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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Yes but this isn’t a traditional situation. The reason for the rate hikes makes no sense in the current circumstances. Household spending will have to be curtailed anyway and raising interest rates may just increase household spending which is the opposite of what it’s trying to do. The rate rises could actually further kill the economy
  2. Your missing the point there somewhat Dave
  3. Interesting question posed by the cleverest kid in my year at schoool (and former LIbDem Pensions Minister)
  4. 1. I'm paying a premium to eat out 2. What Limpid said 3. Too much like school dinners
  5. There's this sort of stupid urban legend about who the first three punks in Birmingham were. First was Robert Lloyd (I'll come back to him in a later post though The Nightingales have already been mentioned briefly), second was Boy George (as mentioned by Xela above) and third was an oddball by the name of Lawrence (Hayward but he never used his surname) Lawrence formed his first band Felt in 1979 and they lasted all the way through the 80s until they split at the end of the decade. They kind up invented Jangle Pop way before that scene became a thing. Their first album, Crumbling the Antiseptic Beauty is a relatively short thing but its almost perfect and this is the first of it's 6 tracks. They were quite the darlings of the music press for that decade and I guess their biggest "hit" came with Elizabeth Fraser of the Cocteau Twins guesting on vocals on Primitive Painter from their 4th album Ignite the Seven Canons and album Lawrence wasn't ever happy with, it was produced by Fraser's fellow Cocteau Twin and husband Robin Guthrie. It's typical LAwrence to be like that, the album was perfect but he dicked about with it and rereleased a second version. The band eventually split after ten years having released ten albums and ten singles. Lawrence has claimed this was always the plan (he's lying!) Next band on the Lawrence trail was Denim, a complete change of direction, Denim were influenced by Bubblegum Pop and Glam Rock, they released two albums proper. But again commercial success eluded Lawrance and they eventually split but here's one Mike will agree with. I'm against the 80s from the first Denim album So again Lawrence moves on to his now still current project Go-Cart Mozart, though he has recently just changed the name to Go-Kart Estate. It really is a continuation of Denim but was originally just a side project of Denim. There are lots of Birmingham references throughout and he's much more humourous these days (intentional or not), This one is called Mickie Made the Most but it also references Gary Shaw and the Villa Lawrence also co-wrote this with Shampoo. Blisters and Bruises Birmingham's (via Water Orton) finest musical oddball. He should have had more success than he's had He's convinced he'll have a Number One album at some point. he deserves it.
  6. You realise the Three Day Week and Electricity rationing was under Edward Heath as Prime Minister in 1973-74?
  7. It does sound like a Sourness statement
  8. Dunno, it just popped into my head watching Arsenal, in my head it was said in the voice of Brian Clough
  9. Who once said, you don’t get anywhere with tippy tappy football
  10. One of these weeks, I'll pick the right captain out of TAA/Salah/Jesus/Haaland Thanks Mo Grrrrrrr!
  11. You do realise it will be the worst bank holiday ever, it'll be like TV has been taken over by 1970s Soviet TV, sombre music and arseholes talking utter shite for days on end Just lie and keep her alive in people's heads until we can become a republic EDIT: I'll absolutely be volunteering to go to work
  12. King Wibble Tampon has a certain ring to it
  13. Here's one you may never have heard of but really should listen to. Broadcast. Sadly the singer Trish Keenan was taken from us in 2011 after 3 albums and just as the band seemed on the verge of greater things From their Wiki page I'll also give you an entire documentary.
  14. and this one is even more damaging, remember, these are GBNews viewers
  15. Wearmouth slaiming that there's a lot of misogyny in that word cloud is just incredibly disingenuous People associate those words with her because of hern actions, wordsw and deeds, not because she's a woman. The actual intersting fact that she tweeted though is that only 50% of the people that voted Tory in 2019 said they'd vote Tory with Truss at the helm
  16. Why did it take them 5 hours to find Patrick Minford? That in itself is sheer incompetence
  17. Not only was she a LibDem, she made a speech at their conference in favour of the abolition of the monarchy
  18. Still is Foreign Secretary and still is pissing people off
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