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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Far better than Costa / Starbucks. They used to have proper coffee machines and I'm told they are returning towards the end of the year in our local one. Also tend to be cheaper than the others
  2. bickster

    The Balkans

    Peace-keeping force that halted a genocide As soon as the war crimes had been sorted out, peace restored the countries were split along ethnic lines and the countries allowed to be independent countries. (Obviously with a Peacekeeping NATO force still in place) But NATO stay out of the internal politics NATO didn't annex anything for themselves and didn't agitate to start the whole thing. NATO was also acting under a UN Mandate (and still is)
  3. 20mph zones are absolutely arbitrary nonsense. The way they were designated was beyond silly. Councils had to make a minimum percentage of their roads 20mph and the decision making is absolute nonsense I can show you a road in our borough that is 20mph up to the borough boundary and 30mph on the other side, nothing changes except the council. I can show you a 20mph Road that has no-one living on it that is the main road through an industrial area that no buses serve and no one walks. I can also show you 2 and 3 lane dual carriageways that pass far more peoples houses than 20mph zones and there's no barriers on the side of the road The police do not police 20mph zones, I even know of a 20mph zone in our borough that has now had the Speed Camera removed because they don't put them up in 20mph zones 20mph zones are only a thing because they reduced road deaths in Islington, who made the entire borough 20mph. Yes thats Islington in the city of traffic jams Don't read this as me being against them, I'm not. I just think the way they currently are is utter bollocks.
  4. Good luck with that on a Motorway Your choice will generally be Costa (fortune) Dishwater or Star(loadsa)bucks Wtf is that odd taste milky milky
  5. Well he is a current member of the Cardiacs AND Gong - Kavus Torabi
  6. Except every time he posts on Twitter
  7. bickster

    Energy Bills

    Spotted 185.9 for Diesel today, at an EG Shell, I didn’t clock what the Sainsburys next door to it was at but it'll obviously have pushed that way down. Still 199.9 by me
  8. I thought similar, then I took a one cup press into work with strong ground coffee and probably loaded too much coffee. F*** me, I was flying. So now I have a level where it doesn’t affect me much but once I cross that (very high) threshold, oh sweet imaginary child of a deity…
  9. So todays red meat for Tory penises Sunak: Going to fine people for missing Doctors appointments etc. Another dickhead policy that will cost more than is recoups. How many days into this new policy before they fine a dead person. Not many you'd imagine (the delay will only come from the administrative delay) Truss: Going to shake up Higher Education by not allowing people to apply to University until they have their results. I suspect this will just push 18 year olds onto unemployment benefit for a year as I highly doubt you'll be be able to allocate and organise the whole thing in four weeks you f***ing thick word removed
  10. The combination of a Multiple World Champion Snooker player, a member of the Cardiacs and a member of Coil
  11. They won't suddenly bring in automated cars and ban everyone from driving The automated car debate always forgets the political aspect of it's potential implementation
  12. Steve "interesting" Davis and his band Utopia Strong's second album - International Treasure Right up my noodly intstrumental atmospheric psychedelic prog alley. I'm still on the first listen but this album is brilliant. It's certainly a bit of a change of direction. I keep getting little flashbacks of memory from the first time I ever heard Spirit of Eden by Talk Talk, there are very small signatures in here that trigger that, I'm not saying it's remotely like SOE, it isn't but that's just what it does to me Last track, Castalia, nothing wrong with it but it just doesn't fit with the rest of the album, jarringly so. The track before it though, the title track, that the rest of the album builds up to is absolutely superb. Maybe there's a concept here that I'm unaware of but.... hey ho, it's still a brillaint album
  13. Yeah but the title is now an even better hilarious joke
  14. Do you think maybe the problem is mainly you not her? Seriously, this is offfered in the best of spirits. From what you've posted, your wife is a very hard-working NHS nurse (I may have that wrong possibly) But your missus is telling you she is tired (which apparently you are sick of hearing), she's also telling you that she doesn't want to spend Sunday having a clearout, she just wants to do sod all (and she'd have a point, Sunday generally is the day to do sod all) and relax In all likelihood, she agreed to tidy up on Sunday just to shut you up because its possibly easier than having the conversation and she's hoped you'll have forgotten about it in the morning because she's tired! Then in the other post, you wake up needing a piss and discover an open window, I'm sorry but the normal reaction here is to close it, not go back to bed and tell your wife to close it. An hour later there's a bat in the house and in your head it's her fault and you think it's her error when YOU didn't close it when you spotted it Do you wonder why she didn't want to go on a surprise spa day? She's tired, she keeps telling you this apparently but it seems its not a valid reason in your book Honestly, despite any differences we have on here, I am offering this in the genuine hope it helps you. From what you've posted you really need to have a think about her needs not your needs and stop playing the blame game Please don't take it the wrong way, I'm saying it because I think it might help
  15. Ty Segall's new one - Hello, Hi Stripped back and fairly pastoral for Ty (It's kinda a lockdown session job). I like it, its a nice change of direction and pace
  16. Needs a flamethrower How would you ever feel comfortable and relax in those seats? Come the glorious day, establishments like this will be used as traps to find out who to execute next
  17. Was he on the sidelines pointing?
  18. Grossly inferior and not actually Shortcake
  19. Yeah you probably want to put a damper on that
  20. My missus' sister is still wearing make-up she bought in the '70s. She really is frugal in the spending money department
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