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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Not stopping. This place is 30km from Sverodonetsk
  2. A lot of these aren't volunteer troops, a lot of them are LNR/DNR people who've been pressganged into the army by the local militias, which is why a lot of them have just run away at the first sign of potential death As much as Russia hasn't mobilized, the LNR/DNR areas have
  3. Thats absolutely correct but as all these losses are being put out there in RUssian telegram channels, there must be an awful lot of troops even in Kherson getting highly demoralised as they must know by now that their supply lines are buggered. Also interesting news that RUssia has sent 1000+ Khaydrovites into Kherson, as they are usually at the back to shoot deserters
  4. If this front is pushed back significantly, it affects the whole of the Donbas front eventually as Russia will either have to pull troops north or be at risk of defending on two sides, which then leaves that entire front much weaker. It really could be a house of cards in the East
  5. If you think that he's reacting to stuff that has been put out there, you also have to factor in that as much as they've had an almost news blackout around Kherson, they will still be delaying what gets into the public domain around Kharkiv too, basic OPSEC dictates that. We're probably all 12 to 24 hours behind the real news It's accurate to what pictures are out there, flags raised above both Izyum and Kupyansk and the story about Izyum, the most crucial of places that Russia has lost thousands of lives over seems to be true, the Russians just ran away. Russia has just lost its main supply routes into Donbas, so not only will they have to configure a new front line somewhere, they'll have to totally rethink supply lines. It may not actually be possible
  6. It seems there's been a lot of surrendering going on
  7. Well I don't like to just assume
  8. It's just you, not hardly anyone.
  9. The area they are attacking around Kharkiv is really poorly defended mainly by LDNR troops, most of whom have been pressganged into service and Rosvgardia who don’t have close to full training with artillery etc. All the troops proper that were in this area were transferred and are now trapped in the Kherson area
  10. Why do you think I asked you if you were serious or not?
  11. Wast called Wrens Nest way before Sir Christopher Wren was born iirc Abraham Darby was born on Wren's Nest Hill in 1670 something or other, Sir Christopher Wren was only just getting started rebuilding London by then. It's named after the bird
  12. Also now taken out the bridge in Kupyansk making retreat / reinforcement there much harder
  13. Just read that too, also claims that they've actually taken Izyum too Its very hard to keep up the last few days
  14. I have mixed feelings about the club night itself. I have a lot of love for the venue it was in (RIP - now a block of shitty flats)
  15. income from their god grift would be a start
  16. Modern rubbish, the best toast is made on an open coal fire like what I always used to do at my Granddads. Electrickery ruins toast (as does sliced bread) One of lifes simple pleasures as kid was sitting front of the fire with a doorstep piece of toast on a toasting fork and then spready salty welsh butter on it. I remember that taste even now and it's probably 40 years since i last did it
  17. So your argument is that the Queen could abdicate from Scotland but not the rest
  18. Love the black heart, that really is a special touch
  19. Ah feck, endless weeks of tinkering because next weeks fixtures are bound to go too (never happy )
  20. They said similar about the Pope. Given that these type of people control their own rules they can do whatever they want to do Btw King James II and VII of Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots both abdicated, the first by dropping a seal in the Thames and buggering off to France and the later was forced but it doesn't alter the fact that Edward VIII wasn't the only UK Crown abdication. Because of the Act of Settlement an abdication now requires an act of Parliament but nonetheless it's perfectly possible as we know already The not the done thing / constitutional crisis argument is quite frankly nonsense. If the Queen wanted to Abdicate 10 years ago, no one would really have batted an eyelid. The relevant Act of Parliament would have been drawn up and it would have been done. No constitutional crisis would have occurred.
  21. Read that back to yourself
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