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Everything posted by bickster

  1. They might when they read the new figures from Prof John Curtice's social attitudes study. 51% of the population prefer PR to 44% for FPTP Electoral Reform Society EDIT: Also rumours that Starmer is proposing to abolish the House of Lords. I
  2. Might have something to do with a bunch of leftie lawyers trying to get her done for misconduct in a public office for triggering Art50 without doing her due diligence.
  3. Reminds me of why I've never knowingly eaten Prawn Cocktail crisps I remember when they first hit the shops. I was round a mates house and his sister who was 2 years younger, brought a packet home. We were all curious so when she opened them we all stood around and waited for the verdict She opened the packet and before she even tasted one... "Gross, they smell like periods" They went staright in the bin
  4. It wouldn't matter what you added to it tbh, I just don't like it, it's not even the taste of it, it's the texture. but there's also something in it that makes me think of eating soap. Me not likey
  5. Best guess I've seen as to who was released mil.in.ua
  6. He'll be pennyless when it's over. It's not just this case, this is the spark that will light a lot of other claims from financial institutions against him because he's vastly overinflated his net worth to obtain further credit and they'll come after him hard too
  7. No idea, all the stories are based on a Truss quote and I haven't found any names as yet EDIT: One is definitely Aiden Aslan
  8. Anybody want another reason to hate Ricky Gervais?
  9. My news says 5 not 2 but they are quoting Truss so it could easily be 48
  10. Trump and three of his children hit with Fraud Lawsuit in New York, only seen a notification on my phone not an actual article but I presume this is over the under/over valuations on his property portfolio that reduced their tax liability
  11. Yep not a fan of the slimey green shite myself, even chilli powder bunged in it to make Guacamole can't disguise the texture
  12. Use of a tactical Nuke in Ukraine is likely to severely affect NATO countries like Poland. It doesn't matter where the epicentre of the blast is
  13. If Russia launches a nuke, the US isn't going to phone up Putin and ask him where it's headed. It doesn't work like that
  14. Because that's exactly what they are. Smashed implies a degree of some of the avocado retianing its original form whereas mash is potatoes that are essentially pureed
  15. An article from the ISW written right back at the start of the war on what mobilisation means and this bit about reservists is particularly relevant and the articles conclusion Nothing in terms of numbers available will have changed between now and then, or if they have, the numbers will be downwards due to some of the reservists already signing new contracts to join the war
  16. That's 18 to 65 according to the new Penal Code yesterday
  17. It will not result in nuclear weapons being used.
  18. It's not your nor my decision, nor the USa's nor NATO's, it is the decision of Ukraine alone and it isn't going to happen. It's gone way beyond that as an out. Ukraine want all their territory back and why shouldn't they There is no We to offer this. What you've said is no different to what Scholtz and Macron have been doing, it's appeasement. It's exactly the same horseshit that Neville Chamberlain fell for.
  19. Well he does, there's always a choice but unfortunately it's a bit of a zugzwang From his position its the least worst option but it really is just delaying the inevitable as it doesn't matter how much meat you chuck in the grinder when the opposition have greater numbers and superior equipment and don't have distractions like also having to defend the largest country in the world and its allied satellite states.
  20. It won't work. It really is just chucking more meat into the grinder
  21. "I'm not bluffing" is never said by people who aren't bluffing
  22. That is exactly why TTIP was so bad. Well one of the reasons
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