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Everything posted by bickster

  1. 1. Even if you count all the seats where Reform allowed in Labour over the Tories because you add the Tory and Reform vote yardda yadda. Labour would still have won 2. The LibDems lost more votes through tactical voting than Labour gained in the opposite direction 3. I've been talking about the Tory demographic timebomb for ages, it's real, once the numbers have been crunched I reckon the crossover point is now around or over 70 years old. We are now dealing with pensioners that were kids under Thatcher, they've never voted Tory in big numbers. The Tory Party is dying and it cannot survive. Please make the next leader a complete nutter to speed the inevitable process up 4. The rise in the Green vote is hilarious tbh, an alliance of disaffected Tory NIMBYs and Corbynista cranks. 2 of the 3 gains were Tory seats and the other in Bristol was as much down to boundary changes in the Greens favour as it was Debonnaire's horrendous personanality
  2. Co-operation with French and other European governments. Something the Tories refused to do because, you know, Europe. There wasn’t a small boat issue before we left the EU, the small boat issue is entirely of the Tories making with their refusal to co-operate with European agencies because… well there was no practical reason just optics with their base (which is now much smaller)
  3. Btw, the Tories even if they do survive this (which they won’t) are fecked for a minimum of 15 more like 20 years but most of their voters will be dead by then anyway. I think someone worked out the other day that 19k Tory voters die every week
  4. Hope not, I want Braverman to be leader Just to drive that stake through their hearts. She's unelectable, she's despicable, she's a horrendous person. Yep pick her please.
  5. Nah it was definitely an insurance job
  6. Last ever gig at the Warehouse in Liverpool was Johnny Thunders. It mysteriously burned down that night. Strangely the only night the DJ Gary Allen took all his records home
  7. Death Valley is generally the second hottest place on earth anyway. When I was there it was a fairly normal 112f and that was in the early 90s. It was so hot you had to turn the air on in the car off just to get out of the valley. Seriously insane temperatures
  8. Call the cops, there’s been a moider Green Onions is pretty much uncoversble I think, there nothing anyone can add to the original
  9. It also doesn’t mention removal of the monarchy and disestablishment of the church both of which are also needed and should go hand in hand with democratic reform
  10. By a human, automation would speed it up. Exam boards have been marking multiple choice exam papers by automated process since before I sat my O-Levels. This isn’t new funky technology
  11. Not seeing the issue here. Security of official ballot papers only should be fairly simple. Rejected papers for whatever reason can still be scrutinised by hand.
  12. Good thread on why it isn’t as simple as “unite the right”.
  13. Keep going… it took them 4 leaders before they beat Labour after the 1997 defeat
  14. Yes I kinda agree but err on the side of analogue only. There’s nothing much wrong with voting in person as it is.
  15. Really not sure having multiple systems of voting methods is that good for oversight. It also means further checks would have to be made with regards to checking people haven’t voted multiple times etc. The mixture of digital and analogue would really complicate that.
  16. No I agree it’s not that hard but it absolutely is and would be for an awful lot of people. For example there’s a bloke that works in our garage, he stuffs up the council portal on a regular basis by repeatedly clicking register instead of log on. He’s younger than you and I. These people exist in greater numbers than most realise.
  17. I really can’t see that. There are significant numbers of senior MPs that just couldn’t countenance such a thing and they aren’t just the centrists. On the other side Farage won’t want the scrutiny and the albeit limited democracy that comes with joining the Tory Party. If you notice, it’s always been for the Reform side that Tories should join them. Also those current MPs with reduced majorities thanks to Reform will not to be too receptive right now to any overtures from Reform, they too will want to cling to their internal democracy which they would absolutely be giving up in joining Reform. (Plus in most cases a local party mechanism that assists them). The only way it happens is if Farage joins them and doing that he loses his absolute power, there’s a reason they are a company and and not a party proper, UKIP having internal democracy was a hindrance to him in the end, he learned that lesson.
  18. Have you even seen the hoops they make you jump through to get a government account to view your NI contributions, by Christ they'd make internet voting next to impossible. Sorry you timed out, start again then have these 97 documents to hand before you proceed. I do think they could introduce electronic counting of ballots though
  19. Well it seems you don’t understand dictionaries or are being wilfully selective with your dreadful quoting. Please stop making nonsensical arguments it doesn’t help
  20. Yeah you clearly didn’t read what I wrote. I'm not shocked
  21. Reform Voter: There needs to be a referendum on changing the voting system The Rest: But there already was one, surely people haven’t changed their minds
  22. In that case there’s no point in having a conversation with you
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