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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Looking like I'm on 69 points with Rashford to play later. QUite happy with that considering Mitrovic is injured and I made no transfers Should take me into the top 2mil players for the first time in a while
  2. Big explosion in Crimea though, near Yevpatoriya
  3. High chance of it just being bad wiring on ancient equipment rather than attack of any sort I think
  4. I reckon it's actually a 70's home improvement. Very popular in the '70s to serve your prawn cocktail though at a dinner Party. Height of sophistication they were
  5. Should be standard behaviour for anyone playing at The (plastic) Cavern. They release more shite into the wild than North West Water
  6. Throw the people responsible in the idiot zoo then
  7. Thats called not moving with the times. What was acceptable then isn't now. You are alive now, you need to adapt
  8. One of his better ones imo, at least he’s channelling Lewis Carroll
  9. Is it called the Black Country because… a) it’s full of black people or b) all the buildings were black with soot during the Industrial Revolution? If it’s b) that’s fine, if it’s a) you are stupid and ignorant
  10. It'll be the Admiral of the Black Sea Fleet next... sorry, forgot they already sacked him
  11. Have we done "based"? What does it mean? That one has been pissing me off this week
  12. More exhibits for the Idiot Zoo, where can I find these many?
  13. Reuters I think thats about the third change of military leadership in Ukraime for RUssia this week. Commanders of the Eastern and Southern fronts already replaced now the General in overall control replaced It's an odd way of doing things and an odd appointment. The Air Force has hardly covered itself in glory in this war (lost anouther SU-34 earlier) but I guess Putin is actually running out of generals with experience that he trusts Also if you are changing the man at the top, why not let him choose the replacements below? It's classic RUssian military doctrine and they wonder why they fail.
  14. I'm trying to imagine why Ukraine would want to spread this as fake news, especially today. I can see why they might at another time but within 24 hours of a strike on the Kerch Bridge and a strike 200km inside Russia at an airfield, it just seems like an odd day to do it.
  15. Maybe, Maybe not. Timelines could be completely different. It could have happened swiftly and a few hours previously.
  16. If you weren't looking down on them you wouldn't have called them servants. Just the use of the word implies just that. The etymology of the word servant and servile, servitute, service and any other related word first comes from old French Servir which then goes back to the Latin servus which taken literally means slave. There is no way to use the word servant without there being an implied hierarchy and if they were your servants, you were at the top of it. Don't kid yourself, you looked down on them
  17. A) Surely that’s about The Cavern B) worst lyric. love me feckin do
  18. But if it is the opposite side to the Railway bridge it explodes before it impacts the bridge which is a little odd That bridge was built in a hurry after annexation of Crimea it isn't thought to be that well constructed. The are other pictures out there that you see that it hasn’t actually destroyed the section of bridge, it’s just removed it from the bridge, it’s still there in the water, the epsection of bridge that missing, it’s just dropped down, it also doesn’t seem to be massively twisted and distorted like you’d imagine it would be if it was hit by a missile strike
  19. I'm not convinced it is a truck bomb, the explosion seems to come from the right of the bridge
  20. So, Luke gave Putin a Tractor for his birthday and he also got a load of melons from one province. What did Ukraine give him? A blown up Kerch Bridge. Crimea is now cut off from Russia That'll be a nice thing for Putin to wake up to
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