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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Already happening. There was a report today that the first dead of the recently mobilised have been returned to Russia. Socportal
  2. I wouldn't be shocked to find out that Ukraine had the greater numbers now, in light of them cancelling the December draft because their armed forces have enough men
  3. It was fairly well known that the Russians started with 190,000 troops allocated for the invasion. If you add the upper limits together for the KIA and the Wounded for Russia, that adds up to roughly 190,000 What troops they have in theatre now is impossible to tell but they have lost a huge chunk of that initial, fully trained and partially battle experienced cohort but you still have to imagine they have in the region of 150,000 troops on the ground, its just than now, they really aren't very good
  4. An estimate of losses/wounded on both sides, they seem to go into much more detail to obtain their figures than most who have been estimating previously. More about figures in the thread but the TL:DR is Russia losing twice as many troops as Ukraine. Those are the overall figures down thread there is an estimate for the last 20 days and the ratio now appears to be greater than 5:1 in Ukraine's favour, which paints a hugely different picture to that earlier in the war
  5. Tbh I don't know, the only talk of mines seems a long time ago and even then where they were used "inappropriately"
  6. I'll wager the Petrol forecourts haven't as that's been on the rise due to the exchange rate the last week or so.
  7. As it happens I had a pension statement from a pension I ceased to contribute to a long time ago the other day. It has consistently shown modest rises year on year. It's not a big pot by any means, it dropped a grand in the last year
  8. I'm just shocked at that bit if I'm honest
  9. Ukraine appear to have and are being supplied with, winter uniforms. Russia on the other hand can't find theirs Now obviously there are other factors but it isn't winter that will stall things it's spring when the thaw comes. Much depends right now on whether the ground gets too soft before the winter comes. That only happens about 1 in 5 years in Ukraine apparently whereas the spring thaw and boggy conditions happens without fail. Russian soldiers might welcome the odd missile in their direction to warm themselves by though
  10. Tbf I was expecting little or nothing because I got a very decent payrise last year
  11. FTFY and that's just the selection meeting
  12. Payrise, effective immediately. Not the biggest (£1 an hour or just over 5%) but as I was expecting nothing, I'm happy
  13. You want me to provide you with glowing reviews. Pay me Its fairly similar to... You want me to advertise your product, Pay me Customer reviews are worthless anyway
  14. It won’t be as bad as this one, I have a feeling this will be the worst ever
  15. I know visibility isn't going to be great in a BMP but how the hell can you not see those mines?
  16. FTFY International football is generally shit, always has been.
  17. We give out free beer mats to pubs advertising our company. It's cheap advertising for us and the pubs mostly have to buy theres so are grateful. Since we had our first batch of a million delivered post pandemic, I've not given any to a Wetherspoons. The manager of our local one turned up at our door today because she was desperate for beermats and wondered if we had any. Sorry love we don't give them out to Wetherspoons Why? Tim Martin is a word removed. *silence* Bye now
  18. There was an even better one on Ch4 news tonight. Some American economist was responding to the JRM comment about the economic problems in the UK being to do with global interest rates. When asked directly about her thoughts on that She just outright said, “that’s bollocks”
  19. A hole punch guide? That implies the use of actual paper Do you have a pot of those little white circles to reinforces the holes too? Do you work in a 20th Cenury time warp? PS Your Xmas tree can eff off too
  20. Here’s a lesson from WWII . The French spent ten years prior to the outbreak of war building the Maginot Line. It was impressive in its scale and impregnable. The Germans just went through Belgium instead. Whatever that is won’t stop next doors dog let alone a full scale attack
  21. These are just the ones trained here. It's not just us doing this. It has been said a number of times. Ukraine is not short of volunteers for their armed forces
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