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Everything posted by bickster

  1. bickster

    Energy Bills

    I'm not sure why you'd think that, I don't think I've ever claimed percentages have to stop at 100%. Please stop making things up
  2. That would only ever be drunk as a bet or part of scientific research
  3. bickster

    Energy Bills

    You've heard of "The Poll Tax Riots" It wasn't the non-payment that stopped the Community Charge, it was the sheer size of the demonstrations / riots. Over a million people on the streets of London on March 31st 1990. Never forget it, we were watching on the telly in a pub (Peter Kavanaghs) with a riot going on just outside, people would come in, order a pint and have a breather, then go back at it. It was quite surreal. It was my birthday, hence me remembering the date and the reason I was in the pub It really wasn't non-payment that caused it to be cancelled
  4. Shame his hair is in completely the wrong place
  5. Actually makes sense. Her target audience is their audience. Why bother talking to millions of irrelevant people when you can target your audience so accurately No doubt the Tory biased BBC is still too woke for her, despite Robbie Gibb’s best efforts. He’s still a bit too left wing for her views
  6. This rather explosive lecture by Emily Maitlis at the Edinburgh Film and TV Festival should be getting bigger headlines It confirms from a former BBC high profile journalist what some of us have long suspected. SKY
  7. Union Jack blanket to keep his legs warm would round it off nicely
  8. bickster

    Energy Bills

    You are kinda the expert here, why ask us
  9. scroll right, it's the very last column or alternatively if you download that spreadsheet, if you look at (I think) Table 14 you can see the whole data expressed as per capita by Police Force, historically for the last ten years All the figures are by Police Force. Birmingham is obviously West Midlands as Liverpool is Merseyside
  10. Oh for sure, we also wouldn't get the veto we used to have. We'd also very likely have to agree to join the Euro and that's the one that will trigger the usual suspects,
  11. You were specifically talking about Gun Crime, the link to drug crime is very strong, granted but I'll wager without looking it up, that because Gun Crime is two and a half times what it is in Liverpool in Birmingham, so is Drug Crime If you were proposing the idea that Liverpool is the epicentre of the UKs Drug Crime, I may be tempted to agree, however, that crime is across county lines and spreads the length and breadth of the UK from Devon and Cornwall to Scotland. It causes misery throughout the UK, a lot of that is organised from Liverpool. I know because of my job but that isn't what you said You said Gun Crime was on the increase in Merseyside, it isn't, it's the opposite and in the last year of available stats as above it has fallen dramatically by a third. Birmingham on the other hand (and a lot of other cities too) did not fall they remained constant There is a national trend of falling gun crime over the last decade, Gun Crime is reducing nationally and even the hotspots of West Midlands, South and West Yorkshire are reducing but not reducing in line with the national trend, Liverpool is reducing ahead of the national trend. Birmingham's gun crime rates have been above those of Merseyside for over a decade You post annoys me on a number of levels. Firstly, it demonstrably isn't true and Secondly is plays into that narrative of the media of Liverpool being a crime hotspot, a rough place to live. It clearly isn't, The demonisation of Liverpool as a city has been going on since the '70s and quite frankly its bollocks and "your mate" is talking out of his arse. Also your post seems to assume that gun crime is on the increase and it clearly isn't anywhere, its the kind of paranoid delusion fueled by right wing media, they want you to be afraid, they want to demonize communities and they want you to buy into that idea. Please don't
  12. That isn't strictly accurate, what you're actually seeing is more Free Trade Deals, the world is dividing into Trading Blocs. Eventually those Blocs will have to start doing deals with each other.
  13. Firstly, I seriously doubt at this stage the Tories will be in power at the next General Election Secondly, Labour's position WILL change, it will have to or they'll end up going in the same direction as the Tories (the dustbin) The polls are already in favour of rejoining, much more than they ever were of remaining. The demographics of the country mean this trend will continue, it will become the obvious choice as the economic situation worsens and any party not on board with that idea will be unsuccessful at the ballot box. I really think it is that simple. We then have to convince the EU that this country has changed it's outlook
  14. I think this will happen a lot sooner than many are predicting The timescale is probably a decade but its almost inevitable that it will happen.
  15. Do you have the statistics to back this wild claim up? Because the latest statistics released Aug 4th 2022 by the ONS state that Gun Crime per capita on Merseyside is 10 instances per 100,000 people which is bang on the national average The gun crime capital of the UK is actually .... drumroll.... BIRMINGHAM with 25 instances per 100,000 The latest figures are for the year ending March 2021 You can download them here at the ONS and if you want to look up the table in the spreadsheet, the relevant table is table 12 (all the data is in the quote box if you are feeling particularly lazy) So here's the thing, not only do you live in an area where Gun Crime is two and a half times higher than Liverpool, it's actually the worst in the country. Liverpool on the other hand has a level at the national average and for a build up Urban area is rather low, its one of the cities with THE LEAST gun crime. You know what I keep saying about having opinions you can't justify? Well it applies here in spades
  16. You think? Today people would just register the birth as Sharlot
  17. And Rab in a roundabout way (Rabbie from Raibeart) is the Gaelic form of Robert which oddly originates in Germany
  18. It's a balancing act of hitherto unseen proportions They are also buying more Russian oil and gas than they have previously Erdogan really is the master of being everything to everyone
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