going to compete with that right now
  4. I did better than that for 30p though Depeche Mode Blasphemous Rumours 12" - The version with No Barcode, No Pressing Plant in the runouts and yellow and white text on the labels. Seems to be the second most sought after version, worth more like £8
  5. To be honest it's not in that good condition but still playable
  6. Ours take the lot, glass metal plastic, paper, cardboard
  7. We used to have a blue bag for paper and cardboard, they gave up on that as a shite idea. Now we have the eminently sensible one recyclying wheelie bin and the whole lot goes in that and they sort it at the other end.
  8. I wasn't missing the point, I just don't thing in this instance it was valid, nothing in your fantasy was true. The Guardian didn't do what you said they did They printed the story, not once but twice and linking to a letter as some proof of the Guardian burying a story because you couldn't find the stories from 4 four days ago is just really odd tbh Yes newspapers bury stories, except it didn't happen here
  9. bickster


    Thats what I call a result! Brown grass doesn't need mowing, just get the green paint out like the Villa did if the colour bothers you
  10. The package gets more strange It has a gift note on it with a personal message. It just says "Because..." We're now even more mystified as it's not really the behaviour of either of her siblings Anyway, free beer!
  11. I think it was Distraction I heard last night
  12. That should be behind a shop counter with my name on it. I heard one track last night on my Spoty, that was pretty good.
  13. It's definitely from her family, they used her surname. It's got to be her brother but WHY? Oh well I don't have to buy any beer ths week
  14. Another one from yesterdays bundle, a brand new release by Kosmonaut - Transgressive Transmissions This one is fantastic. German style Kosmische electronica, sort of Tangerine Dream meets Delia Derbyshire
  15. Bizarre scenes in our house this morning... Knock at the door, an unexpected parcel, it's clinking but it's addressed to me and the missus but with her surname which usually indicates its off her brother or sister My immediate thought is *shit have I forgotten her Birthday?* - nope Anyway, as it's obviously from the missus family, I hand it over to her to open after razor blading the packing tape for her 6 bottles of beer The missus isn't really a beer drinker She just turned the box upside down and littered to floor with polystyrene packing flumps in the hope there at least a packet or artisan crisps in there nope So now we don't know who sent it and why they sent beer. There absolutely no way its her sister IMO because she can't manage to remember birthdays let alone be sending random gifts, especially one thats more for me Certainly had me chuckling and the missus fuming
  16. These guys are absolute tits too, they like flying drones (legally) over police stations and the police sometimes arrest them, they then claim the compo but it is hilarious watching the police talking absolte crap about the law
  17. You realise they wrote at least two articles based on this? One even linked on the letters page you linked to. It's rare to find a letter linked on a papers homepage, especially when its about a story they've already covered. It's not on the homepage because the story is 4 days old The idea that The Guardian is helping Starmer is a bit silly, they've been criticising him for months. I suppose the Daily Mail is doing the same, they published the story 4 days ago too If you type Labour Sexual Harrasment into a search engine the first AND third result I get is two different Guardian pieces on this very story, one 2 days ago, the other 4, The Mails is second
  18. No, youtubers are not the answer nor are podcasters, just like radio they'd have to pay royalties to the artists publisher which would leave them very little if anything for their efforts. Youtubers and podcasters also come and go, publish at eratic times etc, thats isn't what the industry wants. The Industry works to release schedules many months in advance, years in the case of larger artists. Interviews and radio appearances are all timed to coincide and there are unwritten rules about the questions etc The Industry doesn't want to send an up and coming band round to Bill's house in Cleethorpes one day and Fergus' house down a country lane outside Dumbarton the next As for how many kids listen to the radio, absolutely loads of them, why do you think the likes of Capital exist? Radio 1 still has 9 million listeners, 6Music has 2.5 million (and that is steadily growing, it's not that long ago it was 1 million). Even Absolute has just inder 2.5 million, Those are just some of the ones aimed at the younger end of the market or the ones that break new Music. Radio 2 (whichh does break new music but for an older audience) dwarfs them on nearly 15 million listeners. Despite what people like us who lurk on the internet think, masses of the population aren't like us and hell yes, they listen to the radio and the Music Industry wants it that way, There really isn't any point in them changing their approach to podcasters and Youtubers it would be an absolute ballache for them.
  19. Can’t see record companies wanting that to happen. Music Industry needs radio for exposure, it’s far far easier for them to plug their product if the outlets are narrowed as opposed to people having to trawl the internet for music podcasts across a ludicrous number of channels. Radio is massively important to the industry
  20. Yeah this isn’t one of those. It’s all a very specific narrow group of genres and the vinyl isn’t available elsewhere. You also get access to the whole library to stream or download. I had a good listen to it all on Bandcamp before I signed up. One bloke called Colin runs the whole label from his house. It’s very much an enthusiast thing, not at all corporate
  21. I'd suggest thats better than when one of these two clowns gets elected and the Government are on holiday anyway
  22. There are currently no groundcrew vacancies at Heathrow Airport that I can see. A few Conveyor belt engineers, general odd job men for the terminals and plenty of analysts / lwayers / reward managers / etc in totally not safety related roles
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