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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Was he making Labour Policy up on the spot? EDIT: This bit was wrong Prescot held the post twice
  2. Not at all, the railworkers are the new miners, Lynch is the new Scargill (and Hatoon), Starmer is Kinnock The Parallels with 1983/5 are absolutely uncanny. Kinnock replaced the "too left" Michael Foot. The RMT are lead by a hard left Union Leader The railworkers are the new pawns in the game to replace the Miners It's the exact same thing, its harder to think of reasons why it's not exactly the same
  3. Why did Starmer create the internal fight? Surely the person that went against party discipline for a Shadow Cabinet member was the one that caused this not Starmer
  4. Sorry that isn't true Scott, Neil Kinnock was leader of the Labour Party that didn't stop Arthur Scargill and Derek Hatton getting column inch after column inch in the press (and Labour supported the Miners at the time) Mick Lynch exists, the press would not ignore him
  5. Using her fists in a scientific fashion
  6. Bernard Cribbins gone at 93 Anyone have him this year?
  7. Why would ANY Labour Party MP with half a brain cell want to drive members and workers into the hands of a cultist Trotskyite 4Th International political party who will gladly take a cut of each workers wage to pay for the revolution See that’s the really ironic thing here, the Socialist Party want their weekly / monthly donations so liberating the worker of any hard earned gains they might make them. Been there got the t-shirt and it didn’t fit It’s just a cult, Trotskyites are the Political Equivalent of Jehovah’s Witnesses
  8. Nah what he’s actually done is what he said he’d do. Starmer really cannot support a Union that is run by Communists and Trotskyists. The actual aims of the strike are an irrelevance. He supports the strike and he’s instantly Corbyn Mk2. Lots of people won’t understand this but Lynch / RMT / TUSC / Socialist Party are one half of the former Militant Tendancy. The right wing press would absolutely have Starmer and Labour for breakfast if he supported it. Starmer will have calculated that’s it’s much better to take the heat from the left (as it actually does him a massive favour) than have his election prospects absolutely trashed.
  9. It’s exactly what Starmer said he’d do. He can’t say that’s what he’s do, then not do it
  10. bickster

    Energy Bills

    Well if you can't afford to put money in the meter the energy goes off. Surely you can understand that You do get your emergency £5 but that's never going to last long at pre-pay prices
  11. Not quite it was all essential workers iirc As usual it was a statement rather lacking in detail and definition, red meat for the 160,000 Neither statement was particularly intelligent but yes I take your point, though I'd consider such threats from the off somewhat premature Anyway, my point was that Starmer has been trying to distance the party from the RMT strike, everyone in the Shadow Cabinet was told not to support the RMT strike publically so Starmer had no option but to remove him. Starmer really can't be seen to be siding with Mick Lynch. It would be like Neil Kinnock supporting Derek Hatton. Thats how organised left wing politics works, always has done, always will do.Sam Tarry knew that when he joined the picket line and he knew the consequences. Supporting a strike called by another party on the left is always going to end this way for a Labour MP I just wish that all parties concerned were rather more honest with their intentions. Lynch wants a General Strike because it'll be a good recruiting tool for the Socialist Party, its the way it works. Truss wants Lynch to call for one so she can push Anti-Union legislation through. They are a pair of symbiotic parasites, Starmer just wants Lynch to go away because he's going to f*** up getting Labour elected (in Starmer's view and I suspect he might have a point). The right of the Tory Party and the far Left of British politics secretly love each other because they give each other what the other wants
  12. On the same day that Militant Mick called for a General Strike if Truss becomes PM
  13. Ah but they did promise specifics - 40 New Hospitals is just one pledge I remember
  14. So a pair of absolute no marks who carry about as much global political clout as an earwig
  15. Video of the damage done on that bridge. This damage hasn't been done by HIMARS btw, just regular artillery. That is some impressive accuracy
  16. DIdn't the sanctions regarding aviation equipment change the other week to take some flight safety equipment out of the sanctions list because they didn't want Russian planes just falling out of the sky? Fairly sure I read that but could be wrong
  17. Is that actually news? I thought it was pretty obvious he was being investigated
  18. Yeah but Lingonberry sauce on the same plate a fish? Filthy perverts!
  19. Sod that, gone well past that, I have a designated bed
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