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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Did they remember which cupboard they kept him in then?
  2. Any Trade Deal with the US would be on their terms not ours The ill fated TTIP was an awful deal with some VERY bad parts in it. It would very definitely not be a trade deal amongst equals
  3. Yeah I'm definietly a no sauce man but I'm not really a beans person either. They aren't a deal breaker, I'll eat them if they are there but when I make one at home, no beans. I also prefer the grilled tomato to tinned
  4. Not quite, still needs ratifying by Slovenia (due in parliament end of month), Hungary (FM announced today that they will) and unfortunately Turkey who still appear to be kicking it into the long grass
  5. Yeah that bit was the problem in both instances I read about, they didn't
  6. Where they will get picked up by a taxi driver and driven to the middle of nowhere and dumped. It's happened at least twice already, there ws even a court case where the taxi drivers defence appears to have been little more than "they were Russian" and the jury aquitted him EDIT: The serious answer is Bribe, Bribe, Bribe and Bribe some more
  7. Whatever he says, it's highly unlikely to be the truth. It will also be mainly for a domestic audience
  8. Me and @blandy went to a gig a few weeks ago and there was a queue for the bar, this was not an organised thing, no-one was there telling people to queue, there was no signage indicating that queuing was the done thing, it just formed My battle hardened gig elbows were most disappointed. They've taken all the skill out of getting served
  9. Whatever that is appears to have been served with a weed from the garden. Weeds have no place in a breakfast even as some sort of window dressing.
  10. My reading of it was that they both buggered off to Israel as he husband (also a singer) had been highly critical of the war and she was just saying much the same now to show they both had the same stance. Everything I read said they were still in Israel
  11. And here's what just the talk of mobilsation does to the Russia Stock Exchanges EDIT: This is in response to the Duma announcing it will be changing the penal code for wartime offences tomorrow, not for it passing a general mobilisation order. Essentially they've just published a bill to be voted on tomorrow.
  12. That bacon looks like it contains a normal persons weekly salt allowance and I can't figure out why but it just looks like that really salty bacon
  13. Especially as she's currently resident in Israel. Israel wouldn't like that one bit
  14. Given the choice of ten years hard Labour (The proposed penalty for not joining the military under the proposals) or getting blown to bits in Ukraine, I suspect a lot will take the hard labour. Either way, general mobilisation has been avoided thus far by Putin for a reason. It won't be popular with anyone. It isn't just a conscription issue, it puts every company in Russia on a war footing and they must make or do as the government tells them to. It will bugger the Russian economy more than the sanctions the rest of the world has imposed on them.
  15. I don't forbid anything But TV viewing figures are nothing more than wild estimates. You get more accurate figures from the Met Police over attendance at large political rallies
  16. Nah, obscures the sales of Pope on a Rope
  17. Quoting viewing figures as some sort of evidence of anything is daft, it's a daft as claiming the billions of pounds that flow into the country as a result of having a Royal Family. Why do I link the two together? Because they are both based on totally bogus methods of estimation.
  18. Not going to happen. That would actually give Putin a legitimate reason to put the nuclear option on the table
  19. Streaky bacon is not a breakfast item. It is an ingredient in something else, like quiche
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