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Everything posted by bickster

  1. The Czech / Kalingrad thing is hilarious trolling. It's like every Government agency is in on it. Even the US have been responding to it I think there's a US Embassy in Prague tweet out there offering to donate Aircraft carriers now they have a port, The Interior ministry complaining they don't have a protocol for how to police sea borders. There was a comment in a reddit topic yesterday that listed loads of them, I'll try and look for it EDIT: Here it is
  2. It’s staged in the sense that the Russians aren't surrendering midst battle. It's a pre-arranged surrender through the hotline. The Russians will have been told in advance, where and how to surrender. That much is staged at least and that is why the camera is in a good position. It doesn’t really matter if it’s totally staged either, it’s still good propaganda to show the pre-arranged surrender going well
  3. I think that the surrender hotline is clearly working. Also interesting to see the female soldier in action.
  4. Putin already knows that NATO mean business Rebuilding anything significant will have to wait until after the war is over. I also think it's deluded to think that NATO / The West / The EU haven't come to the party, with a few exceptions and Germans being Germans they have massively help Ukraine.
  5. Yahoo There also more of interest in the article about the position Putin finds himself in sandwiched between Wagner / Khadyrov (the hardliners) and his own military, Worth reading the whole thing
  6. I haven't fallen on hard times, I'm just a natural mingebag
  7. Its an issue, it isn't a huge problem that requires your expensive solution
  8. bickster

    Energy Bills

    OPEC are cutting Oil production by 2mil barrels a day. Oh joy
  9. Its a design classic. Your legs are what is wrong in the equation
  10. You'd get at least 6 of them in your poxy cushion shed
  11. I don't need any, I'll just try 2 keys the once a month I open either of these doors from the outside in the dark And given the 50/50 chance of being right first time 5p per month on average in a year is still too much and the planet is saved
  12. I'd have been astoni shed if you hadn't
  13. 30p... per key You earn too much money And vegans really should be encouraging people to buy plastic
  14. It really doesn't. Bus fares are generally subsidised anyway
  15. Being as the design was originally the cover of Elvis Presley's eponymously titled debut album, I doubt they could say much
  16. You'd spend actual money to solve a problem that involves trying a second key? You people are insane, you deserve to be poor
  17. I have this issue with the Back door and the Patio doors, the only obvious difference is three circular indentations vs four but in the dark thats not easy to spot
  18. You are confusing petrol forecourts with extraction of resources. Petrol forecourts are an irrelevance here, it isn't where the money is being made. Firstly most forecourts are franchises (EG being the biggest owner) but anyway, that is a distraction The extractors sell in fuel exchanges like the European Energy Exchange, the market here dictates the price of fuel to the energy generators at power stations etc Extraction companies like Shell can't sell at anything other than the market rate for two main reasons, the market is there to regulate the prices and secondly the boards of directors have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders and selling off exchange below the market rate would absolutely leave them open to being sued by the shareholders (that's likely to be you and I if you have a pension) for not looking after the shareholders interests. That is why recovering their excess profits must be done by a statutory instrument like a windfall tax as that absolves the Boards of Directors from their responsibilities. If journalists were being responsible, they'd explain all that but no, they put a picture of a shell forecourt in the image because its easy
  19. Today, I have heard Tory MPs at war with their Prime Minister because they want the government to keep benefits in line with inflation. That is a fairly surreal experience at my time of life but now I'm convinced someone has indeed slipped me a tab of acid. An energy extraction company asking the Conservative Government to windfall tax them in order to keep poor people warm this winter Satire and parody has been dead in politics for some time, now we really are in the realm of the surreal Pass me another microdot
  20. He can’t even get his Soviet military terminology correct what he’s calling 500s are actually 400s. He’s referring to those that surrender or refuse to fight You’ll see Ukrainians refer to Cargo 200 a lot when referring to dead soldiers and officers Cargo 100: ammunition Cargo 200: Dead Cargo 300: wounded Cargo 400: concussion or captured Cargo 500: medicines Cargo 600: oversized cargo Cargo 700: cash Cargo 800: "special" or chemical weapons
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